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Exercises 1 (Schedule of Expected Cash Collections)

Requirement 1

July August September Total

May sales:
P430,000 × 10% P 43,000 P     43,000
June sales:
P540,000 × 70%, 10% 378,000 P54,000 432,000
July sales:
P600,000 × 20%, 70%, 10% 120,000 420,000 P 60,000 600,000
August sales:
P900,000 × 20%, 70% 180,000 630,000 810,000
September sales:
P500,000 × 20%                                 100,000     100,000
Total cash collections P541,000 P654,000 P790,000 P1,985,000

Notice that even though sales peak in August, cash collections peak in September. This occurs
because the bulk of the company’s customers pay in the month following sale. The lag in collections
that this creates is even more pronounced in some companies. Indeed, it is not unusual for a company
to have the least cash available in the months when sales are greatest.

Requirement 2

Accounts receivable at September 30:

From August sales: P900,000 × 10%.....................................................................................

P 90,000
From September sales: P500,000 × (70% + 10%)................................................................
Total accounts receivable.......................................................................................................

Exercise 2 (Production Budget)

July August September Quarter

Budgeted sales in units 30,000 45,000 60,000 135,000
Add desired ending inventory*
 4,500  6,000  5,000    5,000
Total needs 34,500 51,000 65,000 140,000
Less beginning inventory  3,000  4,500  6,000    3,000
Required production 31,500 46,500 59,000 137,000
* 10% of the following month’s sales

Exercise 3 (Materials Purchase Budget)

Quarter – Year 2 Year 3

First Second Third Fourth First
Required production of calculators 60,000 90,000 150,000 100,000 80,000
Number of chips per calculator      × 3      × 3      × 3      × 3      × 3
Total production needs—chips 180,000 270,000 450,000 300,000 240,000
Year 2
First Second Third Fourth Year
Production needs—chips 180,000 270,000 450,000 300,000 1,200,000
Add desired ending inventory—chips    54,000     90,000     60,000    48,000        48,000
Total needs—chips 234,000 360,000 510,000 348,000 1,248,000
Less beginning inventory—chips    36,000    54,000     90,000    60,000        36,000
Required purchases—chips  198,000  306,000   420,000  288,000   1,212,000
Cost of purchases at P2 per chip P396,000 P612,000 P840,000 P576,000 P2,424,000

Exercise 4 (Direct Labor Budget)

Requirement 1

Assuming that the direct labor workforce is adjusted each quarter, the direct labor budget would be:
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Year
Units to be produced 5,000 4,400 4,500 4,900 18,800
Direct labor time per unit (hours) × 0.40 × 0.40 × 0.40 × 0.40 × 0.40
Total direct labor hours needed 2,000 1,760 1,800 1,960 7,520
Direct labor cost per hour × P11.00 × P11.00 × P11.00 × P11.00 × P11.00
Total direct labor cost P 22,000 P 19,360 P 19,800 P 21,560 P 82,720

Requirement 2

Assuming that the direct labor workforce is not adjusted each quarter and that overtime wages are
paid, the direct labor budget would be:

1st Quarter Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Year
Units to be produced 5,000 4,400 4,500 4,900 18,800
Direct labor time per unit (hours) × 0.40 × 0.40 × 0.40 × 0.40 × 0.40
Total direct labor hours needed 2,000 1,760 1,800 1,960 7,520
Regular hours paid 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 7,200
Overtime hours paid 200 -   -   160 360
Wages for regular hours
(@ P11.00 per hour) P19,800 P19,800 P19,800 P19,800 P79,200
Overtime wages
(@ P11.00 per hour × 1.5) 3,300 -   -   2,640 5,940
Total direct labor cost P23,100 P19,800 P19,800 P22,440 P85,140

Exercise 5 (Manufacturing Overhead Budget)

Requirement 1

Kiko Corporation
Manufacturing Overhead Budget

Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Year
Budgeted direct labor-hours 5,000 4,800 5,200 5,400 20,400
Variable overhead rate x P1.75 x P1.75 x P1.75 x P1.75 x P1.75
Variable manufacturing overhead P 8,750 P 8,400 P 9,100 P 9,450 P 35,700
Fixed manufacturing overhead 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 140,000
Total manufacturing overhead 43,750 43,400 44,100 44,450 175,700
Less depreciation 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 60,000
Cash disbursements for manufacturing
overhead P28,750 P28,400 P29,100 P29,450 P115,700

Requirement 2

Total budgeted manufacturing overhead for the year (a) P175,700

Total budgeted direct labor-hours for the year (b) 20,400
Predetermined overhead rate for the year (a) ÷ (b) P 8.61

Exercise 6 (Selling and Administrative Budget)

Helene Company
Selling and Administrative Expense Budget
Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Year
Budgeted unit sales 12,000 14,000 11,000 10,000 47,000
Variable selling and administrative expense per
unit x P2.75 x P2.75 x P2.75 x P2.75 x P2.75
Variable expense P33,000 P 38,500 P 30,250 P 27,500 P129,250
Fixed selling and administrative expenses:
Advertising 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 48,000
Executive salaries 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 160,000
Insurance 6,000 6,000 12,000
Property taxes 6,000 6,000
Depreciation 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 64,000
Total fixed selling and administrative expenses 68,000 74,000 74,000 74,000 290,000
Total selling and administrative expenses 101,000 112,500 104,250 101,500 419,250
Less depreciation 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 64,000
Cash disbursements for selling and administrative
expenses P 85,000 P 96,500 P 88,250 P 85,500 P355,250

Exercise 7 (Cash Budget Analysis)

Quarter (000 omitted)

1 2 3 4 Year
Cash balance, beginning P 9 * P   5 P   5 P   5 P   9
Add collections from customers
 76   90  125 *  100  391 *
Total cash available  85 *   95  130  105  400
Less disbursements:
Purchase of inventory 40 * 58 * 36 32 * 166
Operating expenses 36 42 * 54 * 48 180 *
Equipment purchases 10 * 8 * 8 * 10 36 *
Dividends    2 *     2 *      2 *     2 *     8
Total disbursements  88  110 *  100   92  390
Excess (deficiency) of cash available
over disbursements   (3)*  (15)   30 *   13    10

Borrowings 8 20 * — — 28
Repayments (including interest)
   0     0   (25)    (7)*   (32)
Total financing    8    20   (25)    (7)      (4)
Cash balance, ending P 5 P   5 P    5 P   6 P   6


Answer to Problems

Problem 1 (Schedule of Expected Cash Collections and Disbursements)

Requirement 1

September cash sales............................................................................................................

P 7,400
September collections on account:
July sales: P20,000 × 18%.................................................................................................
August sales: P30,000 × 70%............................................................................................
September sales: P40,000 × 10%.....................................................................................
Total cash collections.............................................................................................................

Requirement 2

Payments to suppliers:
August purchases (accounts payable)...............................................................................
September purchases: P25,000 × 20%.............................................................................
Total cash payments..............................................................................................................

Requirement 3

Cash Budget
For the Month of September

Cash balance, September 1...................................................................................................

P 9,000
Add cash receipts:
Collections from customers................................................................................................
Total cash available before current financing.........................................................................45,000
Less disbursements:
Payments to suppliers for inventory...................................................................................
Selling and administrative expenses..................................................................................
9,000 *
Equipment purchases........................................................................................................
Dividends paid....................................................................................................................
Total disbursements...............................................................................................................
Excess (deficiency) of cash available over
Total financing........................................................................................................................
Cash balance, September 30.................................................................................................
P 5,000
  * P13,000 – P4,000 = P9,000.

Problem 2 (Production and Purchases Budget)

Requirement 1

Production budget:
July August September October
Budgeted sales (units) 40,000 50,000 70,000 35,000
Add desired ending inventory 20,000 26,000 15,500 11,000
Total needs 60,000 76,000 85,500 46,000
Less beginning inventory 17,000 20,000 26,000 15,500
Required production 43,000 56,000 59,500 30,500

Requirement 2

During July and August the company is building inventories in anticipation of peak sales in
September. Therefore, production exceeds sales during these months. In September and October
inventories are being reduced in anticipation of a decrease in sales during the last months of the year.
Therefore, production is less than sales during these months to cut back on inventory levels.

Requirement 3

Raw materials purchases budget:

July August September Quarter
Required production (units) 43,000 56,000 59,500 158,500
Material P214 needed per unit × 3 lbs. × 3 lbs. × 3 lbs. × 3 lbs.
Production needs (lbs.) 129,000 168,000 178,500 475,500
Add desired ending inventory (lbs.)  84,000  89,250  45,750 *  45,750
Total Material P214 needs 213,000 257,250 224,250 521,250
Less beginning inventory (lbs.)  64,500  84,000  89,250  64,500
Material P214 purchases (lbs.) 148,500 173,250 135,000 456,750
* 30,500 units (October production) × 3 lbs. per unit= 91,500 lbs.; 91,500 lbs. ×
0.5 = 45,750 lbs.

As shown in requirement (1), production is greatest in September. However, as shown in the raw
material purchases budget, the purchases of materials is greatest a month earlier because materials
must be on hand to support the heavy production scheduled for September.

Problem 3 (Cash Budget; Income Statement; Statement of Financial Position)

Requirement 1

Schedule of cash receipts:

Cash sales—June..................................................................................................................
P 60,000
Collections on accounts receivable:
May 31 balance..................................................................................................................
June (50% × 190,000)........................................................................................................
Total cash receipts.................................................................................................................
Schedule of cash payments for purchases:

May 31 accounts payable balance.........................................................................................

P 90,000
June purchases (40% × 200,000)..........................................................................................
Total cash payments..............................................................................................................


Cash Budget
For the Month of June

Cash balance, beginning..............................................................................................................

P   8,000 
Add receipts from customers (above)...........................................................................................
Total cash available......................................................................................................................
Less disbursements:
Purchase of inventory (above).................................................................................................
Operating expenses.................................................................................................................
Purchases of equipment..........................................................................................................
Total cash disbursements.............................................................................................................
Excess of receipts over disbursements........................................................................................
Total financing..............................................................................................................................
Cash balance, ending...................................................................................................................
P   7,500 

Requirement 2


Budgeted Income Statement
For the Month of June
Sales P250,000
Cost of goods sold:
Beginning inventory.................................................................................................................
 P 30,000
Add purchases.........................................................................................................................
Goods available for sale...........................................................................................................
Ending inventory......................................................................................................................
Cost of goods sold...................................................................................................................
Gross margin................................................................................................................................
Operating expenses (P51,000 + P2,000).....................................................................................
Net operating income...................................................................................................................
Interest expense...........................................................................................................................
Net income...................................................................................................................................
P   6,500

Requirement 3


Budgeted Statement of Financial Position
June 30
Cash P   7,500
Accounts receivable (50% × 190,000).................................................................................................
Buildings and equipment, net of depreciation
(P500,000 + P9,000 – P2,000).......................................................................................................
Total assets.........................................................................................................................................

Liabilities and Equity

Accounts payable (60% × 200,000)....................................................................................................
Note payable.......................................................................................................................................
Share capital.......................................................................................................................................
Retained earnings (P85,000 + P6,500)...............................................................................................
Total liabilities and equity....................................................................................................................

Problem 4 (Sales, Production and Materials Purchases Budget)

Requirement 1
Nikko Manufacturing Company
Sales Budget
For the year ending December 31, 2018

Units Amount
First quarter 16,000 P 480,000
Second quarter 20,000 600,000
Third quarter 22,000 660,000
Fourth quarter 22,000 660,000
Total 80,000 P2,400,000

Requirement 2
Nikko Manufacturing Company
Statement of Production Required
For 2018

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total
Units to be sold 16,000 20,000 22,000 22,000 80,000
Add: Desired ending inventory (20%) 4,000 4,400 4,400 5,000 5,000
Total units required 20,000 24,400 26,400 27,000 85,000
Less: Beginning inventory 3,000 4,000 4,400 4,400 3,000
Units to be produced 17,000 20,400 22,000 22,600 82,000

Requirement 3
Nikko Manufacturing Company
Statement of Raw Materials Purchase Requirements
For 2018

1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total
Units required for production 51,000 61,200 66,000 67,800 246,000
Add: Desired ending inventory 12,240 13,200 13,560 15,000 15,000
Total units 63,240 74,400 79,560 82,800 261,000
Less: Beginning inventory 12,500 12,240 13,200 13,560 12,500
Raw Materials to be Purchased 50,740 62,160 66,360 69,240 248,500

Problem 5 (Schedule of Expected Cash Collections; Cash Budget)

Requirement 1

Schedule of expected cash collections:

April May June Quarter
From accounts receivable P141,000 P   7,200 P148,200
From April sales:
20% × 200,000 40,000 40,000
75% × 200,000 150,000 150,000
4% × 200,000 P   8,000 8,000

From May sales:

20% × 300,000 60,000 60,000
75% × 300,000 225,000 225,000
From June sales:
20% × 250,000                                   50,000     50,000
Total cash collections P181,000 P217,200 P283,000 P681,200

Requirement 2

Cash budget:
April May June Quarter
Cash balance, beginning P 26,000  P 27,000 P 20,200  P 26,000 
Add receipts:
Collections from customers  181,000   217,200  283,000   681,200 
Total available  207,000   244,200  303,200   707,200 
Less disbursements:
Merchandise purchases 108,000  120,000 180,000  408,000 
Payroll 9,000  9,000 8,000  26,000 
Lease payments 15,000  15,000 15,000  45,000 
Advertising 70,000  80,000 60,000  210,000 
Equipment purchases     8,000            —                  —              8,000 
Total disbursements  210,000   224,000  263,000   697,000 
Excess (deficiency) of receipts
over disbursements   (3,000)    20,200    40,200     10,200 
Borrowings 30,000  — — 30,000 
Repayments — — (30,000) (30,000)
Interest         —                    —             (1,200)    (1,200)
Total financing   30,000          —           (31,200)    (1,200)
Cash balance, ending P 27,000  P 20,200 P   9,000  P   9,000 

Requirement 3

If the company needs a minimum cash balance of P20,000 to start each month, the loan cannot be
repaid in full by June 30. If the loan is repaid in full, the cash balance will drop to only P9,000 on
June 30, as shown above. Some portion of the loan balance will have to be carried over to July, at
which time the cash inflow should be sufficient to complete repayment.

Problem 6 (Flexible Budget)

Summer Machine Company

Flexible Overhead Budget
Department 1

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
Machine Hours 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000
Variable Overhead P1,300,000 P1,170,000 P1,040,000 P 910,000 P 780,000
Fixed Overhead 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000
Total P1,600,000 P1,470,000 P1,340,000 P1,210,000 P1,080,000

Manufacturing Overhead rate per machine hour P8.00

Summer Machine Company

Flexible Overhead Budget
Department 2

100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
Direct Labor Hours 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000
Machine Hours 400,000 360,000 320,000 280,000 240,000
Variable Overhead P1,400,000 P1,260,000 P1,120,000 P 980,000 P 840,000
Fixed Overhead 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000
Total P1,900,000 P1,760,000 P1,620,000 P1,480,000 P1,340,000

Manufacturing Overhead rate per machine hour P4.75

Problem 7 (Cash Budget with Supporting Schedules)

1. Collections on sales: July August Sept. Quarter

Cash sales............................................................................ P 8,000 P14,000 P10,000 P 32,000
Credit sales:
May: P30,000 × 80% × 20%............................................ 4,800 4,800
June: P36,000 × 80% × 70%, 20%.................................. 20,160 5,760 25,920
July: P40,000 × 80% × 10%, 70%, 20%........................... 3,200 22,400 6,400 32,000
Aug.: P70,000 × 80% × 10%, 70%................................... 5,600 39,200 44,800
Sept.: P50,000 × 80% × 10%...........................................                            4,000      4,000
Total cash collections............................................................ P36,160 P47,760 P59,600 P143,520

2. a. Merchandise purchases budget:

July August Sept. Oct.
Budgeted cost of goods sold............................................ P24,000 P42,000 P30,000 P27,000
Add desired ending inventory*..........................................  31,500  22,500  20,250
Total needs...................................................................... 55,500 64,500 50,250
Less beginning inventory..................................................  18,000  31,500  22,500
Required inventory purchases.......................................... P37,500 P33,000 P27,750
*75% of the next month’s budgeted cost of goods sold.

b. Schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases:

July August Sept. Quarter
Accounts payable, June 30.............................................. P11,700 P11,700
July purchases................................................................. 18,750 P18,750 37,500
August purchases............................................................ 16,500 P16,500 33,000
September purchases......................................................                          13,875  13,875
Total cash disbursements................................................ P30,450 P35,250 P30,375 P96,075
3. Ju Products, Inc.
Cash Budget
For the Quarter Ended September 30
July August Sept. Quarter
Cash balance, beginning.............................................. P 8,000 P 8,410 P 8,020 P   8,000
Add collections from sales............................................  36,160  47,760  59,600  143,520
Total cash available.................................................  44,160  56,170  67,620  151,520
Less disbursements:
For inventory purchases.......................................... 30,450 35,250 30,375 96,075
For selling expenses................................................ 7,200 11,700 8,500 27,400
For administrative expenses.................................... 3,600 5,200 4,100 12,900
For land................................................................... 4,500 0 0 4,500
For dividends...........................................................         0          0    1,000     1,000
Total disbursements.....................................................  45,750  52,150  43,975  141,875
Excess (deficiency) of cash available over
disbursements.........................................................  (1,590)    4,020  23,645     9,645
Borrowings.............................................................. 10,000 4,000 14,000
Repayment.............................................................. 0 0 (14,000) (14,000)
Interest....................................................................          0          0     (380)       (380)
Total financing..............................................................  10,000    4,000 (14,380)       (380)
Cash balance, ending................................................... P 8,410 P 8,020 P 9,265 P   9,265
* P10,000 × 1% × 3 = P300
P4,000 × 1% × 2 =    80
Answer to Multiple Choice Questions

1. B 11. C 21. C
2. B 12. B 22. C
3. C 13. C 23. D
4. E 14. B 24. C
5. C 15. D 25. C
6. C 16. C 26. C
7. D 17. A 27. D
8. C 18. B 28. A
9. A 19. E 29. C
10. D 20. B 30. D

Supporting computations:

Questions 16 to 20:

January February
Cost of sales P1,400,000 P1,640,000
Add: Desired Minimum Inventory 492,000 456,000
Total 1,892,000 2,096,000
Less: Beginning Inventory (1,400,000 x 0.3) (17) 420,000 492,000
Gross Purchases 1,472,000 1,604,000
Less: Cash discount 14,720 16,040
Net cost of purchases P1,457,280 P1,587,960

Payments of Purchases
60% - month of purchase P874,368 P 952,776
40% - following month 582,912
Total (18) P1,535,688

Gross Discount Net
Current month’s sales (with discount) 35%
P595,000 P11,900 P583,100
Current month’s sales (without discount) 15% 255,000 0 255,000

Previous month’s sales (with discount) 4.5% 67,500 1,350 66,150

Previous month’s sales (without discount) 40.5% 607,500 607,500
P1,525,00 P13,250 P1,511,750

(20)Total Collections in February P1,511,750

Add: Cash sales 350,000
Total P1,861,750
(21)Estimated cash receipts
Collections from customers P1,350,000
Proceeds from issuance of common stock 500,000
Proceeds from short-term borrowing 100,000
Total P1,950,000

Less: Estimated cash disbursements

For cost and expenses P1,200,000
For income taxes 90,000
Purchase of fixed asset 400,000
Payment on short-term borrowings 50,000
Total 1,740,000
Cash balance, Dec. 31 P 210,000

(22)Net income P120,000

Add: Depreciation 65,000
Working capital provided from operations P185,000
Add: Increase in income taxes payable P 80,000
Increase in provision for doubtful
accounts receivable 45,000 125,000
Total P310,000
Less: Increase in accounts receivable P 35,000
Decrease in accounts payable 25,000 60,000
Increase in cash P250,000

(23)Cash Receipts for February 2018

From February sales (60% x 110,000) P 66,000
From January sales 38,000
Total P104,000

(24)Pro-forma Income Statement, February 2018

Sales P110,000
Cost of sales (75%) 82,500
Gross profit P 27,500
Less: Operating expenses 16,500
Depreciation 5,000
Bad debts 2,200 23,700
Net operating income P 3,800

(25)Accounts Payable on February 28, 2018 will be the unpaid purchases in February - (75% x P120,000) =
Questions 26 to 29:
Net sales P2,000,000
Less: Cost of sales
Finished goods inventory, Jan. 1 P 350,000
Add: Cost of goods manufactured (Sch. I) 1,350,000 *
Total available for sale P1,700,000
Less: Finished goods inventory, Dec. 31 400,000 1,300,000 (26)
Gross Profit P 700,000
Less: Operating and financial expenses
Selling P 300,000
Administrative 180,000
Finance 20,000 500,000
Net income before taxes P 200,000

* Determined by working back from net income to sales.

Schedule I

Raw materials used

Raw materials inventory, Jan. 1 P 250,000
Add: Purchases 491,000 (29)
Total available 741,000
Less: Raw materials inventory, Dec. 31 300,000
Raw materials used P 441,000
Direct labor 588,000
Manufacturing overhead 441,000 (28)
Total Manufacturing Cost P1,470,000 (27)
Add: Work-in-process inventory, Jan. 1 200,000
Total P1,670,000
Less: Work-in-process inventory, Dec. 31 320,000
Cost of goods manufactured P1,350,000

(30)Variable factory overhead

Fixed factory overhead
Total factory overhead P8.125

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