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Division by Zero

Okay, so we are familiar with the process of division.




But do we know what happens when a number is divided by zero? Let’s find
out with a story.

Upon receiving an anonymous tip, Anwar, Kailash, Dillip, Prakash & Sahil; a
group of 5 treasure hunters went on to unearth hidden treasures near Alwar Fort.
Before searching for the treasure, they made a pact that the treasures found will
be equally distributed among them. Therefore, they brought an old man from
their village to oversee the rightful distribution. They started digging the soil
really hard. 5 Days had passed by now but there was no sign of success. On the
6th day, just when they were about to give up the searching, Anwar heard a
sound of his shovel hitting a metal. Soon, everyone gathered around and started
to dig the soil beneath it out and thus unearthed a tiny, brown box from the soil.
On breaking the lock of the box, they discovered 15 emerald diamonds inside
the box which were glowing so bright that it made them see black spots for few
minutes. They all burst with joy as they were now the owners of 15/5 or 3
diamonds each. On returning, Anwar accused Sahil of not working too hard
during the exploration and told everyone that he doesn’t deserve the share of
diamonds. Hearing this, Sahil lost his temper and attacked Anwar with his
shovel and killed him on spot. This act of aggression didn’t go well with
Prakash who was the tallest and oldest in the group. So he pushed Sahil off the
cliff of the mountain they were trailing back. As two of them were already dead,
Prakash, Dillip and Kailash decided to distribute the 15 emeralds equally, so
everyone would get 15/3 or 5 diamonds each. While trailing through the sharp,
tall cliff, Prakash lost his balance and slipped off but hung by the rocks with one
hand. As Kailash was his best friend, he jumped to save him, but both fell off in
a tragedy. Seeing this, Dillip’s happiness saw no limits as he was going to have
all the 15 diamonds to himself. He and the old man chose to carefully walk
through the cliff and managed to cross the cliff road alive. He asked the old man
to hand him over all the diamonds as nobody else was alive to have them. The
old man agreed and gave it to him. Kailash was so ecstatic that he couldn’t
resist kissing the diamonds in excitement but little did he know that the
diamonds were coated with poison by the ancient king who hid it there.
Therefore, Kailsh died instantly on the road. Now, the old man didn’t know how
to distribute the diamonds equally among the treasure hunters as they were no
treasure hunters. It didn’t make sense. Therefore, he declared the distribution
undefined and took away all the diamonds himself.

Therefore, any number divided by zero remains undefined.

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