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Beirut Arab University Civil Engineering Dept.

Faculty of Engineering

Fall, 2013 - 2014

CVLE 321 Construction Materials Aggregate for concrete

Assignment No. 1
Question No. 1:
a- Classify coarse aggregate according to their moisture conditions
b- Explain the terms: 1- Bulking of sand. 2- flakiness of aggregate. Soundness of aggregate.
c- Explain why using sand only or coarse aggregate only as a concrete aggregate may result in a
low strength concrete? Draw and discuss:
1. The relationship between the Maximum nominal Size of aggregate (on the horizontal axis) and
Cement content (on the vertical axis).
2. The relationship between the Maximum nominal Size of aggregate (on the horizontal axis) and
water content (on the vertical axis)
d- Classify coarse aggregates according to their particle shape. How can you express Elongated
aggregate? Mention its effect on concrete properties.
e- Explain the effect of surface area of aggregate on compressive strength of concrete.

Question No. 2:
It is required to deliver 5000 m3 of the all-in aggregate. The sieve analysis of the used sand, coarse
aggregate, and specification limits of the all-in aggregate are given in the following table. The unit
weights of coarse aggregate, sand, and all-in aggregate are 1.70, 1.75 and 1.78 t/m3. The costs of
1.0 m3 of coarse aggregate and sand are 80 and 40 pounds, respectively. Calculate:
1- The mixing ratio of sand to coarse aggregate to obtain the desired all-in aggregate.
2- The amount and costs of sand and gravel.
Sieve size 1" 3/4" 3/8" 3/16" 7 14 25 52 100
coarse aggregate (gm) 400 3200 9400 6000 1000 - - - -
% Passing of sand 100 100 100 96 92 80 70 30 5
All-in aggregate,
Specifications' Limits 95-100 75-95 40-70 20-50 - - 3-30 - 0-5
(% passing)

Question No. 3:
The sieve analysis of a type of aggregate is given in the following table:
Sieve 3/2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" 3/16" 7 14 25 52 100 Pan
Retained weight, 0 0 0 20 60 320 680 1000 1360 500 60
1- Calculate the modulus of fineness and nominal maximum size of aggregate.
2- Draw the grading curve of the aggregate.
3- What is the type of this aggregate?

CVLE 321 Course File

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