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The Place of Ancient Mataram Kingdom

The establishment of the Ancient Mataram
Kingdom In the 8th century in the interior(pedalaman) of
Central Java Hindu Mataram kingdom stand . Its founder
is King Sanjaya . The emergence (kemunculan)of
Mataram kingdom described in Carita Parahyangan . The
story was first there a kingdom in West Java called
Galuh .
King named Sanna ( Sena ) . One time , he was attacked
by his brother who wants the throne
(tahta/sinngasana) . King Sanna died in the incident ,
while his sister , Sannaha , together with the other royal
family go to escape to the slopes of Mount Merapi.
Sannaha son , Sanjaya , later founded the kingdom
of Mataram with capital Medang ri Poh Pitu . Precisely in
The year 717 A
Evidence History:
Another proof of the existence of the Hindu Kingdom of
Mataram , or often called the Ancient Mataram is
Canggal inscription issued by Sanjaya . This inscription
dates to the year 654 Saka ( 1 Saka equal to 78 AD ,
means the same as the Saka 654 or 732 M ) , letters
Pallawa , Sanskrit language , and it is located in Mount
Wukir , south Muntilan .
Its content is the year Sanjaya established phallus(lingga)
in Bukit Stirangga to safety and the cult(memuja) of Shiva
, Brahma and Vishnu , in the sacred area Kunjarakunja .
King Of Samaratungga
Samaratungga ( 812-832 AD )This king is the last
descendant (keturunan) of the king who ruled in the
Mataram dynasty . He issued Karang Tengah inscription
which dates to taste Segara Krtidhasa or 746 Saka ( 824
M ) . Mentioned in the inscription Samaratungga name
and her daughter , Pramodhawardhani . It is also
mentioned on the establishment Jimalaya building
( temple Prambanan) by Pramodhawardhani .
Samaratungga name is also mentioned in the Nalanda
inscription ( 860 AD ), which tells the establishment of
Nalanda monastery in the reign of King Dewapaladewa
( Pala Empire , India ) . During his reign , Samaratungga
build Borobudur temple which is a large Buddhist
temple . Samaratungga later replaced by Rakai Pikatan ,
husband Pramodhawardhani derived from Sanjaya
dynasty . Return Sanjaya dynasty rule over ancient
Mataram completely
Economic Life:
Economic life of the kingdom of Mataram
Ancient Mataram Kingdom is an agricultural country that
is closed . As a result , the kingdom is difficult to develop
economically , mainly because of terms of trade and
shipping is very dry . Newly acquired(diperoleh) glory
during the reign of Balitung . He built the trade center as
mentioned in the inscription Purworedjo ( 900 M ) . In
Winton inscription ( 903 CE) explained that the villages
are located on either (salah satu) side of the Solo River
exempt (dibebaskan) from tax provided(bersyarat) that
the villagers should ensure(menjamin) smooth
relationships through river traffic
Cultural Life :

 Cultural life of the kingdom of Mataram

When Sanjaya dynasty fled (flee-melarikan diri) to the
Dieng Plateau since the days until Rakai Pikatan
Panangkaran , established many temples that are now
known as the Dieng temple complex . This temple
complex , among others , the temple consists of
Puntadewa , Arjuna and Nakula . As in the southern part
of Central Java found Prambanan temple ( Jonggrang ) ,
Sambi Sari , Ratu Boko , and Building Songo ( Unggaran )
as a result of the culture of ancient Mataram

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