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Cuji Carlos


Pañi Jonathan

October 2019.

Salesian Polytechnic University.

Electronic Engineering.
Abstract ii

The following work deals with the hydrocarbon subsidy in Ecuador, as this topic is well known
to have several points of view depending on whether the approach is political, economic and
social. It will detail the pros and cons that these in turn produce in our daily lives. In addition,
some alternatives that could be used to solve this problem will be recommended.

Special assignment
A. students socialize the pros and cons about the latest Social Ecuadorian Crisis

Social Ecuadorian Crisis

Pors Cons
Determination of the main points in Police overload used tear gas and hoses
favour of the Ecuadorian people. against protesters
Repeal of Decree 883 Burning wooden barricades and burning
The country was at peace again 12 days of chaos that Ecuador where they
were lost, days of employment, school
days, etc.
Organization of indigenous peoples to Do not discuss the price of SUPER petrol
reach an agreement with Mr. President.
Eliminating fuel subsidies. Violence between police, military,
indigenous people, people from political
parties and people.
Looking for new solutions to the deep The Ecuadorian press is one of the most
economic and political crisis in which it hated by the equatorial people since they
finds itself. were sold to the best porter, and did not
transmit what was really going on.
Triumph of the Ecuadorian People. If you The national left dead, murders, violence
can. in the streets, animal abuse, disrespect for
the cultural heritages of the equator and
the country.

B. Point the most important for each group

The most important thing would be the Ecuadorian Triumph, to think that some people do not
agree on it, but we must also put ourselves in the shoes of them or them, the carriers and each of
the people who affected this national stoppage or also as there would have affected small
businesses and micro-enterprises in the equator.
C. They will propose possible solutions for the cons founded
I believe that for Ecuador to be a better country we must change or rather take a 360G turn, in
which I want to say that we must change all the assembly members, since it is not fair that there are
people working there in the assembly, with degrees purchased, with master's degrees obtained in
less than 1 year, in change there are people with degrees, with master's degrees, with doctorates etc.
They are earning a salary that may not be right for her, it is not fair that in the assembly there are
unscrupulous people who say "I WIN A SULEDO OF 2 MIL AND DO NOT ADVANCE ME", I
think those people should not be in it an assembly that only thinks by Himself.
I propose that there be people who are in the port that corresponds what I mean is, in the health aria
a doctor, in the law aria a lawyer, in the aria of electricity an electrical engineer, in the aria of
mines an engineer in mines , in the aria of ecosystems an engineer in biotechnology, and so on.
To complete my solution, first of all, there should be a person who can govern Ecuador in the sense
that he can make decisions for it, without having to remember that he belongs to a political party
and I thought that only they should be helped because they are of the same On the side, the Ruler
must focus on the Ecuadorian people on what they need, what they need, what they do not have,
and only then can a good president be able to fight alongside the people and working for the whole
D. Finally, students will relate the Crisis and identify the deontology end Ethical relations
between them. (Kant and Ethics of respect for persons)
Kant's theory is an example of a deontological moral theory: according to these theories, the
correctness or incorrectness of actions does not depend on their consequences, but on whether they
fulfill our duty.
An action can only be good if its maxim (philosophy) obeys the moral law. The moral law is the
categorical imperative, which acts on all people, regardless of their interests or desires as happened
in our country.

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