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Beri- Ber Prickets

Definition Definition

Beriberi is a disease caused by a vitamin B-1  a deficiency disease that affects the young
deficiency, also known as thiamine during the period of skeletal growth, is
deficiency. There are two types of the characterized especially by soft and
disease: wet beriberi and dry beriberi. Wet deformed bones, and is caused by failure to
beriberi affects the heart and circulatory assimilate and use calcium and phosphorus
system. In extreme cases, wet beriberi can normally due to inadequate sunlight or
cause heart failure. vitamin D.

Symptoms Symptoms

 shortness of breath during physical  Delayed growth

 Delayed motor skills
 waking up short of breath
 rapid heart rate  Pain in the spine, pelvis and legs
 swollen lower legs  Muscle weakness

Night Blindiness
Definition Definition

inability or a reduced ability to see in dim li Scurvy is a disease resulting from a lack of

ght; the eyes not only see more poorly in di vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Early symptoms
m light, but are slower to adjust from bright of deficiency include weakness, feeling
ness to dimness. Called also nyctalopia. tired, and sore arms and legs. Without
treatment, decreased red blood cells, gum
Symptoms disease, changes to hair, and bleeding from
Abnormal trouble adapting to the dark while the skin may occur.
driving at night. Blurry vision when driving Symptoms
in the dark. Difficulty seeing in places with
dim lighting, like your house or a movie Vitamin C plays many different roles in the
theater. Excessive squinting at night. body. A deficiency in the vitamin causes
Trouble adjusting from bright areas to widespread symptoms.
darker ones.
Typically signs of scurvy begin after at least
four weeks of severe, continual vitamin C
deficiency. Generally, however, it takes
three months or more for symptoms to


Name: Ivan Melendez

Class: STD 3

Date: 3/03/20

School: Santa Cruz Government School

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