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AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)

Dr. E. Aquitania

BLACK (BOLD)-Important terms/terms emphasize by tutors
BLUE - Audio Addendums
PURPLE - Mnemonics/Transcriber’s Notes
 40 weeks: term pregnancy
 hCG gives a (=) pregnancy test
 Fetilization – implantation --- production of hCG by the
a. Uterus
 Peak levels: 8-12 week gestation
b. Cervix
c. Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes I. REPRODUCTIVE TRACT
d. Vagina and Perineum a. Uterus
II. ABDOMINAL WALL AND SKIN  In non-pregnant state uterus weigh approx. 70g and
a. Skin almost solid
b. Breast  During pregnancy uterus becomes thin walled
III. METABOLIC muscular organ sufficient to accommodates fetus,
a. Weight Gain placenta, and amniotic fluid
IV. BODY WATER  Total volume of content at term average 5L but may
VII. FAT METABOLISM  Uterine enlargement involves stretching and marked
VIII. HEMATOLOGY hypertrophy of muscles cells due to estrogen and
a. Blood Volume progesterone
b. RBC Mass  Most marked in fundus
c. Iron  Due to accumulation of fibrous tissue
d. Leukocytes
 Wall thins out as gestation progresses (1.5 cm or less)
e. PMN’s
 Originally a pear shape (6th weeks) as pregnancy
f. Platelets
advances corpus and fundus becomes globular (end of
g. Coagulation Factors
2nd month) and almost spherical (end of 20th week)
a. Position and Size of the Heart
 Located at the midline but as it grows it ascends to true
b. Cardiac Output
pelvic cavity and tends to rotate to the right
c. Peripheral Resistance (dextrorotation) because of the descending colon and
d. Blood Pressure rectum (Pregnant Uterus is in DEXTROROTATION)
e. Labor  Contractility
f. Effects of Labor in CVS o 1st trimester: irregular (uterine contraction)
g. Postpartum o 2nd trimester: feel palpable contractions
X. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM o 3rd trimester: BRAXTON HICKS contraction
a. Lung Volume (normal and painless contraction), false labor
b. Pulmonary Function  Utero placental blood flow
c. Dyspnea of Pregnancy o Perfuses placenta-depending on uterine flow from
d. Effects of Labor on Pulmonary System uterine to ovarian arteries
XI. RENAL SYSTEM o Increase progressively about 500 ml/min near
a. Anatomy term
b. Renal hemodynamics  Control of uterine blood flow
c. Urinary System o Maternal-placental: vasodilation
d. Metabolites o Fetal-placental: increase by continuing growth of
e. Salt and Water Metabolism placental vessels
f. Glucosuria
b. Cervix
g. Bladder
 The one being palpated during IE
 1 month AOG: softening and cyanosis
a. Appetite
o From increased vascularity and edema
b. Mouth
o Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of cervical glands
c. Stomach
d. Small and Large bowel and Appendix
o Hegar’s sign – softening of the cervix
e. Colon  Mucus plug
f. Gallbladder o Copious amounts of tenacious mucus obstruct
g. Liver cervical canal
XIII. THYROID o Expelled at term as bloody show at the start of
XV. EYE o Immunological barrier that protects the uterine
contents against infection from the vagina

August 11, 2019

BLOCK XI │AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)

c. Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes a. Skin

 Ovulation cease during pregancy  Pigmentation
o Maturation of new follicles is suspended o Linea nigra
o Cycle of ovulation stops, secretions of FSH and LH  Marked pigmentation of linea alba (midline of
stops (ovulation-LH surge) the abdomen)
o Function maximally 6-7 weeks and thereafter  “mask of pregnancy”
progesterone production is minimal (because  Irregular brownish patches of varying size on
Progesterone now is secreted by the Placenta) face/neck
o Corpus luteum comes from the graafian follicle  Disappear or regress after delivery
after the ovum has been released
 Decidual reaction
o Pink, reddish, elevated patches of tissues on
surface of uterus
o Bleeds easily
 Pregnancy luteoma
o Solid ovarian tumor develops during pregnancy
made up of large acidophilic leutenized cells
 Vascular Changes – VASCULAR SPIDERS (spider
o Spontaneously Regress after delivery
 Theca Lutein Cysts
 Nevus, telangiectasias
o Benign, bilateral ovarian lesions
 Angiomas, minute red elevations with
o Result from exaggerated physiologic follicles
branching radicles from a central lesions
stimulation (hyperreactio luteinalis)
o Palmar eruthema due to Consequence of
o Associated with marked elevated levels of hCG
o Usually self-limited and resolve following a
 No clinical significance
b. Breast
 Fallopian tubes
 Early breast tenderness and tingling (mastodynia)
o Musculature – little hypertrophy
 2nd month:
d. Vagina and Perineum
o Increase in size; veins visible
 Chadwick’s sign
o Nipple bigger, deeply pigmented; more erectile
o Violet discoloration of vagina
 Colostrum (7-8 months)
o Increased vascularity and hyperemia
o Thick yellow fluid-colostrum can be expressed
o Softening of CT (connective tissue)
 Glands of Montgomery
 Mucosa thicken, loose CT, hypertrophy of smooth
o Hypertrophic sebaceous glands
muscle cells
o In preparation for the distension that accompanies
labor and delivery
o pH: acidic (as low as 3.50)
o increased volume of cervical secretions in the
 physiologic leucorrhea


 Stria Gravidarum – “stretch marks” Becomes darker as the pregnancy goes on.
o Reddish, slighty depressed steaks in abdomen,
breast and thigh III. METABOLIC
o Multiparous – silvery, glistening streaks – ols striae a. Weight Gain
o From over distension of CT of skin  Weight gain is due to:
 Diastasis Recti o Uterus and its contents
o Separation of rectus abdominis muscles in the o Increased breast tissue
midline because of overstreching (skin – o Blood and water volume (extravascular and
attenuated fascia – peritoneum) extracellular fluid)
o Hernia may develop o Deposition of fat and protein, increased cellular
o Maybe normal unless too severe water
 “maternal reserve”
o Average weight gain is 12.5 kg (consider built and
nutrition of patient)

BLOCK XI │AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)

 Weight gain  Needed to: %

o 1st trimester: 1-2 kg o Facilitates maternal and fetal exchanges of
o 2nd trimester: 1-2 kg respiratory gases, nutrient and metabolites
o 3rd trimester: most of the weight gain o Increase perfusion of other organs (kidneys)
o Extra blood volume reduces the impact of
IV. BODY WATER maternal blood loss at delivery
 Increased water retention due to fall in plasma o The blood volume returns to normal 10-14 days
osmolality (patient develops edema) postpartum
 TBW (Total Body Weight) increases from 6.5L to 8.5L  Plasma volume increases by 45%
o At term water content of fetus, placenta and AF is o Mediated by progesterone and estrogen acting on
3.5L the kidneys initiating renin-angiotensin and
 Pitting edema of legs and ankles usually at end of the aldosterone pathway
day b. RBC Mass
 Due to increase in venous pressure below the level of  RBC mass increases by 250-450cc by term
uterus resulting from partial occlusion of vena cava o Renal erythropoietin increases red cell mass by 20-
30% which is a smaller rise that the plasma
 About 1000g of weight gain is attributable to protein o Plasma volume increases faster than RBC volume
o Half – found in fetus and placenta until the end of 2nd trimester, when the increase
o The rest – distribute as uterine contractile protein, in RBC is synchronized with the plasma increase
breast glandular tissue, plasma protein, and  Physiological anemia of pregnancy (hemodilution)
hemoglobin o Supplemental intake of iron and folic acid help to
 Plasma albumin levels are decreased restore hemoglobin levels
 Increased fibrinogen levels (hyper coagulatory state – c. Iron
protect mother from blood loss during delivery)  Maternal requirement: 5-6mg/d
In the physiology of pregnancy, it is important to know what o Iron demand is increase (due to increase in RBC)
increases or decreases during pregnancy. o Iron deficiency anemia
 If supplemental iron is not added to the diet
 Mild fasting hypoglycemia  Total WBC count – increases up to 5,000-12,000/ml
o Result of increased plasma insulin o Some 16,000/ml
 Post prandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia  During labor – 25,000-30,000/ml
o Pregnancy induced peripheral resistance to insulin e. PMN’s contribute to the increase
to ensure a sustained post prandial supply of  Lymphocyte and monocytes essentially the same
glucose f. Platelets
o Accelerated starvation – pregnancy induced rapid  Platelets experience a progressive decline but should
switch from postprandial state of elevated and remain within normal range
sustained glucose level to a fasting state of  Likely due to increased destruction
decreased plasma glucose and amino acid g. Coagulation Factors
 Increased levels
VII. FAT METABOLISM o Fibrinogen (Factor I), factor VIII
 Total body fat increases during pregnancy o Factors VII, IX, X and XII
 2nd half of pregnancy  Depressed fibrinolytic activity
o Plasma lipids increase  Increased coagulant capacity + reduced fibrinolytic =
o Fat storage occurs primarily then decrease later in protect against hemostatic challenge of placental
pregnancy separation
 After delivery  Vwd factor 8 = bleeding
o Triglyceride, cholesterol and lipoproteins decrease
VIII. HEMATOLOGY a. Position and Size of the Heart
a. Blood Volume  Displacement of heart upward and to the left
 Increase – varies according to: o Due to uterine enlargement leading to elevation of
o Height and weight diaphragm
o The number of pregnancies and deliveries o Rotation on its long axis = apex beat is moved
o Singleton or multiple fetuses laterally
 Increase progressively from 6 to 8 weeks’ gestation o ECG: left axis deviation, depressed ST segments
 Maximum volume at 32-34 weeks

BLOCK XI │AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)

 Cardiac capacity increase by 70-80ml e. Effects of Labor in CVS

o Due to ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation of  Supine position: uterine contraction will cause
cardiac muscles o A 25% increase in CO
 Size of the heart appears to increase (12%) o A 15 % decrease in heart rate
b. Cardiac Output o A result at 33% increase in stroke volume
 Increase by 40%  Left lateral recumbent position
o 1.5L/min increase over the non-pregnant level o The hemodynamic parameters stabilize
 Reaching its MAX at 20-24 weeks AOG to term o Only 7.6% increase in CO
 Cardiac output – very sensitive to changes in body and o 0.7% decrease in heart rate
position o A 7.7% increase in stroke volume
o Increase with gestation * are attributable to IVC occlusion caused by gravid uterus
o Due to the uterus impinge upon the IVC thereby f. Labor
decreasing blood return to the heart (put patient  First stage of labor: 12-31% rise on CO due to an
to left lying position) increase in SV
 Arterial BP and vascular resistance decrease  Second stage of labor: 34% increase in CO
 Blood volume, maternal weight and BMR increase o Not only pain-related
 Increase in CO, stroke volume due to increase blood o Uterine contractions result in the transfer of 300-
volume 500cc of blood from the uterus to the general
 Estrogen and progesterone causes vasodilation and fall circulation
in PVR  Enhanced venous return to the heart
 Heart rate increases by 15-20% (compensatory)  Increase in CO by 10-15%
 CO (Cardiac output) is position dependent g. Postpartum
o Lower when supine  Immediate pp period: 10-20% rise in CO
 IVC compression by the uterus reduces o Rise of obstruction of venous return
venous return to the heart o Extracellular fluid mobilization
o At 38-40 weeks, there is a 25-30% fall in CO when  Rise in CO associated with reflex bradycardia
turning from the side to the back o SV increases → this may persist for one to two
o Fall in CO is compensated by a rise in peripheral weeks after delivery
vascular resistance
 Supine hypotensive syndrome (1-10% X. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
patients)  Early in pregnancy
c. Peripheral Resistance o Capillary dilatation occurs through RT – leading to
 Peripheral resistance = BP divided by CO engorgement of nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and
o BP either decrease or remain the same during bronchi
pregnancy and CO increases appreciably o Makes breathing thru the nose difficult
o PR declines markedly o Respiratory infection and preeclampsia aggravate
 Blood flow in skin these symptoms
o Increased cutaneous blood flow serves to  Upper Respiratory Tract
dissipate excess heat from increased metabolism o Hyperemic mucosa of nasopharynx
d. Blood Pressure  Estrogen-mediated
 Arterial BP decreases to a nadir in mid pregnancy and  Nasal stuffiness and epitaxis
rises thereafter(so you notice on some pts. a high bp o Polyposis of the nose and sinuses may occur and
on the 3rd trimester) regress after delivery
 Diastolic BP decreases more than systolic BP o “chronic cold”
 SUPINE HYPOTENSION (aka Aortocaval compression)  Mechanical Changes
o Mid pregnancy, when the patient lie supine o Configuration of thoracic cage changes early in
enlarging uterus compresses both IVC and lower pregnancy
aorta  Increase in subcostal angle, transverse
o Reduction in uteroplacental flow and renal blood diameter and circumference of chest
flow (increase in throracic diameter – 2cm,
(This compression is enough to cause the throracic circumference – 6cm)
pregnant mother to loose consciousness; o With advancing gestation, the level of diaphragm
managementleft lateral side lying position) is pushed up (4cm); displaced upward and widens
o Reduces venous return to the heart leading to a  Tidal Volume (VT) – amount of air a person breathes
fall in preload and cardiac output, fall in BP (advice in and out during quiet normal breathing
mother not to change position abruptly)  Vital Capacity (VC) – total amount of the person can
breathe in and out

BLOCK XI │AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)

 Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) – total amount XI. RENAL SYSTEM

of air left in the lungs at the end of normal exhalation a. Anatomy
 Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) – additional  Kidney enlargement
amount a person could inhale o Increased renal vascular and interstitial volume,
 Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) R>L
 Residual Volume (RV)  Ureteral and renal pelvis dilatation by 8 weeks
a. Lung Volume (Yung results na makukuha niyo; REFER to o Right > Left
Pulmo)  Mechanical compression by uterus and ovarian
 Total lung capacity (TLC) – total amount of air the venous plexus smooth muscle relaxation by
lungs can contain progesterone; dextrorotation of the uterus
 TLC = RV+ERV+VT+IRV  Right ureter is more dilated than the left
 VC = ERV+VT+IR because of hyperplasia of smooth muscle in
 FRC = RV+ERV distal one-third of the ureter may cause
 The amount of air inside our lungs is reduction of the luminal site
compartmentalized and are called volumes  Implications
 Volumes that come together are called capacities o Increased incidence of pyelonephritis
Lung volume and pulmonary function (so ito na lang o Difficulty in interpreting radiographs
imememorize niyo) o Interference with studies
 RR – slight increase b. Renal hemodynamics
 Increased in:  Increased in:
o Vt – gradually o GFR (50%)(amount of blood that passes through
o Minute m\ventilator volume your glumeroli) but volume of urine passed is not
o Minute O2 uptake increased
 Not changed o Renal plasma flow rate
o Max breathing capacity o Urinary flow and sodium excretion in late
o Timed vital capacilty pregnancy altered by posture
b. Pulmonary Function  Endogenous creatinine clearance increases
 Decreased: o Begins by 5 weeks
o FRC o Conc of crea in serum is reduced (in proportion
o RV, ERV, IRV to increase in GFR) and conc of BUN is reduced
o TLC renal pelvis dilates
 Larger Vt and smaller RV cause increased alveolar c. Urinary System
ventilation (65%) during pregnancy  Renin
 Increased respiratory tidal volume associated with o Levels of the enzyme renin increase early in the 1 st
normal RR trimester, the rise until term
o (increased respiratory minute volume --- o It Act on angiotensinogen A1, A2 (vasoconstrictor)
hyperventilation of pregnancy occurs --- causing a  Normal pregnancy – resistant to the pressor
decrease in alveolar CO2 --- lowers the maternal effect of elevated levels of angiotensin 2
blood CO2 tension)  Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) –
o Maternal hyperventilation is considered a susceptible to the A2pre-
protective measure to prevent the fetus from the eclampsia/eclampsia
exposure to excessive levels of CO2 d. Metabolites
c. Dyspnea of Pregnancy  Increased GFR → decline in serum urea and creatinine
 Common complaint  BUN – 8-9 mg/dl by end 1st trimester
o 60-70% of patients  Decline in serum creatinine
o Late first or early second trimester o 0.7 mg/dl by end 1st trimester
 Likely due to various factors o 0.5-0.6 mg/dl by term
o Reduced PaCO2 levels  Early decline in serum uric acid levels
o Awareness of increased tidal volume of pregnancy o Nadir at 24 weeks
d. Effects of Labor on Pulmonary System o Same as non-pregnant level at end of pregnancy
 There is further decrease in functional residual capacity due to increased reabsorption of urate
(FRC) during the early phase of each uterine e. Salt and Water Metabolism
contraction  Plasma osmolality begins to decline by 2 weeks after
o Resulting from the redistribution of blood from the conception
uterus to the central venous pool o Reduction in serum sodium and other anions

BLOCK XI │AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)

 Sodium loss during pregnancy  Pica (eating things w/ no nutritional value; not food)
o 50% rise in GFR o Check for poor weight gain and refractory anemia
o Progesterone: natriuresis  South – clay or starch (laundry or cornstarch)
 Renal tubular reabsorption of Na+ increases  UK – cool
(aldosterone, estrogen and deoxycorticosterone)  Also soap, toothpaste and ice pica
 Sodium homeostasis b. Mouth
f. Glucosuria  Unchanged pH or production of saliva
Nutrient excretion o Saliva production is unaltered
 Increase in glucose excretion o Ptyalism – usually in women with HEG
o 1-10 g glucose excretion per day  Due to inability to swallow
 Due to 50% increase in GFR  Can lose up to 1-2 L of saliva per day
o Implications  Decreasing starchy foods might help
 Impairment of tubular reabsorption capacity  Gums – become hypertrophic, hyperemic and friable
for filtered glucose o May bleed after brushing
 Increase levels of urinary glucose o Estrogen effect increase vascularity
 Susceptibility of pregnant women to UTI  Epulis gravidarum
 Increase in amino acid excretion during gestation o Regress 1-2 months after delivery
o No increased protein loss (100-300 mg/24 hr) o Excise if persistent or excessive bleeding
 Increased urinary loss of folate and vitamin B12 c. Stomach
g. Bladder  Decreased tone and motility
 Will not increase in size, it will be just displaced o Progesterone
 As uterus enlarges – displaced upward and flattened in o Possibly due to decreased levels of motilin
the AP diameter, increased on urinary frequency – (peptide that stimulate GIT smooth muscles)
pressure from the uterus  Transmit time of food-slower, longer
 Bladder vascularity increases  Reduced tone of the gastroesophageal junction
 Muscle tone decreases – increase in capacity up to sphincter
1,500ml o Increased intraabdominal pressure leads to acid
XII. GI SYSTEM o Slower emptying time
 Increase in o Dilatation or relaxation of the cardiac sphincter
o Nutritional requirement o More prevalent in later pregnancy due to elevation
 Vitamins and minerals of the stomach by the enlarge uterus
o Nausea and vomiting o Manifest as heart burn
 Related to relative levels of hCG  More commonly, gastric acidity is reduced
 Nausea and Vomiting  Gastrin production
o Morning sickness complicates 70% of pregnancies o Increase significantly
o Onset 4-8 weeks up to 14-16 weeks o Result to:
o Cause?  Increased stomach volume
 Relaxation of smooth muscle of stomach,  Decreased stomach pH
elevated levels of steroids and hCG o Gastrin production of mucus maybe increased
 Rx – supportive: reassurance, support, and  Lower incidence of PUD
avoiding triggers o May be due to decreased gastric acid secretion
o HEG(Hyperemesis Gravidarum) delayed emptying, increase in gastric mucus, and
 Weight loss, ketonemia, electrolyte imbalance protection of mucosa by prostaglandins
(most common is low level of K n/v, muscle d. Small and Large bowel and Appendix
weakness, can’t walk) and dehydration  Displaces upward and laterally
 Possible renal or hepatic damage  The appendix is displaced superiorly in the right flank
 IVF, antiemetics area
 NPO continue IV  Reduced motility of small bowel
*Hyperemesis Gravidarum o Increased transit time in the third trimester and
a. Appetite postpartum
 Increase early 1st trimester  Enhanced iron absorption
 Increase intake 200kcal by end 1st trimester o As a response to increase iron needs
o RDA: 300 kcal/day during pregnancy
 Sense of taste may be blunted

BLOCK XI │AMENORRHEA (Maternal Physiology)


 Constipation  Increased hormone levels
o Mechanical obstruction by the uterus o Result in softening and relaxation in the joints
o Reduced motility (more mobility)
o Increased water absorption
 Portal venous pressure is increased  Center of gravity shifts
o Dilation of gastroesophageal vessels o Increased curvature in the lower back and anterior
 Issue in those with preexisting esophageal flexion in the neck (LORDOSIS-common in
varices pregnancy)
o Dilation of hemorrhoidal veins  Edema of leg
 hemorrhoids o Decreased venous return in late pregnancy
f. Gallbladder
 Gall bladder function altered XV. EYE
o Hypotonia of the smooth muscle wall  Decreased intraocular pressure
o Emptying time is slowed and incomplete  Corneal sensitivity
 Biliary cholesterol saturation increases and  Krukenberg spindles
chenodeoxycholic decreases o Brownish-red pigmentation of posterior surface of
o Bile can become thick, and bile stasis cornea
o Increased risk gallstone formation  Unaffected visual function
g. Liver  Increased thickness of cornea due to fluid retention
 Hepatic blood flow remains unchanged ESPECIALLY IN THE FIRST TRIMESTER BECAUSE OF N/V!
o CO to the liver decreases by ~35%
 Spider angiomata and palmar erythema
o Elevated estrogen levels
 Lab data
o Drop in serumalbumin
o Rise in serum alkaline phosphatase
 Placental production and some hepatic
o Rise in serum cholesterol, fibrinogen,
ceruloplasmin, binding proteins for corticosteroids,
sex steroids, thyroid hormones, and vitamin D
o No change in serum bilirubin, AST, ALT, protime,
and 5’ nucleotidase
o Rise in (GGT) GammaGlutamylTransferase is

 The normal pregnant woman is euthyroid
 Changes in thyroid morphology and lab indices
o Estrogen-induced increase in TBG
o Decreased circulating extra thyroidal iodide
o Thyroid enlargement usually not detected by exam
o Normal thyroidal uptake of iodide
 Serum TSH decreases early in gestation
o Rises to pre-pregnancy levels by end of 1st
o T4 increases early in gestation
 Role of hCG stimulating the thyroid Transcribed by : GROUP 1
o Rise in TBG leads to rise in total T4 and total T#
 Active hormones free T4 and free T3 are MADAYAG, Djamafe
unchanged PUSAYEN, Teresito
o Free T4 is the most reliable method of evaluating QUEMI, Juan Paulo
thyroid function in pregnancy RABAGO, Khristine Andrea
REPOYO, Berlanne

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