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Food processor Smart Chef CI) Please read and keep these instructions morphy richards getting the best from your new food processor... Important Safeguards: When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: 1. Read all the instructions. 2. Check that the voltage on the rating plate of the unit corresponds with your house electricity supply, which mustbe 230VA.C. (Alternating Current) 3. Caution The processingmetalblades, drygrinderattachmentand blender blades are very sharp. Take care while handling them, especially when removing them fram the processor bowl and cleaning, 4, Toprotect against isk of electrical shocknever immerse the processor body in water or any other liquid. 5. Never allow a child to use this unit. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used near children 6. Unplug from the mains when not in use, before putting on or taking off blades or attachments, and before cleaning, 7. Always fitthe safety cover before usingthe food processor, 8, Avoid touching moving parts. Keep hands, hair, clothing, as wellas spatulas and other utensils away from processor attachments, grinder and blender blades during operation,to prevent personalinjury and /or damage to the food processor. 9. Place the processor bowl onto the base of the processor before fiting any attachments 10. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged power cord or plug, or after an appliance has maifunctioned, or has been dropped or damaged in any way. Contact Morphy Richards service centerfor advice on examination, repair or electrical/ mechanical adjustment, 11.The use of attachments of blades of any other part not recommended or sold by Morphy Richards may cause fire, electries hock or damage the product. 12. Donotuse outdoors, 13. Donot let the power cord overhang the edge of the table or worktop, or touch hot surfaces 14. Allblades and attachments should be removed before cleaning. 15. Donot place the appliance on ornear a hot gas or electrichob, or in aheated oven 16, When using the grinder blender, make sure there are no blades fitted in the processor, 17. Donot over illthe processor, rinder or blender, This could cause damage to the motor. 18. When using the processor, grinder or blender, ensure the Id is in place before switching on and do notremave the lid untilthe blade has stopped rotating, 19. Always remove the processor blade before emptying the processor bow ofits contents, 20. Should the power cord of the appliance need replacing, do not attempt this repair your self,as specialtools are requited. Contact Morphy Richards center for advice on service or repair. 21, Never feed the food by hand. Always use the food pusher. Never put your fingers into the feeder tube, 22. THIS FOOD PROCESSOR IS INTENDED FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY. 23, SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. CAUTION: Both the jar's (liquidizing jar and the processing bow)) should not be operated at the sametime. Re-settable Thermal Safety Device Morphy Richard's Food Processor has been designed with a unique safety system which prevents damage to the unit's motor and drive system, should you inadvertently overload your appliance The safely system will automatically cut the electric power to the appliance when the device senses. an overload or excessive temperature in the motor or drive system. If this occurs during use and the appliance stops functioning, followingis the re-setting procedure: 1. Tumthe "ON/OFF" speed contraltothe "OFF" position 2, Unplug the unit from the socket, 8, Remove and empty the processor bowl. Ensure that no foods jamming the cutting blades or attachments. 4, Allow the appliance to cooldown for a minimum of 30 minutes 5, Re-installthe processor bowland re-plug appliance in the walloutlet 6. Proceed touse the appliance as before. Should the appliance still failto operate, turn the “ON/OFF” speed controlito the “OFF” position and unplug from the wall outlet. Allow the appliance to cool down for an additional 1 to 2 hours. After this time has passed, repeat the restart procedure, steps 5 and 6 above. Know your Food Processor Smart Chef : bca\ss 1, Food Processor body 16, Thin & Thick shredding blades 2, Speed selector knob (with Pulse) 17. Grating blade 3, Blade storage case 18, Whisker 4, Processor spindle 19, Spatula 5, Safely cover 20, Liquidiser jar 6, Processor bowl 21. Liquidiser jar lid 7. Processor bow! handle 22. Liquidiser jar lid cap 8. Processor bow lid 23. Citrus cone with stem gear 9. Feeder tube 24. Citrus press bow! 10. Juice extractor pusher 25. Juice extractor bow! 11. Food pusher (Small) 26. Juicer mesh 12. Atta kneader 27. Juicer id 18. Double chopping blade 28. Dry Grinder Attachment 14. Thin & Thick Slicing blades 2. Blade holder 15. French fries blade * NOTE : Parts illustrated in this use and care manual are indicative only, parts provided with the product may differ with ilustrations. Processing Table: Description of | Use Quantity Recommended blade Level Grating blade | Grates coconut Cheese, Carrot etc. 700 gms 4-6 Slicing & Slicing of onions, cucumbers, radishes, | 700 gms 4-6 shredding blades | carrots, potatoes for stuffed Indian bread French tries blade | Slicing of potatoes for french fries. s00gms 4-6 Chopping / Chopping of onions and leaty 500gms 4-8 Double chopping | vegetables. Meat mincing, purecing blade mashing, Kneading blade | Dough kneading. Removal at shell of | 500gms MAX green peas, roasted peanuts. Whisking blade | Whisking of eggs, cream, mayonnaise, | Maximum 4 | Pulse butter milk, ete. cup/ttr. Processing Table: Description of | Use Quantity | Recommended Attachment Level Citrus juicer Juicing of citrus fruits. 250 gms 1 Centrifugal juicer | Juicing of non-citrus fruits. 500 gms 5-6 or MAX Liquidizer For making milk shakes, cocktails ete, | 4 Itr Between 2 to MAX Dry grinder This jar can be used to grind small 500gms Pulse quantities of spices like cumin, corriander, pepper, green chill and dry coconut, ground nut, redchil, sugar etc. Kneading Operation: STEPS 1. Ensure that the processoris unplugged from the power supply. 2, Insert the safety cover into the processor body, aligning marking (a) on the safety cover with (A) marking on the processor body. 3. Tum the safety cover in anticlockwise direction firmly until it fits into the socket with a click sound. Note: The food processor will not operate unless the safety cover is fitted in its place. 4, Place the processing bowlonto the main unit. 5. Insert the kneading blade onto the processor spindle. 6. Fillthe processor bow! with flour up toa maximum quantity of 250 gms. 7. Holding the processor bow! id by the feeder tube, align (A) marking on the processor lid with (A) marking on the top of processor bow! & rotate anticlockwise tillthe protruding ld tab has clckedinto its place, 8, Pluginthe processor, turn the knob to the maximum speed setting, 9. Add water gradually trough the feeder tube til dough forms into a roundlump, 10.Allow it to run for 10 to 15 seconds or til desired consistency is achieved. 11. Stop the processor, tum the lid clockwise & remove it fromits place 12. Remove the dough from the processor bow Chopping / Fine Chopping Operation: (Onions, cabbage, leafy vegetables, mincing meat, mashed potato, tomato puree) STEPS 1. Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fitthe processor bowl Insert the chopping blade onto the processing spindle. Cut peeled onions (or any other vegetables to be chopped) into 11\2 inch size pieces, 4, Fillinthe processor bowlwith cut onions or vegetables. 5. Holding the processor bowl id by the feeder tube, align (a) marking on the processor lid with (4) marking on the top of processor bow! & rotate anticlockwise tllthe protruding lid tab has clicked into its place 6. Plugin the processor. Use speed level between 4-6. 7._ Insert the food pusher into the feeder tube during the operation. 8. Allow it to run for 10 to 15 seconds or til desired consistency is achieved. 9, Stop the processor, tum the lid clockwise & remove it from its place, 10, Remove the chopping blade & then the chopped vegetables from the processor bow! Notes: ¢ Forbest chopping results use the double chopping blade. © CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling, Pureeing Operation: (omatoetc,) ‘STEPS Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl. Insert the chopping blade onto the processing spindle. Cutpieces of boiled tomato, Fillthe processor bowl with cut pieces of bailed tomatos. Holding the processor bowllid by the feeder Lube, align (a) marking ‘on the processor lid with (a) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise tillthe protruding lid tab has clicked into place Plugin the processor. Use speed|evel between 4-6. 7. Insertthe food pusher into the feeder tube during the operation. 8. Allow it to run for 30 to 40 seconds or till desired consistency is achieved. 9. Stopthe processor, turnthe lid clockwise & remove itfromits place. 10. Remove the chopping blade & then the tomato puree from the processor bowl & store ina container. Notes CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handing. 10 Mincing Operation: STEPS Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl, Insert the chopping blade onto the processing spindle, Cutpieces of raw\ cooked meat into about 1 inch size, Fillthe processor bowlwith cut pieces of meat Holding the processor bowl lid by the feeder tube, align (4) marking on the processor lid with (4) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise tlle protruding lid tab has clicked into place. Plugin the processor. Use speed level between 4-6 7. Insertthe food pusher into the feeder tube during the operation. 8. Allow it to run for 30 to 40 seconds or till desired consistency is achieved, 9. Stopthe processor, turn the lid clockwise & remove itfrom its place. 10. Turn clockwise to unlock the processor bowl & it 11. Remove the chopping blade & then the minced meat from the processor bow. Notes * Forbestmincing results use the double chopping blades, * CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling " Slicing Operation: . (Cucumber, carrot, potato, radish, onion, raw banana, tomato, etc.) ‘STEPS 1. Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl. 2, Take the slicer blade & keep the slicer side off the blade facing upwards, Assemble the blade onto the blade holder. 3. Place the blade assembly onto the processor spindle. 4, Holding the processor bowl lid by the feeder tube, align (a) marking on the processor lid with (4) marking on the top of processor bow! & rotate anticlockwise tithe protruding lid tab has clicked into place. 5. Pluginthe processor. Use speed level between 4-6. 6. Insertthe vegetable in the feeder tube. Insert food pusher into the feeder tube & apply gentle pressure. 7. Theslices willbe collected in the processor bow! 8 Stop the processor, tum the lid clockwise & remove't omits place. 9. Remove the blade assembly. Notes * Consists of 2 Slicing blades -thick & thin slicing + Itisnormal for small lumps to remain. * CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling, 12 Fig- 6 Shredding Operatior . (Cucumber, Carrot, Radish, Potato, Cabbage, Cheese, etc.) ‘STEPS 1. Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl. 2, Take the shredder blade & keep shredder side of the blade facing upwards and assumable the blade onto the blade holder, 3. Place the blade assembly onto the processor spindle. 4, Holding the processor bowl lid by the feeder tube, align (4) marking on the processor lid with (.) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise tillthe protruding lid tab has clicked into place. 5. Pluginthe processor. Use speedlevel between 4-6. 6. Insert the vegetable in the feeder tube. Insert food pusher into the feeder tube & apply gentle pressure. 7. The shredded food will be collected in the processor bowl 8. Stop the processor, turn the lid clockwise & remaveiit from its place. 9. Turn clockwise to unlock the processor bow! & lit 10. Remove the blade assembly & then the shredded food from the processor bow Notes * Consists of 2 Shredding blades - thick & thin slicing. * Itisnormal or small lumps to remain * Caution: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling, 13 Fig- 6 French fries Operation: (Potatao) ‘STEPS 1. Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl. 2. Insert the blade assembly onto the processor spindle. 3. Holding the processor bow! id by the feeder tube, align (a) marking on the processorlid with (a) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise tillthe protruding lid tab has clickediinto place. 4, Plugin the processor. Use speed level between 4-6. Insert potato in the feeder tube. Insert food pusher into the feeder tube & apply gentle pressure. The potato chips willbe collected in the processor bow. Stop the processor, tum the lid clockwise & removeit from its place. Tum clockwise to unlock the processor bow! & lit Remove the blade assembly & then the potato chips from the processor bowl Notes * Itisnormal or small lumps to remain * CAUTION: The stainless stee! blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling. 14 Fig- 6 Grating blade: (Shredding of coconut) STEPS 1, Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl 2. Insert the blade in the blade holder stem. 3. Insert the blade assembly onto the processor spindle, 4, Holding the processor bow! lid by the feeder tube, align (a) marking ‘on the processor lid with (a) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise til the protruding lid tab has clicked into place, 5. Plugin the processor, Use speed level between 4 - 6. 6. _ Insert coconut pieces in the feeder tube. Insert food pusher into the feeder tube & apply gentle pressure 7. The shredded coconut will be collected in the processor bowl. 8. Stop the processor, tum the lid clockwise & remove it from its place 9. Tum clockwise to unlock the processor bow! & lift, 10, Remove the blade assembly & then the shredded coconut from the processor bowl. Notes: * tis normal for small lumps to remain. ‘+ CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling, 16 Fig- 6) Whisking Blade: . Whisking Eggs, Cream, Mayonnaise, Butter Milk, etc. ‘STEPS 1. Follow the first 4 steps of kneading operation to fit the processor bowl. 2, Place whisking blade over the processor spindle. 3. Pourthe ingredients into the processor bow! 4 Holding the processor bowl lid by the feeder tube, align (a) marking on the processor lid with (a) marking on the top of processor bow! & rotate anticlockwise tlhe protruding lid tab has clicked into place Insertthe food pusher into the feeder tube. Plugin he processor. Use pulse option for whisking Stop the processor, tum the lid clockwise & remove it from its place. ‘Turn clockwise to unlock the processor bowl & It Remove the whisking blade & pour out / remove the processed contents into a suitable container. Notes The food processor will not operate unless the safety cover is fitted in its place & the processor dis locked, 16 Citrus Juicer: Extract juice from Sweet lime, oranges etc. ‘STEPS 1, Ensure that the processor is unplugged from the power supply. 2, Insert the safely cover into the processor body, aligning marking (4) onthe safety cover with (a) marking on the processor body. 3. Tum the safety cover in the anticlockwise direction firmly untilit clicks into place. ted Note: The food processor will nt operate unless the safety cover is inits place. 4, Place the citrus press bowl on the citrus stem in such a way that the protruding tab is on the opposite side & rotate itn the anticlockwise itection til the ab clicks into place Place the citus cone onto the central pin of the citrus press bow. Pluginthe processor. Use speedilevel 1 Place half cut sweet limes on citrus cone & hold with cupped hand. Run the processor at speed one (A) only ‘The juice will be collected in the processor bowl 10. The seeds & the pulp will accumulate in the citrus bowl 11. Remove the seeds & pulp as & when it gets filed. 12, To remove the juice, stop the processor, remove the cone, then remove the citrus press bowl by rotating itin the clockwise direction 13. Tum clockwise to unlock the processor bow &lift. 14, Store juice inacontainer. Notes * Always operate the juicer at minimum speed. * Pulpand seeds must be removed before it starts over spilling, empty the pulp regularly 7 Centrifugal Juicer: Extract uice from Appies, Pineappies and Carrots” STEPS 4. Ensure that the processors unplugged from the power supply. 2. Insert the safety cover into the processor body, aligning marking (a) on the safety cover with (4) marking on the processor body. ( Fig. 1) 3. Tum the safety cover in the anticlockwise direction firmly until it clicks into place. Note: The food processor will not operate unless the safety coveris fitted in its place 4. Lockthe juicer mesh into the juice extractor bow! 5, Place the juice extractor bow! along with juice extractor mesh over the processor spindle. 6. Holding the juicer lid by the feeder tube, align (4) marking on the juicer lid with (a) marking on the top of processor bow! & rotate anticlockwise till the protruding lid tab has clicked into place. 7. Pluginthe processor. Use speed level 5 to 6 or MAX. 8. Feed cut pieces of apple or any other fruit through the feeder tube. 9. Use the juicer pusher to push & press he pieces. 10. The juice willbe colectedin he processor bowl. 11. The pulp will accumulate in the juicer mesh. 12. Ifthe juice extractor mesh\bowl gets clogged during operation, switch off the process & remove the pulp from it. 13. Toremove the juice, stop the processor & turn clockwise the juicer lid & remove the ld 14, Turn clockwise to unlock the processor bow & lit. 15. Remove the juice extractor bow! along with juice extractor mesh and then the juice from the processor bowl storeiit in a container. Notes: * Pulp must be removed before it starts over spilling, empty the pulp regularly * Whenever the juicing operation is stopped, ensure to empty the pulp before restarting * CAUTION: The juicer mesh should be put properly. 18 Dy Has 1 SS) Faz Ory Grinding: Spices, Pulses; Groundinut! Red Chili, Sugar ete STEPS 4. Ensure that the processors unplugged from the power supply. 2. Remove the safety cover from the processor body by turning it in clockwise direction. 3. Holding the processor bowl lid by the feeder tube, align (a) marking ‘onthe processor lid with (a) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise till the protruding lid tab has clicked into place. Insert food pusher into the feeder tube. Ensure no processing blades; discs are fitted to the processor. Place the dry grinder container in place. Place the ingredients tobe groundin the jr. Place the lid on the jar rotate to lock lockwise, Plug in the processor. Stop the processor. Remove the ingredients from the jar, use spatula if required. Notes: * The grinder jar will not operate unless the processor Bowls fitted in its place and the processor lidis locked * CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme care while handling, * Avoidusage of wet ingredients to avoid leakage & spillages, 19 Liquidizing / Blending / Mixing: (Mango / Strawberry (fruits) mik shakes, Butter mik, Cocktails, Cold Coffee etc.) STEPS 1. Ensure that the processors unplugged from the power supply. 2, Remove the safety cover trom the processor body by turning it in clockwise direction. 3. Holding the processor bow lid by the feeder tube, align (4) marking onthe processor lid with (4) marking on the top of processor bowl & rotate anticlockwise till the protruding lid tab has clicked into place. Insert food pusher into the feeder tube. Ensure no processing blades; discs are fitted to the processor. 4. Place the liquidizer jar into its location on the processor body; align marking (a) on the jar base with (4) marking on the processor body & turn anticlockwise untilthe liquidizerjarlocksin place 5. Placethe ingredients tobe liquidized / blended mixed in the jat. 6. Place the lidwith cap on the jar rotate ittolock in place. 7. Remove the ingredients from the jar, use spatula ifrequired. Notes * The liquidizer jar will not operate unless the processor bowlis fitted in its place & the processor lid is locked and also when jar id is locked inplace * CAUTION: The stainless steel blades are very sharp, take extreme: carewhilehandling 20 Fig. 3| Technical Data: Power Supply Wattage Trouble shootin 230, 50 Hz 1000 Watts Problem Cause Corrective action The processor does not star. The performance ‘snot satisfactory Processor generates abnormal noise No power supply. Tripped due to over load. The safety cover is not fitted property in its place. Processor bowl lid cover / luice extractor lid cover / citrus press bow! nat fited property in its place. Overloading Size of ingredients to be processed is not proper. Wrong jar / blade used. Ensure power supply. Switch off the supply. wait for minutes for motor to cool down. Your unit will be ready to operate soon. Ifit still does not operate, contact the nearest Morphy Richards service center. Fit the safety cover property in its place. Fit the processor bow! id cover / juice extractor lid cover / citrus press bow! not fitted properly inits place, Fill the processor bow! or jars with the quantities as suggested in processing table. Cut / break the ingredients to be ground into appropriate size. Ensure that the jar / blade used is as specified in the processing table. at Morphy Richards products are intended for household use only ‘Morphy Richards has a policy of continuous improvement in product quality and design. The Company, therefore, reserves the right to change the ‘specification of its models at any time. Products & parts are indicative only, the actual product may differ. Ci atolre a tre alolcor) Morphy Richards Ltd, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, England, S64 8AJ

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