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Q1. Define Industrial Relation.

Ans. The term “industrial relations” commonly denotes employee-employer relations”
in both organized and unorganized sectors of economy.

Q2. Mention the features pertaining to Industrial relation.

Ans. A few features pertaining to industrial relations are as under:-
1) Industrial relation do not emerge in vacuum they are born out of employment
relationship in an industrial setting .Without the existence of two parties, i.e.,
labour and management this relationship cannot exist.
2) Industrial relations are characterized by both conflict and co-operation. The focus
of industrial relations is on the study of the attitudes relationships practices and
procedures developed by contending parties to resolve conflicts.
3) The study of industrial relations includes vital environmental issues like
technology of the workplace, country’s socio-economic and political
environment, nation’s labour policy attitude of trade union.
4) Industrial relation also study the laws, rules, regulations, agreements, awards of
courts, as well as policy framework laid down by the government for eliciting
co-operation between labor and management.

Q3. What are the aspects of industrial relation?

Ans. Main aspects of industrial relations are:-
1) Promotion and development of healthy labour management relations;
2) Maintenance of industrial peace and avoidance of industrial strife and
3) Development of industrial democracy.

Q4. Specify some of the factors that affect industrial relation?

Ans. Factors affecting Industrial relations
The industrial relations systems of an organization influenced by a variety of
factors. A few important are:-
1) Institutional factor 2) Economic factor 3) Social factor
4) Technological factor 5) Psychological factor 6) Political factor

7) Enterprise related factor 8) Global factors

Q5. Mention the Psychological approaches to industrial relations

Ans. Psychological approaches to industrial relations:- The psychologists are of view
that the problem of industrial relations are deeply rooted in the perception and the
attitude of focal participants. This was studied nicely by Manson Harie. The
conflict between labour & management occurs & every group negatively views
the behavior of each other. Strained inter personal and inter-group relations
breeds disharmony in the system.

Q6. Mention the Sociological approach to industrial relations.

Ans. Sociological approach to industrial relations:- Sociological aspect of the problem
are more important than other one. This includes various Sociological factors like
value system, customs norms, attitude and perception of both labour &
management that affect the industrial relations in varied ways. So the analyzing of
social change cannot be overlooked.

Q7. Mention the Human relations approach to industrial relations.

Ans. Human relations approach to industrial relations:- Among all the areas of
management perhaps one of the most delicate and tricky ones is concerned with
human resource management. Pulsating human being having their own emotions
perception attitude etc is radically different from that of physical material. So
when resources are not properly managed the problem of industrial surfaces. This
can be only managed by deciphering and managing of human behavior at both
individual and group level.

Q8. Mention the System Approach to industrial relations.

Ans. System Approach to industrial relations:- John Dunlop has developed a system
approach. This approach is quite helpful in studying the industrial relations in the
sense that it focuses on participants in the process, environmental forces and the
output . the basic elements of system are:- 1) participants in the system. 2)An
ideological thinking 3) the context or environment.

Q9. Name the Components of Industrial relations system.

Ans. Industrial relation system is made of certain institutions, which are popularly
known as “ three actors” of the system. In all developed and developing countries
these actors are… workers (employees) and their organizations (trade unions),
management(employers) and their organization (employer’s association/
federation), the government. These actors jointly determine the output of the
system , which largely consists of rules/regulations relating to terms and
conditions of employment.

Q10. Mention the importance of Industrial relation.

Ans. With the increased sophistication of work methods and techno based HRM
policies a new dimension has emerged in industrial relation. The pattern of
industrial relation in the organize sector of economy has a definite impact on
labour management relations in the un-organized sector. The industrial relation
has major impact on the Indian political system in way of trade union formation
and its activities.

Q11. Define ILO.

Ans. “International labour Organization”. It was established in the year 1919. The
objective this forum was that trade unions of different countries can combine
together for fighting for their fundamental rights.

Q12. Define Trade Union.

Ans. A few commonly citied definitions are:-
Dale yoder “ A trade union is a continuous association of wage-earners for the
purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their working lives”

Indian Trade Union Act 1926 “ A trade union is any combination whether
temporary or permanent ,formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the
relations between workmen and employers , or between workmen and workmen,
between employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions on the
conduct of any trade or business, and includes any federation of two or more trade

Q13. State the features of Trade Unions.

Ans. General Features of trade Union
1. The Trade union is an association either of employers or employees or of
independent workers.
2. Labour unions are relatively permanent association of workers and are not
temporary or casual.
3. A trade union is an association of workers who are engaged in securing economic
benefits for its members.
4. The character of trade union has been constantly changing with the present

Q14. State the functions of Trade Unions.

Ans. Functions of Trade Union in India
1. To achieve higher wages and better working and living conditions for the
2. To acquire control over industry by workers.
3. To minimize the helplessness of individual workers by making them stand up
Unitedly and increasing their resistance power through collective bargaining.
4. To raise the status of the workers .
5. To generate self confidence among the workers.
6. To encourage sincerity and discipline among workers.
7. To take welfare measures for improving the morale of the workers.

Q15. What are the goals of Trade Union?

Ans. The basic goal on which trade union is formed is to protect the interest of its
member and obtain their fundamental rights.

Q16. What are the objectives of Trade Union?

Ans. 1) To protect and advance the interest of the workers who are its members.
2)To plead for and secure progressive industrial democracy.
3)To educate the workers about their rights and responsibility.

Q17. Name the 6 periods in which the growth and development of trade union
Ans. The growth and development of the labour movement and trade unions in India
can be divided into following periods:-
1. Social welfare period from 1875 to 1918.
2. Early Trade Union period from 1918 to 1924.
3. Left wing Trade Unionism period from 1924 to 1934.
4. Trade Union Unity period from 1935 to 1938.
5. Second World War period from 1939 to 1945.
6. Post Independence period from 1947 to date.

Q18. Specify the rights of registered Trade Union.

Ans. 1) the trade Union can spend general funds on the salaries of the staff and office
bearers, prosecution and defence for protecting trade rights , conduct of trade
disputes on behalf of the trade unions.
2) The Union Can Change the name of the union, amalgamate it with other trade
3) The union can appeal against the order of the registrar in a civil court.

Q19. How many members together can apply for registration of Trade Union?
Ans. Any seven or more members of a trade union can apply for registration by
subscribing their names to the rules of the trade union and by complying with the
provisions of the act.

Q20. Specify the eligibility criteria for becoming a member of Trade Union.
Ans. According to section 21 of Trade union act , any person who is above the age of
15 years may become a member of the registered trade union. However it is
subject to any rules of the trade union to the contrary.

Q21. Specify the problems in a Trade Union.

Ans. The following are the most important and pressing problems :-
1) Uneven growth (Industry wise and Area wise).
2) Small Size of Unions.
3) Financial Weakness.
4) Multiplicity of unions and inter-union rivalry.
5) Leadership issue.
6) Politicalisation of unions.
7) Problems of recognition of trade union.
Q22. What is Code of Conduct?
Ans. The four central labour organizations (INTUC,AITUC,HMS, UTUC) voluntarily
adopted an inter-union “code of conduct” on may 21,1958 for the maintenance of
harmonious inter union relations:-
1) Every employee in industry shall have freedom and right to join a union of his
2) There shall be no dual membership of unions.
3) There shall be unreserved acceptance of and respect for the democratic
functioning of trade unions.
4) Casteism, communalism and provincialism shall be eschewed.
5) There shall be regular and democratic elections of executive bodies.
6) There shall be no violence, coercion, intimidation in inter union dealing.

Q23. What is worker’s participation in management?

Ans. Management point of view- it is joint consultation prior to decision making.
Workers point of view- as a system of communication and consultation.

Q24. State few main characteristics of worker’s participation in management.

Ans. 1) Participation refers to the practices which increases the scope for employees
share of influence in decision making at different levels of the organization.
1) Participation takes place through the mechanism of the forum and practices which
provides for association of workers representatives.

Q25. What are the objectives of worker’s participation in management?

Ans. 1) To install good communication system.
2) To develop mutual understanding.
3) To provide sense of belongingness.

Q26. Name few forms of worker’s participation in management.

Ans. Collective Bargaining, Work Council, Joint Management Councils and

Q27. What is Collective bargaining?

Ans. Collective bargaining is the technique that has been adopted by unions and
management to reconcile their conflicting interest.

Q28. State the essential features of Collective bargaining.

Ans. 1) It is flexible and mobile.
2) It is group action not individual action and is initiated through the
representative of workers.
3) It is continuous process and dynamic in nature.

Q29. State the importance of Collective bargaining.

Ans. 1) It gives order and stability to industrial relation.
2) Achieve an efficient operation of the plant.
3) Increase the economic strength.

Q30. What are the Characteristic needs of Trade union?

Ans. 1) It must be internally strong.
2) It must be responsible so that it can use the power in economic way.
3) It must be internally democratic.


Q1. Explain the concept of Industrial Relations.

Ans. Introduction-Industrial relation definition- Features of Industrial relation-
Importance of Industrial relation-Conclusion.

Q2 Enumerate the various factors that affect industrial relation.

Ans. Introduction of Industrial relations- industrial relations systems of an organization
influenced by following factors-1) Institutional factor-2) Economic factor- 3)
Social factor-4) Technological factor-5) Psychological factor-6) Political factor

7) Enterprise related factor-8) Global factors-Conclusions.

Q3. Explain the Various approaches to Industrial relations.

Ans. Introduction of Industrial relations- Various Approaches - Psychological
approaches - Sociological approach - Human relations approach - System
Approach- Conclusions.

Q4. Briefly discuss on the various problems of Indian Trade unions.

Ans. Trade Union Definition-Most important and pressing problems :-1)Uneven
growth (Industry wise and Area wise).-2)Small Size of Unions.-3)Financial
Weakness.-4)Multiplicity of unions and inter-union rivalry.- 5)Leadership issue.-
6)Politicalisation of unions.-7)Problems of recognition of trade union.

Q5. Write an essay on the growth of trade union in India.

Ans. Trade Union Introduction- Definition of Trade union- Mention the period-
1.Social welfare period from 1875 to 1918.- 2.Early Trade Union period from
1918 to 1924.- 3.Left wing Trade Unionism period from 1924 to 1934.-4.Trade
Union Unity period from 1935 to 1938.- 5.Second World War period from 1939
to 1945.- 6.Post Independence period from 1947 to date.-conclusion.

Q6. Discuss the problems of industrial relation in public sector.

Ans. Introduction of Industrial relation-Areas of problems – economic policies for
stoppage Industrial disputes-Workers participation- Trade union-Conclusion.

Q7. Explain the Components of Industrial relations system.

Ans. Industrial relation-Components of industrial relation like trade union,
management, and government-conclusion.
Q8. Explain the features & Functions of Trade Unions.
Ans. Trade Union Definition-Main objective of trade union- Goals of trade union-
features & functions- Conclusions.

Q9. Explain the concept of Collective bargaining.

Ans. Collective bargaining- objective-importance-features- conclusion.

Q10. What is worker’s participation in management? State main characteristics of

worker’s participation in management.
Ans. Definition- Management point of view- Workers point of view- objective-
characteristics- conclusion.




Q1. Define Industrial dispute.

Ans. An industrial dispute may be defined as a conflict or difference of opinion
between management and workers on the terms of employment. It is a
disagreement between an employer and employees' representative; usually a trade
union, over pay and other working conditions and can result in industrial actions.
When an industrial dispute occurs, both the parties, that is the management and
the workmen, try to pressurize each other.
As per Section 2(k) of Industrial Disputes Act,1947, an industrial dispute in
defined as any dispute or difference between employers and employers, or
between employers and workmen, or between workmen and which is connected
with the employment or non-employment or the terms of employment or with the
conditions of labor, of any person.

Q2. What are the Principal objectives of Industrial dispute Act 1947?
Ans. 1) To promote measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations
between employees and employer.
2) To make investigation and settlement of Industrial dispute.
3) To facilitate collective bargaining.

Q3. Mention Industrial related factors which cause Industrial disputes.

Ans. Industry related factor:-
a) Leave and working hours
b) Non-implementation of agreements and awards etc.
c) Indiscipline and violence
d) Inter/Intra Union Rivalry
e) Work Load
Q4. Mention Management related factors which cause Industrial disputes.
Ans. Management related factors:-
a)Wages and allowances
b) Personnel and retrenchment
c) Bonus
d) Not willing to talk over any dispute wit the employees.

Q5. Mention Government related factors which cause Industrial disputes.

Ans. Government related factors:-
a) Changes in economic policies
b) Growing irrelevance of government conciliation

Q6. Mention other/ miscellaneous related factors which cause Industrial disputes.
Ans. Other factors:-
a) Political instability and the strained centre and state relation.
b) Corruption in industry and public life.

Q7. What is the Impact of Industrial dispute?

Ans. The consequences of industrial disputes are very far reaching , for they distrub the
economic , social and political life of a country. Industrial disputes result in a
huge wastage of mandays and dislocation in the production work. When such
stoppage of work take place the short supply of consumer goods result in sky-
rocketing of prices, and leads to their non availability in the open market. The
worker losses the wages for the strike period and in turn it disrubs their family
life.The employers suffer heavy losses , not only through stoppage of
production,reduction in sales and loss of market .In public /Society it creates law
and order problems.

Q8. What is a Strike?

Ans. Strike action, often simply called a strike, is a work stoppage caused by the mass
refusal by employees to perform work. A strike usually takes place in response to
employee grievances.

Q9. What are the essential features of a strike?

Ans. 1) It must result in cessation of work.
2) It due to a concerted refusal or refusal under a common understanding.
3) It should be by the person employed in the industry.

Q10. What is Stay away strike?

Ans. Stay away strike:- Workmen do not come to the workplace during work hours.

Q11. What is Sit-down and stay –in strike?

Ans. Sit down and stay in strike:- A group of employees interested in attaing certain
objectives in particular business take possession of property of that business,
establish themselves in plant, stop it production.

Q12. What is Tools-down strike/ Pen-down strike?

Ans. Tools Down Strike-lay down their tools and refrain from doing work.

Q13. What is Go-Slow Strike?

Ans. Go-Slow- Reduce the sped of work to adopt dilatory tactics to reduce production.

Q14. What is Gherao?

Ans. Ghero- Physcial blockade of a target by encirclement.

Q15. What is Hunger Strike?

Ans. The most come way of doing strike. In general sense in this kind of strike the
person(s) involved will go without food for one day or till his demand is met.

Q16. How to prevent a strike from happing?

Ans. Prevention of strikes
Following suggestion may prove fruitfull:-
1. The Management should adopt well defined, precise, clear HRM policies for good
industrial relations.
2. Effective administration & Timely implementation.
3. Effective two way communication system in operation.
4. Provide just & humane conditions of work, along with suitable welfare activites.
5. Should give recognition to representative union
6. Should ensure joint consultantion and encourage collective bargining.

Q17. Define Industrial Peace

Ans. Disputes are a menace to industry, society, employer,employee, and country.
Such a state off have lead to arise the need for Industrial peace. “Industrial peace
signifies the active presence of harmonious and good industrial relations
generating amity & good will between industry-a conditition which is both the
cause and effect of fruitful co-operation.”

Q18. What is lay-off?

Ans. Refers to the action of employees to temporarily close down or refuse to work
with intention of forcing employer to accept their demand.

Q19. What is lock-out?

Ans. Refers to the action of an employer to temporarily close down or shut down or
refuse to provide jobs to employees with intention of forcing them to accept his

Q20. Define Conciliation

Ans.. Conciliation' is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process whereby the
parties to a dispute (including future interest disputes) agree to utilize the services
of a conciliator, who then meets with the parties separately in an attempt to
resolve their differences. Conciliation differs from arbitration in that the
conciliation process, in and of itself, has no legal standing, and the conciliator
usually has no authority to seek evidence or call witnesses, usually writes no
decision, and makes no award. Conciliation differs from mediation in that the
main goal is to conciliate, most of the time by seeking concessions. In mediation,
the mediator tries to guide the discussion in a way that optimizes parties needs,
takes feelings into account and reframes representations.

Q21. Write the qualities of Conciliator.

Ans. 1)Independence and Impartiality,2) Get along wit people,3) Clear headness and
mature judgement, 4) Acquainted with law and regulations.

Q22. Mention the role played by conciliator in conciliation process.

Ans. Role of Conciliator
1. As a discussion Leader:- He reduce the irrationality and antagonism between
parties. He guide them towards a problem solving approach.He ensure both
parties discuss their differences.
2. As a safety valve:- places himself in the position of an alternative target when
he feel the parties are in an aggressive mood.
3. As a Innovator and protector
4. As a Stimulator & Adviser
5. As a promoter for collective barginging

Q23. What are the various types of conciliation process?

Ans. Types of conciliation
1. Voluntary :- The disputes are refeered to the conciliation by the both parties of
their own free will ; they agree to have their disputes settled by an otsider, but free
to accept or not accept the decision.
2. Compulsory:- The prodcedure is made compulsory by provisions requireing the
parties attendance at conciliation procedding or empowering the cociliation
authority to compel their attendance at such proceeding as well as by the
prohibition of strikesor lockout.

Q24. Define Arbitration

Ans. Arbitration , in law, is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution - specifically, a
legal alternative to litigation, whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their
respective positions (through agreement or hearing) to a NEUTRAL third party
called the Arbitrator (s) or Arbiter (s) for resolution. The "Disputes-Settlement-
Trust" plays the role of a NEUTRAL in the Arbitration conducted by the Trust.
As defined under Section 2(1)(a) it covers any arbitration whether it is
administered by any permanent arbitral institution or not. It also covers arbitration
relied on voluntary agreement by the private parties or by operation of law. The
Arbitration and Conciliation Act does not provide definition of the word
"Arbitration" but its literally recognised meaning is that "settlement" of
differences or disputes by mutual understanding or agreement by the parties
where the rights and liabilities of the parties are determined in judicial point of
view which are binding to them, such settlement may be before the arbitral
tribunal but not by the court of law.

Q25. Write the qualification of Arbitrator.

Ans. 1) An understanding of the complexities of the labour-management relations.
2) A knowledge of operation of arbitration process.
3) High integrity

Q26. What are the various types of Arbitration process?

Ans. Types of conciliation
Voluntary :- The disputes are refeered to the arbitration by the both parties of
their own free will.
Compulsory:- The prodcedure is made compulsory by provisions requireing the
parties attendance at arbitration procedding.

Q27. State the advantages of Arbitration process.

Ans. Parties often seek to resolve their disputes through arbitration because of a
number of perceived potential advantages over judicial proceedings:

1. when the subject matter of the dispute is highly technical, arbitrators with an
appropriate degree of expertise can be appointed
2. arbitration is often faster than litigation in court
3. arbitration can be cheaper and more flexible for businesses
4. arbitral proceedings and an arbitral award are generally secret
5. because of the provisions of the New York Convention 1958, arbitration
awards are generally easier to enforce in other nations than court judgments
6. in most legal systems, there are very limited avenues for appeal of an arbitral

Q28. State the evils of Arbitration process.

Ans. Some of the disadvantages of arbitration can be that:
1. consumers and employees usually do not know in advance that they have been
forced into mandatory binding pre-dispute arbitration by purchasing a product
or taking a job
2. if the arbitration is mandatory binding pre-dispute arbitration, the individual
must, in advance, give up his or her right to access the courts and have a judge
or jury decide the case
3. the parties need to pay for the arbitrators, which adds an additional layer of
legal cost that can be prohibitive, especially in small consumer disputes
4. a recovery of attorneys' fees is usually unavailable, making it difficult or
impossible for consumers or employees to get legal representation
5. the arbitrator depends on the corporation for repeat business, so there is an
inherent incentive to rule against the consumer or employee
6. there are very limited avenues for appeal, which means that an erroneous
decision cannot be overturned
7. although usually thought to be speedier, when there are multiple arbitrators on
the panel, juggling their schedules for hearing dates in long cases can lead to
8. in some legal systems, arbitral awards have fewer enforcement remedies than
9. arbitrators are generally unable to enforce interlocutory measures against a
party, making it easier for a party to take steps to avoid enforcement of an
award, such as the relocation of assets offshore
10. rule of applicable law is not binding, and arbitrators not subject to overturn on
appeal may be more likely to rule according to their personal ideals
11. large corporations may exert inappropriate influence in consumer disputes,
pressuring arbitrators to decide in their favor or lose future business

Q29. Define Adjudication.

Ans. The ultimate legal remedy for the settlement of an unresovled industrial dispute is
its referenece to adjudication by the government. “Adjudication involves
intervention in the dispute by a third party appointed by the government for the
purpose of deciding the nature of final settlement.”

Q30. Mention the importance of Adjudication.

Ans. The importance of Adjudication process can be felt in Social way as well as in the
form of economical way.

Q31. What are the various types of Adjudication process?

Ans. Types of adjudication:-
1. When both parties at their own accord agree to refer the dispute to adjudication it
is called as Voluntary adjudication.
2. On the other hand when reference is made to adjudication by the government
without the consent of either parties to the dispute it is known as Compulsory

Q32. State the three-tier system of adjudication.

Ans.. Three-tier system of adjudication
Industrial dispute act 1947 provides three-tier system of adjudication
1)Labour court –adjudicate upon disputes listed in schedule II of the act.
2) Industrial tribunal- adjudicate upon disputes listed in schedule II / III of the act.
3) National tribunal – adjudicate upon disputes of national importance

Q33. Write a note on labour court in three-tier system of adjudication.

Ans. One or more labour courts may be constituted by the appropriate government for
adjudicating on industrial disputes relating to any matter in second schedule to the
Q34. Specify the constitution of labour court in adjudication system.
Ans. Labour Court
A labour court shall consist of one person who
a) Is or has been judge of high court
b) Has been for a period of not less than 3 years
c) Has held judicial office in India for not less than 7 years

Q35. Specify the jurisdiction given by labour court in adjudication system.

Ans. Labour Court
The jurisdiction of labour court extends to the adjudication of the following
a) Propriety or legality of order passed by employer.
b) Application & Interpretation of standing order.
c) Discharge or dismissal of workers
d) Withdrawal of any customary concession.
e) Illegality or otherwise of a strike or lockout.

Q36. Write a short note on Industrial tribunal in three-tier system of adjudication.

Ans. The appropriate government may appoint one or more industrial tribunals for the
adjudication of industrial disputes relating to any matter specified in the 3rd and
2nd schedule. The matters which are in the form of new demand and give rise to
industrial disputes are usually referred to Industrial tribunal.

Q37. Specify the constitution of Industrial tribunal in adjudication system.

Ans. Industrial Tribunals
A industrial tribunal shall consist of one or more person who
a) Are or have been judge of high court
b) Have been for a period of not less than 3 years
c) Have hold office of the chairman or member of labour appellate tribunal
for not less than 2 years

Q38. Specify the jurisdiction given by Industrial tribunal in adjudication system.

Ans. Industrial Tribunals
The jurisdiction of industrial tribunal extends to the adjudication of the following
a) Wages, Compensatory and other allowance
b) Hours of work
c) Leave with wages and holiday
d) Rules of discipline
e) Classification of grades
f) Rationalization
g) Retrenchment of workmen.

Q39. Write a short note on National tribunal in three-tier system of adjudication.

Ans. The central government may by the notification in the official gazette constitute
one or more national tribunal for the adjudication of industrial disputes which in
the opinion of government involves questions of national importance and that
with this more than one state is being affected.

Q40. Specify the constitution of National tribunal in adjudication system.

Ans. National Tribunal
A national tribunal shall consist of one or more person who
a) Are or have been judge of high court
b) Have hold office of the chairman or member of labour appellate tribunal
for not less than 2 years

Q41. What do you mean by golden handshake?

Ans. Golden Handshake represents golden gift handed over by employer to employees
when the opt for pre-retirement . The significance of this is , that the employer
hands over a bag of gold gift for his meritorious services to the organization. Now
–a days this concept of golden handshake is called as Voluntary Retirement


Q1. What is industrial dispute?

Ans. Industrial Dispute definition- Industrial dispute features- Impact of industrial
dispute- conclusion.

Q2. Elaborate the causes for Industrial disputes.

Ans. Industrial Dispute definition- Cause of industrial dispute- Industry related factor-
Management related factors- Government related factors- Other related factors-

Q3. Discuss in detail about Strike.

Ans. Definition of strike- features of strike- types of strike-Impact of strike.

Q4. Explain the concept of Conciliation

Ans. Conciliation definition- the qualities of Conciliator- role played by conciliator in
conciliation process- types of conciliation process-conciliation process-

Q5. Explain the concept of Arbitration

Ans. Arbitration definition- the qualities of arbitrator- role played by arbitrator in
conciliation process-types of arbitration process-arbitration process-conclusion
Q6. Discuss in detail about labour court in adjudication system.
Ans. Adjudication system-introduction Labour Court - Labour court Constitution-
Labour Jurisdiction

Q7. Discuss in detail about Industrial tribunal in three-tier system of adjudication.

Ans. Adjudication system-Industrial tribunal-constitution of Industrial tribunal -
jurisdiction given by Industrial tribunal in adjudication system.

Q8. Write a essay on National tribunal in three-tier system of adjudication.

Ans. Adjudication system- national tribunal constitution of National tribunal in
adjudication system- areas of jurisdiction-conclusion.

Q9. Elaborate Industrial Peace.

Ans. Industrial dispute definition- Cause for dispute- Impact of industrial dispute-
Industrial peace definition-benefits of industrial peace.

Q10. State the advantages and evils of Arbitration process.

Ans. Arbitration definition –Objective arbitration- arbitration process- advantages and
evils of Arbitration process-conclusion.




Q1. What is labour welfare?

Ans. According to the Committee on labour welfare, welfare services should mean:
“Such services, facilities and amenities as adequate canteens, rest and recreation
facilities, sanitary and medical facilities, arrangement for travel to and from place
of work and for the accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their
homes; and such other services, amenities and facilities, including social security
measures , as contribute to the conditions under which workers are employed.”

According to ILO, welfare services should mean:

“Such services, facilities and amenities as may be established in or in the vicinity
of undertaking to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in
healthy, congenial surroundings and provided with amenities conducive to good
health and high morale.”

Q2. Mention basic characteristics of labour welfare.

Ans. 1) The welfare measures are undertaken within the premises for the benefit of the
employees and the members of their families.
2) The main purpose of providing welfare amenities is to improve the personality
of the worker in terms of social, psychological, economic, moral, cultural.
3) To provide social security.

Q3. Mention the principles of Labour welfare services

Ans. Need based services to the workers
The service should have an individual approach.
The employer should be kind enough for attend the workers grievances.
The cost of the service should be reasonable.
A continuous evaluation of the service is necessary.

Q4. Write a short note on the need for labour welfare work.
Ans. The need for the labour welfare arises from the very nature of the industrial
system, which is characterized by two basic factors; one the conditions under
which work is carried on are not congenial for health; and second when a labourer
joins an industry, he has to work in an entirely strange atmosphere, which creates
problems of adjustment.
The working environment in a factory and long hours of job( Beyond the working
schedule) have adverse effects on the workers . Hence the need for provision of
welfare service within the premises was felt.
To make the worker adapt to new surrounding , the need for welfare services

Q5. Mention the aim of labour welfare work.

Ans. The labour welfare work aims at providing such service facilities and amenities as
would enable the workers employed in industries/factories to perform their work
in healthy, congenial surroundings conducive to good health and high morale.
1. It is partly humanistic, for it enables the workers to enjoy a fuller and richer life.
2. It is partly economic because it improves the efficiency of the worker, increases
its availability where it is scare and keep him contented.
3. The aim is partly civic because it develops a sense of responsibilities and dignity
among the workers& thus makes them worthy citizens of the nation.

Q6. Define labour welfare officer.

Ans. WELFARE OFFICERS. - (1) In every factory wherein five hundred or more
workers are ordinarily employed the occupier shall employ in the factory such
number of Welfare officers as may be prescribed. (2) The State Government may
prescribe the duties, qualifications and Conditions of service of officers employed
under sub-section (1).

Q7. Write the qualification of welfare officer.

Ans. 1) He must a university degree in social service or social work or social welfare
from a recognized institution.
2) Adequate knowledge of the language spoken by the majority of the workers in
the area.

Q8. Write the duties of labour welfare officer.

Ans. He must supervise the safety, health and welfare programmes for workers.
He must advise the management in matter relating to formulation of labour &
welfare policies , workers education & training, developing fringe benefit.
He must establish liaison with workers so that they may understand the limits in
which they have to work.

Q9. Mention the various types of welfare measures.

Ans. The services can be categorized into three types:-
1.Economic services: - To provide some additional economic security over and
above wages or salaries, such as pension, life insurance, credit facilities etc.
2.Recreational services: -
3.Facilitative Services:- like Housing facilities, Medical facilities, Washing
facilities, Education facilities, Leave travel concession

Q10. Specify any three voluntary welfare measures.

TRAINING: In – house training programs on various aspects of Material
handling, Safety precautions etc. through the faculties specialized in the field are
organized. Imparting training in computer and other administrative matters by
mean of liaison with national institute and other training institutes. Apart from
a) Workers Education
b) Free school education facilities for their children
c) Scholarship

Q11. Specify any three statutory welfare measures.

Ans. REST ROOMS: Adequate no. of rest rooms to be provided in the premises to the
workers with provisions of drinking water, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc.
for those who are working in the night shift.
CANTEENS: The canteens to be provided in the work area and other places of
working for giving nutritious valued food to the workers

Q12. Write note on the concept of worker’s education.

Ans. Worker education: Concept
Willam Flayed “Workers education” is an attempt on the part of organized labour
to educate its own members under an educational system in which the workers
prescribe the courses of instructions, select the teachers and in a considerable
measure, furnish finance.
Q13. What are the objectives of worker’s education?
Ans. Objective:-
1) To develop the worker for good & respectable civic life.
2)To promote among workers greater understanding of the problem of the
countries economic environment.
3) To develop trade union leadership.
4) To foster workers loyalty towards trade union and imparting necessary training
to them for intelligent & efficient participation in union activities.

Q14. Mention some of the Features of workers education.

Ans. Features of workers education:
1) The scope of workers education is much wider than that of trade union
education but narrow than adult education.
2) The workers education is designed to create trade union consciousness among
workers besides making them good citizens and training them to understand their
status, right and responsibilities.
3) The workers prescribe the courses of instructions, select the teachers and in a
considerable measure, furnish finance.
4) The approach in workers education is psychological and philosophical.
5) Its aim is to train worker for his group advancement and increasing individual

Q15. Specify national level worker’s education programme.

Ans. In this education programme the top level education officers are trained .They are
selected & are trained at a central place by the board officials.

Q16. Specify Regional level worker’s education programme.

Ans. At this level the main purpose is to provide necessary training to selected workers.
The workers so educated so known as workers teacher.

Q17. Specify Unit / Village level worker’s education programme.

Ans. After completion of training the workers teacher return to the work place and
conduct training programme for rank and file of workers at their respective units.

Q18. What do you understand by training?

Ans. Training leads to efficiency and increased productivity, less wastage, reduce
supervision, higher employee earning etc.

Q19. What do you understand by Craftsmen’s Training programme?

Ans. The Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T) in the Ministry of
Labour, Government of India initiated Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) in 1950
by establishing about 50 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) for imparting skills in
various vocational trades to meet the skilled manpower requirements for
technology and industrial growth of the country. The second major phase of
increase in ITIs came with the oil-boom in West-Asia and export of skilled
manpower to that region from India. Several new private ITIs were established
in 1980’s in southern states mostly in Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, etc.
from where trained craftsmen found placement mainly in Gulf countries. In 1980,
there were 830 ITIs and the number rose to 1900 ITIs in 1987. During 1990’s, the
growth of ITIs had been steep and presently there are over 4971 ITIs (1869 in
Govt. & 3102 in Private Sector) having a total seating capacity of 7.18 lakhs.
State wise Details of Number of ITIs/ITCs and seating capacity is given in
Table 1.
Under the constitution of India, Vocational training is the concurrent subject of
both Central and State Governments. The development of training schemes at
National level, evolution of policy, laying of training standards, norms,
conducting of examinations, certification, etc. are the responsibilities of the
Central Government, whereas the implementation of the training schemes largely
rests with the State Govts./UT Administrators. The Central Govt. is advised by
the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) , a tripartite body having
representatives from employers, workers and Central/State Governments. Similar
Councils known as State Councils for Vocational Training are constituted for the
same purpose by the respective State Governments at state levels.

Q20. Write a short note on Craft Instructor’s Training?

Ans. Training of Instructors is the responsibility of DGE&T in the Ministry of Labour.
The Craft Instructors’ Training Scheme has been operational since inception of
the Craftsmen Training Scheme. The first Craft Instructors’ Training Institute was
established in 1948 and subsequently 5 more institutes namely, Central Training
Institute for Instructors (now called as Advanced Training Institutes) were
established in 1960’s by DGE&T. These ATIs are located at Ludhiana, Kanpur,
Howrah, Mumbai and Hyderabad and Central Training Institute for Instructor at
Objective Of The Scheme
To train Instructors in the techniques of imparting industrial skills, who in turn
would train semi-skilled/ skilled manpower for industry.
Under the programme, Instructors from State Govt. I.T.Is and from Training
Centres established by industries under the Apprentices Act are trained in 24
trades and duration of course is one year. Total sanctioned seating capacity in
above stated six Institutes is 1002.
The following types of courses are offered at the above institutes: -
 One-Year Courses to provide comprehensive training both in skill
development and principles of teaching.
 Refresher Courses to update and upgrade the knowledge and skill of the
instructors and to keep them abreast of technological developments in Industry.
 Modular pattern of training in the following three modules :
(i) Trade Technology 6 months. ATI, Hyderabad
(ii) Trade Methodology 3 months. &CTI, Chennai
(Principles of Teaching)
iii) Engineering Technology. 3 months.
Q21. Write a short note on Advanced Vocational Training?
Ans. In order to upgrade and update the skills of serving industrial workers, an
Advanced Vocational Training Scheme (AVTS) has been in operation since 1977.
The scheme was taken up by DGE&T, Ministry of Labour in collaboration with
UNDP/ILO in 1977 at 6 Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs) under DGE&T and
16 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) of 15 State Governments.
Objective Of The Scheme
• To upgrade and update the skills of the serving industrial workers to specialise in
their field of work.
Under the scheme, training in selected skill areas is being imparted through short-
term modular courses of one to six weeks' duration. Tailor-made courses suiting
to the specific requirements of industrial establishments are also offered.
• Advanced skill training courses offered in 6 ATIs have been given in Table -V
• Over 1,00,000 industrial workers/technicians have made use of the training
facilities at 6 ATIs under DGE&T.
To meet the growing demand of industry, advanced skill training facilities were
extended to 30 I.T.Is of various State Governments/ UTs under the Vocational
Training Project taken up with financial assistance from World Bank during the
period 1989-98. Under this project, training facilities in additional areas were
created at 6 ATIs and the existing training facilities were also strengthened.
NC/CNC Training Centres have been established in 3 ATIs at Chennai, Mumbai
and Kanpur with UNDP/ILO assistance to meet the growing need of trained
workers in Hi-Tech areas. Training courses for operators, programmers and
technicians on NC/CNC Machines are being conducted at these Centers.

Q22. What do you understand by Foremen / Supervisory Training?

Ans. DGE&T has two Foremen Training Institutes (FTIs) at Bangalore and
Jamshedpur. The institute at Bangalore was set up in 1970 in collaboration with
technical and financial assistance from the State of Baden Wuerttemberg of
Federal Republic of Germany for technological and behavioural upgradation of
supervisory skills. The State of Baden Wuerttemberg since inception of the
institute has provided a total assistance of DM 8.15 million till the end of 1997 in
terms of equipment, German expert services and training of faculty. The
Objective of the Institute is:

To train the existing and potential shop-floor foremen and supervisors in

technical and managerial skills through long-term and short-term courses.

• The objectives inter-alia include consciousness of better quality and productivity,

ability for problem solving, cost reduction, and application of modern technology
etc. The institute besides, offering regular courses on Diploma and Post
Diploma in Foremanship also offers short-term courses as well as Tailor- made
courses suiting to the needs of industries.
• Another Foremen Training Institute at Jamshedpur was established in October,
1982. This Institute is offering short-term courses in the areas of Production
Planning and Management, Quality Control, Basic Electronics and Supervisory
Development and has been functioning on a limited scale in a portion of a
building of Government polytechnic. Although land for setting up of the institute
has been obtained, due to resource constraints its own building could not be

Q23. What do you understand by Apprenticeship Training Scheme?

Ans. Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the following objectives :-
• To regulate the programme of training of apprentices in the industry so as to
conform to the syllabi, period of training etc. as laid down by the Central
Apprenticeship Council; and
• To utilise fully the facilities available in industry for imparting practical training
with a view to meeting the requirements of skilled manpower for industry.
• National Apprenticeship Scheme started in 1959 on Voluntary Basis.
• Apprentices Act enacted in 1961 and implemented w.e.f. 1.3.1962
• Initially the Act envisaged training of Trade Apprentices.
• The Act was amended in 1973 to include training of Graduate and Diploma
Engineers as "Graduate" & "Technician" Apprentices.
• The Act was further amended in 1986 to bring within its purview the training of
the 10+2 vocational stream as "Technician (Vocational)" Apprentices.


• Overall responsibility is with the Directorate General of Employment &
Training (DGE&T) in the Union Ministry of Labour
• DGE&T is also responsible for implementation of the Act in respect of Trade
Apprentices in the Central Govt. Undertakings & Departments. This is done
through six Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship Training located
at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur & Faridabad.
• State Apprenticeship Advisers are responsible for implementation of the Act
in respect of Trade Apprentices in State Government Undertakings/
Departments and Private Establishments.
• Department of Education in the Ministry of HRD is responsible for
implementation of the Act in respect of Graduate, Technician & Technician
(Vocational) Apprentices. This is done through four Boards of
Apprenticeship Training located at Kanpur, Kolkata , Mumbai & Chennai.
• It is obligatory on the part of employers both in Public and Private Sector
establishments having requisites training infrastructure as laid down in the
Act, to engage apprentices.
• 254 groups of industries covered under the Act.
• About 17,800 establishments engage apprentices.
• Trade apprentices are paid stipend at following rates : Rs. 820 p.m for 1st year,
Rs. 940 for 2nd year, Rs. 1090 for 3rd and 1230 p.m for 4th year.
• The expenditure on stipend for trade apprentices is borne by the employers.
• The rates of stipend for Graduate, Technician & Technician (Vocational)
apprentices are Rs. 1970 p.m , Rs. 1400 p.m. and Rs. 1090 p.m. respectively.
• Expenditure on Stipend for the categories of Graduate, Technician & Technician
(Vocational) apprentices is shared equally between the employer and the Central
• Rates of stipend are revised every two years based on Consumer Price Index.
• 140 trades in 31 trade groups have been designated.
• Qualifications vary from Class VIII pass to XII class pass (10+2) system.
• Minimum age is 14 years.
• Period of training varies from 6 months to 4 years.
• Apprenticeship Training is linked with Craftsmen Training conducted in
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) for 92 trades. Rebate in period of
Apprenticeship Training is allowed to pass-outs from ITIs in relevant trades.

Q24. Write a short note on Vocational Training Programme for Women?

& Employment, Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGE&T) was
designed and launched in 1977. The programme attempts to promote the women
employment in industry (mainly organized sector) as semi-skilled/skilled &
highly skilled workers by increasing their participation in skill training facilities
under Craftsmen Training Scheme and Advanced Skill Training Scheme and also
the Apprentices training scheme. Programme also offers higher skill training for
the Instructors of various skill training organizations. To achieve this objective,
women exclusive Institutes have been set up both under Central Sector and
Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
Our Aims & Objectives:-
• planning, designing, executing and pursuing long-term policies for vocational
training of women in areas having high employability; thereby increasing
women’s participation in economic & social development of the country;
• drawing plans and schemes for promoting participation of women in vocational &
apprenticeship training
• identification of vocational skill training areas;
• co-ordination of the women’s vocational training in the country;
• sensitising social environment through publicity campaigns;

Q25. Define Labour welfare fund.

Ans. Labor welfare refers to all the facilities provided to labor in order to improve their
working conditions, provide social security and raise their standard of living.
Majority of labor force in India is working in unorganized sector. In order to
provide social security to such workers, Government has introduced Labor
Welfare Fund to ensure assistance to unorganized labors. Five different welfare
funds, which are governed by different legislations, are administered by Ministry
of Labor. The purpose of these welfare funds is to provide housing, medical care,
educational and recreational facilities to workers employed in beedi industry and
non-coal mines and cine workers.

Q26. Define Tripartite Welfare fund Advisory committee.

Ans. A Tripartite Welfare fund Advisory committee has been constituted by the
government both at the central and state level under each labour welfare fund
scheme. The state advisory committee is headed by the concerned state labour
minister. The welfare activities are organized directly by the Labour welfare
organization for undertaking labour welfare work.

Q27. Define Ergonomics.

Ans. Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with designing according to the
human needs, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods
to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
The field is also called human engineering, and human factors.
Ergonomic research is performed by those who study human capabilities in
relationship to their work demands. Information derived from these studies
contributes to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, environments and
systems in order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations
of people.

Q28. What are benefits provide in labour economic welfare programme?

Labour Economic welfare programme: These should include: co-operatives or fair
price shops for consumer necessities, co-operative credit society, thrift schemes
and saving bank, unemployment insurance, health insurance etc.


Q1. State the scope of Labour welfare work.

Ans. Introduction –Labour welfare definition- labour welfare work- items under which
welfare work should be conducted-conditions of work environment-Workers
Heath Services- Labour welfare Programme- conclusion.

Q2. What is Labour welfare? Discuss the principles of labour welfare services?
Ans. Introduction –Labour welfare definition- principles of labour welfare services-
Importance of labour welfare services-conclusion.

Q3. Define labour welfare officer. State the qualification and the duties of welfare
Ans. Introduction –Labour welfare definition- labour welfare officer-qualification and
the duties of welfare officer- conclusion.

Q4. Discuss the concept of worker’s education.

Ans. Education meaning- brief about workers education- common features of
education- Objectives of workers education.
Q5. Discuss the concept of worker’s education programme.
Ans. Education meaning- brief about workers education- common features of
education- Objectives of workers education.- national level worker’s education
programme- Regional level worker’s education programme- Unit / Village level
worker’s education programme-conclusion.

Q6. Discuss the concept of worker’s training.

Ans. Education meaning- brief about workers education- training need - Objectives of
workers training- types of training given by DGET –conclusion.

Q7. Elaborate Labour welfare fund.

Ans. Introduction – Labour welfare - Labour welfare fund- Tripartite Welfare fund
Advisory committee- Level of assistance like medical facilities, educational
facilities, and recreational facilities.




Q1. Define Industrial Accidents

Ans. Under the factories Act, 1948 an Industrial accident has been defined as “an
occurrence in an industrial establishment causing bodily injury to a person which
make him unfit to resume his duties in next 48 hours”. In other words, it is an
unexpected event and is always sudden. Moreover, the event or occurrence should
be something to which a definite time, date and place can be assigned. It must
arise in the course of employment in a factory or an industrial establishment.

Q2. What is working Environment?

Ans. Working Environment or working Condition is the place where the employee
works .The work environment greatly effects the work behaviour of any

Q3. Define Occupational Hazards.

Ans. Every occupation has its own hazards. One should take adequate and proper
precautions to save himself. Workers of mine and other chemical companies face
acute problems of occupational hazards. Companies should look into the safety of
their workers beforehand. To have proper safety and precautionary measures
against occupational hazards is the fundamental right of all workers. The
constitution of India gives immense priority to the occupational hazards and its
safety. In India, a huge number of people die in accidents and diseases.

Q4. What is Safety Audit?

Ans. All the companies which like to maintain the safety of their employees and plant
will undertake safety audit. Safety audit is check for maintenance of their
machinery, plant, and employees.

Q5. What do you mean by Industrial Health?

Ans. Industrial health we refer to the employee physical and mental condition of body.
There are many factors which affects physical and mental condition of body like
the working environment, the welfare measures etc.

Q6. Define Hygiene.

Ans. Hygiene refers to practices associated with ensuring good health and cleanliness.
The term "hygiene" refers to the maintenance of health and healthy living. The
term appears in phrases such as personal hygiene, domestic hygiene, dental
hygiene, and occupational hygiene and is frequently used in connection with
public health. The term "hygiene" is derived from Hygieia, the Greek goddess of
health, cleanliness and sanitation. Hygiene is also a science that deals with the
promotion and preservation of health, also called hygienics.

Occupational Hygiene is the discipline of anticipating, recognising, evaluating

and controlling health hazards in the working environment with the objective of
protecting worker health and well-being and safeguarding the community at large.

The term (used in the UK and Commonwealth Countries as well as much of

Europe) is synonymous with Industrial Hygiene (used in the US, Latin America,
and other countries that received initial technical support or training from US
sources). Environmental Hygiene addresses similar topics to Occupational
Hygiene, but is less likely to be limited to the workplace context.

In common usage occupational hygiene has taken on a much narrower definition

linking it to cleanliness, frequently leading to the misunderstanding of the term
occupational hygiene, which is NOT about hand washing or handling food
properly at work.

The Occupational Hygienist may be involved with the assessment and control of
physical, chemical or environmental hazards in the workplace that could cause
disease or discomfort. Physical hazards may include noise, temperature extremes,
illumination extremes, ionizing or non-ionizing radiation, ergonomics. Indoor air
quality (IAQ) and safety may also receive the attention of the Occupational
Hygienist. As part of this activity, the Occupational Hygienist may be called upon
to communicate effectively regarding hazard, risk, and appropriate protective
procedures; to evaluate and occasionally to design ventilation systems; and to
manage people and programs for the preservation of health and well-being of
those who enter the workplace.
Q7. What do you mean by Counseling?
Ans. It is a face to face interaction between the employee-employee, employer-
employee for resolving the psychological problem.

Q8. Write the steps in counseling process.

1. State the problem in detail
2. State the impact of the problem.
3. Ask the employee how they intend to correct the problem.
4. Ask the employee how you, the supervisor, can be of assistance.
5. Write the plan for correction.
6. State the consequences for not correcting.
7. Set a date for follow-up.

Q9. What is Safety education?

Ans. Safety education should be given to all the workers who are working on
machineries, special emphasis should be given those persons who are involved on
working near dangerous machineries. The safety education should be given by
those people who have/ had experience in handling those machineries.

Q10. Define Occupational Diseases.

Ans. An occupational disease is any chronic ailment that occurs as a result of work or
occupational activity. An occupational disease is typically identified when it is
shown that it is more prevalent in a given body of workers than in the general
population, or in other worker populations. Occupational hazards that are of a
traumatic nature (such as falls by roofers) are not considered to be occupational
diseases. Under the law of workers' compensation in many jurisdictions, there is a
presumption that specific disease are caused by the worker being in the work
environment and the burden is on the employer or insurer to show that the disease
came about from another cause.

Q11. Write a short note on Safety Programmes.

Ans. Safety programme must be given a wide publicity through posters and hoarding.
“Safety week“campaign should be run at least once in two months. Mainly the
programme should concentrate providing safety education for low level worker
who are much prone to accidents.

Q12. What is Industrial Fatigue?

Ans. Industrial Fatigue may be defined as” a negative appetite for activity ; and a
reduction in the ability to do work as a consequence of pervious work.

Q13. Mention the Nature of Fatigue.

Ans. 1)The fatigue is caused bu boredom and monotony. Fatigue includes both mental
and physical reactions and boredom.
2) It creates depression and a desire for change for work.
3) Causes tiredness, physiological change and quality and quantity of work

Q14. Specify the effects of Fatigue.

Ans. 1) It affects the muscles, nerves and min of workers.
2) Reduces the capacity of mind.
3) Loss of efficiency of worker.
4) tendency to make mistakes.

Q15. Write a short note on causes for industrial accident.

Ans. We may classify the causes of industrial accidents into four categories as follows:
1) Inherent hazards: There are many jobs in industries which are highly prone to
accidents. Coal mining, marine transport, quarry petro-chemical etc are
considered more dangerous industries as compared to communication, banking
and tobacco industries.
2) Collision: This take place when:
a. there are inadequate lighting arrangements,
b. furniture and equipment are placed improperly,
c. edges of equipment are not properly covered, and
d. cabinet drawers are left open.
3) Slip or fall on floors and stair casings: This happens when:
a. the floor and staircases are wet with water, soap or oily substance,
b. the floor is highly polished and slippery,
c. the floor is covered with carpets and the carpets are torn or loose,
d. the telephone cables trail on the floor, and
e. there is lack of proper lighting.
4) Miscellaneous causes: Sometimes, accidents occur due to:
a. excessive noise
b. lack of cleanliness
c. leaking of electrical wires or gases
d. either very high or low temperature
e. industrial fatigue, boredom, monotony etc
f. machines operating at a high speed
g. poor health of the workers
h. age and experience of the workers, and
i. personality traits like aggressive behavior, risk taking etc.

Q16. Mention the steps to be taken for preventing industrial accidents.

Ans. The following precautionary steps may be adopted to prevent accident s in the
1. Safety committee: Safety committee may be constituted in every plant. It should
consist of the representatives of both the management & the workers. All the
safety programmes should be implemented through the safety committee.
2. Safety Training: The supervisors should train new employees in safety methods.
The possible causes of accidents should be explained to new employees and they
should be taught and motions that will keep them out of danger.
3. Material handling equipments: Material handling equipments should be installed
to carry bulky materials from one place to another.
4. Guarding of machines: Safety guards should be designed, constructed & used to
provide positive protection, prevent access to the danger zone during operation.
5. Maintenance of plant:
6. Regular Inspection:
7. Equipment redesign: Equipment, machinery and work procedures should be
redesigned to cut down accident rate.
8. Proper clothing and safety equipments:
9. Clean Floors:
10. Safety campaign: Safety programme must be given a wide publicity through
posters and hoarding. “ Safety week “ campaign should be run at least once in
two months.

Q17. Mention the losses due to accidents.

Ans. Accidents causes heavy losses. They are direct losses and indirect losses.
Direct Losses: - Under this type, the employer pay the worker compensation for
any accidents. These losses are generally measured in terms of money.
Indirect Losses: - Following sources attributed in this regard:-
1) Loss of time of the injured worker.
2) Loss of time caused to his fellow workers.
3) Loss due to damage of machinery.
4) Loss of efficiency of the worker after recovery.

Q18. What is Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESIS)?

Ans. Employees’ State Insurance Scheme.—This scheme is run under the

Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 by the Employees’ State Insurance
Corporation. It was introduced in the State in 1953. It provides protection to
employees working in factories, using power and employing 10 or more persons,
and factories, establishments/shops not using power employing 20 or more

Under this scheme, medical care is provided to the workers through the
Employees’ State Insurance dispensaries. For outdoor and indoor patients,
hospital facilities are available. Medical aid to the family members of the workers
is also provided.

A number of benefits are provided to the workers under the scheme. A worker is
entitled to get cash payment for 91 days as sickness benefit in two consecutive
benefit periods in case the sickness is duly certified by the IMO/IMP to
compensate the loss of wages suffered on account of absentation from work.
Besides, the Extended Sickness Benefit is available to an insured persons in case
of long-term diseases at the rate of 25 per cent more than the sickness benefit for
124 days or 309 days in accordance with the disease. Insured persons undergoing
rilization under the family planning programme are entitled to cash benefit and
leave upto 7 days for vasectomy and 14 days for tubectomy. This may alsobe
extended to 14 days and 21 days, respectively as sequence to post-operative
complications. The female workers are enttitled to cash payment as maternity
benefit for confinement, premature birth of child or miscarriage. The additional
maternity benefit for 30 daysis admissible on account of sickness arising out of
confinement or pregnancy. The insured person who sustains employment injury is
entitled to get cash payment at the rate of 40 per cent more than the standard
sickness benefit. This benefit is available as long as the temporary disablement
lasts. Periodical cash benefit payments to the insured persons suffering loss of
earning capacity as a result of employment injury are available under this head.
Commutation of such payment is allowed if the Permanent Disablement Benefit
rate of the worker is upto Rs 1.50 per day. In the event of the death of insured
person as a result of employment injury, the dependents are entitled to periodical
cash benefit payments. A sum not exceeding Rs 500 is paid as a lump sum grant
to defray the funeral expenses of the deceased insured person. Insured persons are
provided artificial limbs in case of loss of limbs due to employment injury.
Hearing aids, spectacles and dentures are also provided to the insured persons
where loss of hearing impairment of eye-sight or loss of teeth are due to
employment injury. Besides, miscellaneous benefits have also been provided such
as payment of conveyance charges and loss of wages in certain cases and
remittance of money order without deduction of money order commission, etc. is
also available to insured persons.

This Scheme functions under the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation which
has its Headquarters at New Delhi. It is under the administrative control of the
Director General, Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, New Delhi. The
Scheme is executed in the State through the Regional Director, Employees’ State
Insurance Corporation, who inspects factories, collects contributing and arranges
payment of cash benefits.

Q19. Define Psychological Problems.

Ans. Psychological Problems is related to the disorder caused by the mental pressure.
Psychological problem is found in the form of work stress.

Q20. Write a short note on Work Stress.

Ans. “The non specific response of the body to any demand made upon it”
Stress at work is a relatively new phenomenon of modern lifestyles. The nature of
work has gone through drastic changes over the last century and it is still
changing at whirlwind speed. They have touched almost all professions, starting
from an artist to a surgeon, or a commercial pilot to a sales executive. With
change comes stress, inevitably. Professional stress or job stress poses a threat to
physical health. Work related stress in the life of organized workers,
consequently, affects the health of organizations.
Job stress is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the workplace that
negatively affect an individual's performance and/or overall well-being of his
body and mind. One or more of a host of physical and mental illnesses manifests
job stress. In some cases, job stress can be disabling. In chronic cases a
psychiatric consultation is usually required to validate the reason and degree of
work related stress.

Q21. What are the factors which causes work Stress?

Ans. Job stress may be caused by a complex set of reasons. Some of the most visible
causes of workplace stress are:

Job Insecurity
Organized workplaces are going through metamorphic changes under intense
economic transformations and consequent pressures. Reorganizations, takeovers,
mergers, downsizing and other changes have become major stressors for
employees, as companies try to live up to the competition to survive. These
reformations have put demand on everyone, from a CEO to a mere executive.

High Demand for Performance

Unrealistic expectations, especially in the time of corporate reorganizations,
which, sometimes, puts unhealthy and unreasonable pressures on the employee,
can be a tremendous source of stress and suffering. Increased workload,
extremely long work hours and intense pressure to perform at peak levels all the
time for the same pay, can actually leave an employees physically and
emotionally drained. Excessive travel and too much time away from family also
contribute to an employee's stressors.

The expansion of technology—computers, pagers, cell phones, fax machines and
the Internet—has resulted in heightened expectations for productivity, speed and
efficiency, increasing pressure on the individual worker to constantly operate at
peak performance levels. Workers working with heavy machinery are under
constant stress to remain alert. In this case both the worker and their family
members live under constant mental stress. There is also the constant pressure to
keep up with technological breakthroughs and improvisations, forcing employees
to learn new software all the times.

Workplace Culture
Adjusting to the workplace culture, whether in a new company or not, can be
intensely stressful. Making oneself adapt to the various aspects of workplace
culture such as communication patterns, hierarchy, dress code if any, workspace
and most importantly working and behavioral patterns of the boss as well as the
co-workers, can be a lesson of life. Maladjustment to workplace cultures may lead
to subtle conflicts with colleagues or even with superiors. In many cases office
politics or gossips can be major stress inducers.
Personal or Family Problems
Employees going through personal or family problems tend to carry their worries
and anxieties to the workplace. When one is in a depressed mood, his unfocused
attention or lack of motivation affects his ability to carry out job responsibilities.

Job Stress and Women

Women may suffer from mental and physical harassment at workplaces, apart
from the common job stress. Sexual harassment in workplace has been a major
source of worry for women, since long. Women may suffer from tremendous
stress such as 'hostile work environment harassment', which is defined in legal
terms as 'offensive or intimidating behavior in the workplace'. This can consist of
unwelcome verbal or physical conduct. These can be a constant source of tension
for women in job sectors. Also, subtle discriminations at workplaces, family
pressure and societal demands add to these stress factors.

Q22. What is Burnout Stress Syndrome (BOSS)?

Ans. When under severe stress, an individual fails to take clear-cut decisions,
reevaluate and reassess the priorities and lifestyles, and ultimately, tend to fall
into unproductive distractions. This can be described as a classic case of 'burnout'.
The 'burnouts' often engage in reckless or risk-taking behaviors. Starting from
glamour and sport celebrities to common men, 'burnouts' are found everywhere.

Chronic Responsibility Syndrome is a kind of burnout where people get mentally

and physically exhausted from their workload. The symptom is often described as
"there's simply too much work to do, and no one else can do it but me". Typically
it will occur in hard working, hard driven people, who become emotionally,
psychologically or physically exhausted.

Q23. What are the potential sources of work stress?

Ans. The Potential source of work stress comes from three factors, they are 1)
Environment and, 2) Organizational & 3) Individual

Q24. Write a note on Psychological Stressors.

Ans. The psychological variables create stress response that may ultimately be more
damaging to the organism than adversive event itself. Psychological stressors may
precede the physical event, last longer and continue to evoke stress after physical
event is past.

Q25. Write a note on Organizational Stressors.

Ans. Organizational stressors are caused by the organization itself. Pareek has
identified nay different types of organizational stress such as Inter role distance
stress, Role stagnation, role overload, role erosion, self role distance.
Q26. Write a note on Societal Stressors.
Ans. The Society also creates stress. Every culture teaches people what is stressful,
what is a minor adjustment. Even Such profound experiences as the death of an
infant can have different meaning.

Q27. Write a short note on Accident records.

Ans. A company has to maintain proper reports and records of the accident in the
prescribed manner, and complete information about an accident and the
circumstances attending the death or disablement of a worker or any other serious
injury to him has to be reported to the government.
The accident report should be maintained in detail and should contain:-
1) The total no of workers who have exposed to different type of accidents.
2) The real cause of accident.
3) The intensity of accident.
4) The date, time of day and the shift during which the accident occurred.


Q1. What do you mean by Counseling? Elaborate the steps in counseling process.
Ans. Psychological problem-Counseling definition- what for counseling is given- steps
in counseling process- its benefits.

Q2. Discuss in detail the concept of Work Stress.

Ans. Stress definition-Work stress- factors which causes work Stress- potential sources
of work stress- effects of work stress.

Q3. Elaborate Industrial Accidents

Ans. Industrial accidents- cause for industrial accidents- steps to be taken for
preventing industrial accidents- losses due to accidents.

Q4. Discuss in detail about Industrial Fatigue

Ans. Industrial Fatigue – Nature of Industrial Fatigue- Effect of Industrial Fatigue.

Q5. Write a brief note on a) Safety Programmes b) Safety education c) Safety Audit.
Ans. a) Introduction to Safety- Why Safety is required- Safety Programmes- types of
safety programme conducted in industries- Advantages of safety programme-
Benefits of it.
b) Introduction to Safety- Why Safety is required- Safety Education –Safety
training Programmes- types of safety education conducted in industries-
Advantages of safety education-Benefits of it.
c) Introduction to Safety- Why Safety is required- Safety audit – benefit of Safety
Programmes- benefit of safety education & Training.
Q6. What do you mean by Industrial Health? Explain Occupational Hazards &
Occupational diseases.
Ans. Industrial health-hygiene- what for industrial health is need- Occupational
hazards- kinds of Occupational Hazards- Occupational disease –effects of
Occupational diseases- how to prevent Occupational Hazards & diseases.



Q1. Define Social security.
Ans. Social Security protects not just the subscriber but also his/her entire family by
giving benefit packages in financial security and health care. Social Security
schemes are designed to guarantee at least long-term sustenance to families when
the earning member retires, dies or suffers a disability.

Q2. Write a short not on Social assistance.

Ans. The need for social assistance is to fill gaps in provision in advanced societies.
Social assistance is based on need and thus requires declarations of income,
family size, and other circumstances. Thus it is provided on the basis of a means
test that takes into account not only income but also capital; persons with a
specific level of savings may be ineligible. Alternatively it may be only income-
tested, the income from capital being assessed in the same way as other income.
Often those who have been given the task of operating the scheme (e.g., social
workers) have been allowed considerable discretion in deciding whether to give
assistance and how much to give in certain types of cases. Not all basic rules are
known to claimants. The tendency in industrialized countries has been to try to
transform assistance into a right with published scales and regulations and
opportunities for appeal. With codification has often come standardization and the
unfortunate removal of some of the flexibility available under discretionary

In countries (e.g., the United Kingdom) social assistance plays a considerable role
in supplementing social insurance benefits for those without other sources of
income such as sick pay or employers’ pension schemes as well as providing for
those without rights to benefits (e.g., one-parent families other than widows) or
those whose benefits have run out because they are paid only for a specific
number of months (e.g., unemployment benefits).

There are disadvantages of the social assistance approach. First, it penalizes

saving and earning because income from any source is normally deducted from
the assistance that would be payable, and persons with a certain level of savings
may be ineligible until they have used them up. Second, it tends to stigmatize the
recipient; and third, partly for this reason and partly because of the difficulty of
knowing detailed rules of entitlement, there are considerable numbers of people
who would be eligible but do not make claims. Partly because of this problem of
stigma, social assistance programs are called by a variety of different names in the
hope that they will be more acceptable to applicants.

The United States uses what is essentially the social assistance approach for
meeting the medical care needs of low-income persons under the Medicaid
program. Ireland operates a scheme by which persons with low income can apply
for a medical card that gives them more extensive rights to free health care than
are available to other income groups. Those with low incomes in South Korea can
also apply for cards giving rights to free or nearly free health care.

A number of countries in Europe have developed separate income-tested

provisions to help persons with low incomes meet the cost of rent or property
taxes. Such housing allowances are available to persons whether in work or not
and take account of family composition as well as rent payable.

Q3. Write a short note on Social Insurance.

Ans. Social insurance
Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following four
 the benefits, eligibility requirements and other aspects of the program are defined
by statute;
 explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often through
a trust fund);
 it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants (although
additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and
 the program serves a defined population, and participation is either compulsory or
the program is heavily enough subsidized that most eligible individuals choose to

Social insurance has also been defined as a program where risks are transferred to
and pooled by an organization, often governmental, that is legally required to
provide certain benefits.

Similarities to private insurance

Typical similarities between social insurance programs and private insurance
programs include:
 Wide pooling of risks;
 Specific definitions of the benefits provided;
 Specific definitions of eligibility rules and the amount of coverage provided;
 Specific premium, contribution or tax rates required to meet the expected costs of
the system.
Differences from private insurance
Typical differences between private insurance programs and social insurance
programs include:
Equity versus Adequacy: Private insurance programs are generally designed with
greater emphasis on equity between individual purchasers of coverage, while
social insurance programs generally place a greater emphasis on the social
adequacy of benefits for all participants.

Voluntary versus Mandatory Participation: Participation in private insurance

programs is often voluntary, and where the purchase of insurance is mandatory,
individuals usually have a choice of insurers. Participation in social insurance
programs is generally mandatory, and where participation is voluntary, the cost is
heavily enough subsidized to ensure essentially universal participation.

Contractual versus Statutory Rights: The right to benefits in a private insurance

program is contractual, based on an insurance contract. The insurer generally does
not have a unilateral right to change or terminate coverage before the end of the
contract period (except in such cases as non-payment of premiums). Social
insurance programs are not generally based on a contract, but rather on a statute,
and the right to benefits is thus statutory rather than contractual. The provisions of
the program can be changed if the statute is modified.

Funding: Individually purchased private insurance generally must be fully funded.

Full funding is a desirable goal for private pension plans as well, but is often not
achieved. Social insurance programs are often not fully funded, and some argue
that full funding is not economically desirable.

Q4. Define Contract Labour.

Ans. A workman is considered to be employed as “Contract labour” in or in connection
with the work establishment when he is hired for this work by or through a
contractor with or without the knowledge of the principle employer.

Q5. Write the Objective and Purposes of the contract labour act?
The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 was brought on the
Statute Book to regulate the employment of Contract Labour in certain
establishments and to provide for its abolition in certain circumstances and for
matters connected therewith.

Q6. Who can be called contractor by contract labour act?

Ans. The contractor covered by the act are”person(s)” who undertake to produce a
given result for an establishment through contract labour, or who supply contract
labour for any work of the establishment, and include sub-contractors.

Q7. Who can be called principal employer by contract labour act?

Ans. Principal employer means
• In a factory, the owner or occupier of the factory, and includes the managing
agent of such owner or occupier, the legal representative of a deceased owner or
occupier and where a person has been named as the manager of the factory under
the Factories Act , 1948 the person so named.
• In any establishment under the control of any department of any government in
India, the authority appointed by such government in this behalf or where no
authority is so appointed, the head of the department;
• In any other establishment, any person responsible for the supervision and control
of the establishment;

Q8. Who can be called workman by contract labour act?

Ans. Means any person employed in or in connection with the work of any
establishment to do any skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled, manual, supervisory,
technical or clerical work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be
expressed or implied.

Q9. What is an establishment by contract labour act?

Ans. Any office or department of government or the social authority or any place
where industry, trade or business or manufacture or occupation is carried on is
called an “establishment”

Q10. What is the definition for child given by factories act?

Ans. Child means a person who has not completed his eighteenth year of age.

Q11. Define Agricultural labourer.

Ans. According to the National Commission on Labour "an agricultural labourer is one
who is basically unskilled and unorganised and has little for its livelihood, other
than personal labour."

The First Agricultural Labour Enquiry Committee 1950-55 defined Agricultural

Labourer as - "Those people who are engaged in raising crops on payment of
The Second Agricultural Labour Enquiry Committee 1956-57 enlarged the
distribution to include - Those who are engaged in other agricultural occupations
like dairy, farming, horticulture, raising of live-stock, bees, poultry etc.

Q12. Define Landless labourer.

Ans. Landless labourers, who are personally independent, but who work exclusively
for others like landlord.

Q13. Define Petty farmer.

Ans. Petty farmers with tiny bits of land who devote most of their time working for

Q14. Define farmer.

Ans. Farmers who have economic holdings but who have one or more of their sons and
dependants working for other prosperous farmers.
Q15. State the Causes for the Growth of Agricultural Labourers
Ans. There are a number of factors responsible for the continuous and enormous
increase in the number of agricultural labourers in India.
The more important among them are
1.Increase in population
2.Decline of cottage industries and handicrafts
3.Eviction of small farmers and tenants from land
4.Uneconomic Holdings
5.Increase in indebtedness
6.Spread of the use of money and exchange system
7.Capitalistic Agriculture
8.Displacement of means of subsidiary occupations
9.Disintegration of peasantry
10. Break-up of joint family system.

Q16. State the nutrition parameter that has been introduced in the child labour welfare
Ans. NUTRITION: The amount for provision of nutrition to the children in the special
schools has been doubled from Rs. 2.50/- per child per day to Rs. 5/- per child per

Q17. State the health component parameter that has been introduced in the child labour
welfare scheme.
Ans. HEALTH COMPONENT: In the existing scheme, there was no separate
budgetary provision for any health component to take care of the health-related
aspects of the children. In the revised scheme an amount of honorarium (Rs.
5,000/- per month for one doctor for every 20 schools) has been provided to put in
place an institutionalised mechanism for regular and periodical effective health
care of the children by a doctor. A health card in respect of every child also needs
to be maintained with all the necessary entries.

Q18. State the vocational training parameter that has been introduced in the child
labour welfare scheme.
Ans. VOCATIONAL TRAINING: In the existing scheme, there was no separate
budgetary provision for the services of any Master Trainer for imparting training
to the children/teachers. In the revised scheme, budgetary provision (Rs. 5,000/-
for one Master Trainer for each NCLP) has been provided to hire the services of a
Master for each NCLP.

Q19. Define Temporary Disablement.

Ans. Temporary Disablement means a condition resulting from an employment injury
which requires medical treatment and renders an employer as a result of such
injury, temporarily incapable of doing the work which he was doing prior to or at
the time of injury.
Q20. Define Permanent / Total Disablement.
Ans. Total disablement" means such disablement, whether of a permanent nature, as
incapacitates a workman for all work which he was capable of performing at the
time of the accident resulting in such disablement
Permanent total disablement shall be deemed to result from every injury specified
in Part I of Schedule I or from any combination of injuries specified in Part II
thereof where the aggregate percentage of the loss of earning capacity, as
specified in the said Part II against those injuries, amounts to one hundred per
cent or more.

Q21. Mention the penalties stated under child labour act.

For contravention of the provisions of the Act or any rules made there under, the
punishment is imprisonment for a maximum term upto 3 months and a fine upto a
maximum of Rs.1000/-.


Q1. What is social security of workers?

Ans. Social Security protects not just the subscriber but also his/her entire family by
giving benefit packages in financial security and health care. Social Security
schemes are designed to guarantee at least long-term sustenance to families when
the earning member retires, dies or suffers a disability. Thus the main strength of
the Social Security system is that it acts as a facilitator - it helps people to plan
their own future through insurance and assistance. The success of Social Security
schemes however requires the active support and involvement of employees and
As a worker/employee, you are a source of Social Security protection for yourself
and your family. As an employer you are responsible for providing adequate
social security coverage to all your workers.

Q2. Mention the welfare measures protecting child labour.

Ans. Certain important and enhanced parameters have been introduced in the scheme
of 11th 5 year plan in this matter and which are:-
STIPEND: In the existing arrangement, the stipend of Rs. 100/- per child per
month was being disbursed every month. As per the revised scheme, the monthly
stipend of Rs. 100/- per month per child will be disbursed only after the child is
successfully mainstreamed into formal system of schooling. Till that period, the
amount of stipend will be regularly deposited in the Bank Account of the child.
The accumulated stipend amount could be handed over to the child at the time of
her/his getting mainstreamed.
HEALTH COMPONENT: In the existing scheme, there was no separate
budgetary provision for any health component to take care of the health-related
aspects of the children. In the revised scheme an amount of honorarium (Rs.
5,000/- per month for one doctor for every 20 schools) has been provided to put in
place an institutionalised mechanism for regular and periodical effective health
care of the children by a doctor. A health card in respect of every child also needs
to be maintained with all the necessary entries.
VOCATIONAL TRAINING: In the existing scheme, there was no separate
budgetary provision for the services of any Master Trainer for imparting training
to the children/teachers. In the revised scheme, budgetary provision (Rs. 5,000/-
for one Master Trainer for each NCLP) has been provided to hire the services of a
Master for each NCLP.

Q3. What are the strategies adopted by the government for elimination of child
Ans. The details are as follows:
· Expansion of the NCLPs to additional 150 districts during the five year plan.
· Ensuring that the NCLPs have a focused time frame of 5 years with clearly
defined targets.
· Linking the child labour elimination efforts with the scheme of Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan of the MHRD an attempt to ensure that small children in the age group
of 5-8 years get directly linked to school and the older children are mainstreamed
to the formal education system through the rehabilitation centres. Increased
efforts to provide vocational training to the older children.
· Strengthening of the formal school mechanism in the endemic child labour areas
in the country both in terms of quality and numbers in such a manner as to
provide an attractive schooling system to the child labour force and its parents so
that motivational levels of both the parents and such children are high and sending
these children to school becomes an attractive proposition.
· Convergence with the ongoing schemes of the Dept. of Education, Rural
Development, Health and Women & Child Development would be critical for the
ultimate attainment of the objective of elimination of child labour in a time bound
· Large-scale involvement of the voluntary organizations at the district level to
assist in the running of the NCLP schools. The attempt during this Plan would be
to encourage the running of the rehabilitation schools only through accepted and
committed NGOs so that the Government machinery is not burdened with running
of such schools.
· Policy and programmes for elimination of child labour would be continued in a
more focused, integrated and convergent manner.
· Focused and reinforced action to eliminate child labour in the hazardous
occupations by the end of the Plan period.

Q4. Define Contract Labour.

Ans. The system of employing contract labour is prevalent in most industries
indifferent occupations including skilled and semi skilled jobs. It is also prevalent
in agricultural and allied operations and to some extent in the services sector. A
workman is deemed to be employed as Contract Labour when he is hired in
connection with the work of an establishment by or through a contractor. Contract
workmen are indirect employees; persons who are hired, supervised and
remunerated by a contractor who, in turn, is compensated by the establishment.
Contract labour has to be employed for work which is specific and for definite

Q5. Write the Objective and Purposes of the contract labour act?
Ans. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 was brought on the
Statute Book to regulate the employment of Contract Labour in certain
establishments and to provide for its abolition in certain circumstances and for
matters connected therewith.

Laid down certain amenities to be provided by the contractor to the contract

The Act has laid down certain amenities to be provided by the contractor to the
contract labour for establishment of Canteens and rest rooms ; and arrangements
for sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water, latrines and urinals, washing
facilities and first aid facilities and have been made obligatory. In cases of failure
on the part of the contractor to provide these facilities, the Principal Employer is
liable to provide the same

Q6. State the Penalty for not providing facilities to contract labour.
For contravention of the provisions of the Act or any rules made there under, the
punishment is imprisonment for a maximum term upto 3 months and a fine upto a
maximum of Rs.1000/-.

Q7. State the cases under which employment of contract labour can be prohibited
Apart from the regulatory measures provided under the Act for the benefit of the
contract labour, the ‘appropriate government’ under section 10(1) of the Act is
authorized, after consultation with the Central Board or State Board, as the case
may be, to prohibit, by notification in the official gazette, employment of contract
labour in any establishment in any process, operation or other work. Sub-section
(2) of Section 10 lays down sufficient guidelines for deciding upon the abolition
of contract labour in any process, operation or other work in any establishment.
The guidelines are mandatory in nature and are:-Conditions of work and benefits
provided to the contract labour. •Whether the work is of Perennial nature.
•Whether the work is incidental or necessary for the work of an establishment.
•Whether the work is sufficient to employ a considerable number of whole-time
workmen. •Whether the work is being done ordinarily through regular workman
in that establishment or a similar establishment.

Q8. Define agricultural labour

Ans. Difficulties in defining agricultural labour are compounded by the fact that many
small and marginal farmers also work partly on the farms of others to supplement
their income. To what extent should they (or their family members) be considered
agricultural labourers is not easy to answer.

However, it will be useful to refer some of the attempts made by experts in this
1.The First Agricultural Labour Enquiry Committee 1950-55 defined Agricultural
Labourer as - "Those people who are engaged in raising crops on payment of

2.The Second Agricultural Labour Enquiry Committee 1956-57 enlarged the

distribution to include -
Those who are engaged in other agricultural occupations like dairy, farming,
horticulture, raising of live-stock, bees, poultry etc. "In the context of Indian
conditions the definition is not adequate, because it is not possible to completely
separate those working on wages from others. There are people who do not work
on wages throughout the year but only for a part of it.

According to the National Commission on Labour "an agricultural labourer is one

who is basically unskilled and unorganised and has little for its livelihood, other
than personal labour."

Q9. Specify the categories in which of Agricultural Labourers have been divided.
Ans. Agricultural labourers can be divided into four categories -
1.Landless Labourers, who are attached to the land lords;
2.Landless labourers, who are personally independent, but who work exclusively
for others;
3.Petty farmers with tiny bits of land who devote most of their time working for
others and
4.Farmers who have economic holdings but who have one or more of their sons
and dependants working for other prosperous farmers.
The first group of labourers have been more or less in the position of serfs or
slaves, they are also known as bonded labourers.

Agricultural labourers can also be divided in the following manner :

1.Landless agricultural labourers
2.Very small cultivators whose main source of earnings due to their small and
sub-marginal holdings is wage employment.
Landless labourers in turn can be classified into two broad categories :
1.Permanent Labourers attached to cultivating households.
2.Casual Labourers.
The second group can again be divided into three subgroups :
(ii)Share croppers
(iii) Lease holders.
Permanent or attached labourers generally work on annual or seasonal basis and
they work on some sort of contract. Their wages are determined by custom or
tradition. On the other hand temporary or casual labourers are engaged only
during peak period for work. Their employment is temporary and they are paid at
the market rate. They are not attached to any landlords.
Under second group comes small farmers, who possess very little land and
therefore, has to devote most of their time working on the lands of others as
labourers. Share croppers are those who, while sharing the produce of the land for
their work, also work as labourers. Tenants are those who not only work on the
leased land but also work as labourers.

Q10. Mention the Characteristics of Agricultural Labourers.

Ans. The main features, characterizing Indian agricultural labour are as follows :
1. Agricultural Labourers are Scattered
2. Agricultural Labourers are Unskilled and Lack Training
3. Unorganised Sector
4. Low Social Status
5. Demand and Supply of Labour
6. Less Bargaining Power
7. At the Bidding of the Landlord

Q11. State the Causes for the Growth of Agricultural Labourers.

Ans. There are a number of factors responsible for the continuous and enormous
increase in the number of agricultural labourers in India.
The more important among them are
:1.Increase in population
2.Decline of cottage industries and handicrafts
3.Eviction of small farmers and tenants from land
4.Uneconomic Holdings
5.Increase in indebtedness
6.Spread of the use of money and exchange system
7.Capitalistic Agriculture
8.Displacement of means of subsidiary occupations
9.Disintegration of peasantry
10. Break-up of joint family system.

Q12. Mention some of the measures taken by the Government to improve the
Conditions of Agricultural Labourers.
Ans. The Government has shown awareness of the problems of agricultural workers
and all plan documents have suggested ways and means to ameliorate the lot of
these people.
Measures adopted by the Government for ameliorating the economic conditions
of Agricultural labourers are
1.Passing of minimum wage Act.
2.Abolition of Bonded Labourers
3.Providing land to landless labourers
4.Provision of Housing cities to houseless
5.Special schemes for providing employment
i)Crash Scheme for Rural Employment(CSRE)
ii)Pilot Intensive Rural Employment Project(PIREP)
iii)Food for works programme (FWP)
iv)National Rural Employment Programme(NREP)
v)Rural Landless Employment Programme(RLEP)
vi)Drought Prone Area Programme (It was known as Rural Works Programme)
6.Jawahar Rojgar Yojana (which come in with the merger of NREP and RLEGP)
7.Desert Development Programme
8.National Scheme of Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSM)
9.Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
10. Abolition of Bonded Labourer Act
11. Integrated Rural Development Programme(IRDP)

Q13. Write down the suggestions for the Improvement of Agricultural Labours.
Ans. The following suggestions can be made for the improvement of the socio-
economic position of the agricultural labourers :
1.Better implementation of legislative measures.
2.Improvement the bargaining position.
3.Resettlement of agricultural workers
4.Creating alternative sources of employment
5.Protection of women and child labourers
6.Public works programmes should be for longer period in year
7.Improving the working conditions
8.Regulation of hours of work
9.Improvements in Agricultural sector
10. Credit at cheaper rates of interest on easy terms of payment for undertaking
subsidiary occupation.
11. Proper training for improving the skill of farm labourers
12. Cooperative farming

Q14. Write a essay on Social Security in India.

Ans. Social Security in India
India has always had a Joint Family system that took care of the social security
needs of all the members provided it had access/ownership of material assets like
land. In keeping with its cultural traditions, family members and relatives have
always discharged a sense of shared responsibility towards one another. To the
extent that the family has resources to draw upon, this is often the best relief for
the special needs and care required by the aged and those in poor health.

However with increasing migration, urbanization and demographic changes there

has been a decrease in large family units. This is where the formal system of
social security gains importance. However, information and awareness are the
vital factors in widening the coverage of Social Security schemes.

Social Security Benefits in India are Need-based i.e. the component of social
assistance is more important in the publicly-managed schemes-
In the Indian context, Social Security is a comprehensive approach designed to
prevent deprivation, assure the individual of a basic minimum income for himself
and his dependents and to protect the individual from any uncertainties. The State
bears the primary responsibility for developing appropriate system for providing
protection and assistance to its workforce. Social Security is increasingly viewed
as an integral part of the development process. It helps to create a more positive
attitude to the challenge of globalization and the consequent structural and
technological changes.

The dimensions and complexities of the problem in India can be better

appreciated by taking into consideration the extent of the labour force in the
organized and unorganized sectors. The latest NSSO survey of 1999-2000 has
brought out the vast dichotomy between these two sectors into sharp focus. While
as per the 1991 census, the total workforce was about 314 million and the
organized sector accounted for only 27 million out of this workforce, the NSSO’s
survey of 1999-2000 has estimated that the workforce may have increased to
about 397 million out of which only 28 million were in the organized sector.
Thus, it can be concluded from these findings that there has been a growth of only
about one million in the organized sector in comparison the growth of about 55
million in the unorganized sector.

Organized and Unorganized Sectors

The organized sector includes primarily those establishments which are covered
by the Factories Act, 1948, the Shops and Commercial Establishments Acts of
State Governments, the Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act, 1946 etc.
This sector already has a structure through which social security benefits are
extended to workers covered under these legislations.

The unorganized sector on the other hand, is characterized by the lack of labour
law coverage, seasonal and temporary nature of occupations, high labour
mobility, dispersed functioning of operations, casualization of labour, lack of
organizational support, low bargaining power, etc. all of which make it vulnerable
to socio-economic hardships. The nature of work in the unorganized sector
varies between regions and also between the rural areas and the urban areas,
which may include the remote rural areas as well as sometimes the most
inhospitable urban concentrations. In the rural areas it comprises of landless
agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers, share croppers, persons
engaged in animal husbandry, fishing, horticulture, bee-keeping, toddy tapping,
forest workers, rural artisans, etc. where as in the urban areas, it comprises mainly
of manual labourers in construction, carpentry, trade, transport, communication
etc. and also includes street vendors, hawkers, head load workers, cobblers, tin
smiths, garment makers, etc.

Q15. State the restrictions on employment of women.

No woman or child shall be employed in any part of a factory for pressing cotton
in which a cotton-opener is at work :
Provided that if the feed-end of a cotton-opener is in a room separated from the
delivery end by a partition extending to the roof or to such height as the Inspector
may in any particular case specify in writing, women and children may be
employed on the side of the partition where the feed-end is situated.


provisions of this Chapter shall, in their application to women in factories, be
supplemented by the following further restrictions, namely :- (a) no exemption
from the provisions of section 54 may be granted in respect of any women;

(b) no women shall be required or allowed to work in any factory except between
the hours of 6 A.M. and 7 P.M. :

Provided that the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
in respect of any factory or group or class or description of factories, vary the
limits laid down in clause (b), but so that no such variation shall authorize the
employment of any woman between the hours of 10 P.M. and 5 A.M.; [ lra-114
(c) there shall be no change of shifts except, after a weekly holiday or any other

(2) The State Government may make rules providing for the exemption from the
restrictions set out in sub-section (1), to such extent and subject to such conditions
as it may prescribe, of women working in fish curing or fish-canning factories,
where the employment of women beyond the hours specified in the said
restrictions is necessary to prevent damage to or deterioration in, any raw

(3) The rules made under sub-section (2) shall remain in force for not more than
three years at a time.

Q16. Write a essay on amended made by the government in the Factories Act with
regard to the Women working in late night shifts.

Ans. THE Government March 30,2005 decided to amend the Factories Act, 1948, to
allow women to work in late night shifts, provided the employers guarantee
adequate safeguards for women workers.

"The Cabinet today decided to amend the Act so that women can also work
between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.," the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Mr
Jaipal Reddy, told reporters after the Cabinet meeting.
The amendment of the Factories Act will provide flexibility in the matter of
employment of women during night hours, he said.

The move is likely to benefit all factories engaged in manufacturing across sectors
including textile, auto, paper, cement, shoes and drugs and pharmaceuticals since
the labour supply available for their late night shifts will logically increase.

The Factories Act, in fact, covers all those premises where 10 or more workers are
engaged in a manufacturing process "with aid of power" or where "20 or more
workers are engaged in the manufacturing process without aid of power,"
according to official sources. However, workshops where manufacturing
processes are carried out for purposes of education, training, research or
reformation could be exempted by the State Governments from all or certain
provisions of the Factories Act.

Incidentally, IT services and IT-enabled services, that engage a lot of women

workers, will not be affected by this move as they are governed by the Shops and
Establishments Act.

Mr Reddy added that flexible work timings for women shall be allowed "provided
adequate safeguards in the factory as regards occupational safety and health, equal
opportunity for women workers, adequate protection of their dignity, honour and
safety and their transportation from the factory premises to the nearest point of
their residence" are made.

State Governments have been authorised to "allow employment of women

workers between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. in such factory or group or class or description
of factories subject to such conditions as may be specified therein," pointed out an
official release. The State Governments, or "any person authorised" by them in
this regard, can take such a decision after consulting the employer and workers

Q17. Discuss in detail Construction Labour.

Ans. There are about 8.5 million building and other construction workers in India as
per the estimates of National Sample Survey (1987-88). These workers are one of
the most numerous and vulnerable segments of the unorganised sector in India.
The building and other construction works are characterised by their inherent risk
to the life and limb of the workers. The work is also characterised by its casual
nature, temporary relationship between employer and employee, uncertain
working hours, lack of basic amenities and inadequacy of welfare facilities.
Although the provisions of various Labour Laws i.e., Minimum Wages Act 1948,
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act1970 and Inter-State Migrant
Workmen (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Services) Act 1979 etc.,
are applicable to the building and other construction workers, a need was felt for a
comprehensive Central Legislation for this category of workers. Towards the
above goal the following two enactments have come on the Statute Book w.e.f.
20.8.96, initially brought in as ordinances on 3.11.95

The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and

Conditions of Service) Act,1996; and
The Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996 .


The above law aims to provide for regulation of employment & conditions of
service of the building and other construction workers as also their safety, health
and welfare measures in every establishment which employs or employed during
the preceding year ten or more workers. The exception made is only in respect of
residential houses for own purpose constructed with a cost not exceeding Rs. 10
lakh and such other activities to which the provisions of Factories Act, 1948 and
Mines Act, 1952 apply. Some of the other main provisions of the Main Act are
given below:

1. Provision for an Advisory Committee at the Central and the State levels with
the function to advise the Governments concerned on such matters arising out of
the administration of the Act as may be referred to it.

2. Provision for registration of each establishment within a period of sixty days

from the commencement of work to ensure that there are no malpractices and to
discourage non-compliance of law by circumventing.

3. Provision for registration of building workers as beneficiaries under this Act.

4. Provision for constitution a Building and Other Construction Workers’

Welfare Board by every State Government to exercise the powers conferred on,
and perform the functions assigned to it, under the Act.

5. Provision for immediate assistance in case of accidents, old age pension,

loans for construction of house, premia for group insurance, financial assistance
for education, to meet medical expenses, maternity benefits etc.

6. Provision for health and safety measures for the construction workers in
conformity with ILO convention No.167 concerning safety and health in
construction revising the Safety Provisions (Building) Convention, 1937. For this
purpose comprehensive Central Rules i.e. Building and other Construction
Workers (Regulation of Service and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998
have been notified by the Central Government.
7. Provision for constitution of safety committees in every establishment
employing 500 or more workers with equal representation from workers and
employers in addition to appointment of safety officers qualified in the field.

8. Provision for Penalties of fine and imprisonment for violation and

contravention of the Act


To raise the Funds for provision of various welfare measures, the Main Act
provides for constitution of Welfare Boards. The major source of the Funds shall
be collection of cess at rates not exceeding 2% of the cost of construction incurred
by an employer. The collection of funds and administration of the Welfare Boards
would be the responsibility of concerned State Governments.


Government’s policy is to ensure that the intended benefits and advantages reach
the construction workers at the earliest and in full measure. The difficulties
experienced in implementation of these Act(s) will become more evident once the
implementation of various provisions of the Act(s) and Rules by the Central as
well as State Governments pick up momentum. Based on the experience gained
by way of implementation of the Act(s) and Rules, corrective steps, if any, will be
taken to make them more responsive to the welfare needs of the construction


The Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996 . ( 28 of
1996 )

An Act is provide for the levy and collection of a cess on the cost of construction
incurred by employers with a view to augmenting the resources of the Building &
Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Boards constituted under the Building &
Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act,1996. It extends to the whole of India and come in to force on the
3rd day of November, 1995.

Under the Act 1% cess shall be collected from every employer where the cost of
construction is more than Rs. 10 lakhs. The proceeds of the cess so collected shall
be paid by the local authority or the State Government collecting the cess to the
Board after deducting the cost of collection of such cess not exceeding 1% 0f the
amount collected.

Further, the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,

exempt any employer or class of employers in a State from the payment of cess
payable under this Act where such cess is already levied and payable under any
corresponding law in force in that State.

Responsibility for enforcement of the Act primarily lies with the State

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