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Assessment Task:

Part 1.

Design an original advertisement for a magazine, newspaper, billboard, web page, or television commercial.

You work for a large advertising firm which wants to sign a lucrative deal with a company to advertise their new product.
As their advertising expert, you have been assigned the task of creating the advertisement that will appear in the mass
media (newspapers, magazines, television, billboards, and web page) world-wide. Create the advertisement.


When you have created your advertisement, you will now need to persuade the client and his/her company, as well as
your firm, why your advertisement should be used in the national and international media advertising campaign. You
should carefully consider how you will present your advertising campaign. If the client is unhappy with your product, your
advertising firm will lose this lucrative deal.
Excellent Very Good Good Acceptable Needs Improvement

Creates Creates an advertising Creates an advertising Creates an advertising Creates an advertising Created advertising
Advertising campaign that skilfully campaign that features campaign that uses campaign that uses few of campaign lacks the
Campaign features a variety of required items that some of the required the required items to sell the required items to
required items to show conviction in items to sell the product and does not sell the product and
persuasively sell the selling the product to a product to a particular necessarily consider the does not consider
product to the particular audience audience audience. the audience.
particular audience
Time Routinely uses time Usually uses time well Tends to procrastinate, Rarely gets things done by For the most part,
Management well throughout the throughout the project, but gets things done by the deadline. Work appears the student wasted
project to ensure things but may have the headline. rushed. their time and did
get done on time. procrastinated during not complete the
some stages. work by the required
Presentation/ I have demonstrated During my In delivering my In delivering my presentation, My audience had
Pitch excellent public presentation, I spoke presentation I spoke I didn’t speak as clear or loud trouble
speaking skills very clearly and at an with clarity, pace and enough as I should have to understanding and
throughout my appropriate pace. My loud enough for my enable my audience to hear hearing me during
presentation by audience was able to audience to hear me. me. my presentation
speaking clearly and hear me very well I have shown an I made some eye contact with because I did not
projecting my voice because I projected my awareness of my my audience while I was speak clearly or loud
very well. voice. audience by making delivering my presentation. enough.
I engaged my audience During my constant eye contact I did not make any
by looking around the presentation, I showed throughout my eye contact with my
room and constantly my audience I was presentation. audience throughout
making eye contact aware of them by my presentation
looking around the
room and making
constant eye contact

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