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PRé Consultants and its partners

• Important contributions to LCA methodology since 1990
• Eco-indicator 95/99
27-29 March 2019 • Sustainable consumption, Input output, product services etc.
• The worlds most widely used LCA software SimaPro
• Approx 10.000 processes available

Tutorial to SimaPro
• Multiple impact assessment methods
• Participate in many networks; strength through sharing

LCA Software Partners Users

Jessica Hanafi, Ph.D

Tutorial to SimaPro - LCA Software


The SimaPro Core

SimaPro Structure

• Databases

• Libraries

• Processes, and

• Product stages

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What is SimaPro actually Structure of SimaPro Database

• Software program

• Managing of data

• Storing of data

• Making calculations

• Check the reliability

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Ecoinvent BUWAL …

SimaPro Libraries SimaPro Libraries (Cont’d)

1. Data libraries 2. Method library
• 16 different data libraries within SimaPro • 33 different impact assessment methods within SimaPro
• 2 types:
Ø 14 Based on physical values: ex, the use of 1kg of paper North
European Single Issue Water Footprint
Ø 2 Based on financial values: ex, the use of 1$ of paper American
ü CML-IA baseline ü BEES + ü Cumulative Energy Demand ü AWARE
Physical Values Financial Values ü CML-IA non-baseline ü TRACI 2.1 ü Cumulative Exergy Demand ü Berger et al 2014 (Water Scarcity)
ü Ecological scarcity 2013 ü Ecosystem Damage Potential ü Boulay et al 2011 (Human Health)
• Agri footprint – economic allocation • EU & DK Input Output Database
• Agri footprint – gross energy allocation • Swiss Input Output Database ü EDIP 2003 ü Greenhouse Gas Protocol ü Boulay et al 2011 (Water Scarcity)
• Agri footprint – mass allocation • Others are available, such as Exiobase or the Social ü EPD (2013) ü IPCC 2013 GWP 100a ü Ecological Scarcity 2006 (Water
• Ecoinvent 3 – allocation, default – system Hotspots Database ü EPS 2015d ü IPCC 2013 GWP 20a Scarcity)
• Ecoinvent 3 – allocation, default – unit ü EPS 2015dx ü Selected LCI results ü Hoekstra et al 2012 (Water Scarcity)
• Ecoinvent 3 – allocation, recycled content – system ü ILCD 2011 Midpoint+ ü Selected LCI results, additional ü Motoshita et al 2010 (Human Health)
• Ecoinvent 3 – allocation, recycled content – unit ü Impact 2002+ ü USEtox (consensus only) ü Pfister et al 2009 (Eco-indicator 99)
• Ecoinvent 3 – consequential – system ü ReCiPe Endpoint ü USEtox (recommended + interim) ü Pfister et al 2009 (Water Scarcity)
• Ecoinvent 3 – consequential – unit
ü ReCiPe Midpoint ü Pfister et al 2010 (ReCiPe)
• LCA Food DK
• Industry data 2.0
• Methods

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SimaPro Organization

Organized based on LCA

SimaPro modelling features
About basic modelling

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Building blocks of your product stages Building blocks of your product stages
Build assemblies for each part of your product
Our libraries contain more than 72000 data sets to choose from or or life cycle stage
create your own processes

Easily pick or create Easily pick or create

processes and product processes and product
stages to start building stages to start building
your model your model


Visualisation – Network view

The network view makes

it easy to quickly identify SimaPro modelling features
the most relevant
impact causes in your Advanced modelling and efficiency

Simplify your work & save time with parameters Increase efficiency with parameters

Import parameter
Set parameters for different
sets or link values
from Excel
transport distances

Set parameters for

different material scenarios


Collect your data with SimaPro Collect

Stop going
Working with LCA and other stakeholders
back and forth
Data collection with Excel sheets and

Ensure the accuracy

and make data
collection insightful

Create, send & monitor surveys to collect data with Collect Standard templates available for your surveys


Calculate your results in SimaPro

Results can be
Working with LCA and other stakeholders presented in a table
Calculating & communicating LCA results or chart

For every step in

impact assessment

Share and interpret your results Sharing results to increase impact

• A SimaPro Multi-user license enables your entire team to work in a single database
simultaneously, even when working from different locations around the world.

• With SimaPro Share LCA practitioners can make their results accessible to a broad business
audience, providing valuable insights for the company sustainability adoption.

• SimaPro Collect enables to collect data via surveys and to monitor progress


Create hotspots and add choices for your stakeholders Easily create scenarios for your business users and assign
with Share users to your project

SimaPro Explorer: Open the project

Open a project

How to model
simple LCA with
SimaPro? Open the project:
‘Tutorial with Wood Example’

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SimaPro Explorer: Libraries SimaPro Explorer: Libraries (Cont’d)

Click on description


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SimaPro Explorer: Libraries (Cont’d) SimaPro Explorer: General data

General data
are not linked
Look at the libraries to a specific
project or library

Project data
Project data

Click on Substances

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SimaPro basic elements Tutorial with Wood Example

• Processes: • Product stages: • Assume you want to make an LCA of a simple wooden
Link with nature No link with nature shed to be used in a private garden.
• The shed is made of just two materials: wood and some
- Materials - Assemblies steel, for the nails and other metal parts.
- Processing (transformation) - Disassembles • No packaging.
- Disposal scenario • No maintenance or paint
- Use
• No windows
- Waste scenario - Reuse
• No doors
- Waste treatment - Life cycle
• No heating or lighting.

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Process to build the simple wooden shed

Lesson A:
Production Process
1. Production process

• Process 1: Felling the tree

• Process 2: Saw mill (‘Planks’)

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Life Cycle Inventory Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering process 1: felling the tree Entering process 1: felling the tree
• Use the following data:
– About 1.25 tons of wood is felled to produce
Step 1: Select Processes
a tree trunk of 1 ton, the rest (branches and
tops) is left in the forest.
Step 2: Select Wood
– Assumption: no emissions produce, as they
are part of the natural processes in the
forest. Step 3: Click New
In a full LCA, this assumption should of course be better analyzed.

– We use a chainsaw for felling the trees. The

chainsaw data provided in the example is
specified as impact per hour.
– Production rate of 25 tons of wood per hour
(for 1.25 tons = 3 minutes of chainsaw use).

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering process outputs Entering inputs: known inputs from nature (resources) - list of
Step 1: Click the grey field to add new line Step 2: Enter output amount Step 3: Select unit the resources that are directly taken from natural resources.
Step 1: Click the grey field Step 3: Select Wood by
Step 2: Double-click Step 4: Click Select
to create a new line typing w and o

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering inputs from other processes, in this case the chainsaw Entering Emissions and Other Outputs. The procedure to specify the waste is the same
as in the case of the resources. In this project, 250 kg of wood is left in the forest as
Step 1:
Step 2: Expand
Step 3: Select Step 4: Select Step 5: Click
Step 6: Enter “wood waste”.
the processing amount: 3
Double-click Wood Chain sawing Select Step 2: Select Wood waste and
category minutes Step 1: Double-click Step 3: Specify amount
click Select

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Result of modelling (Click the network button ) Documenting a Process

Display of Single
Show flows in
scores; please try
line thickness
other settings

Contribution shown Zoom in or

Cumulative in cumulative mode out
contribution to
the total load

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Life Cycle Inventory Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering process 2: Sawmill (‘planks’) Entering process 2: Sawmill (‘planks’)
• This process will convert the 1 ton felled trees into three products: Step 5: Add the
Felled tree process
1. Planks, 50% of the output Hint: click the Step 1: Create 3 Step 2: Step 3: Enter under inputs from
Step 4: Select
2. Sawdust, 40% of the output grey field to lines and type Enter allocation
waste type
create a line output names amounts percentages (materials/fuels)
3. Bark, 10% of the output
• 250 kg wood is used within the sawmill process to dry the wood, will
result in some emissions to air.
• Furthermore, we will enter the transport needed between the place of
felling and the sawmill.
• As in the case of the chainsaw, we will link to an existing process
describing the environmental load of a truck.
• Finally, we will enter the electricity used in the sawmill, also using a
predefined process record describing the electricity production.

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering Process 2: Sawmill (‘planks’). Energy and transport are added in the same Entering Process 2: Sawmill (‘planks’). Enter the following emission to air: 450 kg
way as the Felled tree. Assume a transport distance of 200 km between the forest and Carbon dioxide; 2.9 kg Carbon monoxide; 500 g Nitrogen dioxide; 540 g Particulates, <10
the sawmill. For transport, assume that a 16-32 ton lorry is used. μm; 100 g Sulphur dioxide.
Step 3: Select lorry 16-32
Step 1: Double-click Step 2: Expand Transport, the Road and select Market metric ton, EURO4

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Inspect the tree again by clicking the network button
This is the process you created previously Cut-off percentage Zoom level
Lesson C:
Complete product life cycle

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering a Complete Product Life Cycle: The assembly product stage Entering a Complete Product Life Cycle: The assembly product stage
Step 1: Click Product Step 2: Select Others under Step 3: Select New to Step 4: Enter the (Entering the Link to planks)
stages Assembly get an empty assembly name Step 5: Double-click
Step 6: Select Wood under Step 7: Select Step 8: Click
under Materials/-
Assemblies Materials Planks Select

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

Entering a Complete Product Life Cycle: The assembly product stage Inspecting the results: assembly stage
(finalizing) This time Network This is the Planks process you created; Switch between cumulative Show indicator in Adjust
Step 9: Enter the amount of Step 10: Enter the amount of Step 11: Enter the transport is used the felling of the tree is below the cut-off and normal view line width cut-off
planks steel for nails and metal parts distance between shop and user

Save and close the assembly, then inspect the tree again by clicking the network button.

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Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d) Life Cycle Inventory (Cont’d)

The product life cycle: created in the same way as an assembly Inspecting the results: life cycle stage
Step 1: Step 2: Click under Assembly and link to the assembly Step 3: Click under Waste/Disposal scenario Green indicates a small positive effect (negative
Assembly Life cycle Adjust cut-off to approx. 1.6%
Type name Simple shed; enter 1p (one piece) as amount and select Waste scenario for shed impact) from the gas collected at the landfill

Save and close, then inspect the tree again by clicking the network button.

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Life Cycle Impact Assessment

LCIA Results: quickly obtain the impact assessment results by
simply clicking the impact assessment tab
Lesson D:
Analyzing some of the results Select Impact assessment tab
Tip: click a column for further specifications
and click Characterization

Currently selected method

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Life Cycle Impact Assessment Life Cycle Impact Assessment

LCIA Results: Inspecting the details. Get the specific results of the process LCIA Results: Contribution Analysis - Process contribution. Select your life
you selected in the tree or network by clicking Show Detail button. cycle and click the analyze button (show chart button – step 2).
Choose Impact Assessment, Inventory LCI expressed as Step 1: Select Process contribution Step 2: Click the Show chart button Step 3: Adjust the cut-off
Selected process Show detail button Visible area
or another view indicator points

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Life Cycle Impact Assessment Life Cycle Impact Assessment

LCIA Results: Contribution Analysis – Analysis of Groups. In the Network tab you can LCIA Results: Contribution Analysis – Analysis of Groups. Creation of two other groups:
define groups of processes from which you want to see the contribution to the Electricity and Waste treatment.
environmental load.
Step 1: Select the Show
analysis groups button

Step 3: Select the two

transport processes
(while cursor has the
shape of a +)

Step 2: Click Add

and define a new
group (in this case

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Life Cycle Impact Assessment

Thank You
LCIA Results: Contribution Analysis – Analysis of Groups. Impact assessment per

Visit our website to learn more about SimaPro

Select Standard or Group specification

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