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Topic Proposal

Design and Analysis of Sustainable Tall Minaret in Windy and

Earthquake Zone using E-Tabs.

Final Year Project ( G-1 )

1- AtiqaYasin (15-CLE-04)
2- Asad Ali (15-CLE-06)
3- M. UmerNouman (15-CLE-25)
4- M. Usama Aslam (15-CLE-47)
5- M. Hammad Rasool (15-CLE-52)
6- Taimur Ahmad (15-CLE-78)

Department of Civil Engineering

NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizers Research Faisalabad
1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................
2. E-tabs....................................................................................................................................
3. Problem Statement................................................................................................................
4. Research Objectives..............................................................................................................
5. Methodology.........................................................................................................................
Minarets are usually slender and tall structures like tall towers and commonly built to the side
walls of mosques. After the invention of loudspeakers, the main function of minarets is usually vanished but
still it is constructed as it is considered as a main symbolic element of mosques. They are vulnerable to fail or
get damaged under lateral loads like wind and Ground motions (Earthquake). Basically cross-sectional varied
parts in the body of minaret are more susceptible to get damaged by earthquake and wind effects.
Global organizations are now focusing on the sustainable development for maintaining proper quality of life for
present and future generations as well. The basic purpose of sustainable development is to preserve the
ecological system of the world. . Sustainable architecture takes into account all aspects of the building that will
affect and be affected by the environment and users. It looks at things such as material use and embodied
energy, solar access, natural/passive heating and cooling, ventilation, and water and energy use, in order to
reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and other un-renewable resources.
Sustainable design has three basic principles
1- Economy of Resources
Energy Conservation
Water Conservation
Materials Conservation
2- Life Cycle Design
3- Human Design
Design for Human Comfort
Urban Design Site Planning

E-TABS is an engineering software product that can be used for Tall Minaret’s analysis and design.
Basic or advanced system under static or dynamic condition may be evaluated using ETABS .We choose
ETABS because it is easy to user interface and give the accuracy of the solution.
Problem Statement:
Minarets are slender structural components and are more vulnerable to fail or get
damaged under lateral loads like wind and Ground motions (Earthquake). Basically cross-sectional varied parts
in the body of minaret are more susceptible to get damaged by earthquake and wind effects. Here we are
concerned in designing a sustainable minaret that is more resistant towards earthquake and wind damages and is
also environment friendly as well.

Research Objectives:
1- Modeling of a Tall Minaret and checking its performance under seismic waves
. And high speed wind.
2- Integrate approaches to be adopted to make the structure Sustainable.

Our project work is divided into two parts. In one part we will model a tall minaret of suitable
height using software named as E-Tabs keeping in mind that it will be constructed in a region which is
earthquake prone and having high wind speed as well. Then we will apply static analysis that is also known as
equivalent load method. And in the other part we will decide, integrate and apply approaches to make our
structure sustainable and environment friendly as safe as well.

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