Game Hut

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Game Hut Information system

Group Members…………………………………………………….3

An Insight to Game Hut………………………………………….4

Business Process…………………………………………………..5

Information Flows………………………………………………...6

IT Infrastructure…………………………………………………..9

Explanation about current System………………………………9


Group Members

Name Index No Reg. No

A.P.Amarasinghe S 8253 2005/s/9545

G.V.Asanka S 8339 2005/s/9552
P.G.S.P.Pannila S 8329 2005/s/9667
M.I.Imran S 8275 2005/s/9612
W.B.Nilantha S8286 2005/s/9663
W.J.Wickramasinghe S8384 2005/s/9768
K.W.D.U.Sankalpa S8318 2005/s/9729
C.L.Attanayake S8340 2005/s/9555

An Insight to Game Hut

Game Hut was founded in April 2000 by three young entrepreneurs. The
partners found the perfect spot for their new store at Lauris
road,Bambalapitiya. The business is segmented as the Internet Café, Mini
Theater and Food Hut.

At the inception there were only 5 pc’s and one mini theater. Continuous
improvements have given their business a new dimension. Today the
Internet café is comprised of 20 computers with multi media facilities. Each
computer terminal is equipped with full services, e.g. true audio/video
capacity, CD or DVD burner, networked printing, all common application
programmes etc. with highest possible security to ensure unwanted
intrusion and virus/worms attack. Customers are allowed to use the café
on ticket basis; the tickets are categorized as 1hr, 2hr and 4hr. There have
always been many other technological advanced features adding from
time to time, e.g. Voice over IP, DVD burning, high resolution scanning,
laser colour printing etc.

There are 6 mini theaters and reservations can be made over the phone.
These theaters are equipped with Lcd Panel televisions with 5.1 surround
systems. The true pictures and perfect sound quality give it a high
standard cinema experience. The large movie collection which includes all
new arrivals is another feature of the mini theater.

There is a variety of food items at the Food Hut. Customers even can place
their orders while surfing the net. Providing high standard of food quality
with strong emphasis on hygiene is their main focus.

The customer base is generally youths who are fond of pc games and
Movies. Customer turn up for the day is 100 on average. Being located in a
metropolitan, equipped with modest computers and the friendly service
provided by the staff attracts lots of people.
More than 25 customer oriented employees hold the business together.

Business Process

Internet café

Issuing a ticket
◊ Check availability of machines
◊ Depending on the usage of the customer issue a ticket which
includes a pin # when customer pays.
◊ Tickets are pre entered using Game Hut soft wares.
◊ The financial information along with the ticket pin and the time slots
utilized are entered to the s/w. Daily financials automatically

Mini theatre

Making a reservation
◊ Reservation for two hour slots can be made over the phone for
week days
◊ For reservations on weekends an advance should be paid
◊ The full amount should be made before watching the movie.
◊ Customer can select a movie and then they are directed to the
relevant theatre.

Food Hut

Buying food
◊ Customers have to check the menu.
◊ Order if the chosen items are available
◊ Make the payment

Information Flows
Data Flow Diagram for the Internet Cafe

Check availability

Obtaining a

Receive cash

Staff member
Obtaining a

Delivery of the

Obtaining a

Enter pin
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Data Flow Diagram for the Mini theatre

Check availability


confirm the

Customer Staff member


Enter customer


Receiving an


Receive the
balance Buy SmartDraw!- purchased copies print this
document without a watermark .
Reservation Visit or call 1-800-768-3729.

Data Flow Diagram for the food hut

Check the menu

Buying Food

Order an item
Customer Staff member
Buying Food

Check availability
Receive payment
Buying Food
Buying Food

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IT Infrastructure
Currently Game Hut (pvt) Ltd uses 21 computers to run their Business.
One Computer is used as the server while other 20 computers are used as
client machines which are used to give facilities to their customers. In
providing the internet facility Game Hut use 2 MB speed ADSL. A switch
is used to manage the network. Dot matrix printer is used to get office
work related printouts. Pentium4 computers are used to provide internet
access for the customers. .

Explanation about current System

Currently they use two computer soft wares to manage the business. First
System is used to manage the computers which are used in Game hut.
Other System supports to maintain their financial assets and booking
Game hut uses downloaded software which is developed for the internet
café as their initial software. Since they are using a system which is
developed for another client, it does not exactly match the requirements.
So they have to use software to handle their business. First Software is
developed on client server architecture. The main software is run on the
server and client software run on each machine in the network. This
system only manages the game hut section. The system provides the
following facilities to the operator.
• When customer asks for the service the operator can check whether
there are any free computers. And also he can check what computers
are currently being used.

• This system provides control of entire network to the operator.

Operator can shut down all the machine or specific computer at any
time. Operator can also control volume of each machine.

• This software gives the facility to check how much time an existing
user can surf from his or her ticket. When user log into the system

by entering the pin number, system starts to calculate the time. So
when the user’s time is finished the computer will log off
automatically. Before the time slot ends, system auto generate
reminder messages to the user. If he wants to use more time he has
to pay money and get another ticket.

• This software gives the user monitoring facility to operator. He can

check the programs which are currently run on the client machine.
And can watch the user’s desktop.

Second software they use in their server give quality service for their
customers. It is used to handle their all three business areas which are
Game hut, Food Hut and Mini cinema. The main target of this software is
to manage the company’s financial assets and manage bookings. This
system is build up as a collection of three parts.
Game Hut
• When the operator issues a ticket and gets money from the
customer, he has to enter the details to the system. According to
that details in the database software auto calculate the revenue of
the Game Hut section.

• This system provides the booking facilities. When someone comes

to book a computer, operator can check the current bookings
through this soft ware.

Mini cinema
• This system provides the booking facilities for mini cinema. When
someone comes to book a Mini cinema room, operator can check
the current bookings through this soft ware.

• In this system Operator enters customer details such as name,

contact number. If the customer does not came to get the facility,
by giving a call operator checks the situation and according to
that he can give that facility to another user.

• When operator receives money from a customer, he has to enter
the details to the system. According to that details in the database
software auto calculate the revenue of the Mini cinema section.

Food hut
• This section provides the facility to manage the stock of Food Hut
and its revenue.

• Upon receive new items they update the stock. Since currently
there is no computer in the Food hut, after issuing goods they
can’t update the stocks. They keep the hand written notes about
the sales and at the end of the day they enter that data to the

• They have to enter the item type and no of sold items to the
system. According to that system auto update the stock and
calculate the daily revenue of the Food Hut.

At the end of the day when they calculate the total income of all company,
they have to get the income of each section and enter them manually to the
final income calculation section. There is the facility of getting printout
about their daily income and expenses.

• When we discussed with Users and Game Hut employees, we found
that user’s are not satisfied with the current internet speed. But
management does not like to go for a leased line connection, because
the cost is not affordable to them.

• When we observed the system, we learnt that lot of guys come to

play as groups. Since there are only few numbers of computers,
operators and customers face shortage problems. So we would like
to suggest current number of computers should be increased.

• There was a problem which was identified in current booking

system. When customers book time slots for use computers or mini
cinema through telephone, Operators couldn’t get an advance. So
company have to face financial loses if customer don’t turn up.

To avoid this situation we recommend a web based system for game

Hut which has Online booking facilities with an e payment system.

• Currently company uses two software systems to handle their

business. These two systems work separately. So operators have to
face inconveniencies. Due to that there are wastages such as time,
resources. So these two systems should be integrated as one unit.

• According to the current system, if some player wants to buy some

food item while he is playing, he has to come to the food cabin. So
player has to stop the game. Most players are not satisfied about this
situation. In the current software there is the facility to send
messages to operator, so company can use this facility to improve
their customer satisfaction.

• Company must automate the food hut as well. So employees in the

food hut can enter the data at any time. Since all the employees in
this company have the computer usage knowledge, company can
improve and expand the IS.

• Current system does not provide facility to manage details about
their employees. So management should upgrade the current system
to that facility.

• When they calculate the total income of all company, they have to
get the income of each section and enter them manually to the final
income calculation sheet, this calculation should be automated.


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