Literary Work Narrative Text

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Name: Meilisa Chrisanti (F1021171032)

Class: A2+ (6th Semester-Reg. A)

Subject: Literary Work.

1st Video Narrative Text:

There was once lived two girls who were bestfriends. The red-haired girl name was Ruby and the blond
one was Emily. Ruby and Emily were really close, even people mistaken them as sisters sometimes. They
were always together everyday, where there's Ruby, there's also Emily. Ruby and Emily was known for
their talent in sewing dresses and skirts. Their sewings were neat and pretty. Ruby was good in making
girls dresses with colorful floral pattern while Emily was good in making skirts with beautiful stripes.

One night, a man with strange suit, a fedora and a black suitcase came to Ruby's house. There were also
Emily there when he came, so he made his way to where they standing and start talking. "I heard that
you both are good in making clothes" He said. "Yes, sir. I think you heard the information right" Answers
Emily. "What brings you here, sir?" Ruby continued. The man smiled. "I want to make a gown to my
beautiful fiancee, we're going to get married in a few days. But I'm confused about the design. I want
the gown to have a pretty floral pattern, but I also want a gown with minimalist stripes. Can you both
make each gown and then let me decide which is better?". Emily and Ruby looked at each other. "Sure,
sir. When will you come back to decide?" Asked Emily. "In three days, so I want you to make it as fast
and as pretty as possible. I will pay you with good money if it turns out to be what I want". Then, the
man disappear into the night.

Ruby was known for her skilled and fast hand when she sew. While Emily on the other hand was known
for her patient and the love she pour to her sew when she work. Of course this was an advantage for
Ruby. She was fast and good at this, if she won, she'll be given the good money from the man. But she
need to be fast, so she start working that night non stop, without sleep, without eating any food. Emily
starts doing her sewing too, but she takes her time not to rush because she believe that a good sewing
are the results of patients and sincerity. On the night before the man came to take his order, Ruby was
exhausted from her work. She didn't sleep for 48 hours , she eats only bread and she didn't have the
energy to get up. Her work was only half done.

The next day, the man came to the town with her fiancee. She was so excited about choosing the gown
that she was going to wear on her wedding day. Emily came to them with a beautiful white and purple
stripes gown. The fiancee's eyes lits up when she saw Emily's gown. And then they wait for Ruby to
came, but she was not coming even after they wait for 1 hour. "I think she overlept" Said the man. But
not long after Ruby came with her unfinished gown. "I'm so sorry" She said regretfully. The man forgave
her, and of course the fiancee chooses Emily's gown because it's really beautiful and neat. Emily looked
at her bestfriend and said, "Its okay, Ruby, but next time remember that being fast is not good enough.
You need to be patient and don't be greedy because it's makes you forget how important it is to put our
love and feelings to our work to make it even more valuable". The moral value that we can take from
the story are that we shouldn't be greedy and don't be arrogant with what we have that others don't

2nd Video Narrative Text:

In a town full of farmers, there lived a boy named Alan. He was a son of a really good farmer named Mr.
Johansson. Today was Alan's 20th birthday and he once made a promise with his father, "I'm going to
leave this house, then build my own and of course a corn field of my own when I turn 20". Mr Johansson
really wanted his son to be an independent person, so he ask his son about the promise he made. "Are
you going to fulfil the promise that once you made when you were 18?". Alan looked at his father,
confused "I never made any promise with you". " But you said that you are going to leave this house
when you were 20, now that you turn 20 today I guess you were ready to do that". Alan was angry
because his father seems to not like his presence in their house anymore, "Listen father, I never made
such promise and besides I fell in love with this girl in this town, so I don't think I could leave this house
in any moment now".

Mr. Johansson was dissapointed and furious at the same time, so he packed up his son belongings and
kicked him out of his house. "Once you made a promise as man, you need to fulfil your promise as a
man too" Said His Father as he slams the door behind him. Alan had no choice so he just went to the
woods, wandering the path that leds to a small hut. There he packs his stuff and went out to find dry
branches as firewoods and he stayed there for a while. After 3 months of being kicked out from his
father's house, Alan managed to build a small cottage. It was a brizzy autumn day. Everyone was busy
stocking their foods from the farm harvest like corn, potato and wheat. Mr. Johansson gave Alan some
of the corn and potato seeds for him to grow but he didn't plant anything in the summer, instead all he
was doing was courting the girl he fell in love with all summer!

When the fall season came, he was busy planting the seeds his father gave. Of course he knew, it was no
use. Seeds didn't grow in the autumn. It was too late for him to realize how much time that he wasted
and now he regretted everything. He has no foodstocks for the entire winter. "If only I listen to my
father" He said to himself. "I want to apologize and ask father for help, I can't survive this winter without
any food". So he packed all his stuff and went to the town, to his father's house. It was the end of the fall
season now. The winter is approaching and snow starts to cover the dirt path that leds to his father's
house. The cold air feels like a knive stabbed into his empty stomach. He felt so cold and hungry. He
couldn't walk anymore. He fell to the ground before he even knocks at his father's door.

THUD. Mr. Johansson gets up from his fireplace when he wants to fire up the chimney when he heard a
loud thud at his door. He went to the door and found his dearly son laying on the ground. He was
surprised then helps Alan gets in. He gave him a warm blanket and a bowl of warm soup so he can warm
himself after almost freezing to death outside. "I'm so sorry, Father", Alan sobs at his father, " I should
have listen to you and I should be ready at the consequences when I made such big promise. Instead I
was playing around and now I feel pathetic because I didn't plant any food and prepare for winter ". His
father gave him a sad smile and said " Now you learn a good lesson, my son. Don't be a person you used
to be, you are an adult and you know your responsibility ". Alan smiled at his father, " Now I promise
you that, I meant it this time, I won't let you down". And then they hug each other in a warmest hug a
father and a son could gave. Moral of the story that we can learn are we need to fulfil the promise that
we made and never forget our responsibility .

3rd Video Narrative Text:

Once upon a time there lived 3 sisters named Jane, Rose, and Mary. Their parents were already passed
away due to the black death that was once a deathly plague roamed in their town. But now the plague
was already gone and the sickness disappear, they three live in peace in their own small hut. One day, a
man came searching for a bride for him. He fell in love as soon as he laid his eyes on Jane, the older
sister. Jane then went with his husband, leaving her 2 other sisters behind. But before they left, she said
to both of her sister, "if you need anything you know where to find me".

2 years passed since Jane left, now Rose, the second sister, felt that their food are running out due to
the pest that they can't grow anything anymore in their land. " I need to work with someone, I know this
wealthy family that really needs assistant in their household", said Rose sadly to her youngest sister,
Mary, "Please stay here while I'm away. I won't be long, we still have food stocks, I want you to use
them wisely. Don't waste food. Remember don't go anywhere. I will be back in a few weeks." Then the
only one left now is Mary.

Mary can live only by eating bread and milk that wasn't much left by her sisters. Now after 3 weeks, she
ran out of food. Nothing left but an empty jar of jam. She can't make it past this week. She needs to find
help, so she decided to go after Rose to the town. That night, a hurricane came destroying their hut.
Mary was so devastated. She didn't know what to do now, her home now is gone. No food, no place to
live. She was desperate and crying her eyes out. Not long after that, Rose came and found that their
house is no longer there. She picks her sisters up and calm her down. "Now now, don't worry my dear
sister, I have enough money and I know where we should go". Mary and Rose then went to the town,
they pay for the train to go to their sister Jane.

When they arrived at their sister's house, Jane was so surprised when she saw the state that her sisters
are in right now. "What happened?" Jane asked. "Our hut was destroyed, no food left, and our land was
full of pests that we can't grow any food" Said Mary. Jane hug her two sisters, "You know you are always
welcome here. I and my husband would be so glad". The three smiles happily knowing that they have
each others back and they have a really good sisters who will always there to help. The moral of this
story are that we should never forget that we should always help the people around us and always love
each other no matter what they had been through.

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