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1. Widening of cartilaginous part of external auditory canal?

A. Otoplasty

B. Myringoplasty

C. Tympanoplasty

D. Meatoplasty

Ans. D. Meatoplasty

2. Image pushing tonsil, fever, dysphagia ?

A. Peritonsillar abscess

B. parapharyngeal abscess

C. Retropharyngeal abscess


Ans. A. Peritonsillar abscess

3. Blue purplish colour behind mastoid?

A. Battle sign

B. Bezold abscess

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Battle sign

4. Tubercular otitis media is characterized by all except:

A. Painful otorrhea

B. Multiple perforations

C. Pale granulations

D. Foul smelling ear discharge

Ans. A. Painful otorrhea

5. Steeple sign on X- ray:

A. ?

B. Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. B. Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis

6. Occipito- mental X-ray view of paranasal sinuses with open mouth?

A. Atrophic rhinitis

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Atrophic rhinitis

7. Partial and full closure done in ?

A. Atrophic rhinitis
B. Allergic rhinitis

C. Vasomotor rhinitis

D. Occupational rhinitis

Ans. A. Atrophic rhinitis

8. Stimulation of external auditory canal leads to cough due to which nerve?

A. Auricular branch Vagus

B. Greater auricular nerve

C. Auriculotemporal nerve

D. Facial nerve

Ans. A. Auricular branch Vagus

9. Not a surgical landmark for parotid surgery?

A. Inferior belly of omohyoid

B. Tragal pointer

C. Digastric posterior belly

D. Dissecting from peripheral branches

Ans. A. Inferior belly of omohyoid

10. Saccule develop from:

A. Saccus Anterior

B. Saccus medius

C. Pars Superior

D. Pars inferior

Ans. D. Pars inferior

1. All trans retinoic acid is used in the treatment of tumor associated with?






2. A 11 year old boy came with history of cough for 15 days. On examination he
was found to have cervical lymphadenopathy. Lymph node biopsy showed the
below finding. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnosis?

A. Leprosy

B. Sarcoidosis


D. Syphilis

Ans. C. TB

3. A 30 year old women came with complaints of easy fatigability, exertional

dyspnea and weight loss. She also complaints of frequent fall . Physical
examination revealed there was bilateral decreases in vibration sense. Her
hemoglobin levels were 8.2g%. She was treated with folate. Her anemia
improved but neurological symptoms worsened. Which of the following is the
most probable reason for her condition?

A. Folate not absorbed

B. Unmasked pyridoxine deficiency

C. Deficiency of folate reductase in CNS

D. Folate therapy caused use of B12 stores aggravating symptoms

Ans. D. Folate therapy caused use of B12 stores aggravating symptoms

4. A 25 year old man presents for a routine physical examination. The patient is
tall (6ft, 5in) and on examination he was found to have an early diastolic
murmur. His family pedigree is as given below. Which of the following is the
mode of inheritance by which the disease is likely to be transmitted?





Ans. A. AD

5. Meiosis or reduction division occurs in which of the following cells after birth?
A. Adrenal gland

B. Adult ovary

C. Prepubertal testis

D. Prostate

Ans. B. Adult ovary

6. Which of the following factors play a major role in initiation of thrombus


A. Vasoconstriction

B. Coagulation cascade activation

C. Platelets activation

D. Endothelial injury

Ans. D. Endothelial injury

7. 33 year old man presents with a 5 week history of calf pain and swelling and
low grade fever. Serum levels of creatine kinase are elevated. A muscle biopsy
reveals numerous eosinophils also she peripheral blood eosinophilia. Which of
the following interleukins is primarily responsible for the increase in eosinophils
in this patient?

A. IL2

B. IL4

C. IL1

D. IL6

Ans. B. IL4

8. Which of the following is the etiology of werner syndrome?

A. Telomerase lengthening

B. Lamin mutation

C. Lipid peroxidation

D. DNA helicase defect

Ans. D. DNA helicase defect

9. A 45 year old person who is a chronic smoker came to the clinic with
complaints of cough. The physician examines the patient and take a biopsy. The
picture in the biopsy was as the description below. Which of the following
cellular changes has happened in this patient?

A. Hyperplasia

B. Dysplasia

C. metaplasia

D. CIN 3

Ans. C. metaplasia

10. A 5 year old male child presented to the clinic with history of recurrent
infections. On examination the child had rashes as shown below. Routine blood
investigations revealed the patient had low platelets. Which of the following is
the probable diagnosis in the kid?
A. Job syndrome

B. Wiskott Aldrich syndrome

C. Henoch scholein purpura

D. ?

Ans. B. Wiskott Aldrich syndrome

11. Which of the following is the correct statement related to Huntington’s


A. It is a tri- nucleotide expansion mutation related disorder

B. There is loss of function type of mutation

C. There are abnormal repeats of CUG

D. Abnormality is seen due to mutation in Chromosome 6

Ans. A. It is a tri- nucleotide expansion mutation related disorder

12. Graft used from an identical twin is called as?

A. Xenograft

B. Allograft

C. Autograft

D. Isograft
Ans. D. Isograft

13. A patient admitted in the ICU was initiated on Warfarin treatment, which of
the clotting factor would be affected?

A. Factor 2

B. Factor 6

C. Factor 12

D. Factor 9

Ans. A. Factor 2

14. A 10 year old boy, presents with complaints of fatigue and abdominal pain
after playing football. On detailed history taking he also complaints of painful
swelling of digits in the past . On USG of abdomen he was found to have a small
spleen. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Acute pancreatitis

B. Sickle cell anemia

C. Iron deficiency anemia

D. ?

Ans. B. Sickle cell anemia

15. Why is CPD better than ACD for storage of blood?

A. Because it’s less acidic

B. Improves oxygen transport

C. Hypertonicity of blood

D. More citrate ions

Ans. B. Improves oxygen transport

16. A 25 year old male presented with a 2cm thyroid nodule. A thyroidectomy
was done. The histology picture is given below. What could be the diagnosis?

A. Papillary Carcinoma thyroid

B. Follicular adenoma

C. Graves disease

D. Adenomatous goitre

Ans. A. Papillary Carcinoma thyroid

17. A 30 year old came with complaints of thyroid swelling. On investigations

her TSH levels were found to be elevated. Post- operative HPE reports showed
lymphocytic infiltration and hurthle cells. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?

A. Graves disease

B. Follicular carcinoma

C. Hashimoto thyroiditis

D. Medullary carcinoma thyroid

Ans. C. Hashimoto thyroiditis

18. Loss of foot process is classical in case of?

A. Membranous glomerulonephritis

B. Minimal change disease

C. IgA nephropathy

D. Diabetic nephropathy

Ans. B. Minimal change disease

19. A 51 year old person came with complaints of hematuria to the clinic. On
examination he was normotensive and had pedal edema. Investigations
revealed the patient had no glycosuria and had a creatinine value of 9mg%.
Renal biopsy is as shown below. Which of the following investigations one
should do to identify the etiology of the disease?


B. Anti GBM Antibodies


D. Urine Immunoelectrophoresis

Ans. B. Anti GBM Antibodies

20. Which of the following disease will have bulky friable cardiac vegetations?

A. Libman Sachs endocarditis

B. Infective endocarditis

C. Rheumatic carditis

Ans. B. Infective endocarditis

21. Which of the following will be seen on cardiac biopsy of a patient who had
an post MI reperfusion injury?

A. Waviness of fibres

B. Eosniophilic contraction bands

C. Neutrophils in cardiac muscle

D. Swelling of cells

Ans. B. Eosniophilic contraction bands

22. A 20 year old presented with swelling in the wrist joint for 2 year duration.
HPE showed spindle shaped cells and Verocay bodies. Which of the following is
the diagnosis?

A. Neurofibroma

B. Schwannoma

C. Lipoma

D. Dermoid cyst
Ans. B. Schwannoma

23. A 35 year old heterosexual patient diagnosed with HIV history of chronic
watery diarrhea. Colonoscopic biopsy is shown as below. Which of the following
is your most probable diagnosis?

A. Giardia

B. Cryptosporidium

C. Microspora


Ans. B. Cryptosporidium
24. A 5 year old kid presented with history of blood in stools. On examination
there was a polypoidal mass in rectum, biopsy of which is shown as below. Your
most probable diagnosis?

A. Villous adenoma

B. Juvenile polyp

C. Vascular malformation

D. Serrated adenoma

Ans. B. Juvenile polyp

25. A 30 year old male came with complaints of swelling around the knee joint.
Histopathological examination of the swelling demonstrated many giant cells
interspersed with mono- nuclear cells. Your most probable diagnosis is?

A. Osteosarcoma

B. Chondrosarcoma

C. Ewings sarcoma

D. Giant cell tumour

Ans. D. Giant cell tumour

26. Which of the following is true about PAN?

A. Microscopy shows fibrinoid necrosis in large arteries

B. ANCA is positive
C. 30% people have HbsAg positive

D. Patient has hypogammaglobulinemia

Ans. D. Patient has hypogammaglobulinemia

27. A 40 year old person presented with 10X8 cm swelling in retroperitoneum,

biopsy form the lesion is as shown below. Molecular analysis demonstrated
t(12,16). Which of the following is your most probable diagnosis?

A. Myxoid liposarcoma

B. Lipoma

C. Synovial sarcoma

D. Pleomorphic sarcoma

Ans. A. Myxoid liposarcoma

28. 20 year old presented to the clinic with history of malabsorption diarrhea
and poor appetite. Vomiting, poor appetite. Duodenal Biopsy of the patient
showed crypt hyperplasia, villi atrophy, CD8+ cells in lamina propria. Your most
probable diagnosis is:

A. Environmental enteropathy

B. Celiac disease

C. Whipples disease
D. Chronic Pancreatitis

Ans. B. Celiac disease

29. A 40 year old women presented to the clinic with a 4 cm mass in the upper
outer quadrant. Biopsy from the mass showed densely packed cells with bland
nuclei and mucin infiltrating the stroma. Which of the following is your

A. Colloid carcinoma

B. Tabular carcinoma

C. Papillary carcinoma

D. Medullary carcinoma

Ans. A. Colloid carcinoma

30. A 35 year old woman with a long history of dyspnea, chronic cough, sputum
production, and wheezing dies of respiratory failure following a bout of lobar
pneumonia. She was not a smoker or alcoholic. The lung at autopsy is shown in
the image. Which of the following underlying conditions was most likely
associated with the pathologic changes shown here?

A. Mutation in dynein arms

B. Cystic fibrosis

C. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency

D. Antibodies against type 4 collagen

Ans. C. Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency

31. A 23 year old male presented to the clinical with history of fatigue and
tiredness. On investigation he was found to have Hb values of- 9gm%, MCV of
101 FL. Peripheral smear examination showed macrocytic RBC and
hypersegmented neutrophils. Which of the following is the most likely etiology?

A. Lead poisoning

B. Iron deficiency anemia

C. Chronic alcoholism

D. hemolytic anemia

Ans. C. Chronic alcoholism

32. Which of the following infection is common within 1- 4 months post



B. Herpes

C. Varicella


Ans. A. CMV
1. Identify the sleep wave marked in the EEG during sleep wake cycle:

A. Sleep stage 1

B. Sleep stage 2

C. Sleep stage 3

D. REM sleep

Ans. D. REM sleep

2. Identify the cells type marked in the cerebellum?

A. Basket cells

B. Granule cells

C. Golgi cells
D. Purkinje cells

Ans. D. Purkinje cells

3. In a pattern baby with Respiratory distress syndrome, which type of cell is


A. Type 1 alveolar cell

B. Type 2 alveolar cell

C. Alveolar capillary endothelial cells

D. Bronchial mucosal epithelial cell

Ans. B. Type 2 alveolar cell

4. A young man met with a motor bike accident and had injury to ileum and
jejunum. Therefore the entire ileum and partial jejunum was resected. Which of
the following would the patient suffer from?

A. Vitamin B12 deficiency

B. Constipation

C. Gastric ulcer

D. ?

Ans. A. Vitamin B12 deficiency

5. A 35 year old female was watching TV for long hours with hands under the
head. She complaints of tingling sensation over the arm. Which type of nerve
fibre is most likely to be affected?
A. A

B. B

C. C

D. Sympathetic

Ans. A

6. The reflex in which there is inhibition of gastric emptying when there is acid
and hypertonic solution in the duodenum?

A. Enterogastric
B. Gastrocolic

C. Gastroileal

D. Myenteric

Ans. A. Enterogastric

7. In multiple sclerosis, slow conduction of motor and sensory pathway is due


A. Defect in node of ranvier

B. Loss of myelin sheath

C. Leaking sodium channels

D. ?

Ans. B. Loss of myelin sheath

8. NO is synthesized from:

A. Tryptophan

B. L-citrulline

C. Lysine

D. L-arginine

Ans. D. L-arginine

9. Proteoglycan present in glomerular basement membrane:

A. Keratan sulphate 1

B. Kertan sulphate 2

C. Heparan sulphate

D. Chondroitin sulphate
Ans. C. Heparan sulphate

10. Which of the following clotting factor in a patient on warfarin therapy,

would have decreased gamma carboxyglutamate residue?

A. Factor 2

B. Factor 11

C. Tissue factor

D. Factor 5

Ans. A. Factor 2

11. Water hammer pulse is seen in:

A. Aortic regurgitation

B. Mitral stenosis

C. Aortic stenosis

D. Left ventricular failure

Ans. A. Aortic regurgitation

12. A 65 year old lady presents with a vascular injury to the inferior frontal
gyrus. Which functional area would mostly be affected?

A. Visual
B. Auditory

C. Wernicke

D. Motor speech

Ans. D. Motor speech

13. A boy met with an motor bike accident. CT brain shows injury to posterior
end of superior temporal gyrus. He is likely to suffer from ?

A. Fluent aphasia

B. Nonfluent aphasia

C. Conduction aphasia


Ans. A. Fluent aphasia

14. The lab reports of a patient given below :

pH= 7.2

HCO3=10 mEq/L

PCO2=30 mmHg

This exemplifies which of the following disorder

A. Respiratory acidosis

B. Respiratory alkalosis

C. Metabolic acidosis

D. Metabolic alkalosis

Ans. C. Metabolic acidosis

15. A 55 year old male presents with tachypnea and mental confusion. Blood
glucose 350 mg/dl pH=7.0. What is the most likely acid base disorder ?

A. Metabolic alkalosis

B. Respiratory alkalosis

C. Metabolic acidosis

D. Respiratory acidosis

Ans. C. Metabolic acidosis

16. In which of the following conditions would the Cortisol level be highest?

A. Addisons disease

B. Normal person after giving dexamethasone

C. Normal person after wakening in morning


Ans. C. Normal person after wakening in morning

17. Blood stored in citrate – phosphate – dextrose is better for hypoxic patients,
than acid – citrate – dextrose because:

A. It has less P50

B. It is less acidic

C. The fall in 2,3 DBG is less

D. None of the above

Ans. C. The fall in 2,3 DBG is less

18. When VA/Q is infinity, it means

A. Dead space
B. The PO2 of alveolar air is 159 mmHg and PCO2 is 40 mmHg

C. Partial pressure of O2 and CO2 are equal

Ans. A. Dead space

19. C wave in JVP is due to:

A. Buldging of tricuspid valve during the isovolumetric contraction phase

B. Atrial systole

C. Passive filling of ventricles

D. Atrial relaxation

Ans. A. Buldging of tricuspid valve during the isovolumetric contraction phase

20. In a preterm baby with respiratory distress syndrome, which of the following
lipid would be deficient?

A. Sphingomyelin

B. Cardiolipin

C. Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline

D. None of the above

Ans. C. Dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline

21. Impaired function of aquaporin results in:

A. Nephrogenic

B. Liddle syndrome

C. Cystic fibrosis

D. Barter syndrome
Ans. A. Nephrogenic

22. Vitamin B12 is found in?

A. Animal products

B. Green leafy vegetables

C. Roots and tubers

D. Vegetarial diet

Ans. A. Animal products

23. A 50 year old man presents with paresthesia. Hb=6.8gms/dl. Peripheral

smear shows macrocytes and neutrophils with hypersegmented nuclei.
Endoscopy reveals atropic gastritis. Which of the following deficiency is more

A. Folate deficiency

B. Vitamin B12 deficiency

C. Riboflavin deficiency

D. Folate deficiency

Ans. B. Vitamin B12 deficiency

24. Transplantation between identical twins is:

A. Isograft

B. Allograft

C. Autograft

D. Xenograft

Ans. A. Isograft
25. A 42 year old patient presents with symptoms of premature aging and is
diagnosed as Werner syndrome. The most likely mechanism ?

A. Short telomere with damaged DNA and loss of helicase

B. Infreased length of telomere

C. Increased advanced glycation end products

D. Decreased lipid peroxidation

Ans. A. Short telomere with damaged DNA and loss of helicase

26. As per NCEP- ATP III, which is not included in metabolic symdrome :

A. Hypertriglyceridemia

B. High LDL

C. Central obesity

D. Hypertension

Ans. B. High LDL

27. Fertilization most commonly takes place at:

A. Infundibulum

B. Ampulla

C. Isthmus

D. Interstitium

Ans. B. Ampulla

28. Which of the following binds to Tyrosine kinase receptor?

B. Insulin



Ans. B. Insulin

29. Serum prolactin levels are highest?

A. REM sleep

B. 24 hrs after parturition

C. 1 hr after running

D. When Estrogens are high

Ans. B. 24 hrs after parturition

30. In human cells, meiosis takes place at:

A. Pre- pubertal testes

B. Adult ovary

C. Adrenal cortex

D. Posterior pituitary

Ans. B. Adult ovary

1. Drug acting via tyrosine kinase receptor is :

a. TRH

b. TSH

c. Insulin

d. MSH

Ans. c. Insulin

2. A patient on lithium therapy developed hypertension. He was started on

thiazides for hypertension. After few days, he developed coarse tremors and
other symptoms suggestive of lithium toxicity. Explain the likely mechanism of
this interaction?

A. Thiazide inhibits the metabolism of lithium

B. Thiazides act as an add on drug to lithium

C. Thiazides increase the tubular reabsorption of lithium

D. ?

Ans. C. Thiazides increase the tubular reabsorption of lithium

3. Mechanism of resistance to penicillins via beta lactamase is:

A. Altered penicillin binding proteins

B. Drug efflux

C. Breaks drug structure

D. Alteration in 50S ribosome structure

Ans. C. Breaks drug structure

4. A patient of biliary colic presented to hospital. Intern gave an injection and
the pain worsened. Which is the most likely injection given?

A. Morphine

B. Diclofenac

C. Nefopam

D. Etoricoxib

Ans. A. Morphine

5. Which of the following drugs act by inhibiting DNA replication?

A. 6 Mercaptopurine

B. Actinomycin D

C. Mitomycin C

D. Asparaginase

Ans. A. 6 Mercaptopurine

6. A female patient was on lithium therapy for bipolar disorder for 6 months.
She kept the fast for few days due to religious reasons and presented with
seizures, coarse tremors, confusion and weakness of limbs. Which of the
following should be done to diagnose her condition?

a. Serum Electrolytes

b. Serum lithium levels

c. ECG

d. MRI

Ans. b. Serum lithium levels

7. Which of the following drugs is used as nail lacquer for fungal infections
a. Fluconazole

b. ciclopirox

c. Itraconazole

d. Terbinafine

Ans. d. Terbinafine

8. Pegloticase is used for treatment of?

a. Ankylosing spondylosis


c. Chronic tophaceous gout

d. Refractory Rheumatoid arthritis

Ans. c. Chronic tophaceous gout

9. Which of the following is not a prokinetic?

A. 5HT4 agonist

b) D2 blocker

c) Macrolides

d) Diphenoxymethane

Ans. d) Diphenoxymethane

10. A female developed pain and insect crawling like sensation on legs at night
which is relieved by shaking her legs. Which of the following is drug of choice for
this condition?

a. Pramipexole

b. Gabapentin
c. Vit B12

d. Iron tablets

Ans. a. Pramipexole

11. Fluoroquinolone contraindicated in liver disease is?

a. Levofloxain

b. Pefloxacin

c. Ofloxacin

d. Lomefloxacin

Ans. b. Pefloxacin

12. At a high altitude of 3000 m, a person complains of breathlessnes. All of the

following can be used for management of this person except:

a. Intravenous digoxin

b. Oxygen supplementation

c. Immediate descent

d. Acetazolamide

Ans. a. Intravenous digoxin

13. True about non-competitive inhibition is?

a. Km remains same, Vmax decreases

b. Km increases, Vmax remains same

c. Km decreases, Vmax increases

d. Km increases, Vmax increases

Ans. a. Km remains same, Vmax decreases

14. Theophylline causes diuresis because of ?

a. PDE4 inhibition

b. Adenosine A1 receptor antagonism

c. Beta 2 agonism

d. PDE 3 inhibition

Ans. B. Adenosine A1 receptor antagonism

15. A patient with diabetes and COPD developed post operative urinary
retention. Which of the following drugs can be used for short term treatment to
relieve the symptoms of this person?

A. Bethanechol

B. Methacholine

C. Terazosin

D. Tamsulosin

Ans. A. Bethanechol

16. Drug of choice for invasive aspergillosis is

a. Posaconazole

b. Voriconazole

c. Liposomal AMB

d. Caspofungin

Ans. b. Voriconazole

17. Which of the following antihypertensive drug is avoided in patients with

high serum uric acid levels?

a. Hydrochlorthiazide
b. Enalapril

c. Prazosin

d. Atenolol

Ans. a. Hydrochlorthiazide

18. Which of the following drug acts by inhibiting the transcription of DNA to

a. Rifampicin

b. Nitrofurantoin

c. Ciprofloxacin

d. Novobiocin

Ans. a. Rifampicin

19. A patient was recently started on Fluphenazine. Few weeks later, he

developed tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia and excessive salivation. First line of
management for this patient is ?

a. Selegiline

B. Trihexyphenidyl

C. Pramipexole

D. Amantadine

Ans. B. Trihexyphenidyl

20. Which of the following antimicrobials should not be given to a chronic

asthmatic patient managed on theophylline therapy?

A. Erythromycin

B. Cefotaxime
C. Cotrimoxazole

D. Amoxicillin

Ans. A. Erythromycin

21. A person was given a muscle relaxant that competitively blocks nicotinic
receptors. Which of the following drug is used for reversal of muscle relaxation
after surgery?

a. Neostigmine

b. Carbachol

c. Succinylcholine

d. Physostigmine

Ans. a. Neostigmine

22. Anti-glaucoma drug that acts by increasing uveoscleral outlfow is :

a. Latanoprost

b. Timolol

c. Pilocarpine

d. Dorzolamide

Ans. a. Latanoprost

23. A patient diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis was on medications. After 2

years, he developed blurring of vision and was found to have corneal opacity.
Which drug is most likely to cause this?

a. Sulfasalazine

b. Chloroquine

c. Methotrexate
d. Leflunomide

Ans. b. Chloroquine

24. A boy is planning to travel by bus. Which of the following drug can be used
to prevent motion sickness in this person?

a. Promethazine

b. Cetrizine

c. Loratidine

d. Fexofenadine

Ans. a. Promethazine

25. Which of the following antiarrhythmic drug is contraindicated in a patient

with interstitial lung disease?

A. Amiodarone

B. Sotalol

C Quinidine

D. Lignocaine

Ans. A. Amiodarone0

26. Which of the following is a late inward sodium channel blocker?

A. Ivabradine

B. Ranolazine

C. Trimetazidine

D. Fasudil

Ans. B. Ranolazine
1. The upward extension of thyroid swelling is prevented by ________ which is
attached to thyroid cartilage?

A. Pretracheal fascia

B. Ligament of Berry

C. Thyrohyoid membrane

D. Sternothyroid

Ans. A. Pretracheal fascia

2. Nerve supply to levator scapulae muscle

A. Dorsail scapuilar

B. Suprascapuilar

C. From the dorsail rami of C1

D. Subscapuilar

Ans. A. Dorsail scapuilar

3. Identify the type of joint in the given picture (image showing costotransverse
joint between rib and vertebrae)?

A. Syndesmosis

B. Synarthrosis

C. Synoviail Joint

D. Symphysis

Ans. D. Symphysis

4. Meiosis occurs in?

A. Adrenal

B. Ovary

C. Prepubertal testis

D. Hypothalamus

Ans. B. Ovary

5. A patent presented with cilinicail features of ataxia, incoordinaton:

A. Posterior cerebrail
B. Middile cerebrail

C. Internail carotd

D. Superior cerebeililar

Ans. D. Superior cerebeililar

6. The reason for the long left recurrent laryngeal nerve is due to the
persistence of which arch artery?

A. 3rd arch

B. 4th arch

C. 5th arch

D. 2nd arch

Ans. B. 4th arch

7. A patent presented with the extension of the MCP joint and fexion of IP.
Which muscile is affected?

a. Extensor digitorum

b. Interossei and ilumbricails

c. ?

d. ?

Ans. B. Interossei and ilumbricails

8. Where is the highest oxygen concentration in fetal circulation?

a. SVC

b. IVC


Ans. B. IVC

9. Ligation of the common hepatic artery will impair blood supply in:

A. R gastric and R gastroepipiloic artery

B. R gastric and L gastric artery

C. R gastroepipiloic and short gastric vesseils

D. R gastric and short gastric vesseils

Ans. A. R gastric and R gastroepipiloic artery

10. A patient presented with weakness of the right side of the face with the loss
of pain and temperature. Pain and temperature sensation of the left leg is lost.
The lesion is most likely located at?

A. Mediail meduilila

B. Laterail pons

C. Mediail pons

D. Laterail meduilila

Ans. B. Laterail pons

11. Identify the cell marked in the histological image of the cerebellum shown
A. Purkinje cells

B. Basket cells

C. Golgi cells

D. Granular cells

Ans. A. Purkinje cells

12. Tumor of the uncinate process of pancreas affects which of the following

A. Superior mesenteric artery.

B. Portail vein

C. Common hepatc artery

D. Inferior mesenteric artery

Ans. A. Superior mesenteric artery

13. A man was brought to the emergency afer meetng with an accident and
injured his perineum. He gets an urge to micturate but is unabile to pass urine.
This is because of?

A. Peniile urethra rupture

B. Builbar urethra

C. Membranous urethra

D. Urinary biladder

Ans. B. Builbar urethra

14. Iililustraton showing histoilogy of cartilage. Identfy the type of cartilage:

A. Hyailine cartilage

B. Eilastc cartilage

C. Artcuilar cartilage

D. Fibrocartilage

Ans. B. Eilastc cartilage

15. Fertiliizaton occurs in which part of the faililopian tube?

A. Ampuilila

B. Isthmus

C. Intersttail

D. Infundibuilar

Ans. A. Ampuilila

16. Remnants of Wolffian ducts in a female are in

A. Pouch of Dougilas

B. Broad iligament

C. Uterovesicail pouch

D. Iiliac fossa
Ans. B. Broad iligament

17. Episiotomy posteriorly beyond perineal body injuring the structure

immediately posterior to it. which structure is injured?

A. Externail anail sphincter

B. Ischiocavernosus

C. Builbospongiosus

D. Urethrail sphincter

Ans. A. Externail anail sphincter

18. A woman with 18 weeks gestation presented to the OPD. On abdominal

examination, the uterine size was 16 weeks. On USG, oligohydramnios was
found, which of the following is suspected?

A. Renail agenesis

B. Fetail anemia



Ans. A. Renail agenesis

19. A child presented with evisceration of bowel loops coming out of a defect in
abdominal wall right to the umbilicus. The possible diagnosis is?

A. Omphailoceile

B. ?

C. Gastroschisis

D. Patent urachus

Ans C. Gastroschisis
1. In the court of law, the act of witness giving false evidence after taking oath is
punishable under:

A. 193 IPC

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. 193 IPC

2. The onus of proof in civil negligence case against a doctor lies with?

A. Patient

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Patient

3. The poison commonly detected in exhumed bodies is:

A. Arsenic

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Arsenic

4. Magnan’s symptom is seen in?

A. ?

B. Cocaine abuse

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. B. Cocaine abuse

5. Tattoo is not visible on autopsy. But the presence of tattoo was informed by
relative. What is the next site to check?

A. Regional lymph node

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Regional lymph node

6. The most widely used substance dependence drug is:

A. Cannabis

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Cannabis

7. On voluntary admission, the maximum number of days a person can be

admitted as per mental health care act is:

A. ?

B. ?
C. 30 days

D. ?

Ans. C. 30 days

8. Which of the following test shows Yellow needle shaped crystals of spermine

A. Barberio’s test

B. ?

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. A. Barberio’s test

9. As per POCSO act, child was brought for age estimation. X ray wrist was
taken. The maximum age of this wrist joint is:

A. ?

B. ?

C. ?
D. 10 days

Ans. D. 10 years

10. Identify the Phenomenon?

A. ?

B. Putrefaction

C. ?

D. ?

Ans. B. Putrefaction

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