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Assignment - 1
Board Papers & Numericals
1. Force
2. Work Energy and Power
3. Machine

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Force, Work Energy Power, Machine (Board papers)
Assignment Sheet

1. State the relationship between the mechanical advantage and velocity

ratio of (i) an ideal machine (ii) practical machine [ICSE 2003]

2. Give two reasons why the efficiency of a single movable pulley system is
not 100%. [ICSE 2003]

3. Explain why scissors for cutting cloth may have blades longer than the
handles; but shears for cutting metals have short blades and long handles.
[ICSE 2004]

4. State Newton’s second law of motion both in words and in equation.

Under what condition does this equation become F = ma. [ICSE 2004]

5. What energy change takes place in an oscillating pendulum?

[ICSE 2004]

6. Which physical quantity does the electron volt measure ? How is it related
to S.I. unit of this quantity ? [ICSE 2005]

7. Define an inclined plane. [ICSE 2005]

8. Draw a labelled sketch of class II lever. Give an example of such a lever.

[ICSE 2005]

9. Figure shows the combination of a movable

pulley P1 with a fixed pulley P2 used for lifting P2
up a load L.
(i) State the function of the fixed pulley P 2. T
(ii) If the free end of the string moves through P1 C
a distance x, find the distance by which 4
the load L is raised. [ICSE 2005] L

10. State the principle of conservation of energy. [ICSE 2005]

11. What would be the angle between force and displacement to get the
(i) minimum work
(ii) maximum work [ICSE 2005]

12. Name the energy transformations that occur :

(i) in a loudspeaker
(ii) in an electric cell. [ICSE 2005]
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13. State the amount of work done by an object, when it moves in a circular
path. [ICSE 2006]

14. Show that for the free fall of a body, the sum of mechanical energy at any
point in its path is constant. [ICSE 2006]

15. Define newton, the S.I. unit of force. State its relationship with C.G.S.
unit of force. [ICSE 2006]

16. Draw the graph showing the relationship between acceleration and mass
for a constant force. [ICSE 2006]

17. Name the type of single pulley that can act as a force multiplier. Draw a
labelled diagram of the above named pulley. [ICSE 2006]

18. Which class of lever has a mechanical advantage always greater than
one ? What change can be brought about in this lever to increase its
mechanical advantage ? [ICSE 2006]

19. Define a kilowatt hour. How is it related to joule ? [ICSE 2007]

20. How can the work done be measured when force is applied at an angle to
the direction of displacement ? [ICSE 2007]

21. State the main energy tranformation that occurs in

(i) Photosynthesis in green leaves
(ii) Charging of a battery [ICSE 2007]

22. Write an expression to show the relationship between mechanical

advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency for a simple machine.[ICSE 2007]

23. A block a tackle pulley system has a velocity ratio 3.

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of this system. In your diagram, indicate
clearly the points of application and direction of the load and effort.
(ii) Why should the lower block of this pulley system be of negligible
mass. [ICSE 2007]

24. Copy the diagram of the forearm given below, indicate the position of
load, effort and fulcrum. [ICSE 2008]

25. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of a block and tackle system of pulleys with
two pulleys in each block. Indicate the direction of the load, effort,
and tension in the string.
(ii) Write down the relation between the load and the effort of the pulley
system. [ICSE 2008]

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26. When an arrow is shot from a bow, it has kinetic energy in it. Explain
briefly from where does it get its kinetic energy. [ICSE 2008]

27. What energy conversion that place in the following when they are working:
(i) electric toaster
(ii) microphone [ICSE 2008]

28. Name the S.I. unit of :

(i) Linear momentum
(ii) Rate of change of momentum. [ICSE 2008]

29. In what way will the temperature of water at the bottom of a waterfall be
different from the temperature at the top ? Give a reason for your answer.
[ICSE 2008]

30. Define joule the S.I. unit of work and establish a relationship between
the S.I. and C.G.S. unit of work. [ICSE 2008]

31. What is the S.I. unit of energy ? How is the electron volt(eV) related to it ?
[ICSE 2009]

32. If m is the mass of the body, v is the velocity and p the momentum, then
write a relationship between change in momentum, mass and velocity of
the body when
(i) v is almost equal to c i.e. the speed of light
(ii) v is very very less as compared to c. [ICSE 2009]

33. State the energy changes that take place in the following when they are
in use : (a) A photovotaic cell
(b) An electromagnet [ICSE 2009]

34. An object of mass ‘m’ is allowed to fall
freely from point A as shown in the figure. x
Calculate the total mechanical energy
of the object at B
(a) point A
(b) point B y
(c) point C
(d) State the law which is verified by C
your calculations in parts (a), (b) & (c)
[ICSE 2009]

35. (a) With reference to the terms mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and
efficiency of a machine name the term that will not change for a
machine of a given design.
(b) Define the term stated by you in part (a). [ICSE 2009]

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36. A pulley system comprises two pulleys, one fixed and the other movable.
(a) Draw a labelled diagram of the arrangement and show clearly the
directions of all the forces acting on it.
(b) What change can be made in the movable pulley of this system to
increase the mechanical advantage of the system ? [ICSE 2009]

37. (i) Why is the mechanical advantage of a lever of the second class always
greater than one ?
(ii) Name the type of single pulley that has a mechanical advantage greater
than one ? [ICSE 2010]

38. (i) Write a relation expressing the mechanical advantage of a lever.

(ii) Write an expression for the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane.
(iii) Give two reasons as to why the efficiency of a single movable pulley
system is always less than 100%. [ICSE 2010]

39. A body is acted upon by a force. State two conditions under which the
work done could be zero. [ICSE 2010]

40. (i) Define the term momentum.

(ii) How is force related to the momentum of a body ?
(iii) State the condition when the change in momentum of a body depends
only on the change in its velocity. [ICSE 2010]

41. Draw a diagram to show the energy changes in an oscillating simple

pendulum. Indicate in your diagram how the total mechanical energy in
it remains constant during the oscillation. [ICSE 2011]

42. (i) Define one newton.

(ii) Write the relation between S.I. unit and C.G.S unit of force.
[ICSE 2011]

43. (i) What is meant by an ideal machine ?

(ii) Write a relationship between the mechanical advantage (M.A.) and
velocity ratio (V.R) of an ideal machine.
(iii) A coolie carrying a load on his head and moving on a frictionless horizintal
platform does no work. Explain the reason why. [ICSE 2011]

44. Where does the position of centre of gravity lie for

(i) a circular lamina
(ii) a triagular lamina [ICSE 2011]

45. (i) Define 1 kgf.

(ii) How is it related to the S.I. unit of force? [ICSE 2012]

46. (i) What are non-contact forces?

(ii) How does the distance of separation between two bodies affect the
magnitude of the non-contact force between them? [ICSE 2012]
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47. (i) Which of the following remains constant in uniform circular motion:
Speed or Velocity or both?
(ii) Name the force required for uniform circular motion. State its direction.
[ICSE 2012]

48. A ball is placed on a compressed spring. When the spring is released, the
ball is observed to fly away.
(i) What form of energy does the compressed spring possess?
(ii) Why does the ball fly away? [ICSE 2012]

Compressed spring

49. (i) State the energy conversion taking place in a solar cell.
(ii) Give one disadvantage of using a solar cell. [ICSE 2012]

50. (i) State the class of levers and the relative positions of load (L), effort
(E) and fulcrum (T) in each of the following cases :
1. A bottle opener 2. Sugar tongs.
(ii) Why is less effort needed to lift a load over an inclined plane as
compared to lifting the load directly? [ICSE 2012]

51. Under what condition will a set or gears produce

1. a gain in speed
2. a gain in torque. [ICSE 2012]

52. Give any two effects of a force on a non rigid body. [ICSE 2013]

53. One end of a spring is kept fixed while the other end is stretched by a
force as shown :
F Fixed End

(i) Copy the diagram & mark on it the direction of restoring force
(ii) Name one instrument which works on above principle. [ICSE 2013]

54. (i) Where is the centre of gravity of a uniform ring situated.

(ii) The position of centre of gravity of a body remains unchanged even
when the body is deformed. State whether the statement is True or
[ICSE 2013]

55. A type of single pulley is very often used as a machine even though it
does not give any gain in mechanical advantage.
i) Name the type of pulley used
ii) For what purpose is such a pulley used ? [ICSE 2013]

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56. In what way does an Ideal machine differ from a practical machine.
[ICSE 2013]

57. Can a simple machine act as a force multiplier & a speed multiplier at
the same time. [ICSE 2013]
58. Which class of lever found in human body is used :
i) When he folds the load on palm of his hand.
ii) When he raises the weight of his body on his toes ? [ICSE 2013]

58. With reference to their direction of action, how does a centripetal force
differ from centrifugal force? [ICSE 2013]

59. State the principle of conservation of energy. [ICSE 2013]

60. Name the form of energy which a body possess even when it is not in
motion. [ICSE 2013]

61. A block & tackle system of pulleys have velocity ratio of 4

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of the system indicating clearly the points of
application & direction of load & effort.
(ii) What is the value of mechanical advantage of given pulley system if it
is an ideal pulley system. [ICSE 2013]

62. A force is applied on (i) a non-rigid body and (ii) a rigid body. How does the
effect of the force differ in the above two cases? [ICSE 2014]

63. A metallic ball is hanging by a string from a fixed support. Draw a neat
labelled diagram showing the forces acting on the ball and the string.
[ICSE 2014]

64. (i) What is the weight of a body placed at the centre of the earth?
(ii) What is the principle of an ideal machine? [ICSE 2014]

65. Is it possible to have an accelerated motion with a constant speed?

Explain. [ICSE 2014]

66. (i) When does a force do work?

(ii) What is the work done by the moon when it revolves around the
earth? [ICSE 2014]

67. State the energy changes in the following devices while in use :
(i) A loud speaker.
(ii) A glowing electric bulb. [ICSE 2014]

68. (i) What is nuclear energy?

(ii) Name the process used for producing electricity using nuclear energy.
[ICSE 2014]

69. State one important advantage and disadvantage each of using nuclear
energy for producing electricity. [ICSE 2014]
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70. (i) The conversion of part of the energy into an undesirable form is
called _________.
(ii) For a given height h, ______ the length of the inclined plane, lesser
will be the effort required. [ICSE 2014]

71. (i) A body is thrown vertically upwards, its velocity keeps on decreas-
ing. What happens to its kinetic energy as its velocity becomes zero?
(ii) Draw a diagram to show how a single pulley can be used so as to
have its ideal M.A = 2. [ICSE 2014]

72. Derive a relationship between mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and

efficiency of a machine. [ICSE 2014]

73. When a body is placed on a table top, it exerts a force equal to its weight
downwards on the table top but does not move or fall.

Table top

Force due to weight of the body

(i) Name the force exerted by the table top.

(ii) What is the direction of the force? [ICSE 2015]

74. (i) Name one factor that affects the lateral displacement of light as it
passes through a rectangular glass slab.
(ii) On reversing the direction of the current in a wire, the magnetic
field produced by it gets ________. [ICSE 2015]

75. (i) On what factor does the position of the centre of gravity of a body
(ii) What is the S.I.unit of the moment of force? [ICSE 2015]

76. Name the factors affecting the turning effect of a body. [ICSE 2015]

77. (i) Define equilibrium.

(ii) In a beam balance when the beam is balanced in a horizontal
position, it is in ____ equilibrium. [ICSE 2015]

78. How is work done by a force measured when the force :

(i) is in the direction of displacement
(ii) is at an angle to the direction of displacement. [ICSE 2015]

79. (i) A scissor is a ______ multiplier.

(ii) 1 kWh= ________J. [ICSE 2015]

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80. Explain the motion of a planet around the sun in a circular path.
[ICSE 2015]

81. (i) Give the expression for mechanical advantage of an inclined plane in
terms of the length of an inclined plane.
(ii) Name a common device where a gear train is used. [ICSE 2015]

82. Draw a simplified diagram of a lemon crusher, indicating direction of

load and effort. [ICSE 2015]

83. (i) Name the physical quantity measured in terms of horse power.
(ii) Explain briefly why the work done by a fielder when he takes a catch
in acricket match is negative. [ICSE 2015]

84. State the energy in the following while in uses :

(i) Burning of a candle.
(ii) A steam engine. [ICSE 2015]

85. (i) Name the physical quantity measured in terms of horse power.
(ii) Explain briefly why the work done by a fielder when he takes a catch
in a cricket match is negative. [ICSE 2015]

86. (i) Give an example of a non contact force which is always of attractive
(ii) How does the magnitude of this non contact force on the two bodies
depend on the distance of separation between them? [ICSE 2016]

87. With reference to the terms Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and
efficiency of a machine, name and define the term that will not change
for machine of a given design. [ICSE 2016]

88. A stone of mass ‘m’ is rotated in a circular path with a uniform speed by
tying a strong string with the help of your hand. Answer the following
(i) Is the stone moving with a uniform or variable speed?
(ii) Is the stone moving with a uniform acceleration? In which direction
does the acceleration act?
[ICSE 2016]

89. A brass ball is hanging from a stiff cotton thread. Draw a neat labelled
diagram showing the forces acting on the brass ball and the cotton thread.
[ICSE 2017]

90. The distance between two bodies is doubled. How is the magnitude of
gravitational force between them affected?
[ICSE 2017]

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91. How does uniform circular motion differ from uniform linear motion?
[ICSE 2017]

92. Name the process used for producing electricity using nuclear energy.
[ICSE 2017]

93. Why is a jack screw provided with a long arm? [ICSE 2017]

94. Which class of lever will always have MA > 1 and why? [ICSE 2017]


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