Play by Moonlight - Lesson Plan

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Play by Moonlight

SWBAT: Comprehend the passage, connect self to text and answer the questions.

PREWORDS: shine, bright, supper, playfellows, whistle.

HOOK: When you are at home and you want to play with your friends what do you do?

TEACH: Popcorn reading read aloud.

1. Whom does the boy call?

2. Why do you think the boy is calling?
3. Hoe does the moon shine?
4. What do you think are the things that shine as bright?
5. Why do you think is the boy telling to leave everything?
6. How do you go to play?
7. Which is the sound he is making?
8. What do you understand y a god will?
9. What do you understand by this poem?

G.P: Think Pair Share – discuss with each other

1. How will you call your friends to play?

2. What will you do with them?
3. What are the rhyming words?

I.P: Comprehend the passage, connect self to text and answer the questions.

1. Write the rhyming words from the poem?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Give meaning of
 Supper –
 Whistle –
3. Write 5 lines on how will you spend time with your friends


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