Modul 7

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English For Accounting

Module 7
The standard module
which is used for lectures
in Mercubuana University

Abstract Competency
This module discusses about The students are expected to
Expression, Vocabulary, and comprehend Expression, Vocabulary,
Grammar Review which provides and Grammar Review and able to
Reading, Grammar and exercises, utilize English as Engineers language
Skills and Case Study. passive and active.

Module Standardization
This module standardization is arranged and presented to :

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

Ekonomi Akuntansi
07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
1. This module is provided to be a reference to discuss about Expression, Vocabulary, and
Grammar Review.
2. This module is provided to be a reference to discuss about Expression.
3. This module is provided to be a reference to discuss about grammar.
4. This module is provided to be a reference to discuss about exercise.
5. This module is provided to be a reference to discuss about skills.






This unit discusses about Expression, Vocabulary, and Grammar Review. Reading: What
is the Statement of Cash Flows? . It is completed with vocabulary. This unit provides
grammar: compound nouns. It also provides exercises: how to use compound nound
in sentences. This unit is ended by exercise: writing down article by describing a job
description in workplace.

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

Ekonomi Akuntansi
07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
English for Accounting
A. Expression of Hospitality
Exercise on Eating Out
Use the following words to complete the sentences below.
bill, bottle, dessert, drinks, fish and chips, hungry, menu, non-smoker, order, restaurant,

1. Guest: A  for two, please.
non smoker
2. Waiter: Smoker or  ?
3. Guest: Non-smoker, please.
4. Waiter: Here you go. Would you like to see the  ?
5. Guest: Yes, please. We are very  .
6. The guests look at the menu.
7. Waiter: Are you ready to  ?
fish and chips
8. Guest: We'd like  , please.
9. Waiter: Would you like any  ?
10. Guest: An orange juice, a coke and a   of red wine.
11. The guests have finished their meals.
12. Waiter: Would you like a  ?
13. Guest: No, thank you. Could we have the  , please?
Complete the sentences below with the appropriate hospitality expressions!

1. Welcome to the Blue Star Hotel. How may I help you? - I'd like
book a room
to   for two people, for two nights. 
2. Do you have any rooms available for June 10th? I'd like to make
a  . 
3. We stayed in the comfortable, spacious, newly
single room
renovated   for our wedding night. 
charge per night
4. How much is the small bottle of liquor in the   ? 

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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
single room
5. A room in which only one person should sleep -  . 
6. When making a reservation at a hotel, Sue was asked if she'd prefer to stay in
double room
a single or  . 
7. I need a room. What is the   ? 
checked out
8. Carol paid the additional charges on a bill,   and left the
9. When Sam arrived at the hotel, the receptionist greeted him
checked him in
and  . 
room service
10. We are pleased to offer you full   as a part of our
11. When young persons travel, they often find cheaper accommodation
youth hostels
in  . 
12. After a very long drive, the driver checked into the cheap
roadside  . 
13. The hotel bar has just been closed. Let's buy an orange juice box from
vending machine
a   . Have you got any coins? 
fully booked
14. I'm afraid they're   here because of the Trade Fair.We'll
need to find another hotel. 
15. A nice   took my suitcase with a smile and brought it to
my room. 
mini bar
16. We are fully booked and have no   for the upcoming
wake-up call
17. I'd like a   for seven o'clock tomorrow. 
front desk
18. You'll have to check in at the  . 

B. Agreement and Disagreement


Choose the correct answer for the following questions.

1. Vina: Do you think browsing on the internet is difficult?

Dea: Mm… I don’t think so. We just need more practice.

The underlined sentence expresses …

(A) asking opinion

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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
(B) agreement

(C) disagreement

(D) satisfaction

(E) dissatisfaction

2. Chen: I’m thinking about going camping next holiday. What do you think?

Chan: It’s great I think.

The underlined expression shows …

(A) possibility

(B) satisfaction

(C) sympathy

(D) ability

(E) agreement

3. Bill: Do you agree that the school’s new regulation is disappointing?

Bob: No, …….. because it is better than the previous one.

The suitable expression for the sentence above is …

(A) I’m 100 percent agree with you

(B) I entirely disagree with you.

(C) I get along with you

(D) I suppose so.

(E) I dare you are right

4. Jack: What do you think of our new jackets?

Jill: It’s a lovely jacket ever. I’m satisfied with the model.

Jane: Yes, ………………. I like the model. We’d better order again next year.

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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
(A) I get along with your opinion

(B) I can’t accept it

(C) Not really

(D) I’m not sure about that

(E) Well, it depends

5. Tanaka: Have you heard that Mr. Chan has been promoted to be the area manager?

Omura: I think he is a right person for that position.

Keiko:… because his experience and educational background are great and fantastic.

(A) I wouldn’t accept that

(B) I’m afraid you are wrong

(C) I don’t have any objection to it

(D) I don’t agree with you at all

(E) Not necessarily

6. Odi: I think English is a very difficult language to learn.

Steven: Do you think so? You just need practice every day and it will be very easy.

What does Steven mean?

(A) He is not satisfied with Odi’s opinion

(B) He agrees with Odi’s opinion

(C) He feels regret on Odi’s opinion

(D) He disagrees with Odi’s opinion

(E) He is satisfied with Odi’s opinion

7. Mother: Television has a bad influence on children.

Father: That’s exactly my opinion. We should limit their time for watching TV.

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Ekonomi Akuntansi
07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
What does the father mean?

(A) He agrees with mother

(B) He has no opinion

(C) He disagrees with mother

(D) He feels regret to have no opinion

(E) He is satisfied with the opinion

8. Lea: I think ‘dangdut’ music is only appropriate for villagers.

Sam: I’m afraid you’re wrong. It’s become popular even high-class people enjoy
dangdut much.

What is Sam’s opinion towards Lea’s?

(A) He agrees

(B) He disagrees

(C) He has no opinion

(D) He is satisfied

(E) He is happy


Complete the following dialogue with your own opinion by using the expressions above.

1. Mary: What do you think of Indonesian movie?


2. Ali: Everyone has the right to express their opinion.


3. Noe: Smoking should be permitted in public places


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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
4. Alex: What is your opinion to the idol singing competition nowadays?


5. Mickey: Teachers should not give homework to the students.


6. Tom: What do you think of our new batik uniform on Fridays?


7. Darby: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


C. Accounting Vocabulary
Match each definition with the letter of one of the following: 

a - balance sheet, b - liquid assets, c - liability, d - net income, e - property, f -

payroll, g - equity, h - journal, i - cash flow, j - expense 

1) A list of all employees and their wages -->   
2) An accounting record where all business transactions are INITIALLY entered
3) Money that is spent to purchase goods or services provided by someone else
4) A detailed summary of a person's or a company's financial condition at a specific
point in time, taking into account their assets, liabilities, etc. -->   
5) Something that is legally owned by a person or company -->   
6) An obligation to settle a debt; money owed to someone -->   
7) This word has 2 meanings: "stock (shares)" and "net worth" -->   
8) The balance of cash receipts minus cash payments over a given period of time
9) Cash or something that is easily convertible into cash -->   
10) Money remaining after all expenses and taxes have been paid -->   

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Ekonomi Akuntansi
07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
D. Comparison
I. Choose whether each sentence requires the comparative or superlative form: 

1. There are 10 houses on our street. Our house is the ________ one.



2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar ________ than he does.

   the best


3. This is ________ song I have ever heard!


   the best

4. Tom is ________ than I am.


   the strongest

5. Out of all the students in our class, I am ________.

   the shortest


6. Everyone says that my sister is ________ than I am.

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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
   the best looking

   better looking

7. She is ________ girl in our school.

   the best looking

   better looking

8. This is boring. Let's do something ________.

   the most interesting

   more interesting

9. This isn't ________ book I have ever read. 

   more interesting

   the most interesting

10. Your apartment is ________ than mine.


   the cleanest

II. Choose whether each sentence requires the comparative or superlative form: 

1. This is ________ book in the whole store.

   more expensive

   the most expensive

2. That shirt is ________ than the other one.


   the most dirty

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Ekonomi Akuntansi
07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
3. Peter was laughing hard, but his wife was laughing even ________!

   the hardest


4. He is ________ man that I know.


   the strongest

5. Robert is never on time. He always arrives ________ than the rest of us.


   the latest

6. That is ________ song I've ever heard!


   the best

7. Your cat is ________ than ours.


   the smallest

8. I thought this test would be difficult, but it's ________ test I've ever taken.

   the easiest


9. Out of all the films I've seen, this one is ________. 


   the saddest

10. Your answer is wrong, but it's ________ than the other students' answers.

   the most correct

   more correct

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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
E. Compound Nouns
I. Choose one of the best nouns on the box!
1. There is a car             just over there. 
2. If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-            
and probably go up in flames.
3. I need to withdraw some money out of my bank            . 
4. No             being should have to suffer what these people
have suffered. 
5. My mum gives me $1 a week             money. 
6. Please, make coffee and serve it in our new coffee           

7. A            -pin is used for fastening things, especially cloth. 
8. The             tale princess lived happily ever after. 
9. Natural             is used for cooking and heating homes in
our country. 
10. I hate playing on hard tennis             - I much prefer

II. Please answer by underlining the nouns which are regarded as compound nouns on
each sentences.

1. Next bus stop is 5 mins away from this one.

2. I hate fire flies in the hot summer nights.
3. I do tooth brush daily using a nice toothpaste.
4. My elder brother has six-pack abs.
5. Watching full moon is a traditional ritual in many religions.
6. My father bought a blackboard for me to practice maths.
7. I wash my clothes every Sunday using washing machine.
8. I enjoy a lot while swimming in the swimming pool.
9. I and my sister always gets up before sunrise.
10. I like to make my hairstyle according to the Bollywood trends.
11. I always remember the general half annual check-up of my grandparents.
12. My mother-in-law is very honest and kind person.
13. This city has been the kingdom of criminal underworld.
14. Final examination time table has been announced in the last week
15. We should overcome all the challenges in life to get huge success.
16. I always fears of earth quake as it is dangerous.
17. There are many classrooms in my school.
18. Playing foot ball daily keeps us healthy and active.

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07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM
19. I bought the car yet I have no driving license.
20. Frogs get underground in the winter season.
21. I cannot live without my parents.
22. I am doing MBA through distance learning.
23. Red traffic light indicates to stop.
24. I have to reach at airport at 9 am.
25. Keyboard is an input device.
26. Printer is an output device.
27. I have receive my parents from railway station.
28. Travel India provides best travel agents in the city.
29. I can drive very easily on the freeway as there is less traffic.
30. I bought a platform ticket at the ticket office as I was there to see off my
31. My school library is a good bookstore.

 1 – bus stop, 2 – fire flies, 3 – toothpaste, 4 – six-pack, 5 – full moon, 6 – blackboard, 7 –

washing machine, 8 – swimming pool, 9 – sunrise, 10 – hairstyle, 11 – check-up, 12 –
mother-in-law, 13 – underworld, 14 – time table, 15 – overcome, 16 – earth quake, 17 –
classrooms, 18 – foot ball, 19 – driving license, 20 – underground, 21 – without, 22 –
distance learning, 23 – traffic light, 24 – airport, 25 – keyboard, input, 26 – output, 27 –
railway station, 28 – travel agents, 29 – freeway, 30 – ticket office, 31 – bookstore.

F. Writing Skills
Write down for 200 words a systematic description about your project in your


Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

Ekonomi Akuntansi
07 2B4325EL Drs. Masari, MM

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