Test T NG H P 1

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Resource: Tests from Compact Key For School 2020
I/ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1/ Skateboarding / Surfing / Skiing is my favourite activity because I love being in the water.
2/ You’ll find the potatoes in the cupboard / bookshell / desk in the kitchen.
3/ My sister is the girl with long / tall / brown dark hair and blue eyes.
4/ Ruben’s uncle / grandfather / daughter is my father. Ruben and I are cousins.
5/ I need to go to bed / wake up / get early tomorrow morning because the bus leaves at 8 o’clock.
6/ I like to take / collect / watch things like stamps and old postcards.
7/ Last year, we visited a farm near a river / hill / field, so we went fishing.
8/ There’s a mirror next to the toilet in the living room / bathroom / bedroom.
9/ Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize, was born on 1833 / October, 1833 / 21st Octorber, 1833.
10/ You must close the path / gate / field so that the animals don’t run out.
II/ Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences.
1/ Yesterday Dave …….. his leg playing football.
A. fell B. ache C. hurt
2/ The teacher was very …… with the class because no one did the homework.
A. tired B. angry C. exciting
3/ My parents love going on holiday to different countries to …… new places and learn new things.
A. explore B. stay C. speak
4/ This news article iis very well written. I think this …….. is very good.
A. photographer B. journalist C. musician
5/ The weather forecast says there will be a …….. today. I think we should stay at home.
A. storm B. fog C. sun
6/ The phone case is …….. plastic and it’s red.
A. made of B. made by C. used for
7/ We were watching cartoons this morning and some of thhem were very ……. I laughed a lot.
A. amazing B. tiring C. funny
8/ I love listening to her play the piano. She plays so ………..
A. beautiful B. beautifully C. badly
9/ My dad likes to sit on the …… and watch TV in the living room.
A. desk B. sofa C. lamp
10/ I have a lot of new books, so I need another …….
A. shelf B. desk C. sofa
I/ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1/ The first DVD player (sell) ………………………………………. in Japan in 1996. (was sold)
2/ Thousands of websites (view) ……………………………………. every minute worldwide. (are viewed)
3/ Television programmes (show) …………………………………….. for the first time in 1926. (were shown)
4/ Many songs (download) ………………………………………… from the internet every day. (are downloaded)
5/ This chair (make) ………………………………………… of plastic. (is made)
6/ Nowsaday mobile phones (use) ……………………………..… to send messages ans surf the internet. (are used)
II/ Choose the correct option A, B or C to complete the text.
Now, most people (1) ……… a bike when they’re a child. A lot of people continue to use them when they get older.
They (2) ……… in the (3) ………, or they use bikes to get to college or work. Most people like cycling for fun
when the weather is (4) ………...
(5) ……… the first bicycle was made about 200 years (6) ………. ? It was built in Germany (7) …………..1817.
However, it had a metal frame and wooden tyres, so it wasn’t very comfortable – it (8) ………. as the boneshaker!
Today bikes are much more comfortable, and over 100 million bicycles (9) ……….. every year now.
The Tour de France is probably (10) ……… cycle race. It started in 1903 and cyclists travel about 2,000 km in three
weeks. Like all good athletes, they need the right clothes – good (11) ………. and cycling shoes. It’s (12) ….… race
to watch because they cycle very fast and very close together, so you don’t know who’s going to win.
1/ A. learn to ride B. learn riding C. learn ride
2/ A. enjoy to cycle B. enjoy cycling C. enjoy a cycling
3/ A. hills B. lake C. gates
4/ A. storm B. warm C. ice
5/ A. Do you know B. Did you know C. You knew
6/ A. since B. for C. ago
7/ A. at B. on C. in
8/ A .were known B. was known C. are known
9/ A. is made B. are made C. made
10/ A. more famous B. the most famous C. the famous
11/ A. hats B. helmets C. head
12/ A. an exciting B. a boring C. a terrible
I/ For each question, choose the correct answer.
1/ A. Steven is asking if Jessica has found his folder at school.
B. Steven is asking if Jessica can lend him her school notes.
C. Steven is explaining that he has lost all of Jessica’s
2/ Why did the coach send the team this email?
A. to help the team feel better
B. to explain to the team why they didn’t win
C. to make sure the team know about the next game

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