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SY(Electrical) ASSIGNMENT # 4 31-03-2020

Q1. Show the block diagram of a typical Op-amp. Explain the purpose each block in few
sentences. Show the op-amp symbol.

Q2. Define and explain the significance of following parameters of Op-amp

(i) Input Offset voltage

(ii) Input Offset current
(iii) Input Bias Current
(iv) Offset voltage
(v) Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), Differential Voltage gain,
Common Mode Voltage gain
(vi) Large Signal Voltage gain
(vii) Slew rate
(viii) Gain Bandwidth product

Q3. What are electrical characteristics of an Ideal Op-amp. Draw the equivalent circuit and
explain each terms of the equivalent circuit.

Q4. Show the Ideal Op-amp transfer curve. Mark the linear region on the transfer curve.
What are the open-loop configurations?

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