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Copyright 1969 Monastery of the Seven Rays, Quito, Ecuador All rights reserved

Monastery of the Seven Rays

The Monastery of the Seven Rays
The Last Temple of the Outer Court,
Student II. Degree (Occult Physics A.)
"Astral Magnetism IV."



Projecting our consciousness into the history of this kingdom of love we are able
to find that the development of the physical mechanism of love did not come into being
at the same time as the development of sexual functions among human-type beings, rather
physical love is much more primitive and can be traced back to elementary magnetic
attractions among physical elements. After many cooperative efforts between man and
certain abstract spiritual beings, the proper techniques of physical love making, such
as the embrace, the kiss, the holding together of the bodies of the lovers, and the
rhythm of sexual intercourse were worked out so as to form a basic pattern of
behaviour, which seems to most human beings to be of remotest antiquity, although this
is not the case. Physical love-making, therefore, because it is a method of acheiving
unity between the beings of nature, who are kept from that unity by the physical body,
gradually came to be associated with sexual union as its termination. This does not
refer specifically to a certain spontaneous sexual play, ending in intercourse. Rather,
for the Jupiterians, sexual love, which was the only form of physical love, and to our
knowledge the only form which has developed on the planet of the Earth, was the
conclusion of a long and very luxurious sensual participation by the two love rs, who
differed more in terms of spiritual growth than in terms of physical accidents of being
either young or old, male and female. These distinctions did not exist on Jupiter, nor
can they be found to have developed on the Earth at this time, which was before the
separation of the sexes, according to the occult traditions about our planet. However,
the basis of physical love was well expressed in the interrelationship between the more
highly evolved of the beings and the less highly evolved, such that they each entered
into a harmony together, which had as its result the release of sexual energy, through
orgasmic experience. This sexual experience was to be associated with reproduction and
its cycle which begins with mating--- for reasons of economy--- by the directors of the
evolution of the Earth; but on Jupiter, physical love was quite apart from anything
relating to reproduction, and therefore, it serves as a better image for study than
physical love on the Earth. Reproduction was carried out by means of certain magnetic
acts, whereby an essence of a certain magnitude was created by magical methods (such as
for example a body created from the magnitude of .7500, which is the normal Jupiterian
magnitude, and given certain magical powers, whereby it became an essence (since here,
an essence is a body with magical powers) and then this physical object (although not
physical in any Earthly sense, certainly) was given a spiritual and mental, on the one
hand, and an emotional (or romantic) and physical force of being, whereby it became a
new being. These beings would then create others, should such be desired. However, the
entire process was 'Magical and even the sexual atmosphere cannot be said to be similar
to the human, because it is so different from the Earthly sexual notion, although much
more ancient.

Great centers of force developed this way, also, so that cities were alive and
very sexually active and indeed the capital of the kingdom of physical love (Jupiter)
was Itself a living being, engaged in various sexual actions, all of which were
'necessary for the vitality of the system of Jupiterian reality. The capital, or the
Heart was itself the fullest expression of physical love, and it established itself as
the director of all forms of love making, for not only did it possess all of the bodies
necessary to exhaust all of the types from .7500 to .8025, but it developed love making
techniques, which went far beyond any methods which had been developed anywhere else in
the universe, up to that time. of course the precise details will remain for the more
advanced work, but it is safe to say that perfection in sexual technique carried with
it the implication of perfection of culture and also the refinement of perfection,
which is the essential meaning of spirituality. Various lovers, who dedicated
themselves to the capital came and went constituting the history of physical love.
About the time of the 89th lover,---whichwe might term the 89th dynasty of Jupiter,
there developed the method of holding lavish fetes in honour of the history of the
kingdom and also in honour of the many visitors, who came from other systems of
experience to learn from the Jupiterians. The ruling state of consciousness of the 89th
lover, which was his 243rd state of consciousness, and therefore a practioner of
esoteric love, decided to show forth the glory of Jupiter by means of a very courtly
drama, not unlike the masques of the early baroque period in English and French history
on the planet Earth. Glorious costumes were worn and the festivals continued for days,
such that all visitors were seduced, or persuaded to adopt the ideals of Jupiterian
culture to their own specifications, and this was how the methods of courtly love were
actually brought back to the Earth, to appear most strikingly in the middle ages in
Europe. However, the use of costumes, lavish sets, mythological theme, and wonderful
dances to very delightful music is fantastically ancient and refers not to anything new
or specially a part of the Earth's history. However, one of the most interesting points
of understanding is the fact that the methods of drama and art which were used to
provide a setting for physical love in the past history of the planet Earth had their
origin beyond our planet.

The changing of dynasties and states of consciousness in the capital of the Kingdom of
physical love is such a complicated history, that we cannot discuss it now. However,
it is important to note the following conclusions, which might prove helpful.

I. There have been 2S6 dynasties of the Kingdom of Physical Love.

II. Each dynasty had 256 states of consciousness, or "rules".

III. Physical love in its most primitive form was an art or cultural refinement.

IV. Physical love was the union of the more developed with the less developed.

In order to give you an example of the form used in the Kingdom of physical Love, I am
enclosing a magical symbol, which is to be used to invoke the essences of physical
love, and which can be very helpful, when used with the hymn.

Let love come forth, and pour his blessings upon our world, so sick and so alone, so
empty and in need of his presence.
Let love come forth, the ever blessed and playful child of heaven, come and play with
our hearts, that they may become as thine.
Let love come forth;
Let love show forth his bliss,
Let love come forth.

Our love to you always,

M. Aquarius and Racine V.


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