CSTP 4 WilliamsHackman S20

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CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated instruction Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
available curriculum and sequence of lessons using based on knowledge of instruction, which is instruction that provides
information from district additional assessment students’ academic readiness, based on broad systematic opportunities
and state required information on student academic language, diverse knowledge of students. for supporting and
assessments. academic readiness, cultural backgrounds, and Matches resources and extending student
4.1 Using knowledge language, cultural individual cognitive, social, specific strategies to learning based on
of students’ background, and emotional, and physical students’ diverse comprehensive
academic readiness, individual development. development to meet their learning needs and information on students.
language individual needs. cultural backgrounds.
proficiency, cultural
background, and Examines potential sources of
individual bias and stereotyping when
development to plan Is aware of impact of Becomes aware of planning lessons. Uses Planning addresses bias, Engages students in the
instruction. bias on learning. potential areas of bias culturally responsive pedagogy stereotyping, and analysis of bias,
and seeks to learn about in planning. assumptions about stereotyping, and
culturally responsive cultures and members of assumptions.
pedagogy. cultures.

While many of our This semester I had the Per some feedback and
assessments are multiple opportunity to attend a cultural comments I received last
choice/matching, I strive empathy seminar which helped year during our Forces of
to give students me understand how various Nature unit of study, I
opportunities to explore cultures can have different needed to address some
why they might be more perspectives toward education. preconceived notions
inclined to answer a We also have been preparing students had of cultures
question a certain way, for how our Muslim students outside the U.S. Students
while another student will be accommodated during read several articles
may view it differently. state testing due to Ramadan regarding the 2004
fasting observances. Indonesian tsunami.
I read through questions Some students made
to try and determine if (5/5/2019) inappropriate
they might be skewed comments/answered
toward one perspective questions
or another—generally inappropriately, stating
our provided material is that the reason so many
ethnically/culturally rich, died was because they
but some questions were unintelligent,
assume students have backwards, and
had more formal unfortunately, in one
grammar training (many case, one student claimed
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

EL kids struggle with that they died as
things such as SVO vs. punishment for not being
SOV languages, and it can Christian.
be difficult for them to
identify parts of speech). This year I placed more
emphasis on the
Culturally speaking, our scientific aspects of why
curriculum includes so many lives were lost,
works from women, and made sure students
minorities, and discusses had a clearer picture of
things such as poverty, the victims not as
divorce, and death. While faceless numbers, but
teaching lessons, I mean, women, and
remind students that children who struggled in
everyone’s experiences the face of disaster. We
are different, and I will discussed how some
try to make a point of countries do not have the
saying, “I understand resources or speed in
what this character is communication that we
going through because I do, and the lack of
—” or “It might be technology and resources
difficult to understand does not make people
this character’s less intelligent.
motivations if you
haven’t experienced it We also discussed how a
yourself.” disaster like this could
happen in California, and
Not only does this allow that natural disasters to
me to identify how some not differentiate between
students (and even victims based on their
myself) can be biased religious beliefs. This was
about a work, it is an a difficult subject to
exercise in developing broach, and I was
empathy, a sense of prepared to speak with
community individual students based
responsibility, and social on the issue from the
awareness through self- previous year, but I feel
appraisal and desire to focusing the lessons
learn more about the more on the PEOPLE
diversity within my rather than the region
classroom helped students
empathize with the
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

(9/25/18) victims on a deeper level.


Similar to last semester’s

need to be culturally
sensitive, this semester
sees a shift in focus to
issues arising from the
current COVID-19. This
includes addressing any
concerns with
regarding the virus.
During a recent lesson
the chat pod needed to
be removed due to
inappropriate comments
regarding the virus (after
I coughed on camera a
student made a comment
that I was infected).

Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and communicates Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill to students clear learning goals articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with for content that are accessible, to students that integrate comprehensive short-
on content standards students in single lessons challenging, and differentiated content standards with term and long-term
4.2 Establishing and
and available and sequence of lessons. to address students’ diverse students’ strengths, learning goals for
articulating goals
curriculum. learning needs. interests, and learning students. Assists
for student learning
needs. students to articulate
and monitor learning
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

At the beginning of each This year we are offering This year, as I am
lesson, I share a slide that quiz/test corrections for completing progress
includes our learning students to earn back partial monitoring meetings, I
goals for the day (for credit (up to full credit for am taking more detailed
example: By the end of written essay responses, and notes and gathering
today’s lesson, students 50% credit back for multiple information from other
will be able to identify choice corrections). content area teachers to
the difference between best identify what steps a
simile and metaphor). The instructions for these student needs to take in
corrections opportunities are that course (specifically
Goals are presented at clearly stated in the template English) to be successful.
the beginning of the we provide, but the students These notes from
lesson, and then will often not follow these progress monitoring
reviewed at the end. The instructions in hopes of getting meetings are sent to both
goals presented give easy points back. I will return the student and
students a clear incomplete templates back to caretaker to facilitate
expectation of what they students and offer to work with learning goals during
are to accomplish based them one-on-one in my virtual biweekly homeroom
on the skills they are classroom to show they how to check-in calls.
learning within a unit. read the directions, identify the
expectations I have for them, (3/24/20)
(9/25/18) what their ultimate goal for the
corrections is, and how to
break down the instructions
I have continued with into smaller/more manageable
this throughout the tasks.
schoolyear without
having many (11/2/19)
opportunities to
differentiate as much as I
would like. I would say I
have stayed about the
same but have an idea of
how I would like to
further differentiate my
instruction next year.

4.3 Developing and Uses available Begins to plan Establishes short- and long- Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
sequencing long- curriculum for daily, curriculum units that term curriculum plans for term plans to reflect knowledge of
term and short-term short- and long-term include a series of subject matter concepts and integrations of curriculum, content
instructional plans plans. connected lessons and essential related academic curriculum guidelines, standards, and assess
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

are linked to long-term language and formats that frameworks, and learning needs to design
planning to support support student learning. assessed instructional cohesive and
student learning. needs to ensure student comprehensive long- and
to support student
learning. short-term instructional
plans that ensure high
levels of learning.

Our curriculum within my While working within my Our current (quarter 3) SMART
school has been provided to PLC and my team- goal for our students is for 70%
teachers and allows for teaching cohort we have of them to have their Unit 2
little flexibility as far as the
been able to streamline persuasive essay completed in
day-to-day lessons that
students complete during
individual lessons within time for the mid semester
their independent study the larger scheme of deadline (4/20/2020). This
work. units throughout the short-time (one-quarter)
school year. Instead of deadline is encourages to help
We are provided with a working individually we students maintain an
planner for the entire are making sure to all be appropriate work pace in the
semester, which outlines on the same lesson of the independent study program.
what lessons should be same unit with each This helps us to better
completed each day.
lecture. determine how appropriate
Teachers are responsible and realistic certain works
for developing their own (5/5/2019) expectations are to adjust as
lecture materials based on needed for the next
what is being covered instructional year).
through the Pearson I have no had as much
Online/Connexus growth in this area as I (3/24/20)
interfaces. I use these would like. I work within
materials when developing the confines of a strictly
my PowerPoint
formatted school-
presentations for each
week. provided curriculum, so
there is not as much
I would like to learn how to flexibility as I would like.
better assimilate the My PLC and I area team-
provided curriculum into teaching year and using
my lessons, while also the same materials as
making the lessons more last year, but we have
personalized, engaging, and been told we are rolling
out a new online system
and curriculum for the
(9/25/18) 2020-2021 school year
that will provide teachers
with more opportunities
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

to modify the provided

Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates differentiated Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or instructional strategies into wide range of strategies incorporating a
suggested by curriculum sequence of lessons that ongoing planning that to address learning styles repertoire of strategies
guidelines. respond to students’ addresses culturally responsive and meet students’ specifically meet
diverse learning needs. pedagogy, students’ diverse assessed language and students’ diverse
4.4 Planning language, and learning needs learning needs. Provides language and learning
instruction that and styles. appropriate support and needs and styles to
incorporates challenges for students. advance learning for all.
appropriate Is aware of student Seeks to learn about Uses assessments of students’
strategies to meet content, learning, and students’ diverse learning and language needs to Integrates results from a Facilitates opportunities
the learning needs language needs through learning and language inform planning differentiated broad range of for students to reflect on
of all students data provided by the site needs beyond basic data. instruction. assessments into their learning and the
and district. planning to meet impact of instructional
students’ diverse strategies to meet their
learning and language learning and language
needs. needs.

I base all my instruction Students who require

on the materials that are differentiated instruction do
provided to teachers in not always benefit from the
Connexus through same instructional strategies as
Pearson Online Learning. their peers. When I reach out to
These resources are in a students to conduct 1:1
virtual library, and curriculum-based assessment
presented to students, calls, I will refer to their
families, and teachers in assessments and interview
a virtual interface that them to determine what could
allows for easy be keeping them from being
navigation and clear successful with their lessons.
Many times, students are not
The content is also making use of all the resources
identified by what state that are made available. I will
standards it meets. I walk them through where to
would like to learn how find these resources. I will also
to use more of the tools ask questions to assess their
offered in the virtual learning style (visual, auditory,
library (including kinesthetic, etc.). While our
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

embedding video and strictly online format does
utilizing breakout make it difficult to make sure
sessions) within my tactile/kinesthetic learner
lessons to enrich student needs are met, I can help
learning. (9/25/18) students find appropriate
activities they can do at home.

Most commonly, I find that

even though students are in our
online school, they are not
always tech savvy. When I
make suggestions for students
to use certain applications and
they are not familiar with them,
I will spend time walking
through the application with
them via screenshare in my
virtual classroom and provide
them with video link tutorials
to refer back to.


I continue to support students

by working with IEP case
managers to ensure that
are appropriate based on their
specific needs. This is done in
our program by filling out a
Google form with information
about the specific class, and it
allows the case manager to
more easily identify areas of

4.5 Adapting Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for
instructional plans uses materials from materials in single adaptations to differentiate adjustments to a wide range of
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

curriculum provided. lessons or sequences of instructional plans. Uses instructional plans and adaptations to lessons
lessons to address culturally responsive pedagogy uses a variety of based on in depth
students’ learning needs. and additional materials to materials as the analysis of individual
support students’ diverse instructional needs arises student needs.
and curricular
learning needs. to support student
materials to meet
learning. Engages with students to
the assessed
identify types of
learning needs of all
adjustments in
instruction that best
meet their learning

I often review my online Recently we had a family While our program does Concerning the current
gradebook and set it to look transfer into our program with not always allow for the COVID-19 crisis, our
at the lowest average scores unique religious exemptions for flexibility, I would like to school administration is
within a unit to better
the content the students are make changes in calling upon teachers to
understand areas of
difficulty that might require
allowed to read. For example, curriculum, there are work within their PLCs
more scaffolding or the daughter was not allowed some work arounds. One to come to reasonable
differentiation. to read The Odyssey due to the student this year has a adjustments to our
presence of Greek gods, nor phobia of dogs and did curriculum, including
For example, in a lesson I could she read Animal Farm not want to read the dropping a unit and
saw many students due talking animals. I assigned novel The Call removing a test to allow
struggling with the concept collaborated with my of the Wild. With students to adjust to the
of adverbs and prepositions, department chair and PLC to permission from my “new normal” their lives
and how a preposition can
find culturally and religiously department chair, I have become. Students
also be an adverb. Seeing
many students struggling appropriate materials that assigned her an alternate will be given the
with this within the would still allow the student to reading that was opportunity at a later
assessments, I included it in meet state standards for approved as part of the LiveLesson to vote on
a following lesson (“Get content. school curriculum (To whether they want to
inside!” vs. “Get inside the Kill a Mockingbird) and complete the tests or
house!”). (5/5/2019) created Google Form writing portfolios for our
versions of assessments remaining units.
I would like to learn how to for the student to
better use assessments to
complete, as the (3/24/20)
predict possible issues and
analyze students needs provided virtual
earlier within a lesson. lessons/assessments
(9/25/18) within the school
program did not have
options for the new

CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

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