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Ashwini Nakshatra

© Sarajit Poddar, SJC Singapore (2006)

© Sarajit Poddar, SJC Singapore (2006)


A swini nakshatra is the first nakshatra in the zodiac and is situated in the beginning of the sign Aries spanning
from 0deg to 13deg 20min Aries. Every entity in the universe is temporal and has to pass through the process
of creation, sustenance and dissolution. The zodiac from beginning from Aries to Pisces symbolises this
 process of evolution and final dissolution. The first set of nine nakshatras among 27 governs the process of creation,
Ashwini being the first of them is full of creative impulses. This creative force of the nakshatra manifest in strong
creative drive in the native of this nakshatra.

Mythologically the nakshatra is ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras, the divine physicians named Dashra and Nasatya. Being
divine physicians they are adept in healing, medicine, counselling and all other allied disciplines. They are born from the
union of Surya (the Sun) and wife Sanjana, while she was in a hermitage doing penance in the form of horse. Hence the
name Ashwini which means, born from a female horse. This makes them adept in horse riding, in many kinds of sports
and any activities which require a lot of energy. Being taken birth from Sun, the divine time keeper and protector of righteousness, they are by
nature righteous, spiritual and philosophical. The names of the Ashwini Kumaras, Dashra and Nastya imply bringing help and truthfulness
respectively and hence the natives of this nakshatra are philanthropic and truthful.

Due to their propensity to jump into any kinds of activities, they may be called as hyperactive. Many times, it displays their qualities of
initiative, however, at many times it results in failures due to jumping into something without prior evaluation of pros and cons of their action.
They are ambitious and has a strong drive to create something on their own such a new thought, attitude, ideology or mundane things like
 business, enterprise etc. Horse
Horse are characterised by nervousness,
nervousness, fidget and always prepared
prepared to run and so does the
the Ashwinis.

Astronomically they are two stars, Apha Arietes (Hamal) and Beta-Arietes (Sheratan) which forms a horse head on the sky.

Characteristics Description
  Astronomical position:  Beta Arietis- 3 starts resembling a Horse Face

  Meaning: The Twin Horsemen

 Star of:  Healing
 Symbol :  Horse head
 Deity :  Aswini Kumar
 Gender :  Male
 Quality: Light
 Guna :  Rajas> Rajas> Rajas

 Articles
o Conveyance
o Horse
o Profession
o Dealing with horses and horse riding
o Working in Army
o Hunting
o Physician
o  Nursing
o Trading
o Astrology & Counselling
o Poetry & artistic pursuits

 Body Parts
o Knee and Top portion of feet

Key Characteristics
  Ayana :  Dharma
 Gana :  Deva
Ashwini Nakshatra
© Sarajit Poddar, SJC Singapore (2006)

 Yoni : Horse
  Varna :  Brahmin
  Nadi :  Vata
 Rajju :  Pada
 Gotra :  Marichi
  Vihanga: Bharandhaka

चु चे चो ला 
cu ce co lā

Key words
 Stubborn
 Serving, Sacrificing & Social
 Humble & Truthful
 Jovial & Contented
 Active, Enterprising & Ambitious
 Clean & Organised
 Learned & knowledgeable
 Spiritual & god fearing
 Philosophical

Famous personalities
 Celine Dion
 Pamela Anderson Lee

Nakshatra mantra
।ॐ िअना त  ेजसा चकुः  पाणेन सरती ीयम् ाचेदो बलेदाय िधुिरदयम्॥
|om asvinā tejasā cakṣuḥ prāṇena sarasvatī vīryam vācendro balendrāya

।ॐ िअिन
  ुम  ारभय नमः॥
|om aśvinikumārabhyāṁ namaḥ||

The person born in Ashwini Nakshatra will be scholarly, steady, expert, faithful to duties and an important
 personage in his family. He will have self-respect and eat little. He will enjoy a high degree of respect and be of
medium stature. (Hora Sara)

Effect of Padas
Following are the effect of the nakshatra on the nature of people born in different pada of the nakshatra
 1st pada
o Daring
o Attracted towards fire
o Frugal
o Passionate
 2nd pada
o Religious
o Jovial
o Money minded
 3rd pada
o Learned & knowledgeable
Ashwini Nakshatra
© Sarajit Poddar, SJC Singapore (2006)

o Loves eating
o Materialistic
o Restless
o Logical & Argumentative
o Adventurous
 4th pada
o God fearing
o Religious
o Loves women’s company
o Characteristics
o Male Natives
Ashwini Nakshatra
© Sarajit Poddar, SJC Singapore (2006)

 There is high possibility of their having more girl child than male child.

 Even though her health will generally be good she will suffer mostly due to anxiety.

 She shall be susceptible to fire hazards and hence should be extremely cautious while handling items
related to fire. In the modern context this can also translate to motor accidents also.

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