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Start Here: This 2-page spread contains the information you need to begin your adventure. Se ee ee ee the game. It also provides a place to write down your current status, weapons, armor, and equipment nee eee a eed are rarely used directly. Whenever you attempt a task that might fail, you make a skill check. The dice you roll for this check are Cee eee Rc re | and your characteristic. if you roll more ¥¢ than Y., you succeed, @ ease reference these skis and descriptions of what they do on econo s ee eee eee ae) bols; if there are any Success ¥ symbols left, the check prec ‘Tiumph @ symbols count as Success 3 symbols and may ecg ae erent Advantage {9 symbols indicate a positive side effect or CeCe Rela eel are canceled by Threat @ symbols, Failure symbols cancel Success ¥ symbols. If there are enough Failure Y symbols to caricel all the Success Sea eee enc Despair ® symbols count as Failure symbols (they cancel Success % symbols) and may also be spent to See et ete tcs Threat ® symbols indicate a negative side effect or con: sequence, even on a successful check. They cancel and are canceled by Advantage € symbols oe BO CC ae er De} Oe® ed deO Oem el] de® ©®e99e8 8 CHARACTER NAME : DAO. ces JABRAK nen MYSTIC Astrogation tr Athletics (Be) Ch Cool Coordination Knawledge tnt Leadership (Pr roeption (Cy icong iAg) siience (Br Shalduagery (0 Sheath (a wie C vie (Can) ance (Wil Ee Brew! (GP Gunnery (A) Lightsaber & Melee (8 ed (Light) ged He ES 9) 1 Ag) ng ae en Ls Your soak value fs equal to the sum of your Brawn and the soak reac eisai ole RUT mR wounds exceed your Wound Threshold, you are knocked out and suffer a Critical Inury. Wounds can be recovered through the Re eee Rr cc eae aes nd You may voluntarily suffer 2 strain to perform an extra maneuver (on your turn. Strain comes and goes more quickly than wounds ee eee Ras ee S| BR Rn Cece tee ere ced a the result of an attack. Keep track of the number of Critical Injuries here. For a description of the effects of your Critical Inj en EE | Ce eee ec eee Ce Er Cts Ce Ree ale Walking Stick | Engaged 06: and then roll | Force die @ (for your Force Rating 1), You may . spend light side results @ as Force points @ to activate your Force powier. You cannot spend dark side results unless you draw upon the dark side of the Force by spending T Destiny and suffering strain equal to the dark side results © you use. ‘Inf Cita! jury on at for CHO EE } SG Stimpacks | Dae ‘omlnk = 2 Meawy Clothes. So Ancient Serle | Gas ‘On each tum, you can perforni 1 Action and 1 Maneuver, in any Cord er ees ges ares es aeer +Aim eee caer | ee eee ee oe ey ed pepe ep ee ood 7 df eS Een h «Ine we your enorme ea Siete or eer athe Force inaracting wh the Se eeu Eee n cd ance pont (pt sense al ving tings within shor Sea Do sense current entionl state of a You can also perform any number of incidental actions Farce point ta move an object bo sale frm within short ange af thin shart range of you. A Cane Cnt SCOR RUC LL DCCC ROTOR a eee UO ret arr es eee tee ee Lene on ee et et Perey ae ee See ee ee Ut cents dice pool changes from @O¢ to @@O. Put a mark inthe circle next to the XP cost to remind you that Se se ea eterna eae eee nar ee Ce eee ere ee eas the rit. Melee Skill SC eee eas dice pool changes rom t0 @O 4. Put a mark in the circle next to the XP cost to remind you that Se ee ae Seu aC Cm nce ke as eae 5 fenael a SO UR eee ee Cou Sn ee ea a choose this upgrade, circle the correct value (14 or 15) on your Rr) Grit: Your strain threshold is increased by 1, from 14 to 15. eae ct a Oe Soe eee ee ae en circle next to the XP cost to remind you that you have taken it Your Move poner gains the following ability Spend.1 Force point @ to increase the maximum size of objects Move can affect to about the size of a person, CHARACTER NAME : DAO sees ZABRAK aren MYSTIC SKILLS comput dination (Ag) Deception (un) ipine (Wil wedge [nt Leadership (Pr Mechanics lint) Mecicie tnt) Negotiation ( Perception (Cun Piloting (Aa silence (Br) iuggery (Cun) (Aa) (Cun tn Gunnery (Ag) Lightsaber (Pr Meee (Br) anges (Light) (Aa en GIST ESS nen akg @ Coercion check, ats Boost eto the dee poo! nthe die ool erty forthe Coercion sil ——.~

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