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Directions: Please select one number from ion lee lect one nebo om te pny ow foreach inter pertrmance neste ewig competency domalns that best characterize the [NUMBER OPTIONS: '5 = Exemplary/Disinglshed ~The Stdent Teacher/ltern Teacher demonstrates characteristics well beyond that expected of nove teacher inthis ares, ‘4 Proflcent ~The student Teache/Intern Teacher demonstrates above average competency In ths are. ‘3 Bmerglng The Student Teache/Inter Teacher demonstrates average competency in M8 re. 2= Noods Improvement~ The Stdeat Teacher/ltere Teacher demonstrate below average competency In thls are ‘1s Unsatisfactory ~The student Teacher/inern Teacher dos ot meet expecttionsinthisared. N/A=Not applicable, Student Teacher's Name: Lo: 2tD Evaluator's Name: Wd a K LEO 4-S Yi Zh, ‘A. Planning and Preparation - Student teacher/intern teacher demonstrates thorough knowledge Ofeontentand ‘pedagogical skils in planning and preparation. CT inks curcilar content to research-based teaching “EE Develops dette, short-range eson plans and concise, longange plans. Fesnstacts esto plans toagn with PA Prex-12 Academic and Common Core tangs. Plans developmentally appropiate lessons responsive to al students. -////// eal 11 eee propre sources teil technology and ats to egpge tadens mening ening Fare ring form of formative and summative assessments for planing purposes. tty ypuplidcla, Na ip Mth / yy & LOGE * tip Yun deghto Wilh. wv ag Ss li? Lhe Well poe phe dU PY LER YS p+ Me MEA Mt ibe” fart the ‘bup held ( Discon: ese sleton umber rom the option ‘wales ofthe Staten Teacher uneryearsapanineee NUMBER OPTIONS; cstoro performance across the following competency domalns that best characterize the § Repay tinted Th Sede Toni xr ons carr wl ed nec ave hrm ae Pole The ste Teceerr ace toons oer ene se {1st The ston Teacerners Teche dannsratsanenmronpecee ne cs irovament Te Sunt nein Tn eos veo econ se |L-thetutaaoy he sneen fecerfnna Trae socoermerpeaton ot see inchotoniosie 8. Classroom Environment - Student teacher/intern teacher establishes and maintains an equitable environment for learning in which students feel safe, valued, and respected by instituting routines and setting clear expectations for student behavior. {24 Maintains and promotes meaningful, caring and respectful relationships between the teacher, students and among the students TZE ceeates and maintains an environment whl using the csroom resources that supports optimal learingforal students, pv 7, TEE sesses classroom resources, making adaptations and acommedatons to deren namucon. WIZILAL! Zipped YL V4 EE tngages in prouctiv and positive communication with fem and community contact J i 0 AMAL. TZE Understands and implements student ransons and lasroom routines (etrutonal nd noninstructional. LYLE yy Notes Vijllie Milly, Up LW ee ius leet Lit 4 i Wd fu? Direction: Pease select one number from the ‘Qualls ofthe Student Teacher under your NUMBER OPTIONS: ET Esmlary/Distngulshed ~The student Teacher/ntern Teacher demonstrates characteristics well beyond that expected of novice teacher I ths area, |4 = Proficient ~The Student Teacher/Intern Teacher demonstrates above average competeny in is area, |3s Emerging - The Student Teacher/Intern Teacher demonstrates average competency nhisarea 2 = Neods improvement ~The Student Teacher/Intera Teacher demonstrates below average competency thls ares. The Student Teacher/latern Teacher doesnt meet expectation inthis ares, Not Applicable, ) ee /, “sy Mata & OIE ee fp ff Wh dine |

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