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Dissolved Gas Analysis Technique for

Incipient Fault Diagnosis in Power
Transformers: A Bibliographic Survey
Key words: dissolved gas analysis (DGA), power transformer, fault diagnosis, total dissolved com-
bustible gases (TDCG)

Introduction Sukhbir Singh and M. N. Bandyopadhyay

Transformers are one of the most important and complex Electrical Engineering Department,
components of electricity transmission and distribution. To have
a reliable electricity supply, it is necessary to give considerable
National Institute of Technology,
attention to the maintenance of transformers. To maximize the Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
lifetime and efficacy of transformers, it is important to be aware
of possible faults that may occur and to know how to prevent
them. These faults can all lead to the thermal degradation of the This article presents a bibliographic
oil and paper insulation in the transformer. The composition and
quantity of the gases generated depend on the types and severity survey over the last 40 years on the
of the faults, and regular monitoring and maintenance can make research and development and on
it possible to detect incipient flaws before damage occurs.
The four main types of transformer faults are
the procedures for evaluating faults
by dissolved gas analysis of power
• Arcing, or high current breakdown; transformers.
• Low energy sparking, or partial discharges;
• Localized overheating, or hot spots; and
• General overheating due to inadequate cooling or sus-
tained overloading.
nature and intensity of the fault. Different gases can serve as
The regular monitoring of dissolved gases can provide use-
markers for different types of faults.
ful information about the condition of the transformer and prior
information of the faults. Monitoring can best be done by ob-
• Large quantities of hydrogen and acetylene (C2H2) can
serving the trend of the production of the various gases. The
indicate heavy current arcing. Oxides of carbon may
relative distribution of the gases is used to evaluate the origin of
also be found if the arcing involves paper insulation.
the production of these gases, and the rate at which the gases are
• The presence of hydrogen and lower-order hydrocar-
formed can be used to assess the intensity of the fault. Together,
bons can be a sign of partial discharge.
these kinds of information provide the necessary basis for the
• Significant amounts of methane and ethane may mean
evaluation of any fault and the necessary remedial actions.
localized heating or hot spots.
One way to detect these faults is by evaluating the quantities
• Carbon monoxide and CO2 may evolve if the paper in-
of hydrocarbon gases, hydrogen and oxides of carbon that are
sulation overheats, which can be a result of prolonged
present in the transformer. Gases produced inside the transform-
overloading or impaired heat transfer.
er remain in the insulating oil in a dissolved state, but sometimes
To locate faults in use, the following techniques can be used:
transformer faults lead to degradation of the insulating oil. The
types and quantity of hydrocarbon gases formed depend on the
• Buchholz relay safety device,

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• Dissolved gas analysis (DGA), and [113], [114], one can see the relative amounts of gas produced
• Tests to detect oil contaminants and oil quality. as a function of temperature. Hydrogen and methane begin to
form in small amounts at around 150°C, whereas ethane (C2H6)
In more than four decades many off-line and on-line monitor- begins to be produced at about 250°C and ethylene (C2H4) is
ing devices have been developed. These evaluations are easily produced at about 350°C. Acetylene (C2H2) production starts
done manually or automatically with software. However, chemi- between 500 and 700°C. In the past, trace amounts of acety-
cal analysis by gas chromatography remains the backbone of lene (C2H2) was considered to be an indication of a temperature
DGA. The results so obtained are interpreted based on key gas of at least 700°C; however, recent work has led to the conclu-
methods. Presented in this article is a thorough literature sur- sion that a thermal fault (hot spot) of 500°C can produce a few
vey of the research and development work done over the last 40 parts per million of the gas. Larger amounts of acetylene can
years on the procedures for the evaluation of faults through the only be produced above 700°C by internal arcing. Notice that
use of DGA of power transformers. between 200 and 300°C, the production of methane exceeds hy-
drogen. Starting at about 275°C and on up, the production of
DGA ethane exceeds methane. At about 450°C, hydrogen production
Dissolved gas analysis is a test used as a diagnostic and main- exceeds all others until about 750 to 800°C; then more acetylene
tenance tool for oil-filled apparatus. Under normal conditions, is produced. It should be noted that small amounts of H2, CH4,
the dielectric fluid present in a transformer will not decompose and CO are produced by normal aging. Thermal decomposition
at a rapid rate. However, thermal and electrical faults can ac- of oil-impregnated cellulose produces CO, CO2, H2, CH4, and
celerate the decomposition of the dielectric fluid, as well as the O2. Decomposition of cellulose insulation begins at only about
solid insulation. Gases produced by this process are all of low 100°C or less.
molecular weight and include hydrogen, methane, ethane, acet- Therefore, operation of transformers at no more than 90°C is
ylene, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, and these gases imperative. Faults will produce internal hot spots of far higher
will dissolve in the dielectric fluid. Abnormal conditions within temperatures than these, and the resultant gases show up in the
a transformer can be detected early by analyzing the gases that DGA.
accumulate within it. Analyzing the specific proportions of each Dissolved gas analysis has become a popular preventative
gas is helpful in identifying faults. Faults detected in this way maintenance technique and has been successfully used for many
may include processes such as corona, sparking, overheating, years. The supported diagnostic methods for transformer DGA
and arcing. If the right countermeasures are taken early in the include the Duval triangle method and the Rogers, Doernenburg,
detection of these gases, damage to equipment can be mini-
Although various techniques are available for maintenance
and fault diagnosis in power transformers, DGA is by far supe-
rior to all other methods because it provides very useful data on
the electrical and thermal abnormalities within transformers in
operation. Most of the faults of a transformer can easily be in-
terpreted [1]–[3] by DGA from the collected oil sample, and the
sampling methods that are commonly used include

• Doble Reference Book on Insulating Liquids and Gas-

• ASTM D 923: Standard Practice for Sampling Electri-
cal Insulating Liquids,
• ASTM D 3613: Standard Practice for Sampling Elec-
trical Insulating Oils for Gas Analysis and Determina-
tion of Water Content,
• IEC 60475: Method of Sampling Liquid Dielectrics,
• IEC 60567: Guide for the Sampling of Gases and of
Oil from Oil-Filled Electrical Equipment and for the
Analysis of Free and Dissolved Gases, and
• IS: 1866 (2000)—Code of Practice for Electrical Main-
tenance and Supervision of Mineral Insulating Oil in
Equipment (3rd revision).

Total Dissolved Combustible Gas (TDCG)

Gases inside an oil-filled power transformer begin forming at
specific temperatures. From the gas generation chart in Figure 1
Figure 1. Gas generation chart [113], [114].

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Table 1. Permissible Concentration of Dissolved Gases in Oil References
With Time of Operation of a Healthy Transformer (mL/L).
Between 1975 and 2009
Gas <4 years <10 years >10 years [1] IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed
Transformers, IEEE Standard C57-104TM -2008, Sep. 2008.
CH4 70 150 300 [2] Mineral Oil Impregnated Equipments in Service—Guide to the Inter-
pretation of Dissolved and Free Gases Analysis, IEC Publication 60599,
C2H4 150 200 400 Mar. 1999.
[3] Indian Standard Method of Evaluating the Analysis of Gases in Oil-Filled
C2H6 50 150 1,000 Electrical Equipment in Service (first revision), IS 10593: 1992 (reaf-
firmed 2006) and IS 9434: (1992), 1995.
C2H2 30 50 150 [4] Procedure for Obtaining Samples of Gases and Oil From the Transformer
for Laboratory Analysis, ASTM D 923—Gas Dissolved in Oil; and
H2 150 300 300
Standard Specification for Mineral Insulating Oil Used in Electrical Ap-
CO 300 500 700 paratus, ASTM D 3487.
[5] Laboratory Methods for Analyzing the Gas Blanket and the Gases
CO2 3,500 5,000 12,000 Extracted From Oil, ASTM D 2945-90(2003) e2—Determination of Total
Dissolved Gases.
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November/December — Vol. 26, No. 6 45

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oil-dissolved hydrogen gas detector for diagnosis of transformers,” IEEE Sukhbir Singh received his bachelor’s de-
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[104] M. Duval, “Dissolved gas analysis: It can save your transformer,” IEEE
Electr. Insul. Mag., vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 22–27, 1989. Master of Engineering from Delhi College
[105] M. Duval, F. Langdeau, P. Gervais, and G. Belanger, “Influence of paper of Engineering, Delhi, India, in 1993. He
insulation on acceptable gas-in-oil levels in transformers,” in Annual is a research scholar pursuing a PhD at
Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, NIT Kurukshetra, India, since 2006. Since
Nov. 1989, pp. 358–362.
[106] S. Palmer, “Detection of faults in new and old transformers by dissolved- 1993, he has been teaching in India and
gas analysis,” Power Eng. J., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 52–54, 1988. abroad. He also has an interest in fuzzy and
[107] R. R. Roger, “IEEE and IEC codes to interpret incipient faults in trans- neuro logic systems.
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Filled Electrical Equipment in Service, IEC Publication 599, 1978.
[109] B. Fallou, “Detection of and research for the characteristics of an incipi- M. N. Bandyopadhyay received his PhD
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Electra, no. 42, pp. 31–52, 1975.
[110] Q. Su, “A fuzzy logic tool for transformer fault diagnosis,” in Proceed- dia, in 1976. He has more than 40 years of
ings of the International Conference on Power Systems and Technology, experience in industry, research, and teach-
vol. 1, Dec. 2000, pp. 265–268. ing. He has visited various countries, pre-
[111] Y.-C. Huang, H.-T. Yang, and C.-L. Huang, “Design of robust trans- senting his research papers as well as on
former fault diagnosis system using evolutionary fuzzy logic,” in IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ‘Connecting the other assignments. He has authored many
World’, vol. 1, May 1996, pp. 613–616. books in the disciplines of electrical and
[112] H. Kan and T. Miyamoto, “Proposals for an improvement in transformer electronics engineering. He has received
diagnosis using dissolved gas analysis (DGA),” IEEE Electr. Insul. Mag., prizes and prestigious awards for his work,
vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 15–21, 1995.
[113] Transformer Lecture, “The Transformer and its Maintenance,” Kim for example, the Socrates International Award for his contribu-
Kjnar, March 2005. Available: tions. His present research areas are transformer diagnostics and
[114] Case study on dissolved gas analysis in transformer by NDPL India. noise analysis on machines using digital signal processing.

46 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

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