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Nama : Wahyu Franciska Ningrum

NIM : A320160263

Feminism Analysis on Maggie Osbrone’s Novel Entilted

“The Wives of Bowie Stone”
Feminism, nowadays known as the way or the critical product of someone
mind about the equality between female and male and as the theory of the strength
of female and the goal of feminism theory is to increase the social status and to
upgrade the woman’s position in the social life. Feminism criticism as the one of
the main cultural and literary criticism type in the 20th century of Western
literature theories and the main concern is about the female who always excluded
by the domination of male literary norms including sex, law, family, and so on
(Literary Thory : A Practical Introduction: P128). In the other hand of the rality
life facts feminism also can be interpreted as the response of the attacks of sexist
on women in the leadership position and visibility in their social life and many
media representations of the woman’s leadership to continue the focus of their
ways of “unfitness” suggestion for work and leadership (Bell and Sinclair, 2016;
Sinclair, 2013). Those phenomena are related to the novel entilted “The Wives of
Bowie Stone” by Maggie Osbrone.

Feminism is a project which conducted to the intelectual and political

which include the social justice and equality (Benschop and Verloo, 2016; Calas
and Smirchic, 2014) which showed by the character named as Rosie which use
her power as a women to save Bowie from the law justice. Even though at the first
time Rosie use her ability in law aspect and married Bowie only to fulfil her needs
in order to revenge to ‘man’ because of her trauma caused by her step father and
time by time her feelings change and turn to be a pure and real love for his
husband, Bowie. This also can be understand that feminism provide the various
meanings of appreciatng the experiences of diffrent types of women in their every
single day in the different circumstance and also as the basis of recognize the
pontency of emancipatory (Walby, 2011) this conducted to the situation which
explain about the heart and brain struggle between Rosie and Bowie’s first wife,
Susan. The other condition also can be seen when Susan accept to be Bowie’s first
wife in order for her and her children’s life even she didn’t love Bowie at all.

Those situation and aspects clearly explain that even woman normaly
work or think by they heart, but in several situation and condition they also can
think and doing something logically and realsitic as much as possible in order to
safe their life, exixtance and their position. That means that woman also have
power as strong as man and that can not be denied by any theories because of the
facts show as the evidence and this novel is really wonderful maserpiece which
can be use as the evidence of woman’s power.

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