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Chapter 21

化學工程系 李玉郎
• Different methods:

Batch: Single stage without reflux -- Simple dist.

Multi-stage with reflux

Continuous: Single stage without reflux--flash dist.

Multi-stage with reflux -- rectification
Flash Distillation (急驟蒸餾 或平衡蒸餾)
c : pressure-reduced value
d : vapor-liquid separator
• Flash Distillation (急驟蒸餾
or 平衡蒸餾) separated streams are in

For binary mixtures:

Assume 1 mole feed seperated
into: f mole vapor, yD
(1-f) mole liquid, xB
Material balance to the more volatile component :
xF = yDf + xB(1-f) (21.1)

yD → y 1 f x (21.2)
y x F
yB → x f f

To solve xB and yD, equilibrium data should be provided (xB,yD) :

intersection of line (21.2) and equilibrium curve. 3
f = f (T,P), depends on the enthalpy balance

1 f xF
Eq (21.2) y x (21.2)
f f

1 f
A straight line, slope : 

Letting x = xF in Eq (21.2)
y = xF , that is (xF,xF) is a point on line Eq (21.2)
The material-balance line crosses the diagonal at x = xF for
all values of f.

1 f
slope : 
Example 21.1
A mixture of 50 mole percent benzene and 50 mole percent toluene is
subjected to flash distillation at a separator pressure of 1 atm. The vapor-liquid
equilibrium curve and boiling-point diagram are shown in Figs. 21.2 and 21.3.
Plot the following quantities, all as functions of f, the fractional vaporization: the
temperature in the separator (T), the composition of the liquid leaving the
separator (xB), and the composition of the vapor leaving the separator (yD).
1 f x
Feed point (xF,xF) = (0.5,0.5), Operation line: y x F
f f

A given f value (  op line

xF , xF ) Intersection
with EQ line
(xB ,yD)
Slope (1-1/f)

dew point line


point line

0.5 0.71


Continuous Distillation with Reflux : Rectification

Flash distillation

• extensively used in petroleum refining, Not effective in

separation components of comparable volatility, which
requires the use of distillation with reflux.

• continuous distillation with reflux
liquid and vapor leaving the plate
are brought into equilibrium

xn+1 yn+1
xn yn
xn-1 yn-1
A : more volatile component
B : less volatile component V (in dew point)

(heat of vaporization)
low boiler, A
liquid vapor
high boiler, B
(heat of condensation)

L (in bubble point)

heat to vaporize A = heat released in condensation B

Combination rectification
and stripping

• provides the
downflowing liquid in
the rectifying section that V
is needed to act with the
up flowing vapor.

• Without the reflux, no Feed pre-heater

rectification would occur
in the rectifying section
Material Balances in Plate Columns

Overall material balances for two-component systems

Feed : F mole/h , xF
Overhead product: D mole/h , xD
Bottom product: B mole/h, xB.
Two independent overall material balances can be written.

Total-material balance F= B+D (21.3)

Component A balance FxF = DxD + BxB (21.4)
Eliminating B from these equations gives
D xF  xB (21.5)

F xD  xB
Eliminating D gives
B xD  xF (21.6)

F xD  xB
Equations (21.5) and (21.6) are ture for all values of the flows of vapor and
liquid within the column

Net Flow rates

Va = La + D
D = Va - La
La V>L
D Vn+1 = Ln + D
XD D = Vn+1 - Ln


Lm = Vm+1 + B
B = Lm – Vm+1
Lb = Vb + B
B = Lb - Vb

Net flow rate
A material balance around the condenser and accumulator in Fig. 21.8 gives

D = Va-La 1st plate (21.7)

Considering the part of the plant enclosed by control surface I in Fig. 21.8. A total
material balance around this control surface gives
D = Vn+1 – Ln plate n (21.8)

D is the net flow rate of material upward in the upper section of the
column. Regardless of changes in V and L, their difference is constant and equal
to D.
Similar material balances for component A give the equations

DxD = Vaya – Laxa = Vn+1yn+1 –Lnxn (21.9)

Quantity DxD is the net flow rate of component A upward in the upper section of
the column. It, too, is constant throughout this part of equipment.
For Stripping section:
B = Lb-Vb=Lm-Vm+1 (21.10)
BxB = Lbxb-Vbyb=Lmxm-Vm+1ym+1 (21.11)

The net flow rate of total material is B;

of component A is BxB.
Operating lines
Because there are two sections in the column, there are also two operating lines.
 For the rectifying section
Based on Eq.(20.7) in Chap. 20 the operating line for this section
Ln V y  La xa
yn 1  xn  a a (21.12)
Vn 1 Vn 1
DxD = Vaya – Laxa
Substitution for Vaya – Laxa from Eq. (21.9) gives
Ln Dx
yn 1  xn  D (21.13)
Vn 1 Vn 1

The slope of the line defined by Eq. (21.13) is, as usual, the ratio of the flow of
the liquid stream to that of the vapor stream.
Vn+1 = Ln + D

Ln DxD
yn 1  xn 
Ln  D Ln  D (21.14)

Ln Dx
yn 1  xn  D (21.13)
Vn 1 Vn 1

Lmxm= Vm+1ym+1+ BxB

Vm+1ym+1=Lmxm- BxB

For striping section
A material balance over control surface 2 in Fig. 21.8 gives

Vm+1ym+1=Lmxm-BxB (21.15)

Lm Bx
ym1  xm  B (21.16)
Vm1 Vm1

Eq(21.16) is the operating line in the stripping section.

Net flow rate in striping section: B = Lb-Vb=Lm-Vm+1

Lm Bx B
ym1  xm  (21.17)
Lm  B Lm  B

Slope of op line :
Vn 1
for rectifying section, slope = <1
Ln  D
for stripping section, slope = >1
Lm  B

The slope of the operating line in the rectifying section is always less than 1.0
In the stripping section the slope is always greater than 1.0.

When Ln, Lm are constant, the op lines are straight, when Ln. Lm are
not constant, the op lines are curved, and the position of a curved op line
should be determined by mass balance and enthalpy balance.

Number of Ideal plates: McCabe-Thiele Method

• (1) Equilibrium curve
• (2) Operation line
• straight line: constant molar flow
• curve line: enthalpy balance is required

Number of ideal plate:

• (1) step by step computation
• (2) McCabe-Thiele construction on x-y diagram.

Constant molar overflow:

• straight operating lines
• results from nearly equal molar heats of
vaporization between components A and B
• Subscripts: n-1, n, n+1; m-1, m, m+1 are dropped

V, L upper column
V,L lower section
Reflux ratio

L V D
RD   (Used in this text book) V
L L (21. 18) D
RV   L
V LD condenser
Ln DxD
Eq (21.14) yn 1  xn  (divided by D)
Ln  D Ln  D

yn 1  xn  (21.19):
RD  1 RD  1 operation line for
rectifying section

Slope =  , intercept =
RD 1 V RD  1

To determine the operation line, one point is required. RD x
yn 1  xn  D
RD  1 RD  1
In Eq (21.19), set xn = xD RD x
yn 1  xD  D  xD
RD  1 RD  1
(xD,xD) is a point at the upper end of OP line or
OP line intersects the diagonal at point (xD,xD)

According to the properties of OP line, the upper terminus is (xc, y1)

Condenser and top plate

(1). Total condenser: condense all the
vapor from plate 1
y1 = xD = xc , so, (xc,y1)= (xD,xD) (xC,y1)

(xD, xD)

abc represents the top plate

(2) Partial and final condenser: y’ = xD, y’ in equilibrium with xC.
Condenser is equivalent to an additional theoretical stage.



xD = y'

Tc, Lc xc y1,V1 a‘(xc, y1)  end point of column
T1 Plate 1
a'b’c’  the top plate
L x1
 If condensate is at its bubble point, Tc = Tbc,
xD = y'
L = Lc, V = Vc (V1)
 If the reflux (condensate) is cooled condenser
below the bubble point, Tc< Tbc, Tc, Lc xc y1,V1
then V1 < V, L > Lc
Plate 1
L x1
ΔL = L - Lc V
LC C pC (Tbc  TC )
L  (21.21)
λC : heat of vaporization of condensate)
L LC  L LC [1  CPC (Tbc  TC ) / C ]
The actual reflux ratio:  
Normally Tbc = T1 (bubble point of condensate)
(p676 description)

Bottom plate and re-boiler

Lm Bx B Constant L. V L Bx B
Eq. (21.17) ym1  xm  ym1  xm  (21.23)
Lm  B Lm  B

Find a point on the operation line:

Set xm = xB ym+1 = xB (conc. of bottom product)

Eq. (21.23) OP line for stripping section,

crosses the diagonal at (xB, xB) (21.23)

OP line constructed using

 
(1) End point (xB,xB), (2) slope L  B V )

yb =yN

bottom plate

xB reboiler:
(An ideal plate)

Figure 21.12 C(xb,yr): end

Graphical construction for bottom point of the
plate and boiler: Triangle cde, reboiler bottom plate
; triangle cde, bottom plate.
Feed plate
Molar flow rate:
V,L above the feed plate relationship depends on
thermal condition of the feed
V , L below and of the feed plate
Define: q = moles of liquid to stripping section per mole of feed
(a) Cold feed, q>1, L  F  L,V  V
(b) Saturated liquid, q=1, L  F  L,V  V
(c) Partially vapor, 0<q<1, L  F  L,V  V L V
(d) Saturated vapor, q=0, L  L,V  V  F
(e) Superheated vapor, q<0, L  L,V  V  F


(a) Cold feed, (b) Saturated liquid, (c) Partially vapor,
q>1 q=1 0<q<1

L  F  L,V  V L  F  L,V  V L  F  L,V  V

(d) Saturated vapor, (e) Superheated vapor,

q=0 q<0
L  L,V  V  F L  L,V  V  F
For cold-liquid feed:
CPL (Tb  TF )
q  1 (21.24)

For superheated vapor
CPV (TF  Td )
 (21.25)

CPL, CPV = specific heat of liquid and vapor, respectively

TF = temp. of feed
Tb, Td = bubble point and dew point of feed, respectively
λ = heat of vaporization

Feed line
For 1 mole feed, to liquid: q, to vapor: (1-q)
F mole feed, to liquid: Fq, to vapor: F(1-q)
L  L  qF or L  L  qF (21.26)

V  V  (1  q) F or V  V  (1  q) F (21.27)

Material-balance for rectifying and stripping sections

Vyn = Lxn-1 + DxD (21.28)

V ym  Lxm1  Bx B (21.29)

Let yn = ym, xn-1 = xm-1

Eq. (21.28) – Eq (21.29)
depends on xF and q
y(V  V )  ( L  L) x  DxD  BxB (21.30) slope: -q/(1-q) ,
(1-q)F -qF FxF crosses the diagonal at (xF,xF)
q xF
y x (21.31) ----- Feed line The positions where
1 q 1 q rectifying line and striping
line intersect 32
Construction of operation lines
Method: (1) locate the feed line: point (xF,xF), slope:  q
1 q
(2) locate the rectifying line:
point (xD,xD); intercept xD ; slope: RD
RD  1 RD  1
(3) draw the stripping line
point (xB,xB); intersection of feed and rectifying lines

Satu. Liq. Cold feed (xD,xD)

a: cold feed: q > 1, slope > 0

b: saturated liq.: q = 1, slope ∞
Satu. c: partially vapor: 0 < q < 1, slope < 0
d: saturated vapor: q = 0, slope = 0
e: superheated vapor: q < 0, slope >0

Feed plate location – optimum location
Transfer can be occurred between a - b

Optimum feed plate

• No. of plate: 7+1 reboiler

• feed on plate 5

If feed on plate 7 (----)

• No. of plate: 8 + a reboiler

X F:
Feed composition
of liquid on
feed plate
Optimum location
the steps transfer from rectifying line to
Fig 21.15 stripping line, so that the plate number is as
small as possible
Construction can start either at bottom or at top

Optimum location

• the steps transfer from rectifying line to stripping line, so

that the plate number is as small as possible


• transfer is made immediately after the x value is less

than the x coordinate of the intersection of the two
operating lines

Feed plate

• the triangle that has one corner on the rectifying line, and
one corner on the stripping line.

Feed on the wrong plate may seriously affect the column performance.
Feed close to a or b will lower the quality of both the top and bottom product
Heating and cooling requirements
Heat effects of entire unit – condenser and reboiler
 Heat added in the reboiler : qr  V  (sensible heat change of liquid is
Amount of stream required: ms  (21.32) V
s D, HD
λs: latent heat of steam qc= V λup
λ: molar latent heat of mixture
If q = 1, feed at saturated liquid, (V  V )
heat supplied in reboiler = heat removed in the condenser
(V  ) = (V )
 Amount of cooling water required: V

V Lb
mW  Xb
T2  T1 (21.33) Hb
qr = V λlow
T2-T1 = temp. rise of cooling water

qc= V λup


Hb B, HB

qr = V λlow

Base: Benzene (a): D= ?, B=?
XF’ = 0.4 (b): N =? , feed plate?
XD’ = 0.97 (c): steam required? (kg/h)
XB’ = 0.02
(d): cooling water required? (m3/h)
RD = L/D = 3.5/1
λB = 7360 cal/gmole
λT = 7960 cal/gmole
XF’ = 0.4
XD’ = 0.97
XB’ = 0.02

F = D + B,
0.44x78 + 0.56x92 =85.84 FXF = DxD + BxB

D xF  xB

F xD  xB
(b). Calculate number of ideal stage and feed position
(i) Feed at Tb (95℃) : q=1 (saturated liquid)
feed line: (xF,xF) = (0.44,0.44)
slope = -q/(1-q) = ∞
rectifying line: (xD,xD) = (0.974,0.974)
intercept = xD/(RD+1)
= 0.974/(3.5+1)
= 0.216
stripping line: (xB,xB) = (0.0235,0.0235)
intersection of feed line
and rectifying line

Number of ideal stages:

11 + one reboiler
Feed plate:
The 7 th plate
b-(ii): feed at liquid of 20 ℃ (Tb = 95 ℃,CP = 0.44 cal/g.℃)
CP (Tb  TF )
q  1 CP = 0.44 x 85.8
 = 37.752 cal/g-mol, ℃
37.752(95  20)
 1
= 1.37
Slope of feed line:
-q/(1-q) = 3.70 , (xF = 0.44)

Number of ideal stages:

10 + one reboiler
Feed plate:
The 6 th plate

(b)-(iii): feed is a mixture of 2/3 vapor, 1/3 liquid.
By definition: q = 1/3
Slope of q line =
- q/(1-q) = -0.5, (xF = 0.44)

No of ideal plates: 12 + one reboiler

Feed plate: the 7th plate
(c) Calculate the steam required per hours.
 V
ms  , calculate V first
V = V +(1-q)F V = V – F(1-q)
V = L + D = D(L/D + 1 ) L D
= D(RD+1)
V = 153.4(3.5+1) = 690 (kg-mole/h)
 V
V = 690 – 350(1-q) ms 
Because at the bottom of colum, it is more reasonable to use the
λ value of higher boiler compound (toluene) V = V + Fq - F
λ = 7960 (cal/gmole)
 7960[690  350(1  q)]
ms 

(d) Calculate the cooling water required
(in: 25℃, out: 40℃) ρ= 996.3 kg/m3)
(7360 is more reasonable)
 V 690x7960
mw    366160 Kg/h
CPW (T2  T1 ) 1(40  25)
Volume flow rate =  367.5 m3/h

q Steam req. No. ideal Satu. Liq. Cold feed
cold plate (N)
2 1.37 12500 10
1 1.0 10520 11 vapor.

3 0.33 6960 12

 If the feed is more cold, N decreases,

steam required increases.
 The total energy requirement including
(1) reboiler, (2) preheater
about the same

Reasons for preheating the feed:

(1). Keep Vup = Vdown
(2). Use the energy of the hot-liquid stream,
such as the bottom product.

Minimum number of plates (Nmin)
Slope of rectifying line: RD/(RD+1) = (L/V)
RD increase slope increases Nideal decreases
RD infinite total reflux, (V=L), (L/V = 1), slope = 1
(RD = L/D = ∞ ) , OP line = diagonal
 At total reflux, the number of plates is a minimum,
but the rates of feed and of both the
overhead and bottom products are zero.
---- one limiting case in the operation
of fractionating columns.

No feed, no discontinuity
Between the upper and lower section

Slope of rectifying line:
RD/(RD+1) = (L/V)
RD increase 
slope increases
Nideal decreases


Simple method for calculating Nmin
--- for ideal mixture and constant αAB y Ae / x Ae
 AB  (21.34)
αAB : relative volatility yBe / xBe

For 2 component system:

yBe = 1 – yAe, xBe = 1 – xAe
 AB xe
Eq (21.34) ye  (21.35)
1  ( AB  1) xe

Raoult’s law: PA = PA’xA, yA = PA/P = PA’xA/P, yA/xA = PA’/P

PB = PB’xB, yB = PB/P = PB’xB/P yB/xB = PB’/P

y A / x A PA ' / P PA '
 AB    PA’/PB’ does not change much with
yB / xB PB ' / P PB ' temperatures column, so the relative
volatility can be taken as constant.

For a binary system yA/yB and xA/xB may be replaced by yA/(1-yA) and xA/(1-xA),
so Eq. (21.34) can be written for plate n+1 as
y Ae / x Ae y Ae / y Be yn 1 x
 AB     AB n 1 (21.37) ---- EQ line
yBe / xBe x Ae / xBe 1  yn 1 1  xn 1

For the total reflux , D = 0 and L/V = 1, slope=1, the operating line is the 45° line.
OP line: (xn, yn+1) , yn+1 = xn --- OP line
xn x
combine EQ and OP lines:   AB n 1 (21.38)
1  xn 1  xn 1

At the top of the column, if a total condenser is used, y1 = xD, so Eq.(21.37) becomes

xD x
for n=0, Eq. (21.37)   AB 1 (21.39)
1  xD 1  x1

xD x
  AB 1 (21.39)
1  xD 1  x1
xn x
Writing Eq. (21.38) for a succession of n plates gives   AB n 1
1  xn 1  xn 1
x1 x
n=1    AB 2
1  x1 1  x2
……………………… (21.40)
xn 1 x
  AB n
1  xn 1 1  xn

If Eq. (21.39) and all the equations in the set of Eqs. (21.40) are multiplied together:
xD x
 ( AB ) n n (21.41)
1  xD 1  xn

For the entile column, n=Nmin +1 reboiler , xn = xB , (21.41) gives

xD x
 ( AB ) N min 1 B
1  xD 1  xB

Solving the equation for Nmin by logarithms gives
xD x
 ( AB ) N min 1 B
1  xD 1  xB

ln[ xD (1  xB ) / xB (1  xD )
N min  1
ln  AB (21.42)

Equation (21.42) is the Fenske equation, which applied when αAB is constant. If the
change in the value of αAB from the bottom of the column to the top is moderate, a
geometric mean of the extreme values is recommended αAB.

Minimum reflux, RDm

 La 
minimum reflux ratio RDM    --- No of plates is infinity.
 D  min
 La  La
    ( x’ , y’ )
 D  min D
When RD decreases
 RD 
slope   decreases ( line → upward)
 D 
OP lines moves upwards toward the EQ line,
no. of plates increases. ( N : ↑ )
At RDm (minimum reflux)
OP line, feed line intersect at EQ line (ad, bd, fd)
RDm x  y'
slope :  D
RDm  1 xD  x'
At RDm, the plates required to obtain x D is ∞.
For EQ curve which is
If RD < RDm, even the N is ∞, the separation concave downward
xD xD  y '
x B cannot be approached. R  (21.44) (Eq 24.11)
y ' x'
for system with EQ curve of concavity upward --- ethanol / water
Line correspondings to the minimum
reflux — ac
small RD The OP line that is tangent to the
EQ line.

higher RD

RD, min
feed line

Invarient zone, ( pinch point )
At minimum reflux ratio, the number of ideal plates is infinite. There are regions
where liquid or vapor concentrations do not change from plate to plate ( xn = xn-1 ; yn+1 =
yn ). These regions are called invariant zone, or pinch point (挾點)
The d point in Fig 21.19 (intersection of q
line and EQ line)
the concentrations at feed plate
the concentrations of invarient zone
above feed plate : L / V the only difference of
the two zones
below feed plate : L/ V

feed section

Optimum reflux ratio --- consider the total fixed charges

(1) Fixed charges on the heat exchange equipment, (the reboiler and condenser)
 increase steadily with the reflux ratio
(2) Fixed charges on equipment
cost of unit:  total plate area
(No. of plates  cross sectional area)
N x Area
for a given production ( D is constant ),
when RD is increased, L , V 
No. of plate decreases (N ↓ ) ,
V, L increase, column diameter increases.
(Area ) RDm
Total cost: (1) + (2)
drop sharply at first with increasing RD, then
pass through a very shallow minimum
 optimum reflux ratio

At optimum reflux ratio: RD (optimum) :

Steam cost  2/3 total cost not much greater than RDm
Effect of reflux ratio
 when RD ,
qc= V λup
 L , V   qc 
 L , V   qr  F, HF

 N ↓ , decreases

 Area , increases

Hb B, HB

qr = V λlow

 When energy costs are relatively high  RD (optimum) closer to RDm
 Actually, most plants are operated at reflux ratios somewhat above the optimum,
because the total cost is not sensitive to reflux ratio in this range.
EXAMPLE 21.3. What are (a) the minimum reflux ratio and (b) the minimum number of
plates for cases (b)(i), (b)(ii), and (b)(iii) of Example 21.2 ?
Solution: in example 21.2. xD = 0.972 xF = 0.44
(a) minimum reflux ratio:
intersection of feed line EQ line, (x’, y’)
(xD , yD)  (0.972 , 0.972)

= 1.37
= 0.333

RDm y  y xD  y '
slope :  D RDm 
RDm 1 xD  x y ' x'
(b) minimum number of plates
the OP lines coincide with the
diagonal, the results have no
difference between the three

8 ideal plates + one reboiler

Fig 21.22 --- example 21.3 (b)

Nearly pure products

For McCabe - Thiele Method, when either the bottom or overhead

product is nearly pure, a single diagram covering the entire range of
concentrations is impractical
 because the steps near x = 0 and x = 1 become small.

This problem can be solved by :

(1) Use auxiliary diagram of large scale for the ends
(2) Computer calculation
(3) Eq (20.27)  when EQ line and OP line are both straight
Raoult’s law  applies to the major component
Henry’s law  applies to the minor component

EXAMPLE 21.4. A mixture of 2 mol percent ethanol and 98 mol percent water is to be
stripped in a plate column to a bottom product containing not more than 0.01 mol percent
ethanol. Steam, admitted through an open coil in the liquid on the bottom plate, is to be
used as a source of vapor. The feed is at its boiling point. The steam flow is to be 0.2 mol
per mole of feed. For dilute ethanol-water solutions, the equilibrium line is straight and is
given by ye = 9.0xe. How many ideal plates are needed ? V
L 1 xa = 0.02 ya
Solution: dilute solution  L, V constant, V 0.2 

ye = 9.0xe  EQ line is straight

Eq (20.27) can be used
ln[( ya  ya* ) /( yb  yb* )]
N V
ln[( yb*  ya* ) /( yb  ya )] yb = 0
xb = 0.0001
calculate ya by material balance steam
L( xa  xb ) (0.02  0.0001)
V ( ya  yb )  L( xa  xb ) ya   yb   0  0.0995
V 0.2
ya*  9.0 xa  9  0.02  0.18 n[(0.0995  0.18) /( 0  0.0009)]
N  7.6 ideal plates
yb*  9.0 xb  9  0.0001  0.0009 n[(0.0009  0.18) /( 0  0.0995)]
Enthalpy Balances
Variations in V and L  enthalpy balances
material balances , phase equilibria
( ideal solution is assumed )
benzene = 80oC
Tb :
toluene = 110.6oC
Reference Temp. = 80oC (liquid)
Vapor: dew point
Td Liquid: bubble point

H   CP, T  Tref 
at Tb
H V  H V,B y B  H V,T yT ( function of T )
HV ,B  B,ref  T dTref CP,V ,B
toluene at
Tb = 110.6oC HV ,T  T ,ref  T d Tref CP,V ,T
(benzene) benzene

The enthalpy balance for the entire system V
FH F  qr  DH D  BH B  qc (21.45) qc= V λup
FH F  DH D  BH B ( feed at Tb )

 qr  qc ( only one is independent ) F, HF

control (Eq 21.45)

qr   qc

Hb B, HB

qr = V λlow

Enthalpy balance in rectifying and stripping sections

Enthalpy balance within control

surface I

Vn1H y ,n1  Ln H x,n  DH D  qc

La D
Enthalpy balance to condenser HD HD

Va H y ,a  DH D  La H D  qc

 qc  Va H y ,a  La H D  DH D

(21.47) into (21.46)  Vn1H y ,n1  Ln H x ,n  Va H y ,a  LaH D (21.48)

(21.47) into (21.46) f (yn+1) f (xn) La

 Vn1H y ,n1  Ln H x,n  Va H y ,a  RH D (21.48)

Ln xn DxD
material balance  yn 1   (21.49)
Vn 1 Vn 1
known : xn ,  Vn1  Ln  D (21.50)
solve : Ln, Vn+1, yn+1
Find Vn+1 and Ln at specified xn value  by trial–and–error,
using (21.48), (21.49), (21.50)
Known : VaHy,a , RHD , D , xD

Chosen : xn  Hx,n (From Fig 21.24)
(Vn) (Ln-1)
Trial – and – error : (1) assume Vn+1 = Va , Ln = La (constant molar flow rate)
(2) calculate yn+1 (Eq 21.49)  Hy,n+1 (Fig 21.24) ; (3) Ln = Vn+1 – D (Eq 21.50)
(4) calculate new Vn+1 by Eq (21.48), Ln by (21.50) ; (5) repeat steps (2) → (4)
65 until (yn+1)  (yn+1)
step m step m+1
Hx,n Hy,n+1
Tb try Ln = La Td enthalpy… Ln OP
Assume xn  yn+1  new new yn+1
OP net flow rate Vn+1 line
line Vn+1 = Va
compare or repeat
f (yn+1) f (xn)
 Vn1H y ,n1  Ln H x,n  Va H y ,a  RH D

Ln xn DxD
 yn 1  
Vn 1 Vn 1
 Vn1  Ln  D La D
LmHx,m + qr = Vm+1Hy,m++BHB

enthalpy balance for stripping section ( control surface II )

enthalpy balance : Vm1H y ,m1  Lm H x,m  qr  BH B (21.51)
Lm Bx B
individual material balance : ym 1  xm  (21.52)
Vm1 Vm1
overall material balance : Lm  Vm1  B (21.53)
Find Vm+1 and Lm at specified xm value  trial–and–error
Known : BHB , xB , B , qr ( from 21.45 ) Vm1H y ,m1  Lm H x,m  qr  BH B
Choose : xm  Hx,m ym1 
Lm Bx
xm  B
Vm1 Vm1
Hx,n Hy,n+1 Lm  Vm1  B
Tb try Ln = Lb Td enthalpy… Ln OP
Assume xn  yn+1  new new yn+1
OP net flow rate Vn+1 line
line Vn+1 = Vb
compare or repeat
Trial–and–error :
(1) assume Vm+1 , Lm ( first Vm+1 = Vb, Lm = Lb )
(2) calculate ym+1 ( from Eq 21.52 )  Hy,m+1
(3) calculate new Vm+1 ( using 21.51 and 21.53 )
(4) calculate new Lm ( Eq 21.53 )
(5) repeat steps (2)  (4)
Solution : Base component : Benzene La

xF = 0.5 , xD = 0.98 , xB = 0.02

Assume F = 100 mole

D xF  xB 0.5  0.02
 
F xD  xB 0.98  0.02
 D = 50 mole , B = 50 mole

Calculate RD ( = 1.2RDm ), q = 1.0
Eq (21.3)
xD  y
RDM  ( based on L constant )

y   x V
x’ = 0.5 = xF ,  y’ = 0.72 ( EQ curve)
xD  y 0.98  0.72
 RDM   1.18
y  x 0.72  0.5
RD  1.2 RDM  1.42  ( )
La = R = 1.42D = 1.42  50 = 71 mole
V1 = R + D = 71 + 50
= 121 mole
L1 = R = 71 mole
Enthalpy balance calculate first
Va  121
Eq (21.48)  Vn1H y ,n1  Ln H x,n  Va H y ,a  RH D  
La  La  71 
Reference Temp : 80oC ( Tb of Benzene)
 H D  H R  0 ( nearly pure benzene at Tb ) H x  CP, T  80
for benzene vapor at T oC , Hy,B = 7360 + 23( T  80) --- (A)
for toluene vapor at T oC , Hy,T = 8174 + 33( T  80) --- (B)
vapor of
enthalpy of vaporization at T oC  at 80oC liq. Toluene toluene
T oC T oC
H V  Cp (Tb  T )  Cpv (T  Tb )  H V,b
 H V  H V,b  (Tb  T )(Cp  Cpv ) Cpℓ Cpv
at T = 80oC ΔHV = 7960 + (110.6  80)(40  30)
= 8174 (cal / mole) Tb ΔHV b = 7960 Tb
(110.6) (110.6)
So, toluene vapor at T oC , Hy,T = 8174 + 33(T  80 )
Evaluate Hy,1 ( Hy,a )  Top plate temp. ≈ 80oC Hy,B = 7360 + 23( T  80) --- (A)
yB yT Hy,T = 8174 + 33( T  80) --- (B)
Hy,1 = 0.98 Hy,B + 0.02 Hy,T  Eq (A) and Eq (B)
= 0.98  7360 + 0.02  8174
= 7376 (cal ⁄ mole)

Evaluate intermedia point yn+1 , xn

Pick xn = 0.5 ,  Tb = 92oC ( from Fig 21.3 )

H x,n  CP, (92  80) C P , : mean value
 (0.5  33  0.5  40)(92  80)
 438 cal

Hx,n Hy,n+1
Tb try Ln = La Td enthalpy… Ln OP
Assume xn  yn+1  new new yn+1
OP net flow rate Vn+1 line
line Vn+1 = Va
compare or repeat
To estimate yn+1 :
use : Ln = L1 = 71 mole L/V value to draw the OP
Vn+1 = V1 = 121 mole Line , and get yn+1 , or ( 21.49 )

Ln DxD
y n 1 xn  y
0.5  50  0.98  0.698
Vn 1 Vn 1 121 121

 dashed line
yn+1 ≈ 0.7
dew point Td ≈ 93oC ( Fig 21.3 )
Benzene : 0.7 , Toluene : 0.3
Hy,B = 7360 + 23( T  80) --- (A)
Hy,T = 8174 + 33( T  80) --- (B)

Fiqure 21.25
McCabeThiele diagram for Example 21.5 benzene-toluene distillation:
Calculate Hy,n+1 ( at 93oC ) Hy,B = 7360 + 23( T  80) --- (A)
Hy,T = 8174 + 33( T  80) --- (B)
Hy,n+1 = 0.7 HyB,n+1 + 0.3 HyT,n+1
= 0.7(7360 + 23  13) + 0.3(8174 + 33  13) = 7942
Eq (21.48) -- Vn+1 Hy,n+1 = Ln Hx,n + V1 Hy,1  R HD , ( Ln = Vn+1D )

 Vn+1 (7942) = (Vn+150)  438 + 121(7376)

 Vn+1 = 116.0 mole , Ln = 66 mole  new Ln , Vn+1
( V1 = 121 ) ( L1 = 71 )

Calculate new yn+1 by Eq ( 21.49 )  mass balance

Ln DxD 66 50  0.98
Eq ( 21.49 ) yn 1  xn   0.5   0.707
Vn 1 Vn 1 116 116
 close enough to 0.7
( xn , yn+1 ) = (0.5 , 0.707)
Similar calculation Td enthalpy balance
L1 = 71
V1 = 121 y ≈ 0.81  H Vn+1
pick xn = 0.7  n+1 y,n+1  yn+1
Tb Hx,n (0.818)

gives : Vn+1 = 118 , Ln = 68 , yn+1 = 0.818

( xn , yn+1 ) = (0.7 , 0.818)

OP line : solid line in Fig 21.25

Fiqure 21.25
McCabeThiele diagram for Example 21.5
benzene-toluene distillation:
, based on constant molar overflow;
, based on enthalpy balance.
To estimate the OP line of stripping section, qr should be known first, use of
overall enthalpy balance
F HF + qr = D H D + B HB + qc ------ (C)
HF : feed at boiling point ( xF = 0.5, TF = 92oC ) V1 Hy,1
H F  CP, (T  80)
 (0.5  33  0.5  40)(92  80)  438 cal
mole qc
HD : = 0
HB : TB ≒ 111oC ( close to Tb of toluene, 110.6oC ) La D
x, benzene = 0.02 , x, toluene = 0.98
HB = (0.02  33 + 0.98  40)(111  80) = 1236 cal ⁄ mole
qc : V1 Hy,1 = qc + (La + D)HD
qc = 121  7376 = 892,496 cal
From Eq(c) qr = 50  0 + 50  1236 + 892,496  100  438
= 910,496 cal ( 2% error for qr ≈ qc ) 77
Estimate , Lb , Vb
enthalpy balance around reboiler :
qr + Lb Hx,b = Vb Hy,b + B HB ------ (D)
? ?
Vb + B
50 1236 o
Lb , Hx,b 111 C, y = 0.05
x = 4% Vb , Hy,b
Hy,b : about 5% benzene at 111oC ( Fig 21.3 ) 110oC

Hy,b = 0.05 Hy,b (benzene) + 0.95 Hy,b (toluene)

= 0.05(7360 + 23  31) + 0.95(8174 + 33  31) 111oC,
= 9141 cal ⁄ mole xB = 0.02
Hx,b : about 4% benzene at 110 C ( Fig 21.3 )
Hx,b = (0.04  33 + 0.96  40)(110  80) = 1192 cal ⁄ mole

Lb = Vb + 50 , into Eq (D) qr + Lb Hx,b = Vb Hy,b + B HB

(Vb + 50)

Eq (D) 
qr  50 H x ,b  BH B 910496  50(1192)  50(1236)
Vb    114.3
H y ,b  H x ,b 9141  1192
Lb  114.3  50  164.3

another method to estimate the approximate value

qr 910496
Vb    114.4
H V 7960

Calculate an intermediate value of Vm+1
Eq (21.51) Vm+1 Hy,m+1 = Lm Hx,m + qr  B HB
Lm BxB
ym1  xm 
Eq (21.52) Vm1 Vm1 Eq (21.53)  Lm = Vm+1 + B

pick xm = 0.4 ( Tb = 95oC )

(1) first assume Lm = Lb = 164.3 ; Vm+1 = Vb = 114.3 ( constant molar flow )
get ym+1 = 0.55 ( from fig 21.25, dashed line )  ( Tm+1 = 97oC )
(2) calculate Hx,m ; Hy,m+1
Hx,m = (0.4  33 + 0.6  40)(95  80) = 558
ym+1 = 0.55 H = 0.55[7360 + 23(97  80)] + 0.45[8174 + 33(97  80)] = 8194
Td = 97oC
Hy,B Hy,T

Eq (21.51)  Vm+1 Hy,m+1 = Lm Hx,m + qr  B HB
8194 Vm+1 = (Vm+1 + 50)558 + 910,496  50  1236
 Vm+1 = 114.8 ; Lm = 114.8 + 50 = 164.8
(Vb = 114.3) (Lb = 164.3)

Almost no change in L and V in the stripping section

 OP line can be drawn as straight line
upper OP line
( xB , xB ) = (0.02, 0.02) , intersection of
q line

No. of ideal stages :

(i) 27 ideal stage , consider the variation of V , L
(solid line in Fig 21.25)
(ii) 21 ideal stage ; assume V , L are constant
(dashed line)
No. of ideal stages :
constant V,L
(i) 27 ideal stage , consider the variation of V , L
(solid line in Fig 21.25)

(ii) 21 ideal stage ; assume V , L are constant

(dashed line)

( xn , yn+1 ) = (0.5 , 0.707) ---- variation of V, L

( xn , yn+1 ) = (0.5 , 0.7) ---- constant V,L
Rectifying section : L decreases 7% L1 = 71 V1 = 121
(mainly due to higher molar heat of
vaporization of toluene) λT > λB xn-1 yn

Sensible heat: Be.

high small
vapor : VCP,V n
V > L , CP,L > CP,V F To.
50% T
liquid : LCP,L  effect canceled
small high 50% B xn = 0.5 yn+1 = 0.707
Ln = 66 Vn+1 = 116
Stripping section : L, V almost no change
V L small small high high
 V CP ,V  LCP , L xm = 0.4 ym+1 = 0.55

CP,V < CP,L 
Lm = 164.8 Vm+1 = 114.8
Heat gain by liq.
Heat released by vapor
part of sensible heat of liquid should be  
Lb = 164.3 Vb = 114.3
supplied by condensation of vapor
 The slight upward shift of operation lines may be important when
operation close to the RDm ( minimum reflux ratio ).

When RD ≧ 2RDm,the effects of operatingline curvature would be

very small.
 for straight OP line , slope =
for curved OP line , slope  local value of Vn  1

Reason :
Eq (21.49)  Vn+1 yn+1 = Ln xn + D xD
Ln = Vn+1  D or Vn+1 = Ln + D

Eq (21.49) becomes Vn+1 yn+1 = (Vn+1  D)xn + D xD

 Vn+1(yn+1  xn) = D(xD  xn) --- (21.54)

or (Ln + D)yn+1 = Ln xn + D xD
 Ln (yn+1  xn) = D(xD  yn+1) --- (21.55)
Eq (21.55) Ln xD  yn 1
  (21.56)
Eq (21.54) Vn 1 xD  xn
, slope of line connecting ( xD , xD ) , ( xn , yn+1 )
Vn 1
Lm y x
for stripping section  m1 B ( xB , xB ) , ( xm , ym+1 )
Vm1 xm  xB
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Lm Vm+1
xm ym+1
Hx,m Hy,m+1

Lb Vb
B, xB,

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