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Lesson Title: Transportation (Traffic Signs)

By: Amber Glaser
Grade Level: 4K
Central Focus Student will learn the meaning of basic traffic signs in the
Common Core Students are meeting IEP goals and bench marks
Standards (CSS) addressing skill work and working toward a deeper
understanding in areas of;
A.EL. 3 Follows directions of increasing complexity
A.EL. 2 Listens and responds to communication with
A.EL. 2 Engages in meaningful learning through
attempting, repeating, experimenting, refining and
elaborating on experiences and activities C.EL. 1 Uses
observation to gather information
Student’s IEP Students will need prior academic knowledge and
Goal(s)/ Learning conceptions with reading; this will make knowing traffic
Targets/Lesson signs difficult.
Prior Academic Students understand the different types of
Knowledge and transportation.

Anticipatory Set
Student will learn the meaning of basic traffic signs in the

Instruction 1. Develop flash cards showing basic traffic signs and

explain each one. Tell where the sign might be located
and the message it conveys.
2. Through dramatic play, set up a community and have
students hold up traffic signs at various locations. Walk
through the “community”, stopping at each sign and
telling the message of the sign.
3. Encourage discussion about the ways signs keep
people safe.
4. Involve the students at a “safety town” exhibit, such as
“Safety City”.
5. Invite a safety officer to the classroom to discuss
traffic safety. Show a safety video.

During Community Based Instruction, walk to several
destinations in which the students must use traffic lights
and signs. Repeat what each color/sign means as
students listen and observe. After several times, begin to
ask the students what each means.

Materials Basic traffic sign flash cards

Safety officer
Safety video
“Safety Town” exhibit

Type of Description of Modifications of Evaluation Criteria

Assessment Assessment Assessment so
(informal/formal) that all students
demonstrate their
Informal Students know Have a 90% proficiency, 9
the meaning of paraprofessional out of 10 times
basic traffic signs assist the focus
in the Community. learner.


What worked?  Everything worked well.
What didn’t?
For whom?
 Have the paraprofessional assist focus learner with

Proposed Changes
 Read a book about traffic signs.
 Split into groups and do a activity.

• I will include the focus learner, by having a
paraprofessional assist them
My three lesson plans all work together in providing the correct skills and
knowledge it takes for a preschooler through kindergarten to understand the
different types, and modes of transportation and also the different traffic signs
when on the road. This will help them when learning different ways for get items
like mail, packages, etc. It will also help them understanding why they are
stopping when in a vehicle on the road. For example, stop means we are at a stop
light or stop sign.

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