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Misuse of Science and Technology

a. The use of technology to spread fake news
b. The proliferation of pornography
c. Cybercrime
d. The use of phones in criminal activities (Kidnap for ransom, budol-budol)
e. The manufacture of nuclear weapons
f. The manipulation of virus and diseases to become biological weapons
g. The production of illegal drugs
h. Online scams
i. Bank/government offices system hacking
j. Identity theft and privacy concerns
k. Digital media manipulation
l. Work overload
m. Crime and terrorism
n. Mobile game addiction of children
o. Massive vaccination (antibiotics)

2. List the products of Science and Technology that are destructive to life
a. Biological weapons
b. Nuclear bombs/weapons
c. Nuclear wastes
d. Chemical waste products
e. Destruction of marine life due to explorations (oil spills)
f. Increase in agrochemicals

3. What is the effect of irrigation scheme on the people living around such area?
- Agriculture will prosper around an area with irrigation and people will sustain livelihood
through farming and protects people from famine.
- It helps cultivate superior crops with the water supply as per need of the crops.
- Irrigation water causes erosion
- The potential direct negative environmental impact of groundwater for irrigation arise
from over-extraction which results to the lowering of water table, land subsidence, and
decreased water quality.
- Increased evaporation in irrigated areas.
- Salinization of soils and waters
- Spread of waterborne diseases

4. Misused Science and Technology in the community

- Mobile games addiction of children
- Massive use of agrochemicals
- Crypto-currency scams

- People nowadays benefits from the ease of access to information as a result of technology
but they oftentimes use it to spread fake information, unverified information and to
destroy other information regarding one or more person.
- With the benefit of ease of mobility, people become lazy. They use technologies to make
any job easier.
- Better communication means, means that people tend to communicate to someone near or
far but some use this to their advantage on the commission of crimes.
- Waste of valuable time.
May Pera sa Basura

Oftentimes we hear of the words “May Pera sa Basura” or “Wastes to Wealth”, it is because
it is real. The waste products if segregated properly can be converted to cash by means of selling
recyclable materials to junk shops. Not only can u sell those materials but you can also turn them
into other more useful things, like turning plastic containers/bottles to planting materials for
vegetables or ornamental plants. Vegetables if cultivated properly can be a source of food and

Identify and discuss the problems of waste management in urban and rural areas
- Waste management in urban areas are governed by the waste collection trucks scheduled
to collect at certain drop off points. But unluckily, people still doesn’t care for the
environment and simply drops pieces of plastics anywhere, throwing garbage at vacant
lots. The government also ordered for the segregation of wastes but lacks proper and
strict implementation. Most of urban areas lack the space for the provision of a sanitary
land fill making proper waste disposal a problem. One more problem arises when the
designated land fills are being proliferated by scavengers to search for recyclables for
them to earn a living.
- While wastes in rural areas, burning is the easiest way of getting rid of wastes. It turns
out that burning contributes to the rapid deterioration of the ozone layer but people resort
to this act because of the lack of proper waste management. Lack of information drives
regarding waste segregation and recycling.

Waste conversion to wealth

1. Recycling/upcycling – turning of old recyclable materials into newer innovative materials
2. Composting – compost can be used as natural fertilizers to plants especially vegetables,
instead of buying you can save and earn.

Problem associated with the process of waste recycling

1. inadequacy of materials to be recycled
2. Cleaning process
3. Lack of innovative ideas for recycling
4. Insufficient funding for other materials to be used
5. Low manpower
6. Lack of training related to waste recycling

Common problems related to waste management

1. Household wastes not segregated
2. Household wastes oftentimes burned
3. Agricultural wastes burned
4. Agrochemical containers abandoned
5. No waste collection scheme
6. No waste collectors
7. Segregations bins present but not properly utilized
- Strict implementation of waste segregation should be implemented.
- There should be a waste collection scheme
- Information drive regarding waste segregation
- Mandate households to properly segregate waste products
- Agrochemical containers should be disposed off as hazardous materials
- Ordinance regarding waste collection scheme

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