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Project Name/Title: Weather Detection System.


The objective of this project is to build a low cost high precision weather detection
system based on arduino. In our country the weather detection sector is not that much
prominent and that is why we want to contribute to this underdeveloped sector. This
project also aligns with SDG goal no. 13, climate action. By predicting weather precisely
it would be a lot easier to take advanced measures even before a climate hazard takes
place and thus will grant us the ability to fight it fruitfully.

Possible Solutions

Finding out less costly but high precise component and then setting up a model with these
components would be the most effective solution for us. To accomplish this task we have
decided to study all ready established arduino based weather station models and then
come up with our own model with the cheapest cost but highest precision components.

Literature Review

We experienced various papers for choosing up information with respect to the present
game plan of Automatic perception post. When looking into particular papers we even
have gone to a choice that the Automatic perception post is somewhat relative inside the
region of age value that is high, accordingly what we will attempt is to restrain the
creation cost. We need to assume an innovation that is monetarily keen at
indistinguishable time reliable and incredible. First, we will have the option to inspect
with respect to the temperature and wetness detecting component. According to Lopes J &
C. Lin and S. Singh, The weather station control unit consists of several basic modules: A
master micro-controller PIC18F4620 acting as an embedded web-server and data
acquisition device recording the weather data in a standard Compact Flash Type 2 card, an
SPI Ethernet IEEE 820.3 Base-T controller ENC28J60 used as a network interface card,
two slave ATMega32 micro-controllers connected to the weather elements sensors and an
integrated real-time clock PCF8583. [1]As indicated by Hendrik Zophe [l] for mensuration temperature he utilized a
Platin PT100 temperature test. This can be frightfully expensive and furthermore the
associated circuit associations are exceptionally convoluted. Jason Eric Box has utilized
Va isala 50-YC for mensuration temperature. This detecting component envelops a
pleasant confinement when the detecting component is placed to go into the immediate
sunlight, for the most part it gives blunder. Style of this detecting component is also
horribly simple and reasonable. There region unit contrasting sorts of udometer like
ordinary udometer, pondering udometer and Tipping Bucket udometer. As our AWS is
totally advanced we choose Tipping Bucket udometer for mensuration precipitation.
misuse reed switch it convert ruin into electrical sign which can more strategy inside the
procedure unit. The improvement is unfathomably
modest and it precisely purges the basin. There's some mistake if the destruction is
beneath the amount of downpour for one tip. with the exception of restorative guide we
must consider that little mistake.[2]

Expected Equipment

I) Arduino Uno R3
II) Bluetooth Modules
IV) Rain Drop Sensor Module
V) DHT11
VI) Soil Moisture Sensor
VII) Seeed Groove UV Sensor
VIII) Seed Groove Barometer Sensor etc

Which components may we start with? Where should we find relevant papers?


1. Lopes J., Singh S. (2006) Audio and Video Feature Fusion for Activity Recognition in
Unconstrained Videos. In: Corchado E., Yin H., Botti V., Fyfe C. (eds) Intelligent Data
Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2006. IDEAL 2006. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol 4224. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

2. Test and Installation of AWS, University of Applied Science Jena, Germany

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