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The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy

The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way

1.3.Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life PPT11/12-Ib-1.3
Subject Matter
 Title Doing Philosophy
 Text
 References Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
 Materials
 Additional Intro. To the Philosophy of a Human Person slide 115-136
Materials PambungadsaPilosopiya, pages 60-65
Dy, Manuel Jr. "Philosophy of Man", "The Philosophical Enterprise" by John
Kavanaugh, S. J.
Process/Skills The value of Philosophy in Life.

Values Integration
OVERVIEW OF THE Many fields can be studied and learned without ever actually
TOPIC working with the tools in field. For instance, chemistry can be
learned in depth without ever picking up a test tube or mixing
ionic compounds. Philosophy, however, is more about the
methodology behind deriving answers than it is about the
answers themselves. As such, students studying philosophy
must use the methodology of philosophy on the philosophy
they are learning as they are learning it. Doing philosophy
involves asking the right questions, critically examining the
work of previous philosophers, truly understanding the works
and the reasoning behind the works, and possibly building on
the works of previous philosophers by expanding or testing
this methodology.

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III. LEARNING ACTIVITIES(Indicate specific time in every part)
A. Review What is the beginning of philosophical inquiry?
B. Motivation ( Know yourself)
1. Ask the students to write 2-3 principles in their lives?
2. Ask: Was there a time where you have wronged a person because of
your assumption or judgement? What have you realize because of that
C. Presentation Activity “Opinion Mo” Group the class to two.
Each group should have their own leader to summarize their opinion all about
the issue of summary execution to the drug addicts and pushers. And each
group will give their opinion if they are favor or not. Situational Questions:
Given the following situations. What will you do?
1. You saw your girlfriend/ boyfriend holding hands with someone else.
2. Your baby brother is wearing your favourite red shirt.
Based on your responses, do you think you did an act of philosophizing?
What response shows an act of philosophizing? What is not? Why?
D. Discussion Ask the students the value of philosophical through role play
1. Discussing new Ask the students if they learn values of philosophical reflection when they
concepts and conducted the role play
practicing new Discuss the following: The discipline of Questioning, The discipline of
skills no.1 Liberation and The discipline of Personhood.
2. Discussing new
Activity (Video Viewing) Ask the students to identify values of philosophical
concepts and
practicing new reflection cited in story .Share your reaction to the class.
skills no.2
The Allegory of the Cave posted by the School of Life
3. Discussing new (
concepts and This video explains the philosophical inquiries of Plato about the reality.
practicing new
skills no.3 Reflections on Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" (blog posted head to headline,
February 22, 2012)
In Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” the allegory is referring to the false truth in
which man puts his faith. The allegory is a cave of men chained with their
heads forced to remain forward facing toward a wall. Behind them is a fire
serving as a light source to allow for others to create shadow against the wall
in which the prisoners are facing. Like a puppet master pulling the strings of a
marionette, the shadows are created to dance on the wall for the prisoners to
see, leaving them no choice but to name the false image and assert false
truths about the sounds and sights they are shown. Plato refers to the chained
men as prisoners. I don’t believe it is simply
because they are chained up in a cave but rather that they are being fed lies
and forced to live a life accepting this false reality as truth, a sort of inevitable
self-delusion. They are never allowed to “come into the light” and learn of real
truths. So Plato asserts that prison is one where an individual is not allowed
to learn truth or think and act based on actual reality but rather off false ideals
and incomplete information. Today we are fed so many misleading truths by
multitude of media streams. TV and News stations have 24 hours to fill,
endless money with countless strings attached, and an agenda to push. With
these resources and goals they are able to build their own publicly asserted

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apitan ity
“caves” in which we are the prisoners looking at one false image after
another, in this case it isn’t a wall with shadows but a TV or computer with
flashing images leading us down a thought path that is skewed by their desire
to control our thoughts like that of a puppet master and his puppet. I will back
this up with two examples I had heard a while back that forced me to examine
all information, and sources, from where I was being fed information. The
following link is to a study about the effect of heavy media coverage of violent
crime despite the drop in actual crime. And the excerpt below is from a paper
from a political scientist which finds the same. http://www-
In the age of Facebook, Twitter, live streaming associated press aps for cell
phones and all the other instant information I find it hard to filter the “real
images” from the “shadows”. I have to assert effort to discern the truths from
propaganda that is constantly being spewed at anyone who will listen, or read.
With mass communication evolving so rapidly and allowing less credible
sources to reach literally millions of people we must be very careful about
shackling ourselves and willingly looking at the reflections but must use the
same medium to fact check and ensure we are getting truthful information.
In short, my “Cave” is on of complacency and instant acceptance. The
unwillingness or awareness to fact check things I hear before making
decisions based on the information. As a prisoner in today’s world I
have the choice whether to leave the chains on and continue to look at
the wall or to ascend into the light and take my whole self from
“becoming” to “being”.
( platos-

Explain how you understand the following quotations:

1.”He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW”–Friedrich
2. “Those who do not move do not notice his chains”- Rosa Luxemburg
3. “Madaling maging tao, mahirap magpakatao”
E. Application Ask the students to create philosophical reflection e.g. Child labor. Questions;
1. Is it important to help parents if you are not doing anything?
2. What is the value if you help them or not?
Interactive discussion:
Give one concrete situation where we can apply the three disciplines
explained in letter D.2.
F. Generalization Ask the student to enumerate the values of philosophical reflection.

Questions are part and parcel of human existence. Its inevitability is

acknowledged especially in times when a person searches for the meaning of
life. This very act leads him to progress rather than stagnation and arresting of
IV. ASSESSMENT (5 items – 2nd and 3rd level question of the bloom’s

Prepared by:

are to are
riven by ompassion
edication&ommitment for
apitan ity
_________________________ ______________________ _____________________

are to are
riven by ompassion
edication&ommitment for
apitan ity

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