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 fond, proud, ashamed, jealous, envious  Good/ bad/brilliant/ better/ hopeless/skilled

 suspicious, critical, tolerant  Wink /laugh/smile /glad AT
 afraid, frightened, terrified, scared,/panic
 blind /deaf
 aware/ conscious/cautious/vigilant
 Married/ engaged/true /cling/stick /adhere
 capable/ incapable  Similar/kind /blind
 full,/short  lead /attraction /attentive
 typical  injurious/detrimental
 tired/ sick,/certain,/sure  dedicated/devoted/introduce /conducive
/beneficial To
 independent
 key /subject/obedient /object /open
 proud
 reply/respond
 deprived/ devoid
 join /tie/bind/fix/stick
 worthy
 Consist */dream
 Remedy/cure/relief

 different**/separate/absent*/aloof*/ free/apart/detach  dependent*/dependent /keen/rely

 suffer */result * From On

 crowded/burdened/abound*  Famous*/renowned/noted
 covered  Responsible
 Endowed* /beset  Thirst /wish / aspire/vote/desire*
 Fight*/quarrel/cope */annoyed/angry/disrobed /crave/long/look */seek
/exhausted With  Fit* /suitable/ essential /necessary /useful For
 Concerned * /eligible /need (in need of)
 Popular/acquainted  Dangerous*
 Satisfied*/content *  Ambition(ambitious of)/taste /demand
 Supply /provide *

 Polluted*  hanker */run/chase

 accompanied /  look*
 abide* By After

 result */consist */inherent

 delighted*/rejoice/ecstasy /pride*
 expert /proficient /acute* In
 abide / live /absorbed/engrossed

Abide by (rule) /with(stay) /in (place)

Play at (play)/on(flute)/with(fire)
Abound with /in
Agree with(person)/to(proposal)/on(point)
die of(disease)/by(suicide)/for(purpose)/from(reason)
busy at(desk)/with /about(nothing)
Live in (place)/on(food)/for(purpose)/by(profession)
Trust to(rely)/with(believe)/in (Allah)
confine(bed) to/in(others)
Appear in/to(seem)/before(arrive)
Attend to(go)/at(arrive)/on(serve)
burst into(tear)/out(joy)
dull of (sick)/at(inexpert)
avenge/revenge on / for
Account/answer /apologize /apply/appeal to(someone/for(something)
Provide with /to
Phrases: Take care of /Fall a victim to/in need of /Because of / in search of / due to /make fun of / on the bank /full to the brim/make up
mind/in brief / in fine /all on a sudden/near at hand / in spite of/

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