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Copyright 1969 Monastery of the Seven Rays Quito Ecuador, All rights reserved

Monastery of the Seven Rays

The Last Temple of the Outer Court

Student II. Degree (Occult Physics A.)
"Astral Magnetism I. The Arithmetic of the Occultist."


Up to now we have been talking about Solar and Planets, signs, and numbers. Now,
we come to the point where we must project these symbols into space, where we find the
eight planets, sixteen Zodiacal forms, and ten basic units forming two types of
pattern: a) a pattern of 360 degrees, or a circle, complete in space, and b) a pattern
of 256 points of conjunction or a lattice, against which the entire world is projected
to form, along with other elements (planets and Moons and constellations) the universe
of universes in all four dimensions.

"I am a Syzygy of the First Archon of the Iron-Copper Sphere of

at the magnitude of .1876 to .2500 of space-consciousness,2
who stands in the upper left - leg of the Divine Androgyne ABRAXOS 3
There are two forms of measurement for the astral magnetism of human beings,4
Of the Sun there are two - hundred and fifty six points of conjunction, and 5
Of the Moon there are three - hundred and sixty degrees of a circle.6
My magical colour is YELLOW modified by RED.7
Dare not to know my two magical names in the spiritual
assembly of the gnosis, for I am a Syzygy."8

1,2,3,. These lines restate much that we have discussed already. However, the
magnitude in question is clearly that of the fourthdimension for this sphere of
magnetism. This magnitude is one which is clearly available only to special occult
instruments, and cannot he perceive by even so-called clairvoyance. Not even a Master
has the extra-sensory perception needed to experience this dimensional quality. The
fourth center of magnetism is then located in the upper leftleg and it is thusly seen
to balance the other three centers, which we have already described.

4. These two forms of measurement are known only to specialists in occult

matters, although everyone familiar with geometry and elementary forms of measurement
knows of the principle whereby a circle is formed of 360 degrees. However, the
astrologer has taken the circle of the heavens and has filled it with twelve
constellations, each of 30 degrees, composed of three sets of the magical ten basic
numbers. As 10 X 3 is 30 so 12 X 30 is 360. But, the second form of measurement is much
more special and is known only to those who have gone into magnetic and magical studies
quite deeply for ordinarily even Masters are not concerned with the details of
magnitude and projection of forms of measurement into space. But these are the two
forms of measuring astral magnetism an the grand scale. We will reverse the order of
commentary, in order to simplify matters.

5. But there is another system of measurement against which the elements so

far discussed including the sphere are projected. This is the lattice of the universe,
which is both the basis and the field upon which the world is assembled part by part.
This lattice, which is discussed in greater detail later in the study of magnetic
magic, although the precise formulae are not given until the student is very advanced,
is composed of 256 points of conjunction, or intersections of mathematical energy and
patterned force. This number is arrived at by projecting the number of the Syzygies,
which is sixty four into four dimensions of spacetime, so that 64 X 4 is 256. 1 might
add that the lattice of the 256 is Solar because it is the CREATIVE HIERARCHY OF SPACE
AND TIME, whereas the circle of 360 degrees is the Lunar creation, derived by a
transcendental deduction or process of coming forth according to the laws of the
universe, from the Solar Lattice.

6. The field of higher space, which is that of astral magnetism forms a circle,
indeed it is a perfect sphere from the standpoint of special observation. Within this
circle are to be found the planets, signs and various elements already discussed. The
magical numbers guide the distribution of energies through space and from the way in
which they resemble patterns of energy and special magnetic force, you can see how this
is possible. However, the most significant point is that what we have discussed up to
now occurs within this boundary or circle in all four dimensions.

7,8. The newest element is that of Fire represented by the colour red. Fire is the
element of the fourth dimension, and therefore, it completes our set of magnetic
elements. Fire is associated with spirituality, especially intuition and creative will,
and is the colour of the mystical initiates into the great work. Fire is the element
most associated with spiritual striving and the hope of attainment in highest values.
For this reason it represents divine inspirations, also, which is the ultimate gift
from above.

So far we have given you a lot of material for your understanding and we have
done so only with very mixed feelings. For one thing, we have never thought that
knowledge alone was sufficient, but knowledge must he complemented by skill. Therefore,
we have given these ideas to you in the hope that you would be able to use these ideas
to awaken your memory of past work with us. Therefore, as astral magnetism is vitally a
part of the process of the magical memory, since the events recalled are projections
out upon a field of this magnetism, the reflectiveness and insight which comes into
one's self through the thoughtful study of these ideas, however vague they might
appear, or however general our presentation at this point might seem, constitutes the
most important matter which we are aiming towards. We are concerned with developing the
skill of the occult student and therefore growth in depth through the symbolical
process is a necessity. We have given you materials which are designed to awaken in you
a grasp of what you had been associated with before. The magnetic power of these
lessons must be allowed to operate and to bring out from your deep levels of
unconsciousness the true memories of your glorious past work and achievement, so that
you can build upon this reality and surpass all past progress.

Therefore, in closing of this section of the course, for the fifth month, we ask
you to read over and over the messages from the Syzygies, which are divinely ordained
of magnetic revelation, directed from the worlds of light to the unconscious mind of
the individual, who is seeking further and further strength and light for his own soul.
We do not pretend to have done anything but to have covered the surface of this
question, but with these elements of occult arithmetic it is possible to develop a very
wonderful method of spiritual exercise, or "yoga" if you wish to call it that, whereby
through repeated readings of the subject-matter of each lesson we can arrive at a
deepening understanding of the self. And this is really what we are seeking.

Our blessings, always,

The Master M. Aquarius and Racine

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