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Copyright 1969 Monastery of the Seven Rays, Quito, Ecuador All rights reserved

Monastery of the Seven Rays

The Monastery of the Seven Rays

The Last Temple of the Outer Court,
Student II. Degree (Occult Physics A.)
"Astral Magnetism IV."



The world of romantic love, which is symbolised by the planet Mars, is

essentially a world of emotional idealism, which has its capital in the throat, since
romanticism depends upon the communications of the voice. This world of magnetism is so
essentially idealistic that it is impossible to ever destroy the utter romance of life,
as the Martian culture understands it. The Martian culture 'Is based entirely upon
poetic form, which is the method whereby all of the decrees of the rulers,-that is to
say the committee of the sacred eight, are expressed and proclaimed to the people of
the Martian system of cities and states. The sacred eight are in reality great beings
of a highly metaphysical character, and they are, themselves perhaps more related to
angels than to human beings. These beings, when seen clairvoyantly appear to be
completely fields of a certain blue and rose light, and it is these colours, blue and
rose, which are associated most with romance.

The people of Mars are really quite close to the human race in every characteristic.
They have bodies which are identical with the bone and muscle structure of the human
male and female. Sexual reproduction is by the conventionally known methods on Earth,
and love is seen as primarily a matter of art and creativity, and therefore it is not
related to sexual behaviour, unlike the Jupiterian form of love, which was essentially
physical. There are two racial types on Mars, and these types are distinguished by
their skin colour. One type is rose in colour, and the other is a soft blue. Both types
have black hair and black eyes, and really no other form of colouration is known on
Mars. The rose coloured Martians are called "Arietian", for their race is descended
from the symbolic union of Mars with the constellation of Aries. The blue skinned
Martians are called "Scorpioni" for they derived their ancestry from the conjunction of
Mars with the constellation of Scorpio. It is important to understand that we are not
talking about the physical planets and constellations, at this time, however, because
we are in the upper world of spiritual intuition, which has a much higher magnetism
than any physical planet, which would be at .0000.

The angelic rulers of Mars have encouraged the intermarriage of the two races so
that it is quite easy to find persons of a delicate rose purple, blue-violet, soft
purple, and pale violet, as well as countless shades of heliotrope and fuchsia among
the general population. The angelic rulers belong to another race from another sphere,
for they have come from Vulcanus, and thus they do not partake of the normal Martian
life. It is helpful, here, to note that the ruling class on Jupiter has shown the
racial characteristics of the rose and blue Martian types, although the ruler of the
city of the Heart on Jupiter is a pure Jupiterian system of consciousness, created
according to the magical method, and not being too easily recognisable except through
the most abstract of terms.

The two races have always lived in harmony, and have made individual
contributions to the culture of the planetary world. The blue race is noted for its
sense of art in painting, and all of the master works of painting in light, and
especially the invention of the wonderful "bluegold light", are due to the blue race.
The rose race is the master of poetic form and music, or the harmony of motion and
therefore the astral forms of music are the creative efforts of the rose race. The two
races are very complementary to each other and within a few years the Martian
population will be of mixed racial type.

Concerning the mastery of the "blue gold light" it is important for us to observe
that this is a very remarkable method for capturing and holding light according to the
use of certain types of gold and blue tints. Thus, by a certain magical mixture, it was
possible for the bluerace artists to represent not only the colours of the gold-uranium
sphere, but also to influence their painting by means of the infusion of that same
magnetism. Therefore, the painting was more alive and much more powerful as an
instrument of healing than ordinarily would be possible. This method was carried to an
absolute refinement, whereby flowers from the Vulcanus sphere (about which we will
learn shortly) could be represented in terms of light, and thus bring down to the .8026
level of magnetism the healing powers of a much higher level, namely that of Vulcanus.
The use of the "blue-gold light" is perhaps one of the most important features of the
artistic world of Mars, for there all magical work depends upon the viewpoint of the
artist and the perspective of colour. Colour is defined by them as being the "fixation
of light". This seems to be an excellent definition, for it means that by the capturing
and holding of light, the astral world of gold-uranium magnetics is built up in its
representational and symbolical form. All colours draw their being from gold, that is
from the blue-gold light, and even such colours as red have no being, no reality, no
existence in the astral apart from this reference to the bluegold light, which is the
source of being for the world of colours. The Scorpioni seem, therefore, to have
mastered not only art but also the theory of artistic perception, or aesthetic, and to
have revealed to the universe the power of painting as a special branch of experimental
and occult physics.

Romantic love must be based upon the perception of the beautiful, and hence the
two Martian races make a wonderful contribution to cosmic culture. For to perceive the
beautiful in colours and to hear it is words and musical notes is truly to experience
the revelation of the divine in the world of creatures. Martian symbolism is therefore
one of the creation and seeking after the beautiful. It is essentially a life of
exploration, whereby that which is real and magical is made universally recognizable.
For this reason the Earthly Byzantine culture is said to be derived from the Martian.

Romantic poetics is the cultural form for the Arietian Martians. This means the
use of the words of their symbolical language in a very precise and magical form. They
do not feel that it is enough to creative a pleasing sound or verbal image, rather a
force of an almost magical nature must be created in order to provide the formal
balance to the sense of power caused by the Martian paintings. Therefore, we have the
two elements combined in a wonderful mixture of magical force, for we have both the
material principle of colour and the formal principle of words in harmony. This means
that we have another type of magical substance in existence which is built up out of
both words and colours. This magical substance is the second type produced in the
gold-uranium world of magnetism, the first being that of the Jupiterian world. It is
quite important to realise that the magical forms, or words are more like formulae in a
mystical system of calculations, such that their beauty and existence is quite
independent of any interpretation which we might appear to attach to them or give them.
It is colour alone which gives the SENSE or the MEANING to our INTERPRETATIONS. This
means that colour plus form equals the second type of magical substance.

The first type of magical substance is created by magical experience. such as the
sexo-magical use of essences and magically induced spiritual, mental, emotional and
physical forces of being, which together form a unity. This is possible by means of the
creation of a field of force through fire, air, water, and magical oils, whereby an
essence is invoked to occupy a certain magical confinement. The second type of magical
substance is created by artistic experience, whereby words and colours, or symbols and
captured light are linked together to form a new being.

The following is an example of Martian poetry, and with it we are giving you the
magical symbol of this level of magnetism. As you think about them in your mind, you
might be able to combine the elements of both so as to form a new being, if you can do
this, and when you do we will give you an extra force of power, you will be inside the
method of the Martian magicians and perhaps other things will also be taught to you by
them, from within their own esoteric sphere.

There is the radiance of the light, which flows through all forces of life.
There is the ever rising power of will, creating and overcoming all ruin.
May my will be strong to overcome all limits, for my will must, it is divine.
Mighty will of power and fire, may it rise, all triumphs celebrated in my love's arms.

our love always,

M. Aquarius and Racine VI.



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