SQL Questions

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1. consider a database “loans” with the following table 

table: loan_accounts   
accno  cust_name  loan_amount    installments  int_rate  start_date 
1  r.k.gupta  300000    36  12.00  2009-07-19 
2  s.p.sharma  500000    48  10.00  2008-03-22 
3  k.p.jain  300000    36  null  2007-03-08 
4  m.p.yadav  800000    60  10.00  2008-12-06 
i. create  the  table  loan_accounts  by  applying  “primary  key”  on 
accno column and ‘not null’ on cust_name 
create  table  loan_accounts(accno  int(1)  primary  key,  cust_name 
varchar(20)  not  null, loan_amount int(10), installments int(2), int_rate 
float(4,2), start_date date); 
insert into loan_accounts values (1,”r.k.gupta”,3000000,36,12,00,”2009-07-19”); 
like this insert all other values; 
for entry of null in third column 
insert into loan_accounts(accno,cust_name,loan_amount,installment,start_date) 
values (3,”k.p.jain”,3000000,36,”2007-03-08”); 
ii. write a sql query that display customer details whose interest rate is null? 
select * from loan_accounts where int_rate is null; 
iii. write a sql query to update start_date as ‘2002-12-31’ whose accno is 3? 
update table loan_accounts set start_date=”2002-12-31” where accno =3; 
iv. write  a  sql  query  to  display  only  year  from  start_date  of  loans_accounts 
select year(start_date) from loan_accounts; 
v. write sql query to display maximum and minimum installment. 
select max(installment),min(installment) from loan_accounts; 
vi. write a sql query to update installments to 70 whose accno is ‘1’? 
update table loan_accounts set installment=70 where accno =1; 
vii. write a sql query to delete the entire table’s data? 
Delete from loan_accounts; 
viii. write a sql query that updates loan amount by 15%. 
update table loan_accounts set loan_amount = loan_amount + (loan_amount*0.15); 
ix. write a sql query to add a column to the table “end_date”? 
alter table loan_accounts add column end_date date; 
x. write a sql query to increase the interest rate by 0.5% for all the loans for 
which the loan amount is more than 400000. 
update table loan_accounts set loan_amount = loan_amount + (loan_amount*0.05) 
where loan_amount>400000; 
xi. write a sql query to delete a column to the table “​start_date​”? 
alter table loan_accounts drop column start_date; 
part 2 
1. consider the following “items” table  
icode  name  category  rate 
1001  masala dosa  south indian  60 
1002  vadasambar  south indian  40 
1003  idlisambar  south indian  40 
2001  chow mein  chinese  80 
(i) create  above  table  by  applying  primary  key  and  not  null  on  icode  and 
name respectively. 
create  table  items(icode  int(4)  primary  key,  name  varchar(20)  not  null, 
category varchar(20), rate int(2)); 
insert into items values (1001,”masala dosa”,”south indian”,60); 
like this insert all other values; 
(ii) write  a  sql  query  that  display  all  items  details  whose  name  starts  with 
​select * from items where name like(“m%”); 
(iii) write a sql query that increases all rates by 10 percent 
update items set rate=rate+(rate*0.1); 
(iv) write  a  sql  query  to  display  items  details  whose  rate  is  in between 60 to 
select * from items where rate between 60 and 80; 
(v) write a sql query to display average rate of all items. 
select avg(rate) from items; 

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