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Chapter I



A voting system that can be proven correct would reduce many concerns. E-voting is one of
the important services of E-government reducing many concerns. E-government is becoming
popular as it provides government information services to citizens, public offices and
agencies over the network without delay.

The term “E-voting” is widely used term for different purposes in voting process including:

• Electoral process where counting is done through electronic means.

• Electoral process where both counting as well as vote casting is performed through
electronic means.
E-voting is becoming popular as it is easier to transport, store and maintain in comparison
with traditional methods of voting. Moreover, it completely discourages the fake/invalid vote

1.1.1 Traditional Methods and History

Before discussing current and future directions in voting, it is worth surveying what voting
methods have previously been used. One of the oldest and most traditional forms of voting is
to cast a vote using a paper ballot. While paper ballots may seem simple, there are numerous
forms of these ballots and they have undergone tremendous changes. Former versions of
voting by paper ballot have required the voter to write in the candidate’s name and have
allowed political parties to distribute pre-printed ballots. For this latter form of paper ballot,
the only actions required on the part of the voter were to bring this pre-printed ballot to the
polling place and deposit it in a ballot box.

In 1888, Australian ballots were introduced for the first time in the United States. These were
early versions of the current paper ballots. The Australian ballot lists all races and all the
candidates running in these contests. Various forms of the paper ballot have required voters
to scratch out the names of candidates they do not want.
Another form of voting introduced in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century
was the lever machine. Although these machines are no longer being produced, they are still
in use throughout the country. The lever machine has a full-face design; all the races and
choices on the ballot can be seen at one time. Voters indicate their selections by moving a
lever beneath the candidate’s name. When the voter leaves the voting booth, the counters at
the back of the machine increment to record his choices. One criticism of lever machines is
that they only maintain total counts of votes; each individual vote is not recorded, only the
total number of them. This means that recounts can only be performed on a machine-by-
machine basis instead of by counting individual ballots.

Although not originally intended for use in elections, punch card ballots were first seen in
polling places in the 1960’s. Punch card ballots themselves contain no election specific
information; they simply contain an array of numbered positions with perforated outlines or
“chads”. Each voting station contains a booklet with the races and candidates on the ballot.
The voter slips the punch card behind the booklet and uses a stylus to punch out the chads
corresponding to the candidates of their choice.


All countries globally are exploring latest Information and Communication technologies
(ICT) to have better connectivity with their citizens including the involvement in democracy.
In recent years, number of ICT based policies has made electronic governments a global
reality. Now back-end high speed computers have already become as an integral part of
almost all elections. Even in countries where E-voting has not been implemented officially,
back end computer systems are most probably introduced at some stage of the electoral
process, like in ballot counting, voter list generation and so on. Since voter registration
databases are automated, the ballots are cast into computer based machines and results are
computed and transmitted immediately on the day of election. Unsecured back end computers
may be dangerous if electronic voting systems are not designed efficiently and protected
properly. E-voting is today’s demand in this technically sound society where number of
processes are mapped into electronic word and voters have become more and more mobile
and cannot cast their votes always at their home town. There is no question to ask whether we
should go with ICT based electoral process, but rather it’s time to think about the kind of
technology to be used and up to what extent.
The term “E-Voting” is used to describe the voting procedure used for electoral processes
through electronic media and it incorporates all voting mechanism involving electronic
voting material, including voting over the internet, using booths in polling camp and
sometimes counting of paper ballots.

Electronic voting (e-voting) is method of vote casting through electronic means.

Following existing E-voting methods are being used as:

 Kiosk voting understands the use of exclusive voting machines in polling booths or
other controlled locations. Voters mark their choice electronically in place of paper
ballot. The votes are counted on separate machines, known as Direct Recording
Electronic machines, and the votes cast are transferred to the central tallying point by
unidentified means. A ballot paper can be printed and kept in confidence in a ballot
box as a further check.

 Remote electronic voting mechanism is the desired term for voting that takes place
by electronic means from any place. This includes the use of the Internet, text
message, digital TV or touch tone phone.

Internet voting (i-voting) is a particular case of remote electronic voting system, where the
voter votes over the Internet via a web site or voting applet.

1.2.1. Why E-voting?

The main reasons for a government to use electronic elections are:

 To increase election’s activity by facilitating the casting of votes by voters.

 To reduce election and referendum expenses.
 To accelerate vote counting and the delivery of voting results.
 To enable voters to cast their votes from different places, not from only a particular
polling station.
1.2.2. Security properties of E-voting
High security is mandatory in electoral process. Democracy depends on broad trust in the
honesty of elections. There has been a lot of awareness to an electronic voting by
cryptographers. Many scientific investigations have been done in order to obtain security,
privacy, certainty and correctness in electronic voting systems by improving cryptographic
protocols of e-voting systems. Currently, the cryptographic schemes are not the main issue
[29]. The main attraction is the feasible security in e-voting systems. One of the main
attractions is apparently disputing security properties. On one hand, voting must be private
and the votes are to be unidentified and the on other hand; voters must be recognized to
assure that only the eligible voters are able to vote. Therefore, E-voting system needs to be
uniform, secret, secure and authentic. Followings are the most important requirements of E-
 Only authorized and authentic voters to be allowed for vote casting participating in
the computation of the final tally.
 Unauthorized voters are disfranchised.
 One voter – One vote cast policy.
 Secrecy (Confidentiality) of vote
Secured E- Voting must meet the following:
 It should be feasible for auditors to check whether all correct cast ballots involved in
the calculation of the final result.
 This demand says that a group of devoted auditors or Electoral Committee can verify
the correctness of voting.
 The result of an election must be confidential until the end of an election.
 The third party must not be competent to disclose the results of the election and the
system should assured that official votes’ counting office cannot disclose the final
result before the end of voting. The result of voting can affect voters’ selection during
the voting otherwise.
 All correct votes shall be counted correctly and the system outputs the final result.
 It must be possible to repeat the calculation of the final result.
Biometric based recognition is based on the individual features extracted from behavioral and
biological characteristics used to identify a specific person by comparing data from the
biometric reference data. Identification through finger print technique is one of the most
reliable biometric technologies.
a. Advantages of Biometrics
 Highly reliable
 Better security
 Higher efficiency
 Convenient to user
 Difficult to forge or share
 Higher accuracy
b. Why biometrics in E-voting?
As the finger print impression of every person is unique, it helps in maximizing the
accuracy during authentication process. Finger print impression of all voters is captured
through biometrics and stored in the database. Authentication through finger impression
is performed through the automated method in which finger impression is compared with
the database for similarity match. When similarity match condition is satisfied, i.e.
deviation is up to the specified tolerance, the voter is declared as valid voter and is
allowed to cast his/her vote. Finger impression based identification techniques are most
popular as the finger impressions of individual’s are unique and a person’s finger print
never changes its structure after one year of his/her birth.

Biometrics is used widely for identification purposes. This chapter presents an analysis of
various biometric techniques to find out which technique is more reliable for security
enhancement of an electronic voting system.


The term ‘Biometry’ is originally related with biological sciences, but nowadays it’s more
commonly used in Information Technology for electronic authentication of users on the basis
of their physical and behavioral attributes. Biometrics is automated method for recognizing a
person or authenticates a specific person based on a physiological or behavioral attributes that
has the capability to reliably differentiate between an authorized person and an unauthorized
person. Examples of physical attributes are finger prints, face, iris, retina and hand geometry.
Signature, voice and keystroke are the examples of behavioral attributes on the other hand.
Biometrics has better capability and reliability in comparison to traditional knowledge and
token oriented techniques because biometric characteristics are unique in nature and can not
be lost; moreover, a person to be indentified need to be available physically during

Any one biometric technology can not meet the requirements of all applications. All
biometric systems have their own advantages and drawbacks. Selection of appropriate
biometric technology for an application depends on the differential capability of the
technique as per the specified tolerance for the application in use.

Biometrics is most commonly used technique in forensics applications like prison security
and criminal identification. The biometric technology is well accepted in civilian applications
like e-banking, e-commerce and access control. Because of heavy transactions through
electronic means, e-banking and e-commerce are becoming one of the most important
applications of biometrics. With the advancement in biometric technology, the applications
like credit card and smart card security, ATM security, check cashing and fund transfers,
online transactions and web access are increasingly use biometrics for authentication [14].
Biometrics is becoming popular because of the following reasons:

• It is most definitive and real time tool available today.

• It can easily be combined with other tools to have better security.

• Easier to use verification solutions.

• It guarantees to recognize individual person.

• It is based on physical and behavioral features of individuals.

• It is authentic and accurate

• Less expensive.


Biometrics is a general term used to describe either a characteristics or a process. As a

characteristic, it is a measurable anatomical and behavioral feature to be explored for
automatic recognition systems. As a process, it encompasses automated methods to recognize
a person based on biological and behavioral features. During the verification task, biometric
system attempts to confirm the identity of a person by matching a submitted sample to
previously stored templates. In identification process, biometric system searches the entire
database for matching the input biometric pattern. In general, a biometric system consists of
two modules:

• Database preparation module

• Verification module

Database preparation module consists of enrollment module and training module while
verification module is divided into two modules namely matching module and decision

Biometric authentication needs to compare an enrolled biometric template with a fresh

captured biometric sample. Authentication is a three step process, i.e. capturing the image,
process the image and enrolled the image followed by verification or identification process.


3.2.1 Face Recognition

A person can be recognizing by his facial image. In this technique, key feature from the
centre position of a face image are captured with the help of a camera. Key features captured
from centre portion of face do not change over the time. Visible light systems ignore the
superficial features such as face expressions and hair during capturing the image from

Facial images can be modeled by various methods like principal component analysis, neural
networks and multi-resolution analysis. Some face recognition systems don’t allow any kind
of movement during image capture stage, although many systems use a real time process to
locate the face automatically. Major benefits of this technique included the acceptably by
most of the user is described in [46].

A. Advantages

a. Efficient Process
b. High Acceptance
B. Limitations
a. Face change over time
b. Can be manipulated by surgery
c. Cannot distinguish between twins
d. Religious or Cultural inhibitions
e. Poor environment

3.2.2 Voice Recognition

Voice recognition is different from speech recognition. It uses the acoustic features of speech
which is variable among the persons. Application categories of voice recognition system are:
• Fixed Text
• Text Dependent
• Text Independent
• Conversational
Voice verification system mostly uses text-dependent method involving selection of one or
more voice passwords. In case of concern of imposters, text-prompt method is used for voice
verification. Degraded performance may result in a change in behavioural features of voice
and enrollment, if a different telephone has been used for enrollment and confirmation. Voice
changes due to aging need to be approached by recognition systems [17].
A. Advantages
a. Less requirements for users as the separate process for verification is not
b. Less hardware is required
c. Suited to telephone based system for remote identification
d. Client side cost is zero
e. High user acceptance
f. Low training requirement
B. Limitations
 Acoustic features
i. Misread phrases
ii. Misspoken
iii. Variable human voice due to aging and cold etc.
 Can be captured by third party
 Voice and language change over time
 Easy to manipulate
 Low Accuracy
 Poor environment

3.2.3 Iris Recognition

Iris recognition is an analysis of the iris of eyes, which is a colored ring of tissue surrounds
the pupil of eye. It is based on visible features. Digital template is created with the help of
features and their locations. It is considered to one of the safest and accurate biometric
technology as it has the capacity to match one pattern with large set of data successfully with
extremely high speed without compromising with accuracy of match. This system can be
used successfully in presence of eye glasses and contact lenses. This system has been
experimented to work with people from different genetic groups [17].

A. Advantages
a. Uniqueness
b. Robust
c. Highly Distinctive
B. Limitations

a. Complex Processor
b. High Cost
c. Poor environment
d. Relatively new technology
e. Affected with diabetes

3.2.4 Hand and Finger Geometry

These methods were introduced in 90’s and have been proven as well established for
authentication of individuals. These methods are commonly available in two forms:
 Full hand geometry: in this form, system takes an image of complete hand for
 Two finger reader: in this form, system takes an image of two fingers only.
During the feature extraction, system includes length, width and total surface area of hand
when an image of the hand is captured in a camera. Major application areas of hand and
finger geometry are in manual access control in commercial and residential applications, in
attendance systems and in general for authentication of individual’s identity[8].
A. Advantages
i. Small Template
ii. Unaffected by skin condition
B. Limitations
i. Size of Scanner
ii. Injury can affect
iii. Low Distinctiveness

3.2.5 Signature Verification

This method is used to authenticate the identity of a person with thorough analysis of his/her
signature. Feature extraction from signature is done through the measurement of speed, angle,
sound of pen and pressure used by individual during signature creation process. Signature
verification can be done either off-line which is a conventional way or on-line using
electronic device. Basic principle of signature verification focused on the movement of the
pen during signing process rather static image of signature. One focus for this technology has
been e-business applications and other applications where signature is an accepted method of
personal validation [17].
A. Advantages
i. High user acceptance
ii. Low training requirement
B. Limitations
i. Unstable over time
ii. Changes over time
iii. Low distinctiveness

3.2.6 Fingerprints
Recognition with finger print is an extremely useful biometric technology as finger
impressions of the individuals are distinct and have long been recognized as a main and
accurate identification method. Finger print based biometrics is widely used for
authentication and identification of a person.
Authentication: in authentication 1:1 correspondence is established by matching the persons
claimed identity to his/her biometric and one or more other security technologies like
password or PIN.
Identification: in identification 1:many correspondence is established by matching a person
from entire database enrolled.
Fingerprint systems can also be used in identification mode. Several countries check
fingerprints for new persons to social services benefits to ensure beneficiary do not
fraudulently obtain benefits under fake persons [36].
A. Advantages
i. High Reliability
ii. Robust
iii. Highly Distinctive
iv. Proven Accuracy
v. Advanced Technology
vi. User Convenience
vii. Uniqueness
viii. Stable over time
B. Limitations

i. Injury can affect

ii. Dry skin can cause difficulties
iii. Poor environment

Chaum et al (1981) discussed about voting entails a democratic apparatus used to enthrone
democratic leaders and in some quarters it is regarded as one of the most effective methods
for individuals to express their opinions on a given topic.

Nurmi et al (1991) developed two agency protocols. In this two agency protocols, the
electronic validator distributes a secret identification tag to each voter just prior to the
election. The validator then sends the tallier alist of all identification tags, with no record of
the corresponding voters. Each voter sends the tallier his / her identification tag and an
encrypted file contacting a copy of the tag and the voted ballot. At this point the taller can
make sure the identification tag is valid, but the program has no way of examining the
contents of the ballot. The tallier publishes the encrypted file, and the voter responds by
sending the tallier the key necessary to decrypt it. When the election is over, the tallier
publishes a list of all voted ballots and the corresponding encrypted files. This protocol also
has several problems. Most importantly it doesn’t protect the voter’s privacy if the tallier and
validator collude.

Fujioka et al (1992) developed a practical voting scheme using blind signatures. Blind
signatures allow a document to be signed without revealing its contents. The effect is similar
to placing a document and a sheet of carbon paper inside of the envelope. If somebody signs
the outside of the envelope, they also sign the document on the inside of the envelope. The
signature remains attached to the document, even when it is removed from the envelope. The
voter prepares a voted ballot, encrypts it with a secret key, and blinds it. The voter then signs
the ballot and sends it to the validator. The validator verifies that the signature belongs to
registered voter who has not yet voted. If the ballot is valid, the validator signs the ballot and
returns it to the voter. The voter removes the blinding encryption layer, revealing an
encrypted ballot signed by the validator. The voter then sends the resultant encrypted ballot to
the tallier. The tallier checks the signature on the encrypted ballot. If the ballot is valid, the
tallier places it on a list that is published after all voters vote. After the list has been
published, voters verify that their ballots are on the list and send the tallier the decryption
keys necessary to open their ballots. The tallier uses these keys to decrypt theballots and add
the votes to the election tally.
Neumann et al (1993) gives a list of suggestions for "generic voting criteria" which suggests
that a voting system should be so hard to tamper with and so resistant to failure that no
commercial system is likely to ever meet the requirements, and developing a suitable custom
system would be extremely difficult and prohibitively expensive.

Philip Klein et al (1995) presents a remote voting scheme that applies the technique of
blinded signature to a voter's ballot so that it is impossible for anyone to trace the ballot back
to the voter. They achieve the desired properties of privacy, universal verifiability,
convenience and untraceability, but at the expense of receipt-freeness.

Sako et al (1995) introduces the concept of universal verifiability to emphasize the

importance of auditing of overall election by categorizing the verifiability as individual
variability and universal verifiability. In their approach, a sender can verify whether or not his
message has reached its destination, but cannot determine if this is true for the other voters
and also in the course of the protocol the participants broadcast information that allows any
voter or interested third party to at a later time verify that the election was performed properly
or not.

A very first attempt was designed by Cranor et al (1996) without employing any
cryptographic techniques. In this, voters would submit their vote along with a unique
identification number to a validator who would then take their name off on a list of registered
voters. Then the validator would then strip off the Unique Identification number and submit
just the votes to the tallier who would count the votes. Although this system has the
advantages of being flexible, convenient and mobile, this system is far from secure. If the
validator is compromised votes can be easily traced back to the voter or votes could be
changed. Both privacy and accuracy lack with this protocol. There is no way to ensure the
voter’s privacy and the tallier accurately records the votes.

Cranor et al (1997) proposed and implemented a protocol based on Fujioka’s scheme called
Sensus. One of the drawbacks of the Blind Signature protocol is the voter has to wait till the
voting has ended before the voter can verify the casted vote was the correct one, which is not
in line with the property of flexibility. Sensus system is closely based on the Blind Signature
protocol. The major difference between the schemes emerges after the voter has submitted
the encrypted ballot to the tallier. Instead of waiting till the voting ends the tallier sends a
receipt to the voter when his/her ballot has been received. This receipt is no more than a
confirmation the vote has been transferred to the tallier correctly. The voter may submit the
decryption key immediately after receiving this receipt, completing the entire voting process
in one session. The implemented Sensus system employs a pollster agent that performs all
cryptographic functions and transactions with the election programs on the voter’s behalf.
Tests conducted with a prototype implementation of Sensus indicate that the entire voting
process can be completed within a few minutes.

Yahuda Lindell et al (2000) discussed the comparison of Symmetric key and public key
cryptosystem. It also discussed about how to achieve authentication using Symmetric key
Cryptosystem and Asymmetric key Cryptosystem. Symmetric key encryption algorithms are
suitable for providing high security in smart card applications when compared to Public key
algorithm. But, Asymmetric encryption provides more functionality than symmetric
encryption, at the expense of speed and hardware cost.

Aviel et al (2002) discusses the security considerations for remote electronic voting in public
elections. In particular, he examines the feasibility of running national federal elections over
the Internet. The focus of his paper is on the limitations of the current deployed infrastructure
in terms of the security of the hosts and the Internet itself. He finally concluded that at
present, the infrastructure is inadequate for remote Internet voting.

Gritzalis et al (2002) expresses that voting is a process at the heart of a democratic society.
He therefore stressed that in recent democratic elections using voting machines have shown
that the winning margins could be less than the error margins of the voting systems
themselves, making election an error prone task. Hence the use of electronic voting has the
potential to reduce or remove unwanted human errors. In addition to its reliability, e-voting
can handle multiple modalities such as voice assistance for handicap, and provide better
scalability for large elections. He stated that e-voting is also an excellent mechanism that
does not require geographically proximity of the voters.

Mercuri et al (2002) invented the Mercuri method for electronic voting. A critical component
of this method is very similar to the Caltech/MIT proposal: a voting machine must produce
human readable hardcopy paper results, which can be verified by the voter before the vote is
cast, and manually recounted later if necessary. Her philosophy and Neumann’s are very

Peter et al (2003) discusses a secure PKI based system for e-voting that was developed. They
tested the application, several organizational aspects, and usability in fourteen field trials. In
their paper they describe the method and findings. What they learn about turnout, about the
logistics of organizing e-voting, and about usability and reliability of the system in practice.

Alexander et al (2004) in his paper discusses what threats e-voting faces. The purpose of his
paper is to give a systematically ordered overview of attacks against e-voting and to show
one solution to the issues. The challenge is to provide identification and anonymity at the
same time and to exclude the possibility of fraudulent manipulations by the server
administration, the voter, and any third party.

Kohno et al (2004) discusses on the criticism in the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE)
voting systems in which they pointed out that due to various deficiencies and security
vulnerabilities it has being widely criticized. Therefore they believe is that the software
undergoes insufficient scrutiny during qualification and certification; that DREs are
especially vulnerable to various form of insider programmer attacks; and that DREs have no
voter-verified audit trails paper or otherwise that could largely circumvent these problems.
All of these criticisms of DREs apply directly to SERVE as well.

Liaw et al (2004) discussed the properties of electronic voting system and how their proposed
electronic voting scheme try to satisfy these properties is also mentioned. The main principle
of e-voting is that it must be as similar to regular voting as possible, complaint with election
legislation and principles and be at least as secure as regular voting. Therefore e-voting must
be uniform and secret, only eligible persons must be allowed to vote, a voter must not be able
to prove in favor of whom he/she voted. In addition to this the collecting of votes must be
secure, reliable and accountable.

Sonja Hof et al (2004) reported about biometric approaches to e-voting. There are different
biometrics approaches i.e., fingerprint, iris, face, voice, signature, DNA analysis and multi
biometric systems are discussed. He discussed about how biometrics concepts can be used in
e-voting. It does not interact in any way with the biometric characteristics of the actual users,
authenticates the user with the help of user’s authentication certificate as present on the card.

Kalaichelvi et al (2005) developed a new technique for encryption & decryption. It used the
substitution and inverse substitution table for encryption & decryption. These tables
constructed based on ASCII value and the key value. And it also discussed the three types
folding technique.
Karlof et al (2005) took a different approach from the other researchers as they do not
distinguishing universal or individual verifiability. So their definition states that verifiability
means each voter should be able to verify his ballot accurately represents the vote he cast.
Verifiability countedas- cast means everyone should be able to verify that the final is an
accurate count of the ballots. Therefore it can be seen from the definitions arrived at by the
different researchers that individual verifiability and universal verifiability basically are
centered on the fact that every voter can check if his vote has been properly counted and
anyone can check that the calculated result is correct and election is performed correctly.

Sampigethaya et al (2006) looks at the numerous e-voting protocols proposed which are
meant to fulfill different requirement sets using cryptographic tools and primitives, these
underlying primitives are mainly blind signatures and homomorphic encryption.

Chetinkaya et al (2007) reported the verification and validation in e-voting and gave the
proper definitions for verifiability and validity. It describes about verification and validation
activities and explains the relationship between and core requirements to any e-voting
system. It also stated that some problems for designing and developing secure e-voting

Sarah et al (2008) reported about the comparison of efficiency of the DRE with the with
traditional machines. (paper ballots, punch cards, and lever machines). Results indicate that
there were little differences between the DRE and these older methods in efficiency or
effectiveness. However, in terms of user satisfaction, the DRE was significantly better than
the older methods. Paper ballots also perform well, but participants were much more satisfied
with their experiences voting on the DRE. It indicates that there were little differences
between DRE and traditional methods in efficiency.

(Wyndham, Chen, & Das, 2016) Authors are exhibiting another electronic voting
framework that utilizes Block-Chain advancements alongside cryptographic procedures to get
unquestionable outcomes while as yet holding voter protection. Authors say that at an
abnormal state, a vote is encoded and the evidence of the vote is sent to an open block chain
from an electronic surveying station into their framework. A unified specialist at that point
unscrambles every one of the votes and posts the count alongside a proof that the revealed
results are right and the voter can watch that their vote. The proposition fulfills security and
the capacity to check votes, voting under coercion, accessibility of interval results, undecided
votes, and voting fallout. We utilize the square anchor as a record to record that a vote has
been thrown. We likewise utilize cryptographic natives to guarantee the votes stay private
and are counted effectively. A Merkle tree on the block chain serves to demonstrate to voters
that their vote was incorporated. By utilizing physical voting areas and keeping up receipt-
freeness, we relieve the risk of voting under coercion. Since Hawk has the thought of
solidifying calculation until a predefined time we can't register between time results until
after the decision has wrapped up. Just voters that vote are a piece of the brilliant contract.

(Card & Moretti, 2007) In this paper the authors says that supporters of touch-screen voting
claim it is an exceptionally dependable voting innovation, while a developing number of
pundits contend that paperless electronic voting frameworks are powerless against extortion.
In this paper the authors utilize area level information on voting advances in the 2000 and
2004 presidential Elections to test in the case of voting innovation influences discretionary
results. Authors first demonstrated that there is a positive connection between's utilization of
touch-screen voting and the level of constituent help for George Bush. This is valid in models
that look at the 2000-2004 changes in vote shares amongst receiving and non-embracing
provinces inside a state, subsequent to controlling for money, statistic structure, and different
elements. Albeit little, the impact could have been sufficiently huge to impact the last
outcomes in some firmly challenged states. While at first glance this example would have all
the earmarks of being steady with claims of voting abnormalities, a closer examination
recommends this elucidation is impossible. On the off chance that abnormalities took put,
they would be in all probability in districts that could conceivably influence statewide race
sums, or in regions where decision authorities had motivators to influence the outcomes. As
opposed to this forecast, we discover no proof that touch-screen voting had a bigger impact in
swing states or in states with a Republican Secretary of State. Voting innovation could
likewise in a roundabout way influence vote shares by affecting the relative turnout of
various gatherings. Authors found that the reception of touch-screen voting negatively affects
assessed turnout rates, controlling for state impacts and an assortment of area level controls.
These impacts is bigger in districts with a higher division of Hispanic inhabitants yet not in
areas with more African Americans Models for the reception of touch-screen voting propose
it will probably be utilized in regions with a higher portion of Hispanic and Black occupants,
particularly in swing states. In any case, the effect of non-irregular appropriation designs on
vote shares is little.
(Gujanatti & Reddy, 2015) says that Biometric Finger print devices are used in the
Electronic Voting machine for voter affirmation. We have arranged a one of a kind check
based voting machine where there is no necessity for the customer to pass on his ID which
contains his required unpretentious components. The person at the looking over slow down
necessities just to put his Finger on the contraption, likewise allowing the obtainment of an
on-spot one of a kind stamp from the voter which fills in as an unmistakable evidence. This
Finger print follower scrutinizes the unpretentious components from the tag. This data is
passed onto the controlling unit for the affirmation. The controller brings the information
from the pursuer and contrasts this information and the effectively existing information put
away amid the enrollment of the voters. In the event that the information matches with the
pre-put away data of the enlisted unique mark, the individual is permitted to make his choice.
If not, a notice message is shown on LCD and the individual is banished from surveying his
vote. The vote throwing system is done physically utilizing the push catches. LCD is utilized
to show the related messages, admonitions and following outcomes. The task "Unique mark
Based Voting Machine" was for the most part expected to build up a unique mark based
progressed Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) which helps in free and reasonable method for
leading races which are reason for popularity based nation like India.

(N. Sastry, Kohno, & Wagner, 2006) had offered frameworks to energize vendors, free
testing workplaces, and others check essential security properties in Direct Recording
Electronic (DRE) voting machines. We rely upon specific hardware handiness, restriction,
and building decision to empower one to easily affirm these fundamental security properties;
we trust our methods will empower us to check diverse properties too. Check of these
security properties is one stage towards a completely confirmed voting machine, and helps
general society pick up trust in a basic device for majority rule government. We show a
voting framework plan and talk about our experience fabricating a model execution in view
of the outline in Java. They inferred that Democracy merits the best endeavors that PC
researchers can convey in delivering exact and undeniable voting frameworks. In this work,
we have proposed better DRE based voting outlines, regardless of whether VVPAT-
empowered or not. In the two cases, our engineering gives more grounded security properties
than current voting frameworks. Our approach utilizes equipment to separate segments from
each other and utilizations reboot to ensure voter security. Specifically, we have indicated
how segregating the Despite the fact that detachment is anything but a clever thought, the
way in which we use it to upgrade the security of DREs is new. This work exhibits that it is
possible to improve existing DREs without altering the present voter experience or stacking
the voter with additional checks or techniques.

(Shendage & Bhaskar, 2017) in their research paper clarifies that India is the biggest
democratic nation where voting and elections are essential to any accord based society. In
India we utilize the most well known voting framework called as an Electronic Voting
Machine (EVM) for its simple access and less tedious highlights, however yet this voting
framework isn't at all effective and anchored one. So we introduce a Novel Electronic Voting
System which depends on biometric verification and circulated servers approach which give
high security to voting process. Entire voting framework is partitioned into two sections one
is a voting machine and another is server framework. Raspberry pi 3 display B is a heart of
the voting machine. This host minicomputer can control finish movement of voting process.

Voting machine is created in light of biometric verification and conveyed server framework.
So for verification reason we utilize a biometric database of Aadhar card which is as of now
given from every single Indian native by the Unique Identification Authority of India
(UIDAI). So the voter verification should be possible by utilizing biometric data (Thumb
impression) which is pre-put away at the administration database. The centrality of including
thumb impression results in correct validation of voter before making of choice. So the
framework completely includes precision of throwing of votes and invalidates the odds of
acts of neglect with respect to the throwing. The primary favorable position of this
framework is, it depends on a dispersed server approach, which will at last include the
precision of throwing of votes and diminish long separation flying out to make a choice.
Accordingly build up a dependable, adaptable framework which will be anything but difficult
to deal with by all populaces considering their proficiency and age factor, likewise to control
counterfeit voting which eventually includes straightforwardness in voting framework.

(Najam, Shaikh, & Naqvi, 2018) says that the proposed framework utilizes two voter
confirmation methods to give better outcomes in contrast with single recognizable proof
based frameworks. Unique mark and facial acknowledgment based techniques are utilized for
voter distinguishing proof. Cross check of a voter amid a decision procedure gives preferred
precision over single parameter ID technique. The facial acknowledgment framework utilizes
Viola-Jones calculation alongside rectangular Haar include determination strategy for
recognition and extraction of highlights to build up a biometric format and for highlight
extraction amid the voting procedure. Fell machine learning based classifiers are utilized for
looking at the highlights for personality confirmation utilizing GPCA (Generalized Principle
Component Analysis) and K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbor). It is proficient through contrasting
the Eigen-vectors of the separated highlights with the biometric format pre-put away in the
decision administrative body database. The consequences of the proposed framework
demonstrate that the proposed fell plan based framework performs superior to anything the
frameworks utilizing different classifiers or separate plans i.e. facial or unique mark based
plans. The proposed framework will be exceptionally valuable for constant applications
because of the reason that it has 91% precision under ostensible light as far as facial

(N. K. N. Sastry, 2007) in his exposition, investigated a property based way to deal with
enhancing voting security. Under this view, one must be mindful of how enriching a voting
framework with one property impacts the framework's objectives. It is critical, likewise, to
consider the voting framework in general, including the innovation and also the people that
associate with the innovation: the innovation does not exist in a vacuum. Our answers apply
to a scope of voting stages and address distinctive properties. Re-booting can be utilized as a
compelling way to deal with stem protection infringement crosswise over voter sessions for a
wide range of voting advances. In like manner, his componentized voting engineering applies
to DRE based frameworks to all the more effectively demonstrate a couple of voting
properties. The product examinations methods can demonstrate de-serialization also,
unraveling are right in a miss the mark stop show. These examinations are profitable for all
voting stages, and can even apply in non-voting settings. Individuals ought to have the
capacity to confide in their voting innovation has adequate security ensures.

(Keerthika & Hemalatha, 2016) The paper proposes the need of ongoing electronic voting
framework in race because of increment in illicit exercises in voting framework as this
procedure is done through ATM machine that proposes verified information handling
utilizing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). It's a feeling of shrewd card. After
validation, information will be prepared remotely towards server. The entire framework
equipment will be little in estimate, low power utilization, solid versatility, stable task,
helpful program upkeep and up degree. GSM module is utilized in this paper. The detail will
be put away in the database; the information stockpiling part depends on the limit of capacity
gadget or server limit. The framework configuration obviously portrays the general
framework design and a remote voting framework errands to accomplish the objective of
voting framework with more securable and the procedure is done fastly with more exactness
through Wireless transmission which can conquer numerous down to earth challenges,
contrasted with customary voting framework. Correspondence framework is quicker, precise,
ease, adaptable, continuous, security, and in reality gives a superior decision to the voting
framework. This machine will be for all intents and purposes actualized in a couple of years,
with ongoing advancement in innovation, a RFID pursuer is more affordable and not
muddled to use on regular routine. In this way voting rate will increment. By this task paper,
the authors made a voting framework simple and furthermore with greater security in the
meantime with more precision.

(Enguehard & Enguehard, 2009) In their paper the author concludes if electronic voting
can at the same time secure mystery, be straightforward, open and impervious to terrorizing
and extortion. They consider diverse sorts of e-voting running from Direct Recording
Electronic voting frameworks to remote web voting. They demonstrated that there are real
logical inconsistencies between the imperatives of law based Elections and the potential
outcomes offered by PCs. Specifically, electronic voting seems to make monstrous and,
undetectable misrepresentation conceivable to accomplish by little gatherings of individuals
with the vital aptitudes. At display, it's anything but a sensible plausibility to outline an
electronic application, remote or not, that could adapt to the requests of just Elections. In the
wake of exhibiting a few highlights of bona fide Elections, we depicted different kinds of
electronic voting frameworks. They uncovered the characteristics and defaults of these
diverse electronic voting frameworks as to straightforwardness, openness, protection from
terrorizing and protection from fakes. Their examination shows that customary voting
frameworks which utilize no electronic checking frameworks contrast positively with
electronic voting frameworks when straightforwardness is considered, straightforwardness
being an urgent factor in making voter trust in the voting framework, and in result, in that of
the chose delegate's authenticity.

(Pedgulwar, Nigade, Rajhans, Prof, & Joshi, 2015) Authors expresses that E-voting
framework is competent to clean old built up voting methodology by giving added offices
and flexible to voter. Progress in the cell phones offered development to the novel application
that will make voting process dynamic. Number of electronic voting designs was proposed
before, however most extreme had added up to misfortune in giving voter validation in an
important and successful way. Our point is to give the subtle elements and need to e-voting in
light of android framework. In race electronic gadget is utilized for voting process i.e. E-
voting. The e-voting utilizes SMS convention. In this proposed framework we are giving e-
voting framework through SMS utilizing Smartphone so result demonstrates that there is no
need of web in their portable. In Smartphone there will be an android application through
which voting procedure will be managed without web in Smartphone. A continuous e-voting
framework in view of android telephones. The investigation of this framework depends on
SMS voting. It is then created by actualizing strategies utilizing android stage. On the off
chance that this framework will be utilized, all things considered, decision process then the
convenience of this framework is high. It will supportive for the clients who wish to vote and
the voting procedure will be made simple by utilizing this application.

(Rura, Issac, & Haldar, 2017) This paper talks about the usage of a web based voting
framework in view of picture stenography and visual cryptography. The framework was
executed in Java EE on an electronic interface, with MySQL database server and Glassfish
application server as the backend. In the wake of considering the necessities of an on-line
voting framework, current advances on electronic voting plans in distributed writing were
inspected. Next, the cryptographic and stenography strategies most appropriate for the
prerequisites of the voting framework were picked, and the product was executed. We have
fused in our framework systems like the secret word hashed based plan, visual cryptography,
picture stenography and edge decoding cryptosystem. The examination, plan and usage
period of the product improvement of the voting framework is talked about in detail. We have
additionally utilized a poll overview and did the client acknowledgment testing of the

(Chakraborty, Karmakar, & Dey, 2015) in the paper the authors expresses that Electronic
Voting Machine or EVM is for the most part used to check the survey result at the season of
vote. In EVM by and large an including part is accessible where the checking are done and
they include esteem is put away the memory. In this paper, the plan of the Wireless EVM has
been proposed where the including will be completed a remote segment to keep away from
the blame or blunder caused by the few issues, for example, wrong catch squeeze, wrong
tallying, burglary caused by the Stationary EVM. The information will be exchanged from
the EVM machine through a transmitter and this flag will be made up for lost time by the
beneficiary of the Counting module. The tally will be appeared at the show side according to
inclination that is the ongoing showcase taxi ne killed amid the survey time. In this gadget,
the voter can't press the survey catch of their inclination twice as the gadget will be
deactivated after single press. The framework proposed in this paper is currently under
research for the advancement in future translation. The most essential parts of the framework
are the remote tallying and the cutting edge security. These two elements make the
framework idealize with least probability of robbery and additionally the cost will low as no
exorbitant parts are utilized for the development of the framework. The further execution of
the security framework will be appeared in the following original copy.

(VlSI, Noida, Singh, & Kaushal, 2017) The Voting System of a nation comprises of specific
controls which characterize how the inclination of individuals is gathered and how result of
the surveying procedure is demonstrating the will of individuals. To actualize such a
framework in the biggest majority rules system on the planet is an unwieldy assignment. An
indigenous Electronic Voting Machine was presented by the Election Commission of India to
beat the issues with manual voting which was slower and wasteful. In this paper the Indian
Electronic Voting Machine's Protocol for voting is executed on a field programmable
entryway cluster. The ASIC based plan is known to be speedier than a microcontroller based
outline. Besides the utilization of an ASIC based outline will influence the Electronic Voting
To machine a more dependable and alter safe machine. The new Voter-checked paper review
trail (VVPAT) framework could likewise be interfaced with the ASIC based outline. The
convention of Indian Electronic Voting Machine has been effectively executed on a Basys 2
board utilizing Verilog HDL. The FPGA based execution completes a large portion of the
activity for ASIC based EVM. The apparatus utilized for reenactment and execution is Xilinx
ISE Design Suite with ISim as a Simulator. The convention of Indian EVM has been
effectively executed on FPGA. The model is filling in according to details. Some extra
highlights are additionally included the first plan. The model has been completely tried and
can be utilized in a genuine Indian decision if required.

(Popoveniuc & Vora, 2010) Creators depicted a solitary structure in which to see the
conclusion to-end-autonomously irrefutable (E2E) surveying place voting frameworks with a
mixnet back-end. We utilize the structure to develop new frameworks that join front and
back-closes from existing frameworks. They exhibited a brought together view off our down
to earth, end-to-end, voter-evident voting frameworks that have been proposed as of late as
solid squares. We show a solid partition between the manner in which the tally is displayed
and how the voters collaborate with the framework (the front-end) and the manner in which
the tickets are unscrambled and the count is checked (the back-end). We exhibit the
properties of these front and back-closes, and portray basic approaches to consolidate them.
This gives extraordinary adaptability in the decision of a voting framework for a specific
locale that qualities a few properties more than others. Our work opens another method for
taking a gander at future voting frameworks, segment insightful. A quick advantage is the
likelihood of outlining available front-closes for each of the displayed back-closes, rather
than endeavoring to copy the front-end in an open way. Additionally research can concentrate
just on enhancing or changing a specific part of a voting framework as long as it can
cooperate with the other segment.

(Nalluri, Teja, & Balakrishna, 2014) This paper centers around advanced voting framework
utilizing RFID and Finger print innovations. Every client is given a voter's ID as RFID Tag.
The equipment configuration has a Finger print filtering sensor which is utilized to think
about the unique mark of the client with the pre-put away finger impression of the client.
Amid voting, both the fingerprints are checked for coordinating and on the off chance that it
doesn't coordinate, at that point an alarm is given utilizing bell. Keypad is utilized for
choosing the voting inclinations. LCD is utilized to show the relating information for each
key to the client. Subsequently, illicit voting is impossible since finger impression is novel for
every individual. The voting procedure is done just if the unique mark matches with the put
away esteem. The unique mark acknowledgment procedure that can give the security to the
voting procedure. Consequently if an unauthenticated individual attempts to make the choice,
the signal cautions the directing officer instantly.

(Chugh & Dimri, 2015) Voting is a basic leadership instrument in an agreement based
society and security is most fundamental piece of voting. The basic part in deciding the result
of a race, Electronic Voting Systems must be composed and created with the best care. It is
guaranteed by the Indian Election Authorities that paperless Electronic Voting Systems
experience the ill effects of critical vulnerabilities. Indeed, even short access to the machines
could permit unscrupulous decision insiders or different cheats to adjust race results. In this
paper, a thought is proposed to overhaul the current voting framework that depends on total
biometric characteristics of voter which are spared in an administration database as Aadhar
(UID) number database. These biometrics qualities give secure and achievable validation to
the voters, in this way keeping the extortion and illicit voting. Despite the fact that the
proposed framework gives best answers for issues identified with the Indian voting
framework yet it is defenseless against security assaults. Secret biometric information might
be spilled because of system availability or framework hacking. Full execution isn't a simple
errand, it includes political issues, and money related issues and territorial issues.
(Nagamma, Lakshmaiah, & Narmada, 2017) This paper proposes strategy in regards to the
electronic methodologies and advancements towards electronic information stockpiling and
transmission. The unique finger impression gadgets for voting machine and diverse existing
personality records are specified and upheld. The voting framework is overseen in a less
demanding way since every one of the clients ought to login by Aadhar card number and
secret word and tap on his/her intrigued possibility to make the choice. This framework has
high security in which voter high security watchword is affirmed before the vote is
acknowledged in the fundamental database of Election Commission of India (ECI). The
proposed EVM comprising of unique mark module, raspberry pi board, contact based
Graphical LCD board and furthermore it having voter data stockpiling gadget (Thumb
impression) and administration framework. The product Qt4 GUI with C++ in installed Linux
stage is created for robotized electronic voting machine framework. As the present work is
centered around the outline and improvement of EVM, for the confirmation of voter. The
created framework yield is introduced here in screen shot and it is having more focal points
as contrasted and the customary and other electronic frameworks in the purposes of
adaptability, compactness and easy understanding, utilize and support. The created contact
screen based EVM is tried for every one of the capacities and saw that the framework
working precisely. It gives trust in voting framework; just the honest to goodness voter is
permitted to access voting. The framework is easy to understand, as in the client can without
much of a stretch comprehend the framework despite the fact that the client does not known

(Kumari, Pal, Arthi, & Michael, 2014) The primary target of the paper is to outline and
build up an electronic voting machine utilizing ZIGBEE correspondence framework for
dealing with the wired e-voting issues. In this paper, unique mark strategy is additionally
used to outline a safe e-voting framework. The outline depends on the (ATMEGA328p)
microcontroller, RS232 link which is utilized for interfacing amongst ZIGBEE and the
microcontroller, Liquid Crystal Display (16X2) for showing the guideline, unique mark
sensor for checking voter's unique mark before voting, ZIGBEE transmitter, ZIGBEE get,
security alert and visual fundamental for making show page in PC. Reenactment is finished
utilizing Proteus programming, coding and the .hex document is created for microcontroller
utilizing Arduino programming. Every voter can vote just once in this manner ensuring the
character of the voter in making the procedure impartial and reasonable. Database containing
subtle elements of all voters with their own points of interest and unique mark are put away
in microcontroller for contrasting and check amid surveying. This outline of Electronic
Voting Machine will spare extensive measure of time and labor. In this manner, the proposed
EVM framework is more solid and quick when contrasted with existing e-voting framework.
Toward the finish of the surveying, just by squeezing a catch the outcomes can be acquired.
This paper gives the total plan points of interest of the building squares of the whole

(Kumar & Malviya, 2014) The E-voting framework utilizing cloud is presented recently for
Indian voting situation in this paper. The proposed show is more anchored for distinguishing
the voter. All security passwords of voters is sanctioned with the primary database of E-
voting Commission of India then after Authentication of the voter he/she will ready to vote to
the balloter .In this model voter can vote from anyplace a y electorate of India. The primary
concern of this proposed show is to give a security level by level. In this model votes
checking will be done consequently. This framework save a tremendous time and E-voting
magistrate of India effortlessly broadcast the outcome inside a couple of period. This paper
portrays the new model of E-voting framework utilizing cloud in Indian Scenario. The
favored model is more secure and proficient than the Conventional voting framework. The E-
voting framework maintains a strategic distance from the postponement of result it is skilled
to tally all votes inside couple of times. An exceptional AADHAAR ID number is the base
purpose of this model. This model effectively confirms to the voter and balloter. In this
proposed show, we have tried to make more anchor E-voting and it maintains a strategic
distance from unapproved get to. The model of E-voting framework utilizing cloud will
upgrade the straightforwardness and unwavering quality of the current appointive framework.

(Sarker & Uddin, 2014) Authors expresses that Vote security, mystery and certainty are
essential in any appointive procedure. Electronic voting is a standout amongst the most
profitable exploratory territories for the compatibility of a safe e-Government exchange
condition. This framework is progressively utilized in discretionary procedures running from
specific remain solitary machines, up to finish paperless and remote voting framework. Along
these lines this framework needs to takes after an extremely complex arrangement of security
conventions. This paper analyzes a couple of counts to realize electronic voting structures and
discusses with a view to voter anonymity and appropriate assurance from controls. The
degenerate hubs could then likewise copy a similar measure of votes to make the aggregate
match. The hubs in the blend net are required to distribute some numerical verification that
check that they sent all messages accurately, without obviously uncovering how precisely
they rearranged the messages. Such evidences make the procedure more evident. Yet at the
same time, some power issues stay in these plans. Then again, the homomorphic calculation
approaches thegeneral undeniable nature and power viewpoints.

(A.S.Falohun, Amoo S.O, Rasheed O.S., 2016) Voting is an imperative procedure typically
utilized to uncover the conclusion of a gathering on an issue that is under thought, for
example, the place of congregations where significant issues are pondered upon. However, in
Nigeria thus numerous different nations, voice reaction is typically used to decide the
gathering of individuals with mainstream sentiment, directed by the speaker or the senate
president which on occasion is liable to predisposition especially when the minority has the
louder voice as against those with the greater part. This work was intended to take care of the
issue of voting 'for' or 'against' a movement under thought at such parliamentary houses. The
plan was worked around the microcontroller utilizing programming codes written in C-
Language to control its working and exercises. As a model, the framework was intended for
two respondents with a 'Yes' and 'No' keypads while the consolidated key construct votes is
shown in light of a Liquid Crystal Display of the yield unit. Every one of this keypad speaks
with this show unit remotely utilizing radio recurrence modules actualized in the plan. The
effortlessness of the outline is to such an extent that it can without much of a stretch be
reproduced to cover different respondents with minimal overhead as far as cost.

(M. Sanjai, Dr. R. Umamaheswari, 2008) In the new time of cutting edge innovation where
online framework supports work speed, diminishes botches and advances the age of precise
outcomes, having manual race framework turns into a disaster. An open decision framework
constitutes the foundation of a majority rules system where the general population need to
choose their state's pioneer. India as of now utilizes a manual decision framework, which
causes a few sorts of issues. Because of this paper ticket based race framework, a few issues
are looked by voters previously or amid Elections and others are looked by the organization
when the voting. An online Paper‐based Polling System has no less than three issues vote
throwing, vote checking, and announcing results would constitute a decent answer for
supplant current framework and the proposed framework in this postulation will be useful for
the voters by utilizing any assets like their own particular framework or masterminded by
Government. In addition, the proposed framework will likewise diminish the hazard for
debasement. By doing this task we could bring another framework for online national voting
in favor of our nation. With the appearance of innovation and Internet in our everyday life,
we could offer propelled voting framework to voters both in the nation and outside through
our web based voting framework.

(Jenifer, 2015) The amazing brilliant card based electronic voting framework is acquainted
with guarantee suitable voting strategies and voting tallies. This thought keeps the illicit
demonstrations against the voting framework and gives the voter validation in a successful
way. This proposition intends to give a fortress to every single votes.

(Prasad, R Murali, Polaiah Bojja, 2016) This paper depicts an online appointive framework
for Indian decision is proposed out of the blue. The voting framework is overseen easterly as
every one of the clients ought to login by Aadhaar card number and secret key and tap on
his/her ideal possibility to make the choice. This highlights a bigger security as in voter high
security watchword is affirmed before the vote is acknowledged in the principle database of
ECI. The additional element of the model is that the voter will guarantee if his/her vote has
gone to remedy competitor/party. The votes will be done naturally, in this way sparing a huge
time and facultative ECI to report the outcome at interims a brief period. This survey talked
about presentation about EVM and its variety, Issues of EVM, Taxonomy, and Biometric
based EVM. Our endeavors to comprehend electronic voting frameworks abandon us
idealistic, however concerned. This paper propose that the EVM framework must be
additionally considered and developed to achieve all level of network, with the goal that the
voter certainty will increment and decision authorities will make greater inclusion in
acquiring the advanced EVM's for direct smooth, secure, alter safe Elections.

(Patel & Prajapati, 2014) To give a lawful framework that empowers people to vote
electronically. This framework includes lawful and sociology parts of the present lawful
framework, while adding additional accommodation and security to the general choice
technique. Bio measurements is the investigation of machine-driven strategy physical
attributes incorporates unique mark recognizable proof that will be that the technique for
examination addressed and popular grating skin edge impressions from fingers to work out if
the impression square measure from indistinguishable finger. Making choice might be a
correct given to every individual by the constitution and regardless of whether the individual
genuinely strong votes in venture with the law is that the significant issue that has been
found. The vote strong by a balloter is come to an applicant or gathering securely is moreover
the specific ideal to be acclaimed by the voter. This paper demonstrates an arranged model
utilizing a unique mark as a security that is consider in light of the fact that the high security
positive distinguishing proof for soliding the vote and furthermore the aadhar ID to login and
make the choice. This model genuinely gives significance to individuals that really need to
strong their vote, anyway can't return to their local spots to simply strong vote. Rather people
will sit inside the most prominent area and strong their vote immovably. This makes strong
their valuable vote basically and immovably to the gathering they truly need to.

(Mythili K, K.Kanagavalli, 2014) In days of yore voting occurs through the Kudavolai
voting structure. It works in the strategy for picking a paper among many moved paper in a
bowl. By then Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) is an essential electronic contraption used
to record votes rather than vote papers and boxes which were used before in customary
voting structure. Critical proper to vote or basically voting in Elections shapes the commence
of lion's share rules framework. Each and every earlier race be it state races or center choices
a voter used to cast his/her most cherished rival by setting the stamp against his/her name and
subsequently crumbling the vote paper as indicated by a suggested procedure before putting it
in the Ballot Box. This is a long, dreary process and particularly slanted to botches. This
circumstance proceeded till race scene was totally changed by electronic voting machine. No
more vote paper, counting stations, stamping, et cetera this thick into an essential box called
count unit of the electronic voting machine. Since biometric identifiers can't be viably lost,
created, or shared, they are seen as more tried and true for singular affirmation than standard
token or learning based procedures. So the Electronic voting system must be improved in
light of the present advances viz., biometric structure. In any case people are not set up to
shaft their votes by staying in a long queue. With a particular ultimate objective to improve
the voting extent SMS voting has been introduced. This article inspects complete review
about voting devices, Issues and relationship among the voting procedures and development
reinforce for SMS voting.

(Kavitha & Priya, 2016) Race is the most critical procedure to choose pioneers of selection
of individuals in a law based nation. Particularly in India where populace is around 1.32
billion, race is dealt with as celebration for its natives it turns into a dull activity to lead the
decisions proficiently. The false vote, its assurance, and wrong tallying impacted the
prerequisite of "Electronic Voting Machine" (EVM). In spite of the fact that EVM were
utilized by number of nations from 10 years there are as yet various adjustments watched.
This paper just audits the current inserted based electronic voting machine and some
conceivable improvements. The inserted framework manages computerization of the
framework which take considerations of information to be spare inside portion of second,
initiating the ringer to demonstrate that it is voted, appearing or reporting for next voters and
so on. The microcontroller utilized functions as heart and mind of the machine while
electronic switches, shows, signal, control supply and connecters are dealt with as body part.

(Yejare Pavan, Sandesh Powar, Shankar Bhakari, Avadhut Pawale, Santosh Chanveer,
2017) Electronic voting machine (EVM) was presented in twentieth hundreds of years, it is
generally utilized. Conventional Electronic Voting Machines can stores just voting tally of
every hopeful. Voter recognizable proof and take into consideration vote is done physically
by Polling Officer utilizing voter list. Surveying officer utilize a permanent ink for
distinguishes the spurious voter. These strategies require extra labor. To beat these issues, we
proposed new strategy which depends on Internet of Things (IoT). Here we are associating
voting machine to Internet of things. Legislature of Indian has put away biometric data of
each native of India i.e Aadhaar Card. The primary thought of Biometric Voting System
utilizing IOT keeps the gear and diminishes the labor cost. The User can put just finger on
unique mark scanner and raspberry pi gather that finger picture and send it to cloud including
GPS area of surveying station. Cloud can recover the client data from UID database and
check the client legitimate or not in voting database in light of UID and GPS Location. After
Identify client cloud send the outcome (Yes/NO) to Raspberry pi and it can control the EVM
machine as opposed to Polling Officer.

(Folorunso, Ogunseye, Okesola, & Olaniyan, 2010) As of late, the inclination for e-voting
has been depicted to be the inescapable eventual fate of electioneering in many nations of the
world. In spite of all its great highlights, similar to the next voting frameworks it has been
seen to likewise be defenseless to gear and misrepresentation. A portion of its bothersome
highlights incorporate not permitting relating of votes after race if there should arise an
occurrence of a dissent like the others. Another issue is that of wrong programming which
can incredibly influence the consequence of the decision. All these is additionally intensified
by the way that voting frameworks manages substantial measure of information that is
gathered from a conveyed populace source henceforth the crude information are to a great
degree hard to grasp and consequently screen. This paper endeavors to take care of this issue
utilizing a TreeMap based representation method to screen progressively the appropriated
balloting and voting forms. The paper demonstrated that TreeMap calculations can be
arranged and sent on the focal server to screen adequately the voting exchanges progressively
and subsequently empower straightforwardness.

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