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3/28/2020 U-boat Archive - U-boat KTB - U-995 8th War Patrol

U-995 - 8th War Patrol

Translation by Jerry Mason

Departed Date Arrived Date Days at Sea

Narvik 3 February 1945 Narvik 6 March 1945 32

Click the icon to download a KMZ file displaying the U-boat track, significant events and
locations for this patrol. You must have Google Earth loaded on your computer to view this file.
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Ships Hit
Date KTB Time Position Ship Tons Nationality Convoy
2 Mar 45 13.16 69°19'N, 33°34'E BO-224 105 Soviet
Total = 105
Note: The position in the table above and in the Google Earth patrol summary are derived from the KTB
and in many cases do not match those set forth in authoritative references such as Jürgen Rohwer, Axis
Submarine Successes of World War Two or the website. The goal here is to present the picture
relative to the U-boat and not the absolute position that the ship was attacked or sank.

K r i e g s t a g e b u c h

" U 9 9 5 "

6th Patrol.

Kommandant: Oberleutnant z.See H e ß

Beginning: 7.1.45.
Ending : 6.3.45. 1/26
3/28/2020 U-boat Archive - U-boat KTB - U-995 8th War Patrol

Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine Copy No. 1

Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine Copy No. 2

Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine 2.Skl.B.d.U.-Op- Copy No. 3

Kommandierenden Admiral der Unterseeboote Copy No. 4

Führer der Unterseeboote Nordmeer Copy No. 5

Führer der Unterseeboote Ausbildung Copy No. 6

Kommando der 27. Unterseebootsflottille Copy No. 7

Kommando der 13. Unterseebootsflottille Copy No. 8

Enclosures: To Copy No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

1 Track chart
2 Combat sketches " " " 3, 5, 8.
4 Torpedo firing reports " " " 3, 4, 8.

© U-boat Archive 2019 - all rights reserved

Click the flag to view the above page from the

original German KTB

07.01. - 02.02.45 Idle time Narvik.

00.02 SE 2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. Departed Harstad (BLACK WATCH).
6000-7000 meters, 1007 mb
05.41 Passed Schwarz 25. Headed for AC 80 in accordance
with Outbound Orders.
Norwegian Sea
06.56 AB 9838 Drifting antenna mine.
07.00 Dived to depth A -50 meters to proceed submerged by
day. 2/26
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08.00 AB 9838
12.00 AB 9835 Day's run: Surfaced 70.0 nm
Submerged 8.4 nm
78.4 nm
16.00 AB 9598
18.06 Surfaced to proceed on the surface.
20.00 AB 9566
WSW 3-5, Sea 3-4, overcast,
squalls, (snow, fog), Vis. 200-
300 meters, 999 mb

00.00 AB 9397
04.00 AC 7153
SW 5-6, Sea 5, 9/10, Vis,
200-800 meters, 990 mb
07.10 Dived to proceed submerged at depth A -40 meters.
(Periscope all around sweep minimum every hour).
08.00 AC 4879
12.00 AC 4884 Day's run: Surfaced 182.0 nm
Submerged 23.6 nm
205.6 nm
16.00 AC 4885
18.05 Surfaced to proceed on the surface.
20.00 AC 4971 Outer exhaust gas valve starboard cannot be closed.
Inner exhaust gas valve leaks heavily.

00.00 AC 4992
NNW 4-5, Sea 4, overcast,
Vis. 3000 meters, 1005 mb
04.00 AC 5782
04.15 Dived to de-ice the 3.7 cm.
04.35 Surfaced.
07.10 Dived to proceed submerged by day.
08.00 AC 5796
12.00 AC 5799 Day's run: Surfaced 135.0 nm
Submerged 27.0 nm
162.0 nm
16.00 AC 8133 Surfaced to proceed on the surface. Starboard exhaust
gas valve repaired from the over deck.
20.00 AC 8196
NNE 2-3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis.
4000-5000 meters, Northern

00.00 AC 8462 Difference between dead reckoning and actual position 3/26
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after a navigation fix: 277°T, 2.5 nm.

04.00 AC 8496

Sun and Moon Data 03.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 04.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 05.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 06.02.45

05.42 Dived, back and forth off the NW tip of the Rybachy
Peninsula by day.
08.00 AC 8577
11.27 AC 8577 3-engined aircraft on training flight over Rybachy.
12.00 AC 8577 Day's run: Surfaced 126.0 nm
Submerged 25.7 nm
151.7 nm
16.00 AC 8574
18.05 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8499
NW 2, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis.
4000-5000 meters, 1022 mb
21.30 AC 8499 Call from Signal or Command Center on Cape
Njemetzki (apparently the diesels were heard due to the
onshore wind) ran off to the north, afterwards will go to
the entrance of the Kirkenes, to determine the traffic
there (the enemy will, if any defense deploys, search off

00.00 AC 8494 Back and forth in position on the coastal route Kirkenes-
Petsamo [Pechenga].
04.00 AC 8723
SW 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. 5-6
nm, 1024 mb, -10°C,
Northern Lights, Sea smoke
05.26 AC 8731 Dived and put the boat on the bottom west of the barrier
off the entrance at Liinakhamari.
08.00 AC 8731
12.00 AC 8731 Day's run: Surfaced 110.0 nm
Submerged 11.3 nm
121.3 nm
16.00 AC 8731
19.05 Surfaced on the coastal route proceeded to the Kirkenes 4/26
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20.00 AC 8722 Because nothing is observed on the route and early recall
and positioning off Murmansk must be expected, I intend
to explore the ship assembly area off the Kirkenes
Roadstead. Proceeded in Bökfjord with flooded over
deck and E-motors.

00.00 AC 8721
00.10 Dived to depth A -60 meters to listen and proceed
submerged temporarily.
01.25 Surfaced to continue as before.
03.00 AC 8721 Dived to put the boat on the bottom 3 nm off Kirkenes
depth A -20 meters, directly off the SW corner of Renöy
04.00 AC 8721
06.15 Passing faint sound bearing (suspect patrol vessel) to the
08.00 AC 8721
09.00 Sound bearing, heavy piston engine bearing 200°T
coming closer.
09.25 Went to periscope depth. On Renöy Island at minimum
100 meter range command or signal station. Vessel is
probably the fishery protection ship "FRITJOF

Sun and Moon Data 06.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 07.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 08.02.45

08.02.45 NANSEN", in sight under Norwegian flag and with
marking KL 97 on the bow, northerly course, speed 9
knots. Decline to shoot because it seems to me that
potential steamers in the Roadstead are more important.
At the same time a patrol vessel runs in (fishing trawler
type) and a fishing cutter passes at 500 meters.
09.45 - 11.30 Fishery protection ship inexplicably circles on various
courses and speed settings near the boat south of Renöy
10.05 2 depth charge detonations at medium range, also
explosions thankfully on land, 2 similar explosions
already observed around 08.00 hours. Because detection
must be expected with the nearly mirror flat sea (small
ice floes), continued blind at depth A -40 meters by
11.00 Scraping on the hull (suspect the anchor chain of a 5/26
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channel buoy), afterwards ran aground. As was later

recognized, the boat had been forced by the current to
the west side of the fjord. Because the boat lies heavily
stern down on the steep coast, and the depth is not
known on all sides, and we can not allow ourselves the
possibly of breaking the water surface, waited there (1.5
nm north of Kirkenes) at depth A -50 meters.
Mainly Asdic-like sounds from fishery protection ship
and small patrol vessels which are heard in the G.H.G.
between 11.00 and 16.00 hours moving back and forth at
constantly changing speed settings between 150 and
170°T. Apparently patrol vessels are positioned directly
before the harbor.
11.00 and 11.43 One each sounding closer, otherwise the same
detonations as described above.
12.00 AC 8724 Day's run: Surfaced 40.0 nm
Submerged 11.4 nm
51.4 nm
16.00 AC 8724 At twilight the boat is positioned 2500 meters north of
Kirkenes at periscope depth. Large steamer at about
target angle 90°, bow left, probably at the coal pier is
distinguished. No further vessels in sight. Intend to
shoot a fan, to account for the set of the current.
16.15 2-fan (T IIIa Fat II) from tubes I and II depth 5
meters, torpedo speed = 30 knots, target speed = 0, bow
left target angle 90°, range = 2200 meters, enemy length
100 meters, spread angle 3°.
16.17 AC 8724 After 2 minutes 23 seconds an enormous, very powerful
detonation followed quickly by undulating gurgling like
water inrush. Suspect hit in the foreship the second
torpedo probably ran on the shallow beach, no
16.35 detonation. Turned away. However, because the steamer
still floats, new approach to shoot (Fat I) from tube IV.
Depth 2 meters, torpedo speed = 40 meters, target speed
= 0, bow left 90°, range 2000 meters

Sun and Moon Data 08.02.45


16.37 AC 8724 After 2 minutes 5 seconds detonation, softer sounds than
the previous one giving the impression as if the torpedo
hit in an area already flooded with water, small very high
dark explosion column. The foreship settles somewhat
deeper. Lights still burning on the steamer extinguish. 6/26
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Further visual observations are not possible due to the

onset of darkness.
Suspect that the steamer settled to the bottom at the pier.
Size primarily determined by filling 1/2 to 2/3 of the
periscope field of view at large magnification and 2300
Ran off at GF submerged. Star shells over the harbor,
later searchlights.
17.23 Surfaced abeam Renöy and moved off pre-flooded with
E-motors without further hindrance.
A vessel comes up from astern, turns into Korsfjord just
at range for a reversal shot from tube 5 - no shooting
19.20 AC 8722 Aircraft detection bearing 100°T, Volume 2, probably an
error (turning on of the main drain pump).
20.00 AC 8722 Dived to depth A -30 meters.
21.11 Surfaced and moved off before the Fischer Peninsula.
[Rybachy Peninsula]
21.39 Outgoing Radio Message 1637/724:
Because there is no traffic at Rybachy, Kirkenes: 2 hits
on 6000-tonner at the pier. Believe settled. Norwegian
patrol boats.
23.00 Presented Radio Message 2224/26:
Hess: Well done.

00.00 AC 8496
00.17 Dived to listen.
04.00 AC 8499 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
SE 3-4, overcast, Vis. 4000-
5000 meters, 1020 mb
05.39 Dived to remain submerged by day.
08.00 AC 8575
12.00 AC 8566 Day's run: Surfaced 62.0 nm
Submerged 27.0 nm
89.0 nm
16.00 AC 8812
Murmansk coast
17.49 Surfaced for a futile hunt for a sound bearing (diesel)
coming from the SE, disappeared for Petsamo. In the
very bad visibility diving was necessary several times.
Thereafter the enemy was followed to the narrows
between Heinäsaari - Pummanki, was not caught.
Additionally, with the passing of the vessel the beacon at
Cape Njemtzki was illuminated.

10.02.45 7/26
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00.00 AC 8499
02.08 Dived to listen.
04.00 AC 8574

Sun and Moon Data 08.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 09.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 10.02.45

05.44 Dived to remain submerged by day.
06.27 Presented Radio Message 0013/745:
1. Murmansk boats join Group Rasmus.
2. As focal point occupy as possible by 11 February
before lightness: Hess AC 8495. South of AC 82
remain undetected in any case.
08.00 AC 8499
09.30 AC 8735 2 sound bearings (diesel). In the periscope despite good
visibility up to the coast nothing seen. Presume close
under the coast between Rybachy and Heinäsaari
exercise or stationary small motor- or Schnellboote out
of Pummanki (S-boat base). Because sound bearing
from yesterday evening in the G.H.G. was the same
sound, the futile search is explained by this bearing.
12.00 AC 8735 Day's run: Surfaced 119.6 nm
Submerged 14.7 nm
134.3 nm
16.00 AC 8733
19.00 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8499
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, cloudy, 2000-
4000 meters, 1013 mb
23.00 Dived to listen and repair Tunis.
23.12 Presented Radio Message 2033/758: Rasmus:
1. PQ-convoy was not expected before . . .
2. Boats, at worthwhile events send first letter of the
Kommandant, Control disseminates further, boats
operate on it accordingly.

00.00 AC 8489
00.55 Surfaced to charge. 8/26
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02.45 Dived to eliminate the possibility of being detected.

04.00 AC 8577
05.00 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
05.15 Aircraft carrier telegraphy bearing 65°T Volume 4-5.
05.59 Sent Radio Message, this information is important for
Control, however was not understood.
Surfaced at dawn.
08.00 AC 8577 2-engined aircraft in periscope on easterly course,
altitude 100 meters, over the coast.
08.10 AC 8499 2 S- or motor boat bearings as several times in the last
days, bearing 290°T. Not distinguished visually.
09.00 In between comes a piston engine, now bearing 310°T,
that drowns out the motor bearings.
09.15 In the periscope a steamer of about 3000 GRT, at the
limit of visual range. Range = 3000 meters, bow right,
target angle 120°, heard speed 10 knots. Escort not
recognized. Because I must assume that the loud escort
vessels (apparently small motor boats) would distract a T
V, and by RPM the enemy must get off Cape Njemetzki
at a short range and sharp target angle,

Sun and Moon Data 22.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 23.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 24.02.45

11.02.45 did not shoot immediately. However contrary to earlier
observations the steamer remains further from land and
passes out of sight in a snow squall. Additionally at high
speed setting on attack course the enemy did not come in
sight any more.
10.15 Headed for AC 8495
12.00 AC 8499 Day's run: Surfaced 73.0 nm
Submerged 31.4 nm
104.4 nm
16.00 AC 8495
16.15 AC 8495 Sound bearing, very faint piston engine and a diesel
bearing 320°T.
16.42 Surfaced after shift to 0°T was determined and pursued.
17.02 Dived to listen. No sound bearing. Pursuit broken off
because the sounds probably originated from stone fish.
Later in the same area perfect stone fish sounds were
observed in the G.H.G.
19.15 Surfaced, back and forth in position between the
Norwegian coast and Rybachy. 9/26
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20.00 AC 8491
20.47 Dived to listen.
21.06 Surfaced.
21.14 AC 8491 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 220°T, Volume 1-2,
3 short dull tones.
21.49 Surfaced to charge.
23.20 AC 8495 Convoy voice traffic inexact bearing 60-70°T, Volume 4.
23.32 AC 8495 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 320°T, Volume 2-3,
short whistle tone.
20.20 Presented Radio Message 1336/772:
1. Yesterday air attack . . . . swing to the east is possible,
8-9 knots. 2. . . . . from possible break through period,
monitor U 1 or VLF

00.00 AC 8495
ESE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis.
4 nm
01.54 Dived to observe convoy voice traffic. Nothing.
02.41 Dived.
04.00 AC 8491
05.25 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
08.00 AC 8491
10.00 AC 8495 Aircraft (probably MBR 2) in periscope course east,
altitude 200 meters, range = 2000 meters. Morning
various individual detonations.
11.15 Faint sound bearing (circular saw) bearing 60°T very
slowly shifting to 90°T. Suspect, a very far off search
12.00 AC 8495 Day's run: Surfaced 62.6 nm
Submerged 30.5 nm
93.1 nm
16.00 AC 8496
19.00 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8499
ESE 3, Sea 2, overcast
(snow), 1000 mb, 1015 mb

Sun and Moon Data 11.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 12.02.45

12.12.45 10/26
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21.00 Presented Radio Message 2004/782: Rasmus:

Indications for convoy running in tonight. . . Highest
readiness. Do not be fooled.
21.45 AC 8497 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 330°T, Volume 2, 6
short tones.
22.18 Surfaced because by plotting the passage of the convoy
can no longer be expected here (and no sound bearings)
which was still confirmed by the last Radio Message.
Moved off at higher transit speed to the Kola Bay, to
detect the convoy running in there in time.
22.35 AC 8497 Aircraft detection bearing 0°T, Volume 2, short tone.
Remained on the surface and launched Aphrodite (wind
from land) in order to get away from the now
unimportant area far removed from the actual disposition
and to try and not lose time diving.

00.00 AC 8577
SE 1-2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. 3 presented Radio Messages 783-785:
1000 meters, 1015 mb Award of the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross.
01.35 AC 8824 Convoy voice traffic inexact bearing 170°T, by which
convoy or at least a part has already run in (direction
Kola Bay), was later confirmed by Radio Message
1147/15/725 from Falke.
00.35 Assistance calls on 2412 kHz see above Radio Message.
Tsyp-Navolok Light and Radio Beacon in operation.
02.41 Dived to listen. Waited submerged, because there were
no sound bearings and position is favorable for any
03.05 8 aircraft bombs in medium range.
04.00 AC 8828
04.45 AC 8828 Faint sound bearing (circular saw) bearing 170-180°T,
back and forth in position, scare depth charges, suspect
patrol vessel. Nothing seen in the periscope.
08.00 AC 8828
12.00 AC 8824 Day's run: Surfaced 88.0 nm
Submerged 29.0 nm
117.0 nm
15.00 Presented Radio Message 1002/795: Rasmus:
Convoy . . . suspected still at sea . . . running in from the
east possible.
16.00 AC 8821
18.30 Surfaced to charge along the coast of Rybachy outside
the disposition. If Lange gets contact, I will occupy
Krügers vacant position and the area south therefrom
based on prisoner statements that convoys to Murmansk
pass north of Kildin.
20.00 AC 8812
21.15 AC 8499 Dived aircraft detection bearing 0°T, Volume 2, long 11/26
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00.00 AC 8574
SE 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast,
Vis. 1500 meters, 1021 mb

Sun and Moon Data 12.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 13.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 14.02.45
- 10 -

01.00 Presented Radio Message 2215/701:
Strong patrol activity indicated convoy approach from
the east.
Therefore proceeded again to Kola Bay.
04.00 AC 8828 Tysp-Navolok is not illuminated tonight (speaks for
convoy passage yesterday).
04.35 Dived positioned as yesterday.
08.00 AC 8852
10.30 AC 8828 Sound bearing, piston engine bearing 105°T, Volume
xx. Pursued at LF and HF.
12.00 AC 8828 Day's run: Surfaced 80.0 nm
Submerged 29.4 nm
109.4 nm
12.45 Sound bearing shifts out to 150°T, Volume 3-4. Always
nothing seen in the periscope despite good visibility
(land clearly recognized). Good listening conditions.
13.03 AC 8828 MBR 2 bearing 160°T, range = 4000 meters, southerly
course, altitude 100 meters, later observed again on
southerly course.
13.50 Suddenly there occurs a distinct piston engine (bearing
170°T. Volume 5) considerably lighter faster sound like a
patrol vessel (motor and propeller sounds). Bearing
steady. At the same time depth charge detonations start,
about 3 hours, over 200 depth charges. The last hope is
dashed that the sounds came from a steamer, believe
from own experience that the patrol vessel deployed a
noise buoy up to 13.50 hours which mimicked piston
14.05 AC 8852 Because the patrol vessel, from which came a second
identical sound further distant must be very small (with
continuous observation no sighting despite great
Volume) and depth charges virtually exclude a reversal
shot, moved off in the direction of Tysp-Navolok. 12/26
3/28/2020 U-boat Archive - U-boat KTB - U-995 8th War Patrol

16.00 AC 8828
17.30 Presented Radio Message 1851/705:
13.23 hours 2 flying boats ordered to U-boat hunt in AC
Agrees with own observations.
19.10 Surfaced to charge along Rybachy. Will go again in the
vicinity of the ordered position to catch coastal traffic
because the convoy has probably already passed and
want to shift to the south in accordance with Radio
Message 711.
20.00 AC 8813
SE 3-4. Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis.
3000-5000 meters, 1027 mb
21.45 Searchlight from AC 8824, 8812 and 8811 (AC 8811
probably also a signal or control station.)
22.17 - 02.00 Dived to listen.

00.00 AC 8496
04.00 AC 8498
SE 2-3, Sea 1-2, overcast,
Vis. 5000-6000 meters, 1026

Sun and Moon Data 14.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 15.02.45
- 11 -

05.07 Dived for the day back and forth off the Heinäsaari-
Pummanki narrows, Potsamo-Murmansk traffic must
pass there.
12.00 AC 8499 Day's run: Surfaced 69.0 nm
Submerged 40.5 nm
109.5 nm
16.00 AC 8733
19.00 Surfaced for the night.
20.00 AC 8499
SE 1-2, Sea 1, overcast,
2000-5000 meters, 1031 mb,

00.00 AC 8499 13/26
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00.40 Dived to listen.

04.00 AC 8578
05.10 Dived at the beginning of twilight.
08.00 AC 8499 Morning several single-engine aircraft (type Jakl)
between Heinäsaari, Pummanki and Rybachy apparently
training flight and bomb throwing (dive with subsequent
light detonation observed).
12.00 AC 8733 Day's run: Surfaced 81.5 nm
Submerged 28.1 nm
109.6 nm
16.00 AC 8733
20.00 AC 8496
W 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, Vis. 5000
meters, 1036 mb
21.58 AC 8812 Dived to listen, because the beacon at Tysp-Navolok is
illuminated again. Sound bearing, circular saw bearing
22.15 Surfaced ran behind into Kola Bay.

00.00 AC 8813
02.20 AC 8828 Aircraft detection bearing 140°T, Volume 2, with brief
dive Asdic impulses observed. After surfacing detection
continually remains with Volume 5. Pursuit broken off
because there was no prospect of success if noticed.
Volume of the circular saw remains constant. Ran off to
the north.
04.00 AC 8825
05.06 Dived and went back to Rybachy submerged.
08.00 AC 8824 Repairs to the port diesel (thrust bearing camshaft).
12.00 AC 8813 Day's run: Surfaced 103.5 nm
Submerged 29.6 nm
133.1 nm
16.00 AC 8573
17.41 Surfaced.
18.03 AC 8574 U-boat bearing 330°T, range = 5000 meters, assume
Ley. No recognition signal exchanged because the boat
was running off and with only one diesel cannot come

Sun and Moon Data 15.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 16.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 17.02.45
- 12 - 14/26
3/28/2020 U-boat Archive - U-boat KTB - U-995 8th War Patrol

20.00 AC 8574
SW 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis.
5000-6000 meters, 1038 mb
22.45 Dived to listen.

18.02.45 Murmansk coast

00.00 AC 8574
00.40 Presented Radio Message /772:
1. Hess, Ley, Will do not operate with Group Rasmus,
instead as Murmansk boats against expected coastal
traffic. . . . F.d.U.
Initially remain off Rybachy.
02.08 Dived to de-ice the weapons.
04.00 AC 8499 Surfaced.
05.19 Dived at the beginning of twilight.
08.00 AC 8499
12.00 AC 8499 Day's run: Surfaced 59.0 nm
Submerged 27.0 nm
86.0 nm
16.00 AC 8499
18.30 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8577
W 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast,
1000-2000 meters, 1025 mb,
20.22 Dived to de-ice the weapons.
23.00 Surfaced.

00.00 AC 8496
00.40 Dived to de-ice the weapons.
04.00 AC 8577 Surfaced.
05.20 Dived at the beginning of twilight.
08.00 AC 8577
12.00 AC 8578 Day's run: Surfaced 44.5 nm
Submerged 29.5 nm
74.0 nm
16.00 AC 8496
19.00 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8499
W 3-4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. 6000
meters, 1025 mb, -3°C 15/26
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00.00 AC 8496
01.34 Dived.
04.00 AC 8812 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
04.40 Dived.
08.00 AC 8812
09.05 AC 8812 Aircraft (Hampden) in the periscope. Course 90°,
altitude 100 meters, range = 4000 meters.
12.00 AC 8577 Day's run: Surfaced 61.0 nm
Submerged 25.9 nm
86.9 nm
16.00 AC 8577
18.05 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8577
SW 3, Sea 2-3, cloudy, Vis.
6000 meters, moon, 1020 mb

Sun and Moon Data 17.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 18.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 19.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 20.02.45
- 13 -

00.00 AC 8812 Dived.
03.02 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
04.00 AC 8812 Dived.
08.00 AC 8577
12.00 AC 8577 Day's run: Surfaced 73.5 nm
Submerged 27.0 nm
100.5 nm
16.00 AC 8577
17.45 Surfaced with suddenly arising diesel sounds. U-boat in
sight (Ley) bearing 330°T, range = 2000 meters.
Discussed the situation. Since, in my view, one boat can
control the very poor traffic along Rybachy, I will go for
a brief observation of the Kirkenes-Pertsamo coastal
route. Before that moved off to the north to test-fire the
anti-aircraft weapons.
22.15 Dived to repair the breech of the 3.7 cm.

22.02.45 16/26
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00.00 AC 8545
00.15 Surfaced to continue transit.
04.00 AC 8489
04.42 Dived on the coastal route.
08.00 AC 8723
12.00 AC 8498 Day's run: Surfaced 89.0 nm
Submerged 22.6 nm
111.6 nm
16.00 AC 8723
18.30 Surfaced to charge. Ran past the entrance to Kirkenes up
to Vardö. Nothing seen.
20.00 AC 8722
SW 4, Sea 3, 7/10 squalls,
Vis. 500 meters, moon, 998

23.02.45 Varangerfjord
00.00 AC 8484
01.50 Dived to listen.
04.00 AC 8492 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
04.52 Dived at morning twilight.
08.00 AC 8493
10.30 Presented Radio Message 2246/745: Murmansk boats:
Radio traffic indicated arrival of damaged vessel . . .
boats operate on it.
As a result and on the basis of the determination that in
Varangerfjord there is no traffic, went into Kola Bay,
12.00 AC 8496 Day's run: Surfaced 74.5 nm
Submerged 26.2 nm
100.7 nm
16.00 AC 8574
18.00 Surfaced for night transit.
20.00 AC 8821 3.7 cm again in service.
SW 3-4, Sea 3, 5/10, Vis. 3-5
nm, 1006 mb, -6°C, moon

Sun and Moon Data 21.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 22.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 23.02.45
- 14 -

00.00 AC 8853 17/26
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03.00 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.

04.00 AC 8856
04.14 AC 8856 Small, fast running vessel, probably a patrol vessel,
bearing 222°T, range = 6000 meters, shifted out to the
east, later apparently stopped in position.
04.21 Dived at dawn. Back and forth in day position west of
Kildin Strait. On NW the NW-Headland Fu.M.O. gear.
08.00 AC 8859 In the morning a fishing cutter and a coastal sailing
vessel off Kola Bay ran toward the Kildin Strait, a small
fishing trawler briefly in sight, range = 1000
meters. Apparently a patrol vessel.
12.00 AC 8859 Day's run: Surfaced 64.5 nm
Submerged 24.2 nm
88.7 nm
16.00 AC 8856 Because there is bright moonlight, it is necessary to set
off up to 8 nm to the north of Kildin to charge.
19.25 Surfaced to charge between Kildin and Teriberski. No
longer expect damaged vessels that arrive from the north
20.00 AC 8864 Therefore from now on will only guard arrival from the
SW 4, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. 8 east, belief is confirmed by the illumination of all of the
nm, 1010 mb, moon beacons from Kildin to Tertberski at 21.00 hours.
21.15 - 21.25 Dived to listen.
23.15 AC 8947 Dived, sound bearing in 80°T, Volume 1.
23.40 Surfaced, pursued.

00.00 AC 8947
00.15 Dived because there was no sighting. No further sound
bearing. Pursuit broken off.
02.00 Surfaced.
02.03 AC 8948 Dived, aircraft detection bearing 180°T, Volume 3.
03.00 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
04.00 AC 8947 Dived on the Teriberski-Kildin Strait steamer route. In
Teriberka Bay no ships. Radio station on Cape
12.00 AC 8971 Day's run: Surfaced 54.0 nm
Submerged 30.5 nm
84.5 nm
16.00 AC 8893
19.00 Surfaced to charge.
20.00 AC 8869
SSW 5, Sea 3-4, overcast,
Vis. 3 nm, 998 mb, -9°C
20.16 - 20.33 Dived to thaw the weapons.

00.00 AC 8942 Dived to listen.
03.00 Surfaced to ventilate the boat.
04.00 AC 8869 18/26
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Sun and Moon Data 24.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 25.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 26.02.45
- 15 -

04.40 Dived at dawn.
08.00 AC 8868 By day 4 vessels passed off the east exit of the Kildin
Strait (cutters and coastal sailing vessels) coming from
the east, range = 1000-2000 meters.
12.00 AC 8868 Day's run: Surfaced 64.0 nm
Submerged 28.5 nm
92.5 nm
16.00 AC 8868
18.30 Surfaced for charging transit to the east.
20.00 AC 8869
S 1-2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis.
5000 meters, 991 mb, moon
shines through
21.18 Dived to repair the Tunis and listen.

27.02.45 Murmansk Sea

00.00 AC 8948
01.50 Surfaced.
04.00 AC 8869 U-boat bearing 240°T, range = 4000 meters.
04.08 Dived because U-boat dived at range 2000 meters.
Underwater telephone Recognition Signal exchanged
04.17 Surfaced for conference: because Will is also positioned
off the exit of the Kildin Strait, I will run on off on the
coastal route Teriberski - Charlow, because there
yesterday there was an unexplained sound bearing
(patrol vessel).
04.38 Dived to proceed submerged by day.
08.00 AC 8972
12.00 AC 8973 Day's run: Surfaced 85.0 nm
Submerged 33.0 nm
118.0 nm
16.00 AC 8991
19.00 Surfaced to charge along the coast to the SE.
20.00 AC 8982
S 2-3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. 4-5
nm, 995 mb, moon
21.58 Dived to listen at the southeastern point near Charlow. 19/26
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00.00 AW 2121
04.00 AC 8948
04.40 Dived at dawn off Teriberski.
08.00 AC 8971
12.00 Day's run: Surfaced 74.0 nm
Submerged 27.5 nm
101.1 nm
16.00 AC 8974 At the inner Roadstead off Teriberski no vessels except
for an arriving fish cutter. Signal station on the west
side, barracks?
19.33 Surfaced to charge north of Kildin.
20.00 AC 8947
SW 2, Sea 1-2, cloudy, Vis.
5-6 nm, 1003 mb
21.29 AC 8862 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 195°T, Volume 2-3
(direction of land gear on Kildin).
23.09 Surfaced.
23.30 AC 8861 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 255°T, Volume 1.

Sun and Moon Data 26.02.45

Sun and Moon Data 27.02.45
Sun and Moon Data 28.02.45
- 16 -

28.02.45 Remained submerged to repair cooling water piping.

00.00 AC 8861 Surfaced.
01.00 AC 8861 Brief diesel sounds running from 200-220°T. Suspect a
small patrol vessel because nothing was seen on
surfacing and while pursuing.
01.23 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 230°T, Volume 2.
Sound bearing in 275°T, shifting out to 360°T. Probably
the same sound source as above, continued pursuit.
03.14 - 03.25 Surfaced, continued pursuit. Tsyp-Navolok is
illuminated from surfacing to 03.25 hours.
04.00 AC 8828 Dived to listen because there is still no sighting. Sound
bearing in 305°T, no Volume change.
Search broken off because we do not get closer,
apparently a very fast enemy off Rybachy (NW course)
and twilight is beginning. Will go to the inner Kola Bay
because I no longer expect damaged vessels coming
from the east and now want to monitor at the same time
the route from Murmansk to the east and north. 20/26
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Likewise in accordance with Officer-Only Radio

Message 1615/715 I expect the most likely possibility of
finding and hitting the destroyer at sea when it runs in.
04.05 Surfaced, remained as long as possible on the surface to
get to the south quickly.
05.00 Dived.
08.00 AC 8859 Several faint sound bearings apparently stationary,
frequently stopping patrol vessels. Despite good
visibility and maximum coastal distance to the west of
6000 meters no periscope bearing.
12.00 AC 8859 Day's run: Surfaced 60.0 nm
Submerged 34.8 nm
94.8 nm
16.00 AC 8858
19.04 Surfaced to charge north of Kildin.
20.00 AC 8864
SE 2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. 4
nm, 1010 mb, -12°C, moon
21.08 Dived to listen at the southeastern-most point.
Presented Radio Message 2001/742: Murmansk boats:
Intend to use old boats to engage next PQ-convoy.
Therefore save fuel so as to stay in the operations area
until 15 March.
21.50 Surfaced. Since by then there will not be enough fuel, I
want to inform Control and at the same time give the
situation and outlook.
23.08 Outgoing Radio Message 2308/746: Still have 20
cbm fuel. No traffic only surveillance, AC 8850.

Sun and Moon Data 01.03.45

- 17 -

00.00 AC 8853 Dived at the northwest point of the charging route to
listen. Only patrol vessel bearing in 240°T like
yesterday by day.
00.40 Surfaced.
00.58 AC 8852 Small vessel in sight similar to an English M.L. boat (as
on 24 February at 04.14 hours) bearing 182°T, range =
6000 meters. Morse traffic with signal station on
Sjethuk. High speed, zigzags on an easterly course.
01.30 AC 8853 Vessel out of sight. 21/26
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01.39 Dived to listen, sounds disappear in 50°T.

02.30 Surfaced.
02.52 AC 8853 Dived for aircraft detection bearing 158°T, Volume 1.
(again land gear on Kildin?)
03.33 Surfaced with favorable visibility conditions to get as far
in Kola Bay as possible.
04.00 AC 8859 Dived because am nearly in sought after day position.
08.00 AC 8858
10.45 Presented Radio Message 2359/747: Will, Hess proceed
so that arrival Narvik afternoon 5 March is guaranteed.
11.10 AC 8858 After several minor sound bearings, a not identifiable
vessel as on the day before, escort boat (probably type
ATHERSTONE) coming from Kola Bay, bearing 172°T,
range = 4000 meters, bow left target angle 20°.
Suddenly begins to zigzag and run in circles. One depth
charge medium range.
11.20 AC 8858 Reversal shot tube II: depth 3 meters, target speed = 11
knots, bow left target angle 20°, range 800 meters,
steering NNN S.
11.31 After 11 minutes 10 seconds detonation, assume end of
run. Miss explained by incorrect setting (NNNS instead
of WWWW S): Enemy zigzagged at the last moment to
a broad target angle of 20° and had already crossed
minimum range, order error due to lack of time for
setting. After the detonation the escort boat remained
lying stopped or 30 minutes.
12.00 AC 8858 Day's run: Surfaced 66.0 nm
Submerged 22.2 nm
88.2 nm
After the boat went briefly to depth A -40 meters to
avoid the enemy and torpedo, because the escort boat
hardly moved, apparently others out of range to the
south. In the SW and SE two faint, not visible sound
12.51 AC 8858 2nd escort boat in sight bearing 330°T, range = 4500
meters, bow left target angle 60°. Later zigzags.
Because this boat is positioned favorably, turned to run
towards it. In so doing another escort boat passes out of
13.16 AC 8858 sight under the coast. After the enemy lying stopped had
gotten underway and with sharp target angle reversal
shot from tube II, depth 4 meters, target speed 12 knots,
bow left target angle 20°, range = 800 meters, steering
13.23 After 7 minutes 32 seconds enormous detonation, high
explosion column, escort boat flies apart. Moved off to
the north later NE in the hope that the 3nd escort boat

Sun and Moon Data 02.03.45 22/26
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- 18 -

02.03.45 run to the sinking location and thereby come within
range. However, this was not the case. Faint
propeller beats bearing 92°T quickly grew louder. In the
periscope in light sea smoke nothing seen.
13.34 Headed deep at a depth charge series in medium range
because no torpedo shooting is possible against M.L.
13.40 Was overrun at depth A -50 meters. Bolde ejected.
16.00 AC 8853
13.34 107 medium-close to close depth charges between depth
2A -20 and A -20 meters later from 3 small vessels
(possibly 1 listening noise from escort boat) by carousel
method. Main drain pump and starboard E-motor (stern
tube bushing) temporarily out of service.
17.30 AC 8853 Surfaced. Began return transit along Rybachy.
18.00 Presented Radio Message 1651/759: Flying boat
apparently received orders at 16.20 hours to take
prisoners after attack on U-boat east of Kildin.
Murmansk boats report position immediately.
19.08 Outgoing Radio Message 1316/761: AC 8858 stationary
search group: English escort boat sunk. (Hess).
20.00 AC 8813
S 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis.
2000-5000 meters, 1019 mb
20.08 Served as radio relay for Ley's position Short Signal.

00.00 AC 8463
04.00 AC 8157
06.07 Dived to proceed submerged by day.
08.00 AC 7363
12.00 AC 7334 Day's run: Surfaced 167.0 nm
Submerged 32.5 nm
199.5 nm
16.00 AC 7324
17.48 Surfaced to proceed on the surface.
20.00 AC 7261 Difference between dead reckoning and actual position
SE 1, Sea 1-2, cloudy, Vis. after a navigation fix = 230°T, 12 nm.
5000-6000 meters, 1019 mb
23.53 Outgoing ßß 0045/783: Position 30 hours off objective
U-995 23/26
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00.00 AC 7166
04.00 AC 7124
NNE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 7/10
(snow), Vis. 500-3000
meters, 1018 mb, -4°C
05.30 Dived to proceed submerged by day.
08.00 AB 9397
12.00 AB 9622 Day's run: Surfaced 138.0 nm
Submerged 37.5 nm
175.5 nm
16.00 AB 9616
18.05 Surfaced to proceed on the surface.
20.00 AB 9643

Sun and Moon Data 02.03.45

Sun and Moon Data 03.03.45
Sun and Moon Data 04.03.45
- 19 -

NE 3, Sea 2, cloudy (snow),
changing cloudiness, Vis.
500-5000 meters, 1016 mb
21.30 Presented Radio Message 1136/698: Hess immediately
report if arrival 5 March latest 16.00 hours is assured. If
not, first arrive 6 March 10.30 hours. After passing
Schwarz 25 proceed as prescribed.
22.06 Outgoing Radio Message 2208/791: Yes. Am 7 hours
off objective point.

00.00 AB 9862
00.30 Dived to proceed submerged.
01.55 Passed Schwarz 25.
05.50 [Surfaced]
06.53 Made fast Harstad.
09.18 Harstad for Narvik.
12.00 Day's run: Surfaced 164.5 nm
Submerged 38.9 nm
203.4 nm
11.50 Passed Lödingen. 24/26
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16.20 Made fast Ramsund, gave over T V.

14.00 Ramsund for Narvik.
Made fast Narvik.

Remaining Day's run: Surfaced 25 nm

Total Day's run: Surfaced 2531.0 nm

Submerged 839.5 nm
3370.5 nm

Oblt. z. See and Kommandant

Sun and Moon Data 04.03.45

Sun and Moon Data 05.03.45
Sun and Moon Data 06.03.45

Enclosure - 1 - to F.d.U. Nordmeer B.Nr.Gkdos - 1145 -

Commentary of the F.d.U. Nordmeer

on the K.T.B. of "U 995" from 7.1.45 to 6.3.45.

1) Again an excellent coastal patrol without snorkel by the daring and

imaginative young commander.
Successes: Freighter 6000 GRT torpedoed on the bottom, 1 escort boat
"ATHERSTONE"-type sunk.
2) The bold, well-thought-out penetration on 8 February in the mines unsafe
entrance of Kirkenes and torpedoing a pier lier led to the award of the 25/26
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Knight's Cross to the Kommandant.

3) Good reporting and reconnaissance results.
4) To 14 February 13.50: Piston sounds could have come from torpedoed ship
of the incoming convoy. Also from strong stratification noise may overlap


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