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The fourth FBO Forum is convened in Nairobi, Kenya. African FBOs Participants to previous Forums have
informally indicated the need to address unique challenges related to Africa through a similar Forum,
but one that is African based.

There are many FBOs and initiatives across Africa engaged in humanitarian, development and peace
building work. Joint humanitarian actions by Islamic and Christian FBOs in Somalia and other places, for
example, have been noted. Such actions are normally designed to respond to specific situations, mostly
of humanitarian disaster, and to mobilize relief aid.

There have also been joint missions by faith leaders mainly from Muslim and Christian faiths to fragile,
war-torn countries, including in the war zones for example in DR Congo, Somalia, Guinea Conakry, Ivory
Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Eritrea and others. Most times these are prompted by
emergencies, and the need for rapid mobilization to reduce tension.

When such joint actions are undertaken, faith leaders and FBOs usually meet in the ͚theater͛, without
having known each other before. Leading up to these missions and work, little or no confidence is built
before hand to have a sufficiently cohesive team to mount joint actions and missions. Added value to
these work, where relevant and necessary can benefit from a more inclusive process where other faiths
are also included.

The African Union and the Religious Leaders convened a landmark event in Abuja Nigeria in June 2010 to
find ways to mobilize religious leaders and communities in Africa to work closely, and cooperate with
the African Union in various areas. (See the Declaration). A Permanent Steering Committee was formed
to ensure that proposals put in place during the First African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum are carried
out, and to ensure sustainability of these engagements. The PSC will be composed of mainly
constituency-based organizations. While this body will explore and act on areas where Tracks I, II and III
actions and engagements add value to each; expanding these spaces, where ideas, challenges, success
stories and others are shared formally and informally is an important step in helping faith communities
and FBOs to build confidence to work across these tracks, and with each other.

An African FBO forum will provide space where an extended and inclusive platform that brings also FBOs
ʹ key resource organizations ʹ that will complement what FBOs are already doing; add value where
possible to emerging joint and/or separate Tracks I, II and III processes.

An African FBO Forum would potentially address the following;

i? A regional platform will add more value to on-going work through existing platforms in Africa
i? Need for an African FBO Forum informed by realities in Africa ʹ driven by need to have FBOs
from or working in Africa to have a loose and flexible Forum where challenges can be discussed
and experiences shared ʹ challenges and experiences related to Africa

i? An informal space where FBOs can build trust and confidence

i? An informal, loose and flexible Forum in Africa can be space where learning, sharing best
practices of the work of FBOs, multi-religious engagements, and other actions related to
response to disasters, delivery of humanitarian assistance, peace building and development is

i? An informal and flexible Forum where joint/common actions, strategies, advocacy and ideas can
be raised, addressed and shared

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