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26th Year of Publication

Vol: 26 No. 03
Monthly March 2020


UN chief offers role APPGK urges world to Kashmiri Women’s

for mediation between take note of worsening Resistance Day
Pak, India on Kashmir HR situation in Kashmir observed
Pakistan desires peace but won’t
compromise on Kashmir: President Alvi

“Pakistan desires peace but would never compromise on Kashmir, which

remains an unfinished agenda of the partition of sub-continent. The lives of
minorities including Sikhs, Christians and Muslims are in danger. India is
following the hatred-based RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) ideology and
philosophy, which also led to the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand

(President Dr Arif Alvi addressing a seminar

‘Radical India vs Responsible Pakistan’
in Islamabad February 27, 2020)

Kashmiris looking towards UN to honour its commitments: PM Imran Khan

“Kashmiri people continue to look to the United Nations to honour its

commitments for the realisation of their right to self-determination, as enshrined
in numerous UN Security Council resolutions.”

(Prime Minister, Imran Khan, during his meeting with

UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres,
in Islamabad on February 17, 2020.)
Kashmir Insight
Printed & Published by All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK
Vol: 26, No.03 , March 2020
Ph: +92-51-4861457, Fax: +92-51-4861458
Editor: M Raza Malik Printers: Web Brothers,Al-Rehman Plaza, 44-H,
Art Editor: M.Haroon Haider Road, Rawalpindi
Sub Editor: Benazir Khan Ph:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142


India is using every brutal tactic to suppress the
Editorial Kashmiris’ just struggle aimed at securing their
right to self-determination for the past over seven
Practical measures needed for decades. Indian troops, enjoying unbridled powers
under black laws, are using rape and molestation of
Kashmir settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02
women as a weapon of war to force the Kashmiris to
Cover Story surrender their just cause of freedom.
Muslims in India, IOK bear brunt of Hindutva Kunanposhpora mass rape of 1991 is one of the most
tragic incidents of Kashmir’s history and a glaring
ideology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 example of the worst Indian brutalities in the
occupied territory. On the night of February 23 in
1991, Indian troops raped around a hundred women
UN chief offers role for mediation between Pak, in Kunanposhpora area of Kupwara district during a
siege and search operation. They didn’t even spare
India on Kashmir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 eight-year-old girls to the elderly women of eighty
APPGK urges world to take note of worsening years of age. Some of the women were pregnant. The
deplorable aspect of the matter is that the victims
HR situation in Kashmir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 have not been provided with justice and the
Kashmiri Women’s Resistance Day observed. . . . . . 14 perpetrators of this heinous crime have not been
brought to book despite the passing of almost three
Pictorial decades. Instead, the committee headed by B G
Images speak louder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Varghese that was constituted to probe the matter
and had visited the area after the passing of three
Human rights situation months to the incident in its report had denied the
Indian atrocities on IOK people during happening of the mass rape.
It is a reality that Indian troops have molested over
February 2020 ten thousand women since 1989 when the Kashmiri
Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 people intensified their freedom movement.
However, Indian atrocities have failed to break the
Reports resolve of the people of Kashmir.
OIC’s special envoy assures full support for Kashmir The February 23 is being observed by the Kashmiris
across the globe as the Kashmiri Women's
cause. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Resistance Day for the past some years to pay
tributes to the courage of the victims of
World attention drawn towards Indian
Kunanposhpora mass rape. Every year, the
atrocities in IOK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Kashmiris reiterate their demand for an impartial
probe into the gruesome incident and other such
brutal acts committed by the Indian forces’
A chronological account of developments personnel in the occupied territory. Kunanposhpora
episode is a fit case to be brought before the
on Kashmir (163) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 International Criminal Court so that the
Beauty thy name is perpetrators of this heinous crime are punished
under the international law.
Jamia Masjid Srinagar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The world human rights organisations particularly
Literature the UN Human Rights Council must take cognisance
of the war crimes being committed by Indian troops
The Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 in occupied Kashmir. The international community
should play its role in the settlement of the Kashmir
Feedback dispute in accordance with the relevant UN
Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 resolutions to prevent occurrence of such incidents
in occupied Kashmir in the future.

he Kashmir dispute has once again

leaders’ claim that Jammu and Kashmir is an
attained the international attention post internal matter of India.
India’s 5th August 2019 move of repealing It is a fact that New Delhi wants to maintain
the special status of occupied Kashmir and status quo on Kashmir as far as its international
putting the territory under military siege and dimension is concerned. Its intransigence on the
communications blockade. Ever since, the Kashmir dispute has kept the peace, security and
residents of the Kashmir Valley are facing the prosperity of the region hostage for the last
unspeakable hardships due to the continued over seven decades. The inaction of the world
lockdown. community over their brutalities on the people of
The prevailing grim situation and the tension occupied Kashmir has emboldened Indian
between Pakistan and India have prompted the forces’ personnel bestowed with unbridled
world leaders including the UN Secretary powers under draconian laws to keep committing
General, Antonio Guterres, and the US war crimes in the territory to intimidate the
President, Donald Trump, to articulate their Kashmiris into
concerns. They have submission. However,
offered mediation on despite exhausting all
the Kashmir dispute its resources and
more than once. Very

using all brutal
recently, the UN chief tactics, New Delhi has
during his visit to miserably failed to
Pakistan said that subdue the freedom
the Kashmir dispute sentiment of the
needed to be settled Kashmiri people who
as per the UN are committed to
Security Council resolutions. President Trump continue their struggle till the achievement of
while visiting India stated that he is ready to do their right to self-determination promised to
anything he can to help in resolving the Kashmir them by the world community through several UN
dispute. Security Council resolutions.
Earlier, other world leaders including the Unfortunately, the world leaders have so far
Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, remained confined to mere issuing statements on
Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir the precarious situation in occupied Kashmir
Mohamad, the US lawmakers, the members of and they have not taken practical measures to
British and European Parliaments, the UN hold India accountable for its atrocities on the
human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, the innocent people of Kashmir. Now they must
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch acknowledge the reality that Modi-led fascist
have also expressed their concerns over the Indian government’s Hindutva ideology has
precarious human rights situation in occupied endangered the peace of entire world. They
Kashmir in the wake of repeal of special status of should come forward in a big way and initiate
the territory by India. practical measures for the settlement of the
Even the UN Security Council has twice held Kashmir dispute in accordance with the
discussion on the situation of occupied Kashmir Kashmiris’ aspirations. The UN Security Council
since August last year and this development in resolutions, which provide the best roadmap for
itself is a manifestation of the fact that Kashmir is achieving this objective, must be implemented
a disputed territory and rejection of Indian without any further delay.



Muslims in India, IOK bear

brunt of Hindutva ideology

ince assuming powers for the second term in India,

Constitution and placed the
Narendra Modi’s fascist government expedited its efforts to territory under military
undermine Muslims in the country. Modi - a Hindu lockdown, which continued
nationalist and follower of Hindutva ideology of extremist Hindu when this report was written.
organisation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - rose to political On August 31, 2019, the Indian
prominence in the early 2000s in a country that includes one of the government published a new
world’s largest Muslim populations as the chief minister of Gujarat. citizens’ register in the
Over two thousand Muslims were butchered by Hindu extremists in northeastern state of Assam
anti-Muslim violence in Gujarat in 2002 during Modi’s tenure as that left nearly two million
chief minister. He was widely accused of failing to stop the riots and residents without citizenship in
had used the mass murder of Muslims in Gujarat to his political any country. The deeply flawed
advantage. He was first elected as Prime Minister of India in 2014 process was widely understood
and since his re-election in May 2019 he has very much doubled his as an effort to exclude Muslims,
efforts to implement the RSS agenda of turning India into a Hindu many of whom were
state. Modi’s first term as prime minister saw Muslims being descendents of Bengalis who
lynched on the suspicion of transporting beef or slaughtering cows, arrived in Assam during the
considered sacred by many Hindus. colonial era. Those found to be
On August 5, 2019 the Modi government revoked the special status undocumented immigrants
of occupied Kashmir by repealing the Article 370 of the Indian were expected to be placed in



detention camps.
The Modi government then
passed a law, Citizenship
(Amendment) Act (CAA) in
December 2019 that excludes
Muslim immigrants to India of
certain citizenship eligibilities.
This law permits pre-2014
migrants from the neighbouring
Muslim-majority countries of
Bangladesh, Pakistan and
Afghanistan who are Hindu,
Christian, Jain, Buddhist and
Sikh, but not Muslim, to become
experienced mob violence, the likes of which it had not seen since the
Indian citizens. This anti-
1980s. Hindu mobs descended on poor neighbourhoods, attacking
Muslim law sparked massive
Muslims and ransacking their houses and businesses. Over 50
protests across India during
people died and more than 250 got injured during the violence.
which more than 25 people were
Indeed, the ominous signs were visible on February 23 itself, on the
killed in December 2019.
eve of US President Donald Trump’s arrival in India, when BJP
The new citizenship laws and
politician, Kapil Mishra, issued a chilling threat to Muslim women
repeal of special status of
protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act in the Maujpur
occupied Kashmir have stoked
area of New Delhi. With police
officials standing beside him,
Mishra declared openly that he
would do nothing until Trump was
in town but as soon as the visiting
dignitary left on February 24, he
would organise a Hindu mob and
drive out the protesters. However,
the mobs did not even wait for
February 24. The attacks began
hours later on February 23 itself.
And for four days, Delhi Police
stood by, or took part in lynching
Muslims, as Delhi burned.
Jafrabad was one of the worst-hit
localities of New Delhi, a city that
fears that Modi's master plan is was marred by violence for four days. Mobs were seen wielding sticks
to remold India as a Hindu and pipes walking down streets in parts of northeast Delhi amid
nation and change the arson attacks and looting. Many of the wounded had suffered
demographic composition of the gunshot injuries. At least two mosques in northeast Delhi were set on
occupied territory. fire. The properties of Muslims were particularly targeted in the riots.
In late February 2020, New New Delhi High Court Judge, Justice S Muralidhar, who grilled the
Delhi, India's capital city central and state governments on February 25 over the violence in



New Delhi, was transferred to

Punjab and Haryana High
Just how far Modi and the BJP
will go in their anti-Muslim
campaign is already clear in
occupied Kashmir. It was
summarily stripped of its
special status last August and
has been locked down ever
since. Mass detentions and
torture are the norm according
to the few witnesses able to
report what they have seen. Kashmir Valley and Muslim streets in Srinagar, Budgam,
The people in occupied Kashmir majority areas of Jammu. The Ganderbal, Islamabad,
faced communication blockade deployment of hundreds of Pulwama, Kulgam, Shopian,
and the internet remained cut thousands of Indian troops Bandipora, Baramulla,
off and it has been only restored across the occupied territory Kupwara, Kishtwar, Poonch,
to a very limited degree since has made the life of the Rajouri and other areas to
January. The Indian police and residents a hell. express their resentment
against India’s illegal move of
repealing special status of the
occupied territory. Indian
troops and police personnel
most of the times subject the
protesters to brute force,
causing injuries to many of
Almost all Hurriyat leaders
including Syed Ali Gilani,
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and
Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai have
been kept under continued
house arrest or in jails since
troops arrest whoever they want Meanwhile, protest August 05.
and distraught family members demonstrations continue A report released by the
complain that they cannot find across occupied Kashmir Research Section of Kashmir
their relatives or that they are against the Indian occupation Media Service on March 05,
too poor to visit them in Indian and repeal of special status of 2020 on the completion of seven
prisons that may be 800 miles the territory. Despite heavy months of unrelenting military
away. deployment of Indian troops, lockdown in occupied Kashmir
Since August 5, 2019 move of people on almost daily basis in revealed that as many as 74
India, an environment of fear general and on Fridays in Kashmiris including 3 women
and intimidation prevails in the particular keep on hitting the and 4 young boys had been



killed since August 05, 2019. It

said that 7 of the martyred
youth were killed in fake
encounters or in custody. The
report said that 943 people were
critically injured in the firing by
Indian troops on peaceful
The Modi-led BJP government
has evoked widespread
criticism of its policies from
across the globe as Pakistan,
Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, the
Organisation of Islamic of opposition in India to the only few kilometers away in New
Cooperation, the US rising Hindutva mindset. The Delhi when Muslims were being
Commission on International situation in occupied Kashmir butchered in the Indian capital
Religious Freedom, and US and the anti-Muslim violence in and countries like UK, France,
lawmakers have strongly Delhi may be a sign of this. Modi Russia and above all the United
reacted to the violence in the and his government responded Nations to raise their voice
Indian capital. to these protests by playing the against growing intolerance and
Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran anti-Muslim policies of the Modi
government due to which the
people of occupied Kashmir and
now India are facing sheer
oppression at the hands of
fascists like Narendra Modi and
Amit Shah. The Delhi riots
demonstrate that the BJP is far
from abandoning the politics of
hate, which, in fact, may
escalate further taking it to
another level.
It is high time for the
Khan, has time and again urged Hindu nationalist card even international community to act
the international community to more strongly. It is quite ironical and act swiftly to stop Modi
intervene and stop the ongoing that all this happened in India’s government from committing
massacre of Muslims in capital right through the visit of atrocities on Muslims in
occupied Kashmir and India. He US President, Donald Trump, occupied Kashmir and India.
said that Modi government’s who praised the country’s The indifference of the world
actions could jeopardise the democracy, diversity, culture of towards the anti-Muslim
peace and stability in the entire tolerance and peace. However, policies of the fascist Modi
region. the onus lies upon champions of government would lead to loss of
There has been an encouraging, peace like the US whose more precious lives.
though fiercely repressed, wave President Donald Trump was (Humayun Aziz Sandeela)



UN chief offers role for mediation

between Pak, India on Kashmir
need for de-escalation.
“Diplomacy and dialogue remain
the only tools that guarantee
peace and stability with
solutions in accordance with the
Charter of United Nations and
resolutions of the Security
Council,” he said.
The UN chief while appreciating
the initiative of construction of
Kartarpur Corridor said that it
was a symbol of interfaith
harmony and would promote
peace in the region. He said
Guterres calls for the Pakistan is a responsible
member of the United Nations
implementation of the UN and it will be fully supported in
resolutions on Kashmir – giving dispensing its responsibilities.
Antonio Guterres hailing the
a strong boost to Pakistan’s contributions of Pakistan in the

stance on the dispute UN peacekeeping operations

around the world said that the
Pakistani men and women were

N Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, visited Pakistan
from February 16 to 19, 2020 and called for the serving with full dedication and
implementation of the UN resolutions on Kashmir - giving a commitment to promote the
strong boost to Pakistan’s stance on the Kashmir dispute. values of the UN.
The Secretary General visited Pakistan to attend the international The UN Secretary General said
conference on 40 Years of Hosting Afghan Refugees in the country. It that Pakistan’s efforts against
was his maiden visit to Pakistan. In 2010 Ban Ki-Moon, the then terrorism were commendable
Secretary General of UN, visited Pakistan. and very successful. He said
The UN chief offered his role as a mediator, saying that his good that due to these efforts, now
offices could be used for the resolution of the Kashmir dispute. Islamabad had become a safe
Speaking at a joint news conference along with Pakistan Foreign family station for the UN staff.
Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, in Islamabad, Antonio Guterres Speaking on the occasion,
said that full respect should be given to human and fundamental Foreign Minister, Shah
rights in occupied Kashmir. He said that the relevant UN resolutions Mahmood Qureshi, said that he
should be implemented on the issue. The UN chief said that Pakistan and the UN chief had a very
under Prime Minister, Imran Khan, was promoting peace and important and fruitful meeting
lamented India’s aggressive attitude. He said it is now high time that on the matter of Kashmir, a land
the world gets to see the positive image of Pakistan. which has illegally been
Talking about Pak-India relations, Antonio Guterres stressed the annexed and is being kept under



occupation with the presence of

0.9 million armed personnel. He
said that the United Nations
must ensure resolutions passed
by the World Body pertaining to
Kashmir were adhered to and
On February 17, the UN
Secretary General, Antonio
Guterres, met Prime Minister,
Imran Khan, and the latter
underscored that the Kashmiri
people continued looking to the
United Nations to honour its
commitments for the realisation Imran Khan also highlighted the possibility of a false flag operation by
of their right to self- India to divert global attention from its illegal and unconstitutional
determination as enshrined in actions in occupied Kashmir.
numerous UN Security Council He highlighted Pakistan’s generosity in hosting millions of Afghan
resolutions. refugees for the last four decades.
The Prime Minister during the He also noted that the people of Pakistan drew inspiration to host
meeting highlighted the dire refugees from the teachings of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
human rights and humanitarian (Peace Be Upon Him).
situation in occupied Kashmir The Prime Minister maintained that there was no military solution to
as a result of India’s illegal and the Afghan conflict. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s steadfast support for
efforts for peace and
reconciliation in Afghanistan.
Later, the UN Secretary
General, Antonio Guterres,
called on the Chief of Army
Staff, General Qamar Javed
B a j w a , a t G e n e r a l
Headquarters in Rawalpindi.
The Inter-Services Public
Relations (ISPR) in a press
release said that during the
meeting, matters of mutual
interests, overall regional
security situation including
Afghan refugees’ issue, Afghan
unilateral actions of August 5, reconciliation process and Kashmir dispute were discussed.
2019. He said that India’s The army chief said that Pakistan was committed and determined to
belligerent rhetoric, intensified achieve a stable, peaceful and normalised Pakistan.
ceasefire violations on the Line The visiting dignitary said that there was a need to implement the UN
of Control (LoC) and other resolutions on Kashmir and acknowledged Pakistan’s contribution in
aggressive actions were the UN peacekeeping missions and extraordinary achievements in
imperiling peace and security in counter terrorism.
the region. On February 18, the UN Secretary General visited Lahore along with



his delegation. During his stay He particularly conveyed his the Security Council must go on
in Lahore, the UN Secretary regard to the UN chief for for the resolution of Jammu and
General attended various demanding full respect for Kashmir dispute. Silence at that
functions and visited some human rights and fundamental highest forum is unacceptable
historic places in the city freedom for the people of and unfair to the people of
including Shahi Qila and occupied Kashmir just like it is occupied Kashmir, who are
Badshahi Mosque and being enjoyed by the people of under siege and being killed and
Kartarpur Gurdwara. A dinner Azad Jammu and Kashmir. brutalised every day. “The
was also arranged in his honour “Don’t take India’s ‘no’ for the extremist ruling party in India
at the Shahi Qila. use of good offices or diplomacy wants the international
While meeting the UN chief at and dialogue in accordance with community to be silent on the
the Foreign Office in Islamabad, the United Nations’ Charter. Kashmir conflict in order to hide
Azad Jammu and Kashmir This is a collective obligation of its crimes. The UN has spoken
President, Sardar Masood Khan, all nations. One UN member up and must continue to speak
also invited Antonio Guterres to cannot hold the entire up for Kashmiris,” he told the UN
v i s i t Secretary General.
Muzaffarabad, The AJK President
the capital of went on to say that
AJK. the UN is the flag-
S a r d a r bearer of the
Masood Khan international order
appreciated based on the rule of
the UN chief’s law. “The UN
offer to play Secretary General
role as a is seen as an
‘mediator’ international icon
between India w h o s h o u l d
and Pakistan demonstrate
to de-escalate leadership to save
tensions and for stressing on the organisation hostage by its humanity from the scourge of
resolution of the Kashmir obduracy,” the AJK President war and liberate people living
dispute in accordance with the said. under alien domination and
UN Security Council He also apprised the UN foreign occupation,” he added.
resolutions. Secretary General about the He also thanked Guterres for
Briefing Antonio Guterres about highly concerning and holding detailed conversations
the condition of 40,000 refugees precarious situation of the in the past with the Indian Prime
living in camps in Azad Kashmir civilians living along the LoC in Minister, Narendra Modi, and
and the plight of 640,000 AJK because of India’s frequent other leaders. “War would be a
civilians living along the Line of and unrelenting hostile fire devastating aberration for
Control (LoC), the AJK President while proposing Guterres to humanity, peace and
expressed his heartfelt gratitude make the submission of the reconciliation are a historic
to the Secretary General for UNMOGIP reports to the UN imperative in the region. This is
calling for de-escalating the Secretary General’s office and only possible by ensuring the
tensions between India and their circulation to all members realisation of the right to self-
Pakistan - both militarily and of the UN Security Council determination of the people of
verbally - especially along the mandatory. Kashmir,” he maintained.
LoC. “Conversations on Kashmir in (KI Report)



APPGK urges world to take note of

worsening HR situation in Kashmir
She said that the delegation
members were not in the
region for sight-seeing, but
because they were deeply
concerned about the human
rights situation in occupied
Kashmir and they were
constantly raising it. She
hoped that India would take
the opportunity to reflect on
Pakistan’s approach to
address the issue and allow
visit of the group, which she
said was “not anti-India or pro-

he delegation of All Parties Parliamentary Group on Pakistan but was pro-human
Kashmir (APPGK) in the British Parliament, whom India rights”.
denied a visit to Kashmir, visited Pakistan and Azad Debbie Abrahams along with
Jammu and Kashmir from February 19 to 23, 2020. the delegation in a meeting
The delegation was led by Debbie Abrahams, Member of the UK with the Foreign Minister,
Parliament and Chairperson of APPGK. The other members of Shah Mahmood Qureshi, in
the delegation included APPGK senior Vice Chairman Barrister Islamabad stressed that
Imran Hussain MP; Secretary, Lord Qurban Hussain; Treasurer, international community
James Daly MP; Shadow Minister for International must take the issue on priority
Development, Judith Commins MP; Mark Eastwood MP; Tahir and “make sure that human
Ali MP; Sarah Britcliffe MP; Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman rights are not negotiable,
Jammu and Kashmir Self-Determination Movement regardless of religion,
International (JKSDMI); Councilor Yasmin Dar, Chairperson ethnicity, age and gender”.
JKSDMI-UK; and Harpreet Uppal and Sabah Kanwal, staff She said that the resolutions of
members of Debbie Abrahams. the UN Security Council were
The APPGK Chairperson, Debbie Abrahams, was deported from still in place and relevant for
Delhi on February 17 for her open stance on the prevailing the current situation in
human rights situation in occupied Kashmir. occupied Kashmir.
Lawmakers Debbie Abrahams and Imran Hussain in a press To a question on UK’s response
conference along with Pakistan Foreign Minister, Shah on looming threat of genocide
Mahmood Qureshi, at the Foreign Office in Islamabad on in occupied Kashmir, she said
February 19 called upon the international community to take the independent group did not
urgent notice of worsening human rights situation in occupied represent the British
Kashmir. government and could not
Debbie Abrahams said that the group members would report speak on its behalf. However,
back to their parties on India denying the visit and Pakistan she said the group had host of
allowing for an independent monitoring of its part of Kashmir. ways to draw attention of the



relevant authorities to the

m a t t e r . “ W e a s
parliamentarians will lobby
our government towards the
issue of geo-political
significance as two nuclear
powers (Pakistan and India)
could come at loggerheads
with each other,” she said.
Debbie Abrahams termed
Kashmir a ‘longest running
dispute’ which escalated after
India’s action of revoking the
special status of occupied community. He said if India had nothing to hide about the
Kashmir on August 5, last situation in occupied Kashmir, the independent group would
year. have been allowed to visit the territory.
She mentioned the Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, said that India had
commitment of Pakistan revealed its sham face of secularism and democracy by denying
government to resolve the visit of an independent foreign group on Kashmir. He mentioned
Kashmir dispute contrary to that APPGK presented a credible report on Kashmir situation in
2018, highlighting the
ongoing atrocities on
Kashmiris by the Indian
forces. He expressed hope
that the British Parliament,
European Parliament and
US Congress would raise
voice similar to Pakistan
where the Parliament twice
passed unanimous
resolutions condemning
Indian actions in the
occupied territory. He
e x p r e s s e d t h e
apprehension that the
India’s attitude of not allowing disputed area could become a nuclear flashpoint with high
international observers to prospects of making a global impact.
monitor the situation. Shah Mahmood Qureshi dismissed a statement by the Indian
Speaking on the occasion, External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar, who stated that only one
Deputy Chair of APPGK, MP of the two democracies would decide about the fate of Kashmir,
Imran Hussain, said that the saying that decision by the “so-called democracy” had already
Kashmir dispute was not been taken on August 5 which was rejected by the Kashmiris.
limited as a bilateral matter Later in the evening, the British delegation met Prime Minister,
between Pakistan and India Imran Khan, at the Prime Minister’s House in Islamabad. Imran
but had become a human Khan underscored that the international community must play a
rights issue that needed role in raising awareness about India’s crimes against humanity
attention of the world in occupied Kashmir and force New Delhi to comply with the UN



Security Council resolutions

on Jammu and Kashmir.
The Prime Minister said that
Pakistan believed that a just
and lasting solution of the
Kashmir dispute was essential
for peace, security and
stability in South Asia. He
reiterated Pakistan’s
commitment to continue its
support to the Kashmiri people
in their struggle for securing
justice and inalienable right to
Imran Khan apprised the divert international attention the 5th of August last year,”
delegation of grim human from its unacceptable actions said delegation leader, MP
rights and humanitarian in occupied Kashmir. Debbie Abrahams, at a brief
conditions in occupied On February 20, the British interaction with journalists at
Kashmir and underlined that parliamentarians expressed the President House in
eight million Kashmiris have gratitude to the governments Muzaffarabad after a meeting
with the AJK President, Sardar
Masood Khan.
She said the group was
concerned about human
rights on both sides of the LoC
but what was reassuring was
the access to different groups
and people across AJK. In
reply to a question, Debbie
Abrahams blamed the Indian
leadership for the treatment
meted out to her in Delhi.
“…We need to be clear that this
is about the Indian authorities
and the current (Indian)
been under military siege since of Pakistan and Azad Jammu leadership and it is
August 05, last year, with all and Kashmir (AJK) for disappointing,” she said.
their rights and freedoms affording them extensive “They are the largest
taken away. courtesy and free access to democracy in the world and it’s
He highlighted the threat to visit “anyone, anywhere” in not the sign of a healthy
peace and security posed by contrast to the conduct of the democracy,” she said.
the Indian leadership’s Indian government. Nevertheless, she added, “I
belligerent rhetoric and “Seventy-two years is a long don’t bear grudges and I hope
aggressive actions on the time and we can’t allow the they will change their mind
ground. He maintained that tragedy that has befallen and at some stage we will be
India could resort to a “false Kashmiri people to continue in able to visit (Indian occupied)
flag” operation in order to this way and particularly after Jammu and Kashmir as well.”



MP Hussain said the APPGK voice in the British Parliament against human rights violations in
had always desired to visit occupied Kashmir. Kashmir issue, India’s war hysteria and
both sides of the LoC. overall regional situation were discussed in the meeting. The
“Tragically, the Indian Punjab Governor said that India had become a den of extremism,
government did not allow us and for how long the world would keep mum over it. The world
this time as well to visit the community’s silence over Indian atrocities will not be less than an
other side of the LoC,” he said. offense, he added.
Talking about continued Punjab Governor on the occasion said that restricting British
detentions under draconian MPs’ visit to the occupied Kashmir was the shameful act by India.
laws in occupied Kashmir The British delegates said what was going on in occupied Kashmir
amid continued curfew and was alarming for the entire world community. They said, “India’s
communications blockade, MP citizenship law is also denial of basic human rights against which
Hussain said that if the Indian we will raise our voice.”
government had nothing to A delegation of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) met
hide then it should allow the the visiting Members of British Parliament (MPs) in Islamabad on
APPGK team to visit the other February 22 and apprised them of the latest situation of occupied
side of the LoC. Kashmir.
“Today we repeat this request The JKLF delegates including Saleem Haroon, Rafiq Dar, Sajid
from here. We are still willing Sidiqi and Aftab Ahmed told the delegation that the Indian
to visit the government
other side…. had been
b e c a u s e committing
human rights the worst
a r e a n k i n d o f
international h u m a n
issue and can r i g h t s
never be a violations in
bilateral issue occupied
and we as the Kashmir.
all-party T h e y
parliamentary condemned
group would the Indian
continue to act of not
raise our voice allowing
a g a i n s t D e b b i e
persecution, Abrahams
oppression and injustice to visit India and occupied Kashmir and appreciated her role for
wherever they happen,” he raising Kashmiris’ voice at the international level.
said. Briefing the UK delegation about the prevailing situation in the
On February 21, the British occupied territory, the JKLF spokesman, Rafiq Dar, said that the
delegation called on Punjab Indian government had arrested thousands of Hurriyat activists
Governor, Chaudhry and youth since it scrapped the special status of occupied
Muhammad Sarwar, at the Kashmir and put it under military siege on August 5, 2019.
Governor’s House in Lahore. He also informed the visiting MPs about the deteriorating health
British delegation members of illegally detained party Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik,
assured the Governor that lodged in New Delhi’s infamous Tihar Jail and urged them to play
they would raise an effective their role in his early release. (KI Report)



Kashmiri Women’s Resistance Day observed

World urged to become voice for IOK women
husbands, fathers and
brothers in the occupied
territory who were subjected to
custodial disappearance by
Indian Army, police and
paramilitary personnel.
The report said that several
women including Hurriyat
leaders, Aasiya Andrabi,
Fehmeeda Sofi and Naheeda
Nasreen were facing illegal
detention. They are being
victimised only for the reason
that they represent the
Kashmiri people’s aspirations,

ndian authorities further intensified restrictions in the
it added.
besieged occupied Kashmir, particularly in Kupwara
Meanwhile, Pakistan Prime
district, on February 23, 2020 to prevent people from
Minister, Imran Khan, through
expressing solidarity with the victims of Kunanposhpora mass
tweets on the day urged the
rape perpetrated by Indian troops on the completion of 29 years
global fraternity, especially
to the tragic incident.
women, to become the voice of
The troops had gang-raped around 100 women of all ages from
resilient Kashmiri women for
eight to eighty on the night of February 23 in 1991 during a siege
peace in occupied Kashmir
and search operation in Kunanposhpora area of the district.
that had been under Indian
The troops were deployed in strength on all entry and exit points
military lockdown for nearly
of the district to prevent people from expressing solidarity with
200 days.
the victims of the mass rape.
Highlighting the Kashmiri
In order to pay tributes to the courage of the survivors of the
Women’s Resistance Day, he
Kunanposhpora tragedy, 23rd February is being observed every
spoke of how the Indian forces
year since 2014 as Kashmiri Women’s Resistance Day. The three
have continuously been
decades-long struggle of the survivors from Kunanposhpora is a
engaged in war crimes against
part of the larger ongoing struggle in occupied Kashmir against
women of the territory for
the institutionalised and structural violence of the Indian state
almost 73 years.
in the territory.
“Today is Kashmiri Women’s
A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media
Resistance Day. For over 7
Service on the occasion of the Kashmiri Women’s Resistance Day
decades, Indian forces have
revealed that at least 671 women had been martyred by Indian
committed war crimes against
troops since January 2001 till February 23, 2020.
The report pointed out that since January 1989, the unabated women in IOJK. Their
Indian state terrorism rendered 22,911 women widowed while sufferings have multiplied
Indian forces’ personnel had molested 11,178 women. after 5 Aug siege by Modi Govt.
The report said that thousands of women lost their sons, I urge world community,



especially women, to become

voice of resilient Kashmiri
women for peace in IOJK,” the
Prime Minister wrote on
On the other hand, Hurriyat
leaders and organisations in
their separate statements
expressed solidarity with the
victims of the heinous mass
rape crime.
The Jammu and Kashmir
Muslin Conference Chairman,
Shabbir Ahmed Dar, in a
statement in Srinagar termed Chairperson of Muslim Khawateen Markaz, Yasmeen Raja, in a
t h e i n c i d e n t o f statement in Srinagar called upon the UN Secretary General,
Kunanposhpora mass rape as Antonio Guterres, to conduct impartial investigation into the
the most horrifying and gruesome incident. She said that five of the victims had reportedly
terrifying incident in the died waiting for justice.
history of mankind which Yasmeen Raja emphasised a thorough, impartial and effective
shook the whole world. investigation into the mass rape incident and appealed to the
He said, the victims of this people of India to stand for humanity and justice. She questioned
the silence of Indian civil society,
activists, writers and all those
who claim to be defenders of
human rights.
Jammu and Kashmir Islami
Tanzeem-e-Azadi in a statement
termed the tragedy as a black
stain on humanity and regretted
that despite the passage of three
decades, no action was taken
against the culprits, instead they
were awarded with promotions.
“This is one of the worst tragedies
in history and it is our duty to
remember this day,” the
shameful act are still waiting statement said and expressed
for justice. This heinous act solidarity with the victims.
should now awake the world Meanwhile, Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Pir Panjal Civil
conscience and remind the Society, Maulana Amir Muhammad Shamsi, in a statement
champions of international issued in Jammu demanded justice for the victims of the heinous
human rights their act. He appealed to the Muslims of occupied Kashmir to maintain
responsibilities so that unity and brotherhood to meet the prevailing situation in the
perpetrators are tried in backdrop of abrogation of special status of Kashmir and the rising
International Court of Justice. Indian atrocities in the Kashmir Valley.
APHC leader and the (KI Report)


03-02-2020 Kulgam 05-02-2020 Srinagar 06-02-2020 Budgam

09-02-2020 Srinagar 18-02-2020 Srinagar 19-02-2020 Pulwama

22-02-2020 Islamabad 23-02-2020 Islamabad

29-02-2020 Kishtwar
Occupied Kashmir has been reeling under brutal and inhuman lockdown for over seven months
now where restrictions on movement of people and means of communications have been imposed
by India since August 5 when it repealed the special status of the territory.
The people of the occupied territory particularly the residents of Kashmir Valley have suffered
immensely due to continued strict lockdown. The BJP-led Indian government, which is follower of
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ideology, never ever obscured its evil designs against people
of occupied Kashmir and the minorities in India particularly Muslims. History is witness to the fact
that communal violence in India escalated since Narendra Modi came into power way back in
2014. The prevailing situation across India following controversial Citizenship Amendment Act
also indicates the evil deigns of BJP government against minorities particularly Muslims and New
Delhi’s anti-Muslim violence was its evidence. Over 50 people died and hundreds other sustained
injuries as a result of the violence in the Indian capital.
The Modi led BJP government has drawn wide criticism of its policies from across the globe as
Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the US Commission on
International Religious Freedom, and the US lawmakers have reacted strongly to the violence in
New Delhi.
Following is an account of human rights violations by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir during
February 2020.
February 01: Several shopkeepers including Javed
Ahmed, Reyaz Ahmed, Sameer Ahmed, Gowhar
Ahmed and Abdul Rashid were injured after Indian
forces’ personnel used brute force and ruthlessly
beat them up at Damhal Hanjipora in Kulgam.
Indian police during crackdown and search
operations arrested several people including two
students from Baramulla, Pulwama and Kupwara
February 02: At least nine people including Aijaz
Ahmed Sheikh, Umar Hameed Sheikh, Imtiyaz
Ahmed Chikla, Sahil Farooq Gojri and Naseer
Ahmed Mir were injured in a grenade blast at
Pratap Park in Lal Chowk area of Srinagar.
February 03: Indian troops beat up and injured two
youth during a search operation in Qaimoh area of
Islamabad district.
Indian police during raids arrested over a dozen
youth including Muhammad Amin, Muhammad
Rafiq, Fayaz Lone, Maqbool Dar, Suhail Rashid,
Shoaib Muhammad, Adil Islam and Rafiq Dar from
Karimabad, Khrew, Awantipora and Kakapora
areas of Pulwama district.
The personnel of India’s National Investigation
Agency, Central Reserve Police Force and police
Compiled by arrested two youth, Fayaz Ahmed Mir and Tahir
Ahmed Dar, during house raids in Kupwara.
Raies Ahmed Mir February 04: Indian troops thrashed and injured
over a dozen youth after physically checking their
mobiles to inquire about the use of virtual private
network (VPN) to access internet in Islamabad,
Khonmoh, Shopian and Kulgam areas.
Five persons including a woman Mahmooda
Akhtar and a teenage girl Tahseena Fayaz were
injured after their car was deliberately hit by an



Indian Army vehicle at

Wangund-Qazigund in
Islamabad district.
February 05: Indian troops
killed two youth, Khateeb-ul-
Das and Zia-ur-Rehman Wani
and critically injured a
shopkeeper, Umer Fayaz Butt,
during a cordon and search
operation in Lawaypora-
Shalteng area of Srinagar.
February 06: Dead body of
Rayees Ahmed Dar, who was
killed a few days ago by Indian
troops during a cordon and
search operation, was retrieved
from Zantrag Khrew in
Pulwama. Mudasir Ahmed Khan, Irfan leader, Muhammad Maqbool
Indian troops arrested a youth Aziz Butt and Muhammad Asif Butt, who was hanged by India
in Rajbagh area of Srinagar. Parray, during house raids in at New Delhi’s Tihar Jail on
Indian authorities booked Budgam and Hajin areas. February 11, 1984, and
politicians, Omar Abdullah, February 09: The occupation remains buried in the prison
Mehbooba Mufti, Ali authorities imposed premises.
Muhammad Sagar, Bashir restrictions in several parts of February 12: Indian troops
Ahmed Veeri and Sartaj Kashmir Valley to prevent arrested around a dozen youth
Madani, under black law, people from holding anti-India including Shahnawaz Ahmed
Public Safety Act, in Srinagar. demonstrations on the Wani, Nasir Ahmed Wani, Bilal
They have been under illegal occasion of the seventh Ahmed Khan, Irfan Ahmed
detention since August 5, martyrdom anniversary of Pathan and Ali Muhammad
2019. Butt in Budgam and Srinagar.
Kashmiri leader, Muhammad
Afzal Guru. India’s National Investigation
Indian troops Agency arrested a Kashmiri
d u r i n g a youth, Tanveer Ahmed Wani,
crackdown from New Delhi.
February 13: Indian agents
killed 80-year-old prominent
arrested two
religious leader, Abdul Ghani
youth at Nashri
Dar alias Abdullah Ghazali,
Chanderkot in
inside a mosque at Maisuma in
R a m b a n
district. Indian police during house
February 10: raids arrested four youth, Aadil
Indian troops Ahmed Dar, Aqib Fayaz
arrested four Makroo, Aijaz Ahmed Sofi and
youth, Sohail Tawfeeq Ahmed Butt, in
February 07: A Kashmiri youth,
Basit Ahmed Khan, was beaten Lone, Sohib Manzoor, Zahoor Islamabad and Tral areas.
to death by a Hindu communal Ahmed Khan and Rustum Ali, February 14: The police
group in Hassanpora- from Pulwama, Budgam and arrested six youth including
Hathwada area of Rajasthan in Kishtwar areas. four students, Irfan Ahmed
India. February 11: The occupation Khan, Mudabir Aijaz, Wahid
Indian troops arrested three authorities imposed Ashraf Rathar and Ghulam
youth, Naveed-ul-Lateef, restrictions in several parts of Mohiuddin Dar, in Srinagar.
Shakeel Ahmed and Shamshad Kashmir Valley to stop people February 15: The police
Manzoor, in Srinagar. from staging anti-India arrested three Kashmiri
February 08: Indian troops demonstrations on the students, Aamir Mohiuddin
arrested five youth, Amir Shafi martyrdom anniversary of the Wani, Basit Asif Sofi and Talib
Dar, Shabbir Ahmed Ganai, prominent Kashmiri liberation Majeed, studying at a private



engineering college in Hubali

district of Karnataka in India
on sedition charges for
allegedly raising pro-Pakistan
slogans and posting a video of it
on social media.
The occupation authorities
booked politicians, Shah
Faisal, Naeem Akhtar and Hilal
Akbar Lone, under draconian
law, Public Safety Act.
February 16: Indian troops
during door-to-door search
operations harassed and
misbehaved with the people at
Murran in Pulwama and Tarzoo Subhanpura in Kulgam February 22: Indian troops
in Sopore. district. killed two youth, Naveed
The occupation authorities did The occupation authorities Ahmed Butt and Aqib Ahmed
not allow anybody to enter the invoked black law, Public Butt, during cordon and search
residence of ailing All Parties Safety Act, against People’s operation in Sangam area of
Hurriyat Conference Democratic Party leader, Peer Islamabad district.
Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani, in Mansoor. The troops arrested a youth,
Hyderpora, Srinagar. February 20: A woman was Muzamil Ahmed War, in
February 17: Indian police killed after she was deliberately
harassed and arrested a Sopore.
hit by an Indian Army vehicle in February 25: Indian police
journalist, Kamran Yousuf, in Achabal area of Islamabad arrested over forty youth from
Pulwama for uploading the district. Pulwama, Budgam, Ganderbal
Indian police and other areas.
arrested a February 26: The sleuths of
y o u t h , India’s National Investigation
I m t i y a z Agency during house raids in
A h m e d
Kakapora, Drubgam,
Shah, in
Karimabad, Qasbayar and
other areas of Pulwama and
February 21:
Indian police Shopian districts arrested a
arrested over youth, Zubair Ahmed Butt, and
a dozen harassed the residents.
y o u t h February 27: Indian troops and
including personnel of NIA during cordon
video of ailing APHC Chairman, Shahid Ahmed Butt, Zahoor and search operations and
Syed Ali Gilani, on social Ahmed Padder, Bilal Ahmed house raids assaulted several
media. Teli, Saqib Ahmed Lone and people at Aglar Zainpora in
February 18: The police Waseem Majeed Dar during Shopian and in various areas of
arrested Sirajudin, who was house raids in Pulwama, Pulwama.
working as domestic help at the Shopian, Budgam, Handwara February 28: Indian troops and
residence of ailing Syed Ali and Kupwara areas. NIA personnel during cordon
Gilani, in Srinagar. India’s National Investigation and search operations and
February 19: Indian troops Agency interrogated and house raids arrested several
killed three youth, Jehangir harassed Ghulam Mohiuddin people in Srinagar, Shopian
Rafiq Wani, Raja Umar Maqbool Sheikh, President of local Auqaf and Pulwama districts.
Butt and Uzair Ahmed Butt, in committee, Mufti Showkat, February 29: Indian police
a fake encounter at Diver in Ahmed Naik and Javed Ahmed during a raid arrested four
Tral area of Pulwama district. Najar during a raid on a Darul persons from Bone and Joints
Indian police arrested a youth, Uloom at Pinglena in Pulwama Hospital in Srinagar.
Zubair Ahmed Ganai, at district.

OIC’s special envoy assures full support for

Kashmir cause

belligerent rhetoric and

aggressive actions. It was
emphasised that the
Kashmiris looked towards the
OIC and Muslim Ummah for
active support for the
realisation of their
fundamental rights and for
peaceful resolution of the
Kashmir dispute.
On March 03, in his meeting
with the OIC Special Envoy,
Prime Minister, Imran Khan
praised the OIC for extending

he Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Secretary unwavering support to the
General’s Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir, people of occupied Kashmir.
Ambassador Yousef M Al Dobeay, visited Pakistan and The prime minister apprised Al
Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from March 02-06, 2020 during Dobeay about the prevailing
which he assured for all-out support to bring an end to the situation in the occupied
sufferings of the Kashmiri people. Valley and said the people of
Al Dobeay was accompanied by a high-level delegation Pakistan and Kashmir look
comprising Ambassador Rizwan Shiekh, Pakistan’s Permanent towards the OIC and Muslim
Representative to OIC; Ahmad Sereer, Director Asian Affairs OIC Ummah to play role in the
Secretariat; members of the Political Affairs Department OIC settlement of the Kashmir
Secretariat and representatives of the Islamic Development dispute in accordance with the
Bank and the Islamic Solidarity Fund. resolutions of United Nations.
During the visit, the special envoy and his delegation members Al Dobeay said that the OIC
called on Prime Minister, Imran Khan, and held meetings with was very concerned about the
the Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Minister for situation in occupied Kashmir.
Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, members of Parliamentary Later addressing a press
Committee on Kashmir, and Foreign Secretary. A delegation of conference along with Foreign
representatives of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Minister, Shah Mahmood
also met with the OIC delegation and apprised it of the prevailing Qureshi, he said, “OIC fully
grim situation in occupied Kashmir. supports resolution of the
During the meetings, the Pakistani leadership appreciated OIC’s Kashmir dispute. We reaffirm
steadfast support for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, that all of our member states
particularly in the aftermath of India’s unilateral and illegal are supporting settlement of
actions of repealing the special status of occupied Kashmir on this issue so that Kashmiris
5th August 2019. The Special Envoy was apprised of the dire can get the right of self-
human rights and humanitarian situation in the occupied determination."
territory and the threat to peace and security posed by India’s “Pakistan has shown the world



that it is a peaceful state by

using diplomatic channels in
the (recent) situations,” he
Talking to Federal Minister for
Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-
Baltistan, Ali Amin Gandapur,
in Islamabad, Al Dobeay said
that the OIC would continue
supporting the Kashmiris’
right to self-determination.
He also discussed the future
strategy of the OIC pertaining
to the decades-old Kashmir
appreciated the OIC’s steadfast support for the people of Jammu
and Kashmir, particularly in the aftermath of India’s unilateral
On the occasion, Ali Amin
and illegal actions of 5th August 2019.
Gandapur briefed the envoy
In Azad Jammu and Kashmir, the delegation held meetings with
about the ongoing anti-
the President and Prime Minister of AJK, and visited the Line of
Muslim violence in India and
Control (LoC) as well as a refugee camp in Muzaffarabad.
the grave human rights In their interactions, the AJK leadership commended the OIC’s
commitment to the Kashmir
cause and its support for
the oppressed people of
occupied Kashmir.
Talking to newsmen in
Muzaffarabad after meeting
the AJK President, Sardar
Masood Khan, Al Dobeay
said that the OIC had
always advocated
resolution of the
longstanding Kashmir
dispute in line with the UN
Security Council’s
resolutions and peaceful
violations being perpetrated by political means to ensure durable peace in South Asia.
Indian troops in occupied Yousaf Al Dobeay demanded of the Indian government to revoke
Kashmir. 5th August steps in occupied Kashmir, lift curfew and siege and
A delegation of representatives restore fundamental human rights of the Kashmiris.
of the All Parties Hurriyat He also called for implementation of the recommendations of the
Conference Azad Jammu and UN Human Right Council’s reports 2018 and 2019 to address the
Kashmir (APHC-AJK) Chapter humanitarian issue in occupied Kashmir.
also met with the OIC During its visit to the Line of Control at Chakothi, the delegation
delegation and apprised it of was briefed about the loss of civilian lives and damage to property
the grim situation in occupied due to frequent unprovoked firings by the Indian forces across the
Kashmir. During the meeting, LoC. At the refugee camp in Muzaffarabad, the delegation
the Hurriyat leaders interacted with refugees from occupied Kashmir to get first-hand



understanding of the
sufferings of Kashmiris under
India’s illegal occupation.
The Special Envoy emphasised
that Kashmir and Palestine
remained the top-most items
on the OIC agenda.
Reaffirming the OIC’s
principled position, the
Special Envoy stated that the
Jammu and Kashmir is an
internationally recognised
dispute, which needs to be
settled in accordance with the
relevant UN and OIC
resolutions. He assured that cause. Organisation has a dedicated
the OIC will take all necessary The Special Envoy’s visit was Contact Group on Jammu and
steps to mitigate the sufferings of particular significance in Kashmir since 1994.
of the Kashmiris and help the backdrop of India’s The OIC has remained actively
resolve the dispute according unilateral and illegal actions of seized of the deteriorating
to the wishes of the people of 5th August 2019 and the situation in occupied Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir. strong message on the Jammu since 5th August 2019. The
This was the first visit of and Kashmir dispute OIC and its human rights
body, Independent Permanent
Human Rights Commission
(IPHRC), have issued several
statements condemning
India’s actions and reiterating
their principled position on the
Kashmir dispute. The OIC
Contact Group on Jammu and
Kashmir has met twice since
India’s 5th August move.
The communiqué issued by
the Contact Group’s meeting
in New York at the Ministerial
level reflected OIC’s strong
Ambassador Yousef M Al contained in the resolutions commitment to the Kashmir
Dobeay to Pakistan and AJK and communiqués of the OIC cause. Under its Standing
after his appointment as OIC Council of Foreign Ministers Mechanism to monitor human
Secretary General’s Special (CFM) and Summit meetings. rights situation in occupied
Envoy for Jammu and The OIC has extended its Kashmir, the IPHRC also held
Kashmir during the 14th steadfast support to the an unprecedented ‘Open
Summit of OIC held in Makkah Kashmiri people in their just Discussion’ on the worsening
in May 2019. The visit was also struggle for securing their situation in the occupied
a reaffirmation of the OIC’s inalienable right to self- territory in November 2019.
commitment to the Kashmir determination. The (KI Report)



World attention drawn towards

Indian atrocities in IOK

peakers at different functions including seminars and August 5, last year, while a
conferences organised during the 43rd session of the number of people have been
United Nations Human Rights Council held in Geneva, killed during peaceful protests
Switzerland, from February 24 to March 20, 2020, condemned against the controversial
the gross human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops citizenship act in New Delhi.
and police personnel in occupied Kashmir. They regretted that On March 27, the UN High
no steps have been taken to address excessive use of force and Commissioner for Human
other serious human rights violations by Indian forces in the Rights, Michelle Bachelet,
occupied territory. Federal Minister of Human Rights, Dr addressing the 43rd session of
Shireen Mazari, represented Pakistan at the UNHRC session. the UN Human Rights Council
Dr Shireen Mazari in her address to the session appealed to the expressed serious concern
Council to impress upon India to immediately lift the over the prevailing grim
communications blockade in
occupied Kashmir and
release Kashmiri detainees.
She demanded that all
actions taken by the Indian
government since August 05,
last year, be repealed. She
said that India continued to
violate the human rights of
the Kashmiri people. She
said that over six thousand
Kashmiri people were
arrested without the due
process of law and called for
their immediate release. Dr
Shireen Mazari added that
any inaction by the international community and the UNHRC situation in occupied Kashmir
will only embolden India to act with impunity. and the escalating anti-
On February 24, Dr Shireen Mazari also raised the issue of Muslim violence in New Delhi.
violations of human rights abuses by Indian troops in occupied She regretted that no steps
Kashmir with the European Union Special Representative on have been taken to address
Human Rights. She presented the case of Kashmir in a meeting excessive use of force and
with the EU Special Representative on Human Rights, Eamon other serious human rights
Gilmore. During the meeting she highlighted the human rights violations committed by
abuses by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir and the Indian troops in occupied
persecution of Muslims in India besides discussing the wave of Kashmir.
Islamophobia in the European countries. Both sides agreed to She noted that as many as 800
cooperate on human rights issue. Kashmiris including political
Occupied Kashmir has been under a repressive lockdown since leaders and activists



reportedly remain in
detention. “Schools,
businesses and livelihoods
have been disrupted by the
continued heavy military
presence,” she said.
The high commissioner also
noted that the Indian
government had partially
restored mobile and internet
services, after a decision by the
Indian Supreme Court.
However, she added that the
authorities continued to It is to mention here that Michelle Bachelet in her inaugural
impose excessive restrictions speech at the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in
on the use of social media. Geneva in September 2019 had also expressed concern about
Michelle Bachelet said that in
restrictions imposed in occupied Kashmir.
India more broadly, the The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has
Citizenship Amendment Act also published two reports on human rights violations by Indian
adopted last December was of forces in the occupied Kashmir. These reports were released in
June 2018 and July 2019.
On the other hand, the International
Human Rights Association of American
Minorities (IHRAAM), a non-
governmental organisation, submitted a
written statement for the 43rd session of
the UN Human Rights Council’s agenda
item 4, human rights situation.
The statement said that Kashmiris in
occupied Kashmir is a distinct
national/ethnic/religious group, in
particular the Kashmiri Muslims, as
being recognised in the UN report 2019. It
great concern. Indians in huge said, the Kashmiris are subjected to
numbers, and from all genocide by the perpetrators with the intent to destroy, in whole
communities, have expressed or in part.
in a mostly peaceful manner The IHRAAM submitted in its statement that the international
their opposition to the Act, she human rights groups have admitted that Indian armed forces use
said. excessive force that leads to unlawful killings and thousands of
The high commissioner Kashmiris have been killed during the period 1990-2019.
expressed concern over The statement pointed out that Amnesty International, Human
reports of police “inaction” in Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists all
the face of attacks against claim that there were over 90 fatalities of Kashmiris in 2016 while
Muslims by Hindu groups, as during 2018, it is claimed that 160 Kashmiris were killed. The first
well as previous reports of half of 2019 (January-June 2019) continued with killings of
excessive use of force by police Kashmiris as 163 people were killed. The second half of 2019
against peaceful protesters. (July–December) recorded 64 killings. It maintained that 95,475



killings since January 1989 till in Northeast Delhi, which left the UN resolutions and
December 10, 2019 over 40 people dead and many international law. He said that
corroborated the argument others wounded. the Kashmir dispute should be
that there was a systematic MJ Akbar was addressing at resolved in accordance with
pattern in place with intent to an event titled “Muslims in the relevant UN resolutions on
destroy in whole or in part the plural India and constitution” the subject.
Kashmiris. organised by the Indian On March 09, another
On March 01, Indian government through a proxy Kashmiri representative,
delegation faced major on the sidelines of the 43rd Shamim Shawl, in her speech
embarrassment at its event in session of the UNHRC. said that when the world
Geneva when a Kashmiri The event was organised in the observed the International
activist sought comment from backdrop of a spontaneous Women’s Day on 8th March,
pro-Modi politician, MJ Akbar protest against India’s anti- the miseries and victimisation
on remarks that it was safer to Muslim Citizenship of the Kashmiri women at the
be a cow than a Muslim in Amendment Act and anti- hands of Indian troops and
India. police personnel
A well known continued unabated in
Kashmiri activist, occupied Kashmir. She
Hassan Al-Bana, told the participants
asked MJ Akbar, “One that thousands of
of your colleagues, Mr Kashmiri women have
Shashi Tharoor has been martyred by
said that it is safer to Indian troops and
be a cow than a police since January
Muslim in India.” 1989 till March 08,
Condoning Modi- 2020. She said that
backed terror attacks unabated Indian state
on Muslims in Delhi, Muslim terror attacks in Delhi. terrorism had
MJ Akbar called Tharoor’s Pro-Modi Muslim religious rendered 22,912 women
statement irresponsible leader, Umer Ahmed Ilyasi, widowed. She added that the
rhetoric. and pro-government troops had molested 11,179
“I don’t agree with Shashi journalist, Atika Ahmed women during this period. She
Tharoor. Whatever has been Farouqi, also spoke at the maintained that an eight-year-
said by him is far away from event and tried to justify old baby girl, Aasifa Bano, of
reality. He was in opposition India’s CAA. Kathua, was abducted, gang-
and his comments were just Interestingly, Akbar, Ilyasi and raped and subsequently
irresponsible rhetoric,” he Atika have been silent over murdered by Indian police
said, claiming that Indian mass killings of Muslims in personnel, in January 2018.
Muslims were enjoying equal Delhi. She also mentioned Insha
r i g h t s a n d e q u a l On March 06, Kashmiri Tariq who was arrested along
opportunities. representative, Syed Faiz with her father by Indian police
MJ Akbar bragged about Naqshbandi, addressing the and sleuths of National
progress and equal rights of UNHRC session said that the Investigation Agency during
the Muslims at a time when Modi government’s unilateral door-to-door search
Indian police and saffron illegal decision to repeal operations on March 04 in
terror groups jointly carried Kashmir’s special status on Pulwama.
out terror attacks on Muslims 5th August, 2019, was against (KI Report)



scheduled to be held at the

Martyrs’ Graveyard on May 21,
the martyrdom anniversaries of
Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad

A chronological
Farooq and Khawaja Abdul
Ghani Lone.
The authorities also place

account of developments Hurriyet

Shah and

on Kashmir Ahmed Khan, under house

arrest immediately after they are
(163) released from Rajbagh Police
Station from more than a
month’s detention. Police resort

(Year 2014) to teargas shelling and baton-

charge on the family members of
a youth, who was found dead in
the Indian state of Himachal
Pradesh during their protest in
Srinagar. The police thrash the
protesters, mostly women,
without any provocation and fire
teargas shells on their houses.
The family members of the slain
youth demand probe into his
Indian police arrest the
President of Doctors Association
of Kashmir (DAK), Dr Nisar-ul-
Hassan, on fictitious charges
and book him under the so-

KMS Research Desk called Unlawful

Prevention Act.

May 19: The All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz May 21: The occupation
Umar Farooq, addressing an event in Srinagar says that there is no authorities resort to large scale
democracy in Kashmir and all decisions are taken by Indian Army arrests, restrictions and
and police to run the day-to-day affairs. imposition of curfew to sabotage
A five-year-old girl is killed and two others are injured after the a march towards the Martyrs’
Indian Army's leftover shell goes off in Drang area of Tosa Maidan in Graveyard at Eidgah in Srinagar
Budgam. on the martyrdom anniversaries
May 20: The speakers at a seminar organised by Jammu and of prominent liberation leaders,
Kashmir Muslim League in Srinagar emphasise that the elections Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad
under Indian authorities in occupied Kashmir are not a substitute of Farooq, Khawaja Abdul Ghani
the plebiscite, promised by the United Nations. They say India is Lone, and martyrs of Hawal. Call
using the holding of sham elections as diversionary tactics to for the march and complete
distract people’s attention from the ongoing liberation movement. shutdown is given by the All
The authorities place the APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Parties Hurriyet Conference
under house arrest to prevent him from addressing a rally, Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar



Farooq, to pay homage to the

The puppet authorities put
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and other
Hurriyet leaders including Syed
Ali Gilani, Maulana Abbas
Ansari, Agha Syed Hassan Al-
Moosvi Al-Safvi, Bilal Ghani
Lone, Shabbir Ahmed Shah,
Zafar Akbar Butt, Nayeem
Ahmed Khan, Masroor Abbas
and Syed Saleem Gilani under
house arrest.
Indian police arrest APHC
leaders, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza press conference at his residence in Srinagar deplores that India has
and Yasmeen Raja, along with usurped all the political, social and religious rights of the Kashmiri
Hurriyet activists when they people. He says that such tactics cannot subdue the Kashmiris’
lead the Eidgah march. Javed resolve and they will continue their liberation movement till it reaches
Ahmed Mir, Hilal Ahmed War, its logical end.
Hakeem Abdur Rasheed and In Islamabad, speakers of a function organised by the APHC-AJK
other Hurriyet leaders and chapter at the Kashmir House eulogise the services of Mirwaiz Molvi
activists are also arrested Muhammad Farooq and Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone for the Kashmir
during house raids in Srinagar. cause. The speakers include AJK Prime Minister, Sardar Muhammad
The puppet authorities impose Yaqoob Khan, Chaudhary Muhammad Yasin, Syed Yousuf Naseem
and Mehmood Ahmed Saghar.
May 22: The Chairman of All
Parties Hurriyet Conference,
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq while
addressing a seminar at Krala
Gund in Kupwara over telephone
from Srinagar calls for engaging
the Kashmiri leadership in Pak-
India dialogue process to find out
an amicable solution to the
Kashmir dispute. The event is
organised by Jammu and Kashmir
Peoples Conference to
commemorate the martyrdom
anniversaries of prominent
curfew and strict restrictions in liberation leaders, Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone and Mirwaiz Molvi
Srinagar city while all roads Muhammad Farooq.
leading to the Martyrs’ Protest demonstrations are held at Press Enclave in Srinagar to press
Graveyard are sealed to prevent for immediate withdrawal of Indian troops from Tossa Maidan in
people from converging at the Budgam.
Eidgah. Complete strike is People stage demonstrations in Pulwama against the large scale
observed across the occupied arrest of youth in the area.
The APHC Chairman, Mirwaiz Compiled by: Showkat Ali
Umar Farooq, addressing a To be continued...



Jamia Masjid Srinagar

Jamia Masjid is inner courtyard
a mosque in based on the
Srinagar, the traditional
summer capital chaar bagh plan
of occupied with a tank at
K a s h m i r . the centre. The
Standing tall in court, which
Nowhatta in the was originally
h e a r t o f planted with a
Srinagar city s e r i e s o f
from the last chinars, is
over 600 years, enclosed by
the colossal arched liwans
structure of the (cloisters)
grand mosque covered with
of Kashmir, has two-tiered
been witness to which terminate in an open sloping roof.
a palette of historical events. The turret crowned by high pinnacle. The western wall of the cloister
history of the mosque is in fact a The minars are connected by houses a black marble mehrab
reflection of the history of spacious halls, whose principal with beautiful calligraphic work.
political uprisings in the occu- feature is the vast array of 378 Ninety-nine attributes of
pied territory. Thousands of wooden columns, which support Almighty Allah have been
people congregate here for the roof. On the outside, the engraved on it. The courtyard,
prayers, especially on Fridays, mosque is decorated with yellow which is made up of pointed,
and it is the biggest mosque in poppies lining the mossy brick arched brick arcade, lends a
Kashmir known for its peaceful paths and lush green parks. solemn atmosphere to the whole
and tranquil ambiance. While the Jamia Masjid can accommodate area. The upper clerestory is
other heritage structures in the reached through twin staircases
more than 33,000 people for
occupied territory are inching located in the jamb of the arch
prayers at one time. There is a
towards their deplorable decay, along the western facade. The
square garden in the middle and
compound is bisected by two
the mosque is
broad paths, which have been
surrounded by wide
planted with cypress trees. The
lanes on all the four
water tank in the courtyard was
sides. Large entrance
originally fed by a water channel
gateway is covered
known as Lachma Kul.
with a pyramidical
The foundation of the mosque
roof surmounted by a
was laid by Sultan Sikandar Shah
square open pavilion Kashmiri, a ruler of Kashmir in
(brangh) with a spire 1400 AD. The construction was
on top. At the entrance completed in 1402 AD. Right
of the mosque, an from its inception, tragedies have
architectural docu- been inherent to the mosque. It
the grand mosque continues to ment welcomes the was damaged by fire on three
maintain its charm and splendor. visitors. Jamia Masjid is a local occasions but the damaged
Inspired by Indo-Saracenic adaptation of the enclosed portions were restored after
architecture, the mosque has an courtyard type mosque plan every disaster.
area of 384 X 381 feet. It is prevalent throughout the Islamic Today, the mosque stands tall
quadrangle in shape, roughly world. like the pride of Srinagar,
square, with four minars; one in The main entrance on the holding within itself rich stories
the middle of each side covered southern side consists of a from the past and calling all
with a series of pyramidal roofs, recessed portico leading into an Muslims to pray five times a day.



The Teacher
A Kashmiri folktale
The village about which this four walls of the house except cultivate. On several occasions
story is related had a school with a veil hanging down to their he tried to enter into conversa-
where education in the tradi- toes. There is no question at all of tion with her. She never resented
tional manner was imparted to their talking to a stranger, such an attempt on his part but,
the village boys. The old white- however good-natured he may as far as she was concerned, the
bearded teacher, who taught at be. The village woman, on the matter ended there for her. It
the school for thirty years, had other hand, is free from many of never paved the way for a
passed away, much to the regret the taboos in the city. She moves friendship or even what may be
of the villagers. He had perhaps about freely and goody goody called an acquaintance because
never taught more than three or modesty is alien to her unsophis- the next time he had to begin
four pupils at a time, but his ticated nature. Her conduct is a once again from the lowest rung.
culture and good breeding won true reflection of her. She is Finding no indication of progress
him a warm niche in every heart. mostly a workingwoman in this way he changed his line of
He was succeeded by another assisting her husband in the action. The young boy of the
gentleman from a neighbouring fields or tending cattle on the housewife attended the school
village. outskirts of the village. She will where the teacher taught. The
The new teacher was a young meet anybody unflinchingly, be teacher frequently said to the boy
man. He was gifted with all those he a robber or even the devil, and "Remember me to your mother".
qualities, which make us look not faint with fear like some of The boy carried the message as
wistfully on our departed youth: her sophisticated sisters living in charged. The mother realised
energy, health, ambition, hope towns behind latticed curtains. that the teacher needed a purge
and vanity. Since his pedagogic In spite of that, however, her for his humour and she chalked
duties did not tax his energy to conduct is unblemished. out her line of action. She told her
any extent, he interested himself The schoolmaster referred to boy to inform the teacher that she
in other activities and was fond above had certain preconceived wanted to have a word with him
of the company of young men. In and illusory notions about at her house. It was conveyed to
the midst of his friends nothing village women. He thought he him that her husband was
would distinguish him from the could play the gallant and thus expected to be away for the
brotherhood of the laity. He even tickle his vanity. Women move whole day.
disclosed a strain of gallantry in about freely in villages and his The heart of the teacher fluttered
his nature. Some elderly people movements were so timed as to like a bird when he got the
recalled the fatherly attitude of cross a number of them on the message. He felt highly excited
his predecessor and sighed that road when they proceeded to and in his best attire went too
even those who were expected to their farms. Sometimes he early for the appointment. The
set the standard in public contrived to enter into conversa- housewife gave him a reception
behaviour failed to maintain tion with one either on the that seemed to lack nothing in
proper decorum. roadside or at the village spring warmth. She seemed to have
The life lived by a woman in the where they went daily to fetch placed full confidence in his
city is different from that of her water. There was nothing friendship and gallantry. He
sister in the village. In a city the indecent in his behaviour, but it could not conceal the lascivious-
standard is set by the official sprang from a motive, which did ness in his looks and she recipro-
class who for this purpose may not appear to be "brotherly" as cated by pretending to gaze at
be said to include the business was the case with the village folk. him fondly. She busied herself in
and professional class too. Till There was, in particular, a making tea for him and offered
recently their womenfolk, both housewife, both pretty and him a cupful.
Hindu and Muslim, lived in prosperous, whose acquaintance While the cup brimful with tea
‘pardah’ and would not leave the and friendship he wanted to was steaming in the hands of the

MARCH 2020 30

teacher, a most unwelcome him that he

visitor arrived in the person of must look
the owner of the house, the bashfully
husband. The teacher did not downwards,
seem to be taken by surprise rotate the
because the presence of the u p p e r m i l l-
housewife had dilated his spirit stone and turn
and elated his vanity. The out the yellow
husband called his wife in a gruff flour. Needless
voice from the yard. The house- to say that the
wife began to tremble and turned other obeyed.
pale. H a v i n g
“I am undone,” she whispered, accomplished
“if he discovers you here he will all this she
kill me and not spare you either.” c a m e d o w n-
“Have no fear,” said the teacher stairs to meet
in a voice that faltered, “he her husband so
cannot be so harsh.” that he did not
get a chance to
“I know better how ruthless he is.
suspect that the
Would to God I were dead rather
teacher was in
than be surprised in this compro-
the person of
mising situation,” she said and
the working
began to beat her chest. “O quick,
woman turning
save my life” she whispered in a
out flour.
commotion, which was now
instilled into the teacher's heart. The housewife
greeted her
“Is there no other exit?”
husband with a
“No, none. He sees you here and face beaming
I am killed. He is such a rough with smiles.
bear. Nothing can save me unless had better dismiss him now. The
“What is that grinding sound
....,” she began to wail in a hushed lesson must have gone home to
upstairs?” growled the husband.
voice. him.” The housewife gave the
“It is that deaf woman turning
captive his clothes and the
“Unless what?” out maize flour,” she replied teacher slipped away without
“Unless you disguise yourself to aloud. exchanging another word.
escape his suspicion.” The husband and wife stayed It was remarked by many people
“Most willingly. I'll do anything pretty long in the kitchen garden the next day that the teacher had
for your sake,” said the teacher and in the barn. The sound of lost much of his liveliness. His
out of a sense of gallantry and a grinding continued to come from spirit had been clouded by a sort
trace of relief that a way out was upstairs though it was slow and of an eclipse. But nobody knew
indicated. punctuated with intervals of why. For neither the housewife
In a jiffy the housewife gave him silence. The teacher developed nor her husband revealed the
a workingwoman's cloak and many blisters on his hands. He secret of the "deaf woman"
scarf, which he donned as thought of slipping away, but grinding maize.
quickly, casting off his own knew nothing about where his One day the housewife sent a
turban and cloak which she put turban, scarf and tunic had been message to the schoolmaster
away. To allay all traces of deposited without which he was desiring him to repeat the visit.
suspicion in her husband she sure to attract the attention of the The boy conveyed the message
placed before him a basketful of pariah dog no less than of man. but now the teacher felt no
maize and two portable mill- “The fellow must be tired now excitement. All that he said was,
stones. They almost acted a and feeling bitter,” said her “Ask her if she has consumed the
pantomime. She impressed upon husband to the housewife, “you flour ground previously.”

MARCH 2020 31

Freedom struggle prove that the Quaid’s two nation theory still
The people of Jammu and Kashmir have been holds true.
resisting the Indian occupation for the last over As a young Pakistani, no amount of gratitude or
72 years. They are engaged in a heroic freedom thanks to our founding fathers is enough for this
struggle, facing the worst kind of Indian state beautiful nation of which we are citizens.
terrorism. They have braved the Indian atrocities Sana Aslam
with great courage and New Delhi has failed to Gujranwala
intimidate them into submission. The festering
Muslims’ genocide
problem has led to the brutal killing of thousands
On 9 to 10 November 1938 the then government
of people, including women and children, in the
in Germany encouraged its supporters to burn
Kashmir Valley by the Indian armed forces. The
down synagogues and smash up Jewish homes,
legal protection to the Indian troops in the guise
shops, businesses and schools. At least 91 Jews -
of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA)
and probably many more - were killed by Nazi
supporters egged on by Joseph Goebbels, the
minister for public enlightenment and

Letters to propaganda, in what became known as

Kristallnacht - “the Night of Broken Glass”. It was
a decisive staging post on the road to mass

Editor genocide.
On 23 February 2020 in Delhi, Hindu nationalist
mobs roamed the streets burning and looting
mosques together with Muslim homes, shops and
is very much there. This brutal law has allowed businesses. They killed or burned alive Muslims
the Indian forces to deal with the people of the who could not escape and the victims were largely
Valley as they please with little fear of unprotected by the police. At least 50 people,
prosecution. As global players continue to ignore almost all Muslims, were killed and many others
the resolution of the Kashmir dispute, it has beaten half dead. A two-year-old baby was
become a humanitarian issue in the region. stripped by a gang to see if he was circumcised -
Kashmir remains an international dispute as Muslims usually are, but Hindus are not.
between Pakistan and India. However, because of Some Muslim women pretended to be Hindus in
its very weak case, New Delhi terms it a bilateral order to escape.
dispute and avoids internationalising the issue. The Indian government’s complicity was not as
Anis Ahmed direct as in Germany 82 years earlier but activists
Islamabad of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, were
Two nation theory validated
reported as being in the forefront of the attacks on
The latest state-sponsored terrorism unleashed
Muslims. A video was published showing Muslim
by the fascist Bharatiya Janata Party
men, soaked in blood from beatings, being forced
government through its goons in the RSS against
to lie on the ground by police officers and
defenseless Indian Muslims has once again compelled to sing patriotic songs. Modi said
justified the demand of Muslims of the nothing for several days and then made a vague
subcontinent for their separate homeland on the appeal for “peace and brotherhood”.
basis of two nation theory. In fact, it validates as
The government’s real attitude towards the
absolutely true even after 82 years what Quiad-e- violence was observed when it instantly
Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had first said in transferred a judge critical of its actions during
1937 about there being two nations existing in the riots. The Delhi High Court Judge, S.
the subcontinent. Muralidhar, was hearing petitions about the
This is not the first time that India’s communal violence when he said that the court could not
leaders have targeted minorities on religious allow “another 1984” to happen, referring to the
basis. The Ayodhya verdict, the curfew and killing of 3,000 Sikhs by mobs in Delhi in that
human rights violations in occupied Kashmir, the year after the assassination of former prime
recent promulgation of discriminatory laws, minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards.
attacks on Muslim students in libraries and Jahangir Ismail
setting mosques and Muslims houses on fire Karachi


Atrocities by Indian troops
(January 1989 to February 29, 2020)

Total killings 95,506

Custodial killings 7,139

Civilian arrested 158,644

Structures destroyed/damaged 109,462

Women widowed 22,911

Children orphaned 107,784

Women gangraped/molested 11,179

Including custodial killings

Source: Kashmir Media Service (

Do you remember these words?

“In accepting the accession they [the Government of India] refused to take
advantage of the immediate peril in which the State found itself and informed
the Ruler that the accession should finally be settled by plebiscite as soon as
peace had been restored. They have subsequently made it quite clear that they
are agreeable to the plebiscite being conducted if necessary under international

(Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Minister of India

without Portfolio, while speaking in the
UN Security Council, January 15, 1948)

All Parties Hurriyet Conference Azad Jammu And Kashmir

P. O. Box No. 2617, GPO Islamabad.
Ph: 0092-51-4861457, Fax: 0092-51-4861458 (Islamabad)
0092-5822-432344 (Muzaffarabad)

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