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Dirstons: Pease select one numb rom the option ‘wales ofthe Student Teacher underyoursapeanane a a estar of prtormance across the following competency domalns tat best characterize the ‘Nunner options, ter Teacher doesnot meet expectations Inthe ares Date: Evaluator’s Nam¢ Placement: A. Planning and Preparation - Student teacher/intern teacher demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and pedagogical skills in planning and preparation. Links curricular content to research-based teachin Develops detailed, short-range lesson plans and concise, long-range plans. / Constructs leston pans to align with PA Pre-K-12 Academic and\Common Core Standart. Plans developmentally appropriate lessons responsive tal students. Uses appropriate resources, material, technology and actives to engage students in meaningful learning "Uses multiple forms of formative and summative asessments for planning purpose. ores: ly ” 7 Directions: Please select one um ‘wales ofthe student Teacher underyenna at est characterize the ins below for each indleator of performance across the following competency domains that be NUMMER oPTioNs: dent Teacher /Ioern Teacher demonstrates characteris well beyond that expected oa novice teacher inthis intern Teacher demonstrates above average competency nian, tern Teacher demonstrates average competency in thi aren, Teache/Intera Teacher demonstrate below average competency In ths ar A uinsatistactory -The Student Teacher/Intern Teacher does ot mel peers een N/A= Not Applicable, i jtable environment for 8. Classroom Environment - Student teacher/intern teacher establishes and maintains an cauitble envionment 7 learning in which students feel safe, valued, and respected by instituting routines and setting clear expectat arene the students. beltans and promotes mening caring and respect ets betwen the ache, tues and among the Creates and maintains an environment while using the dassroom resources that supports optimal learn forall stu = Assesses classroom resources, making adaptations and accommedatons to aferenate instruction. "Engages in proactive and positive communication with families and community contacts. a Understands and implements student transtons and clssroom routines (instructional and noninstrution). lo Capel NOTES: tt la Directions: Please select one number ‘uallties ofthe Stadent Teacher und NUMBER oFTions: ot best characterize the {rom the options below or each indeator af performance crosthe flowing competency domains that best Your supervision, intern Teacher demonstrates average competeny In wement- The Stdent Tea ~The Student Teacher/ite N/A= Not Applicable Inter Teacher demonstrates below average competency In thls are. Teacher does not met expectations inthis area and skill in C Instructional Delivery - Student teacher / intern teacher, through knowledge of content, pedagogy and skil delivering instruction, engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies. we thunk Uses fective ver nd non-verbal eommunaton echo : : Uses fective questioning ana discussion temigues, 4 Uses variety of istctonal sates 0 promote student engagement anew ering D Uses instutonl technology and acses fs pac onsen ene Provides appropriate feedhek to stents in nay manner . [Uses varity af formal andinerma assessments tose student eponsvenes to stucion ee Retetson lessons etectvenes ash ron to which ering yous were sewed an avs se assent 0 mgrove pk Zz etweryo ston demonstra postive pact on tet lamin lated eademe Sanda ores: : le A U A Directions: Please select one num — ins that bert characterize the er rom the foreach ndcator of performance seroa the following competency dom ‘walle of te Student Teacher under your superior tt ae unnrn options; 5. en gtthed ~The Stdent Teaeher/Itern Teacher demonstrates characteris well beyond that expected ofa novice teacher $2 pletdent= The Student Teacher /tmern Teacher demonstrates above average competency nti aren 32 Rmntng- The Student Teacher/intern Teacher demonstrate average coopeton in taigarce, TEU AREET=MeOt The Seadent Teacher/lntora Techer demonserter blow average competency otha ‘Uf bnsatistactory ~The Student Teacher/intern Teacher does nat meet xpacatons in ink see N/A Not Appleable, irea D. Professional Conduct/ Professionalism - Student teacher/intern teacher demonstrates qualities that characteriz professional person in aspects that occur in and beyond the classroom/building. eee —— Erhibits integrity, ethical behavior and profesional conduct s stated inthe PA Code of Professional Practice and Coné we or —— Complies with school policies and procedures regarding professional dress, attendance, punctualty, and the ure of technology. Communicates with the cooperating teacher regarding classroom procedures and routines including recard keeping, grading, attendance, par ‘communications, ete ‘Understands and applies all safety precautions and procedures inthe schoo setting. Cultivates professional elationships wth students. Participates in professional develop opportunities atthe dtc state, and/or national levels Notes: ppb iullisi, Dhl c 4 L Lilly * Teacher Intern Teacher demansrater average competeney Inte ate 2 «Needs improvement ~The Sade Teacher /Inern Teacher demonstrates below average cmpeieny ints re Unsatisfactory The Student Teacher/latern Teacher docs nt mec enpeatonsiainkeore N/A Not Applicabe jc ment = Assessment - Student teacher/ intern teacher demonstrates knowledge of and use of various forms of assessi ‘measures. a = Uses various types of assessment including formative summative, benchmart, behavioral gnostic, cognitive, affective and psycho-mot Uses data-driven resus rom asessment inform indvual and erouppaning aniston interprets data from norm-referenced and eteron referenced assessment esl Constructs assessments to match cognitive, affective, behavioral, andor psycho-motor curricular goals along a continuum of complexity (e.g Bloom’ ~ taxonomy). Assesses thelr own profesional rowth through focused setrefection. |/if01i) )M/-9 eat Notes: (Yoh pcel Uhl (un Directions: Pease eect one number ‘ales ofthe Student Teacher ‘NunER orion 5 = xemplary/Distinglshed ~The Stadent Tea 4 =Proficent- The student Teacher/intem re ‘3 Berging- The Student Te N/A= Not Applicable. liverse learners and F, Knowledge of Diverse Learners - student teacher/ intern teacher demonstrates knowledge of diverse Promotes a positive learning environment for all students. ‘Appropriately responds to the unk laue characteristics and leaning needs of averse learners (age, gener, culture —S Promotes a postive learning envi ronment that valves and festrs respect fr alstudents — Rutctentats instruction to meet the needs of diverse learner that promotes successful educational performance aera a Tecpunutes policies and procedures designe to ensure that al students, particularly those traditionally under served, are valued in hoc Implements eective practices nd opportunities designed to communicate with and engage familes, caregivers ond the broader co ‘or ability) inthe classroom. Notes: / A phTG | MMe GL 4

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