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Write about an arnusernent park that you have visited.

I remember that I was in Form 3 when I heard the much eagerly

anticipated news. We were going to Genting Highlands! My sister and I had
heard so much about the Theme Park there that we were raring to go and try
out its rides.
We arrived there after a long and tiring coach journey. Wisps of clouds
were scudding nearby only metres above our heads. After enjoying the free
buffet lunch, we had much energy to expend. My sister had retrieved a sketch
plan of the amusement complex — it had two sections: indoor and outdoor. We
decided to explore the outdoor rides first, while there was daylight and the
weather was fine. Firstly, we had to consider the question of financing our
quest to experience the pleasures of the park. After much cajoling, we
managed to wheedle RM250 from our parents.
The first thing we headed for was the gigantic Rollercoaster. We had
seen it rising like a gigantic steel super structure as our coach inched up the
mountain passes. However, as we neared the structure, we spied a notice. It
announced, much to our disappointment, that the rollercoaster was closed for
Noticing just a slight queue, we made a dash for the choo-choo train ride.
"So childish!" My sis scorned. However, its path went round the outdoor park
and we could have an overview of the fair's rides. Having made a round of the
park, we headed for our desired. The outdoor lake had only a smattering of
paddle boats. As the sky was overcast and the pond water had a dirty slimy-
green appearance, we decided to give it a miss. Instead, we decided to try the
"Giant Octopus". This was a contraption which had box-like seats at the end of
its tentacle-like arms. We got ourselves securely strapped. Then, without
warning, we felt ourselves lifted by its arms to a height of about ten metres. We
had a view of a fair number of the park's rides, including the dark, bobbing
heads of the jostling crowd below. Then we were swinging round. Just as I was
feeling dizzy, the Octopus let out a "sigh" and suddenly deposited us at ground
My sis and I had enough of being passive participants. We had a go at
trying our luck at some game stalls. After garnering a few miserable packets of
crackers, we decided that our money would be better spent on the Bumper
Cars. What a time we had! We had a go at ramming our own and other cars
silly. Having emerged from these vehicles feeling slightly dizzy and winded, we
decided to take a break. It was a relief to slake our thirst with icy cold cola
Next, we visited the indoor section. This was within the hotel complex. We
nearly got lost moving about the numerous passageways. When we finally
found the place, a noise like a roaring waterfall hit us. Scores of arcade
machines were being operated by eager young people. Amid the flashing lights
and electronic sounds, we made our way to a queue forming beside the
entrance to a room. The sign outside proclaimed "Journey to the Stars — Have
a thrilling space experience you will never forget." After a half-hour wait, our
patience was wearing thin and our nerves were being frazzled by the noisy din.
Suddenly, I spotted the entrance price. It was RM15 and not RM5 as I had
thought. My sister scolded me for my carelessness. Making mental
calculations, we decided that the money would be better spent on a pizza meal
at the nearest pizza outlet.
There and then, we broke out from the queue and headed back to Mum
and Dad who were waiting for us outside the park. Thus ended our visit which
was thoroughly enjoyable.
1. raring: eager 8. proclaimed: announced
2. scudding: flying 9. frazzled: exhausted
3. cajoling: persuading 10. din: noise
4. wheedle: coax
5. smattering: bit
6. contraption: device
7. slake: quench

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