Coworld - Essay

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Dungo, Maria Quiana B.

Manimtim, Dominic F2A
Ong, Colene Angelica
Palma, Vincent H.
Soriano, Mark Irvin D.


Population growth is the increase in the number of people through birth rate and
immigration rate within a specific population with respect to the decrease within the
population through emigration rate and death rate. Population Growth is becoming a
huge issue in our country and world today. The reason that it has become such a
pressing issue is that our growing population needs a growing economy and has
growing needs. As our population grows, the needs of the population become bigger.
Very large population becomes a problem when there isn't enough space to live, and
not enough food and supplies to live off. In this paper we will discuss the impacts of
population growth in Environment, Economic Development and Political Aspects. (ONG)

It is no longer a secret that our planet is facing serious environmental problems.

While there are a lot of causes, one significant contributor for this is population growth.
The reason is that more people require more resources such as potable water, fertile
land, forests and fisheries. With the growing population, the depletion of Earth’s
resources becomes rapid. As a result, there is climate change, deforestation and a loss
of biodiversity as humans strip the Earth of resources to accommodate the increasing
population. For instance, China has the largest population in the world with 1.3 billion. In
Shanghai, the increasing population has increased vehicle use, which in turn has led to
more air pollution. Another, India which has a 1.2 billion population where the most
polluted city in the world is located. Breathing the air in the city of New Delhi is like
smoking 50 cigarettes a day. With these in mind, overpopulation is a serious concern in
the world. If action is not taken soon, the damages can be irreversible. (DUNGO)

Population growth, although in the early stages of it can be beneficial as there is

increase in the manpower of a country, can negatively impact an economy in the long
run. A depressing standards of living will be manifested as there is an inverse
relationship between the population growth and the natural resources. In fact, according
to Thomas Maltus’ theory, considering that there are limited resources around us, the
amount the consumers will be able to obtain will continue to reduce as population
continue to rise. There will not be enough resource to be provided to everybody. One
good example of this is land. As there is a fixed and limited amount of land, the larger
the population, the smaller one can occupy. This instance is already manifested in
greatly densed places like Manila, Hong Kong and Japan. (SORIANO)

Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development Foundation

stated that the increasing population strains the political institution and pressure on
services and the most stable countries were ones with the lower level of population.
Africa and Middle East to South Asia are the countries most unstable. Having a huge
number of population could have a negative impact on the political issue of every
country. It would be the tool for controlling votes and governance. Poverty, corruption
and political dynasty will be subsequent since overpopulation is hard to control some
issues would be impossible to address either. Overpopulation threatens our freedom
and indirectly breeds totalitarian systems of government stated in Brave New World
Revisited. Centralized and dictatorial system is one visible factor which anyone could
tell that there is overpopulation prevailing in a certain country. The stability of a country
is compromised because of the leadership and slowing population growth.
Maldistribution of demographic changes leading to political instability strains the
economic, social, and political structure of a nation. (PALMA)


Population growth has become a huge issue not only in our country but also
throughout the whole world today. And there are pros and cons we can get from this. To
start with, having a huge population is equivalent to increasing the labor force, being
attractive to the market for investors to invest because there is a high demand for food,
clothing, shelter and etc. And on the other side, it has affected certain aspects in our
society, may it be environmentally, economically and politically. Where people overly
utilize the resources the environment has to offer to its people, also resulting in a higher
rate of people unemployment and finally causing people to divide into different
perspectives onto running the government. Although the growth of population has
caused different pros and cons, it's undeniable that it will continue to grow as time
passes by and that it would also be difficult to predict how this would affect us people
but we would wish for the best. We pray that the Lord leads us to do good and efficiently
be able to utilize what we all have but looking forward, let us be mindful of planning and
thinking of different ways to be of bigger help to the different aspects of our society.

Fox, S., & Dyson, T. (n.d.). Part 1: Is population growth good or bad for economic
development? Retrieved from

Lemmonds, L. (17 June 2013). A Grave New World: The Political Price of
Overpopulation. Retrieved from

Mayer, M. (16 March 2020). "What Are Environmental Problems Due to Population
Growth?" Retrieved from,

Philippine Legislators' Committee on Population and Development Foundation.

(1992). Population pressures: threat to democracy. Retrieved from

Population Growth And The Population. Retrieved from

The top 10 countries with the world largest population: the disastrous effects on our
planet. Retrieved from

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