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1. Which of the following reading skills or strategies is the closest to outside-in processing or reading?
   a. structural analysis
   b. inferencing
   c. outlining
   d. predicting outcomes
2. Teacher A explicitly teaches his/her students the rhetorical patterns of an informational text taken from a
science textbook. Which of the following does the teacher want to develop in the reader?
   a. content schemata
   b. vocabulary knowledge
   c. formal schemata
   d. print skill
3. Teacher B uses the timeline as a graphic organizer to teach the readers to understand a given expository text.
Which of the following organizational structures might be the one used in the exposition of the text’s
   a. comparison and contrast
   b. enumeration-description
   c. cause and effect
   d. sequence or procedural
4. A reader was asked to fill in words to the sentences that are found inside the box below. Which of the
following cueing systems did the reader fail to consider?
   a. semantic cues
   b. syntactic cues
   c. pragmatic cues
   d. graphophonic cues
5. A reader read the word“plan” with a pronunciation like“plane” in the sentence,“It’s my plan to sail across the
ocean.” The deviation of the reader in reading the text can be explained by the reader’s use of
   a. syntactic cues
   b. semantic cues
   c. pragmatic cues
   d. graphophonic cues
6. An office secretary encoded her boss’s memorandum for the company’s employees. The boss returned the
memo to the secretary along with the note,“Please justify this!” The secretary felt bad and wanted to resign
immediately because she thinks that it’s not her job to explain the contents of the memo. What cueing system
did the secretary fail to consider?
   a. graphophonic
   b. syntactic
   c. pragmatic
   d. semantic
7. A reader was asked to read the sentence found inside the box below. Instead of reading the word“moved”, he
substituted it with the word“ran”. Which of the cueing systems could have interfered his reading so that he
manifests such a deviation from the text?
   a. graphophonic cues
   b. syntactic cues
   c. pragmatic cues
   d. semantic cues
8. Which of the following refers to the movement of the eyes across a line of text?
   a. regression
   b. saccades
   c. fixation
   d. clustering
9. A reader was asked to read a short story. When the reader started reading the text, he encountered several
words that are unfamiliar. He tried to pause for a moment and tried to convert the word from visual to aural.
Which of the following physiological correlates of effective reading does the reader evidently practice in this
   a. saccadic movements
   b. clustering
   c. fixations
   d. return sweeps
10. It refers to the learned ability to see words in groups rather than as individual words.
   a. subvocalization
   b. clustering
   c. regression
   d. fixation
11. You asked a group of students to read a passage silently. After a minute of observation, you noticed that
they are moving their lips as they do saccadic movements along the page. Which of the following terms refers
to the practice that you have observed from your students?
   a. regression
   b. fixation
   c. clustering
   d. subvocalization
12. You asked your students to silently read the passage you have prepared for them. The passage is all about
arthropods. As a student go over his passage, you noticed that he sweeps his hands along the page. After a
while, his eyebrows met, as if he doubts what the passage is all about. You noticed that he made return sweeps
to the text in a backward manner, as if trying to search for a previously read word. This situation implies that
the reader is doing
   a. regression.
   b. saccades.
   c. fixation.
   d. subvocalization.
13. Teacher D entered the classroom and posted images that she has taken from the story she is about to tell the
students. Before she started telling the story to the class, she grouped the students and asked them to make a
story out of the pictures posted on the board. Which of the following approaches reflects the practice of the
   a. Basal Approach
   b. Explicit Phonics
   c. Language Experience Approach
   d. Embedded Phonics
14. Teacher E entered the classroom and showed a list of word families like cat, mat, fat, rat, pat, and bat. This
practice clearly shows that the teacher employs
   a. Language experience approach.
   b. Literature-based approach.
   c. Whole-language approach.
   d. Phonics approach.
15. A student asked the teacher to tell him the meaning of the word“disestablishmentarianism”, which is found
in the text that the student read. Instead of explicitly stating the meaning of the word, the teacher asked the
student to segment the word and look for its base word, prefix, and suffixes so that they may construct the
meaning of the word through these word parts. Which of the following vocabulary strategy did the teacher use
to help the students arrive at the meaning of the unfamiliar word?
   a. context clues
   b. semantic mapping
   c. semantic feature analysis
   d. structural analysis
16. You were given a long passage to read in a short period of time. Along with the passage, you were also
asked to answer questions regarding the text you have read. Which of the following reading strategies should
you use to successfully meet your aim?
   a. skimming
   b. close reading
   c. summarizing
   d. scanning
17. You want your students to give you a detailed account of what they have understood from the story you
have all read in the classroom. Which of the following assessment measures, tools, or procedures should you
use to meet your goal?
   a. cloze procedure
   b. standardized tests
   c. miscue analysis
   d. think-aloud
18. A teacher wants to know the current functional reading level of a student in her reading class in terms of
word recognition. Which of the following assessment measures, tools, or procedures should the teacher use to
meet her aim?
   a. standardized tests
   b. miscue analysis
   c. informal reading inventory
   d. think-aloud
19. You want to know the quality of responses the students make as they process a text while they are in the act
of audibly reading it. You recorded their reading and found out that they stop at times and give personal
reactions to the text. Some of the students’ reactions are even stated in their mother tongue. Which of the
following assessment tools or procedures refers to this practice?
   a. miscue analysis
   b. think-aloud
   c. standardized tests
   d. cloze procedure
20. You want to know the range of your students’ vocabulary, graphophonic knowledge, syntactic knowledge,
semantic knowledge, and pragmatic knowledge by filling in gaps within an information. Which of the following
should you use to achieve your goal?
   a. think-aloud
   b. standardized tests
   c. miscue analysis
   d. cloze procedure

Answer key:

1. a
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. d
6. c
7. d
8. b
9. c
10. b
11. d
12. a
13. c
14. d
15. d
16. d
17. b
18. c
19. b
20. d

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