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Click bank for Beginners 2019_ How to Make a Consistent $10, 000_Month

[00:00:00] Hey guys. Joshua Elder here. And guess what, this is probably the most
exciting video of the year that I've created because my last Click Bank for
Beginners video was a huge hit 2018 version. This is the 2019 version. And my
goal within this video is to get you to your first $10000 in one month and help you
making a consistent $10000 a month thereafter. So if you're excited for this video,
give me a thumbs up.

Subscribe because I'm uploading videos pretty dang frequently teaching you how
to build a life in business full of freedom, passion and fulfillment and take that bell
icon and be notified of all future videos that I upload when I upload them. OK. So
you can see I'm on the clickbait Web site right here. The first thing that you want
to do is create an account. It's free to create an account. You just got to complete
three (03) steps. Your personal information, banking information, account

This is all kept privately. I've been using Click Bank for the past decade and
they've paid on time week by week and month by month. And as you can see here,
this is my 2018 paychecks. You'll notice that I've made $68066 and 14 cents. So
you can actually see starting from 718, 2018, it only goes back, I think, about 6
months or so. So you're not seeing the data before that, but you're seeing payouts
almost weekly since that date.

[00:01:23] OK. So I'm to showing this video how to make $68000 or even more.
This is just one of my income streams. I've built a multiple 6 figure yearly business
online. Not only do I use Click Bank, but I use some other advertising networks
and some independent networks as well. And I'll talk about that at the end of this
video. But Click Bank is great for beginners because all you really need is a little
bit of time, a little bit of heart and a little bit of creativity.

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You don't need any money whatsoever. So when it comes to online marketing, you
obviously need visitors to a Web site, to a sales funnel.

[00:02:00] And the idea is to let all that that whole sales process does the selling
and telling for you. So as an affiliate, all you really need to focus on is getting
traffic, getting eyeballs to that affiliate product. OK. So the way that I got started
five years ago, I didn't have a whole lot of money. I was actually $16000 in debt.
So I literally had nothing. But what I did have was I had my laptop, I had a web
camera and I had a heart. And that's all you really need to get started. A lot of
people say you need X amount of dollars to get started. And a lot of people have
excuses like they don't have the time. They don't have the money. Well, you do not
need the money.

[00:02:41] And I prove that to you here within this video. So the method that we're
going to be using and leveraging to help you get traffic to a click buying product is
going to be YouTube. And you're not going to need any previous experience on the
YouTube platform or shooting videos whatsoever. So if you don't want to shoot
videos, do not worry at all because on a show you a way that you can outsource
this whole entire process, as you can see here. This is my YouTube channel and
I've got over 35000 subscribers to date and my whole entire channel focuses on
one theme.

And yours should, too, especially when you're getting started. Mine focuses on
affiliate marketing slash how to make money online. So yours can be anything. It
could be all about electronics, gadgets. It could be about reviews on television. So
you could go like super niche specific or go a little bit more broad. So you want to
make sure that you focus in on one niche, whether it's in the health industry, the
wealth industry, the electronics industry, the relationship industry. Pick one
specific niche within that industry. Maybe it's again, the relationship niche and
you're helping guys get their ex back. Right. Because there's tons of products,

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believe it or not, on click bank and they actually sell. So let's go ahead and let's
dive in a little bit about how to select a product and then how to market that
product using and leveraging YouTube.

[00:04:12] So you'll want to go out there. You'll want to create a YouTube

channel. You can find out how to do that just by Googling it. It's fairly simple. I
want to show you the things in this video that is not often shared on my little
secrets. So make sure that you watch it till the very, very end. OK, so you're going
to want to go, too. Again, we're going to go to click bank dot com. I'm just gonna
go to my dashboard here again.

You can see that this is obviously a legitimate account. And then what we're gonna
do is we're going to go to the marketplace. I'm just going to click Marketplace right
here and I'm going to scroll down. And you can see all the products are sorted by
category. And there's thousands upon thousands of digital products here and click
bank. And I love promoting digital products because there's very little to virtually
no overhead.

[00:05:00] Hey, anywhere between 50%, all the way up to about 90%
commissions versus promoting like physical products from, which
I'll pay anywhere between 2% and 6% commissions. So in this case, we're just
going to go to the health and fitness category. And then what I like to do is, I like
to sort by popularity or even gravity. So you can see this is actually the most
popular product here in the health and fitness category.

[00:05:25] The average sell amount is $37 and 12 cents. So a good quality product
when you want to promote this product. Let's say we do want to promote this
product. I might click promote this window, pops up, has our account nickname
that we created when we signed up. And then all we need to do is click generate
hyperlinks. Then it gives us this long, ugly hyperlink right here. And we can

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actually copy that and we can share it out there on the Internet. There's also tools
out there like Bitly. There used to be a Google tracking tool.

There's click magic where you can take this long, ugly link and make it smaller and
sexier and more enticing to click. So just something to think about when you're
sharing your links out there on the Internet. So what we want to do is we want to
take this link and we want to share it out there on YouTube. So let's say that we do
want to promote flat belly fix and let's say that we want to promote it on YouTube.

What we're gonna need to do is go over to YouTube. And then what I would do is I
would type in something that relates to losing weight in my belly. So, you know
that this product is obviously all about losing weight and losing weight in the belly
because of the title of it. If you don't really know that much about the product than
what you're going to want to do is you're gonna want to click on it right here.

[00:06:47] And you're going to want to watch the full Sells video. This is called
the Sells Video or VSL. And you'll want to watch the whole thing so you can get a
general idea of what the product's about. So a lot of people will look at like a
weight loss product. They'll just think, it's about losing weight, which is too broad.
When it comes to going out there and trying to generate traffic around a broad
topic or a broad product like, you know, just losing weight.

Most of the money is going to be in a sub niche like losing weight in the belly or
getting a tighter waist or getting a nicer booty. Right. So you're going to want to go
in to like a specific niche and then you want to create your channel around that
specific niche. OK. So this one is all about losing weight and losing weight
specifically in the belly, of course. And so what you want to do is you just want to
type in a general keyword that somebody would type in to find this specific

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So what we're doing here is we're using YouTube search engine to go out there and
find out what people's problems are and then were the middleman to lead them to
the click bank products. So in this case, it's all about how to lose belly fat.

[00:08:03] And what we want to do is we want to write down. The 3 or even 4

videos that show up at the very top. This is actually a paid-ad; we don't worry
about this one. So what I would do is I would actually copy all these links here and
I would save these links to a notepad. So what I'm to do is going to go over here
and go to new documents if I can. If this actually lets me. OK. And then what I'm
gonna do is I'm going to take these links to copy the link address here. Go back
over the notepad. I'm going to paste it here. I might do that with the rest of these
videos as well. So now that I've got them saved, what I want to do is I want to go
to each of these links and I want to find out.

I want to take notes on what the videos are about. OK. What you can even do is
you can even take the transcript, believe it or not. This is like high level stuff right
here. You can actually take this link. Take all 5 links. Go over to And this
does cost a little bit of money. Okay. But it's not going to cost you too much,
especially with the outcome that you're going to get. And then what you could
actually do is go to services and go to captions right here, or you can even go to
transcription because we want this initially transcribed.

[00:09:29] It's a dollar a minute. How to click. Get started. And now what Pace,
The URL is right here, so we would have 5 and I would paste them all right here
and I would add them. And then what you can do is you can pay for them. So they
pay, you know, per minute. So if it's a 5-minute video, you'll pay $5. But we want
5 of these videos. And then once we get 5 of these videos, what we want to do is,
of course, we get the transcription once we've got the transcription.

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Then we want to hire somebody to reword these specific transcriptions because we
want them to be unique. We don't want to copy somebodies content. So what you
can do is you can go to This is fiverr right here. And then you can you
can actually pay $5 to have somebody rewrite. The transcription that you just
created. McCain You could just start with one video. You can start with a bulk of 5
videos. So what you could do, like this person right here charges 15. This person
charges $5. This person charges 45. So you want to go with a gig that has a really
good rating. A lot of ratings and at least 4 to 5 stars. So this is a good pick. What
you can also do is instead of just typing in rewriter.

[00:10:53] Because it looks like fiverr not finding a lot of rewriters based on that
search term, what you can also do is just go to writing and translation and then you
can look through here and go to like creative writing. And then you can go through
here and find out, you know, if there's somebody available that would rewrite your
transcriptions, okay. It might take a little bit of research to do that. But once you do
that, you now have 100% unique content. Line by line transcription. And then what
you can do is you can actually go to video and animation and you can have like a
spokesperson video created. You can have a whiteboard, an animation, explainers,
video created like a spokesperson, because when you have a talking head video of
an actual human being, that helps quite a bit. So you can hire somebody here. And
then what they can do is they can essentially create the same content right here.

[00:12:00] And then what you would do is you would take that content, you would
put it on your channel and you would take the same titles out of these videos, OK?
And you would change them up slightly. So like this one, workouts for women,
how to lose weight in your belly with exercises. So that would be kind of like a
small variation. And then what I would do is I would click on the video here.

[00:12:27] And then you can see on the right hand side. I've got a plug in called
Vid IQ. Ok you can just go to type in vidIQ tool bar. You can

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download it. And then what it will do is it will reveal the video tags for this video.
So what I would do is I would slightly change the subtitle here. I would keep this
title the same on all my videos. The first, the title, Keep Out the Same Change the
subtitle right here a little bit. Reword your description.

[00:13:00] And I would I would model the exact framework of all these videos
because their ranking for a reason. This video has 2 million views for a reason. So
if you can take the same framework, the same content, reword that content legally
and ethically and then copy the tags here, chances are you're going to rank for the
same keyword. How to lose belly fat? The same search phrase. And you're also
going to start to show up in the suggested video section. And then the only
difference that you would make is you would put your affiliate link. Remember
that first link that we generated? You would put that right here. Right. So the first 5
to 10 videos.

[00:13:44] Yeah, it's going to require some investment. It's going to require a little
bit of time on your part. But you don't have to be on video if you want to be on
video. You can take like the content from the first 3 videos. Add your own content
to it. And you now you have your own script.

[00:14:00] You can talk on. So that's another way that you can do it. The reason
why these videos rank so well is because of the content. Right. There's different
factors that determine videos that rank at YouTube on YouTube. And one is what
you're saying in the video, the continent's self. How long people are watching the
video for then the title, the description right here and the tags.

So those are the things that you're going to want to be familiar with when
uploading YouTube video. But money like speed and it's all about a lot of content
on YouTube. Heck, if you don't have any money, you can transcribe all these
videos yourself. You can rewrite them all by yourself. Yeah, it's a little mundane

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and monotonous and redundant. But how bad do you want it? And once these
videos rank, they're getting thousands upon thousands, even millions of views.

[00:14:52] And you're selling products on Click Bank, though, the work's going to
definitely be worth it. So create your theme channel, upload videos daily, take
ideas from other videos, upload your own unique content modeling, what other
videos have done and you'll see a lot of results from that. I actually did that with a
fortnight video if I type in how to make money with fortnights so you can see it's
right here. 183000 views and I put this up 7 months ago. So this process definitely
works. So

Step 1, you're going to need to set up an account with Click Bank.

Step 2, create your theme channel that drills deep in one niche.
Step 3, pick your product.
Step 4, use a general keyword around that product. Type it into YouTube.
Step 5, look at the top 5 results or so of YouTube.

Take those videos, have them transcribe, have the transcriptions rewritten and then
videos created out of those from a spokesperson on fiver. Go ahead and upload
them, optimize them, modeling the title description tags of other videos and put
your affiliate link in the description and you're good to go.

[00:16:05] So I hope you got value from this video. On Click Bank for Beginners
here in 2019. If you did, let me know in the comments below. Don't forget to
subscribe. And also, if you want to learn how to build an affiliate marking
business, not just with Click Bank, but with higher ticket items working less and
making more. Check out the link in the description below for more information on
that and we'll see you guys in the next video.

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