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Psychoanalysis in Annihilation Film

Defense Mechanism
an often unconscious mental process (as repression, projection, or sublimation) that makes possible
compromise solutions to personal problems

Lenna in Annihilation film has a making love with her husband before the accident that her husband
get a hurt until in a coma. She think about that because she know about her job as a soldier to take
mission to go to region x to fix the shimmer so as her imagination would be fantasy with her desire
to fix her anxiety. Lenna get a regression to be quiet about her job
- Fear of Abandonment – Its mean Lenna cannot keep her desire because she don’t want her husband
go on. Lenna worry about her situation inwhich she want to fix shimmer in region x without her
husband who is her mood booster.
Lena remember about her husband When Lena making love with her friend in her house. Lenna
having an affair with her friend to fix her anxiety about her husband
The ending from this film, Lenna meet her husband who still alive.










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