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CHARLES RENNIE MACKINT?SH a MARGARET FACDSNALD Hegel: 5 & Mackintosh factsheet: Building a reputation! S Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh were leaders in the ‘Glasgow Style’ in the early twentieth century. Charles was an architect and designer and Margaret was an artist and designer. They often worked together. Charles designed many buildings but very few of these were ever built. He is most famous for the ‘Mack; the Glasgow School of Art. It was very badly damaged by fire in 2014 and again in 2018. He also designed a newspaper office, a school and a church in Glasgow, and several houses. Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh: true or false? Charles always worked alone. True @ False ( ) Charles and Margaret designed the Empire State Building in New York City. True (_) False (_) Charles designed many hundreds of buildings in Glasgow. ~ Tue (_) False @ Charles and Margaret worked in the ‘Edinburgh style’ True © False O Charles is one of Scotland's most famous creative people. Margaret is less well-known, perhaps because she was a woman. True © False © ge & Tea at the Willow: food preparation About this task Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh designed many beautiful tea-rooms. The people of Glasgow visited these tea-rooms to drink tea, eat delicious sandwiches, scones and cakes and catch up on all the gossip. In this task you can follow a recipe to make yummy scones and cucumber sandwiches and serve these to your family with tea or squash. You must have permission and help for this task from an adult. You will need For the scones (makes 8) 350g self-raising flour Ys teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 85g butter, cut in cubes 175ml milk jam (to serve) clotted cream (to serve) For the sandwiches (makes 12 quarter sandwiches) Sliced bread, white or wholemeal Butter or spread half a cucumber apinch of salt white pepper To drink Tea Milk Squash Cooking equipment Oven gloves Asieve A wooden spoon A mixing bowl A5cm round cutter An oven tray A sharp knife A spreading knife Acutlery knife A potato peeler To serve Two large plates Small plates Knives Spoons Teacups and saucers (or mugs) A teapot Amilk-jug Ajug for squash A sugar-bowl Glasses Napkins First make the scones. Preheat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/Gas 7. Ask an adult to put the baking tray into the oven to heat up. Sieve the flour into the mixing bowl. Stir in the salt and baking powder with a wooden spoon. Drop the cubes of butter on top of the flour. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Stir in 3 tablespoons caster sugar. Pour in the milk and use a cutlery knife to mix it into the flour and butter mixture. This will make quite a wet dough. Sprinkle flour onto a work surface and tip the dough out onto it. Sprinkle the dough and your hands with flour. Fold the dough over 2 or three times until it becomes smoother. Press it into a round about 4cm deep. Use your cutter to cut out four scones. Press the dough together again and cut out another four scones. Ask the adult to lift the hot tray out of the oven and carefully place the scones on it. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. As the adult to take the tray out and leave it on a safe surface to cool. Now make the sandwiches. Butter six slices of bread (you can use spread instead of butter). Use the potato peeler to slice the dark-green peel off the cucumber. Throw the peel away. Then ask the adult to help you slice the cucumber as finely as you can with the sharp knife. Lay slices of cucumber on three slices of the buttered bread and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and a small amount of white pepper. Put the other pieces of bread on top of the cucumber. Ask the adult to help you cut the sand- wiches into quarters. You can leave the crusts on or cut them off. Now get ready to serve. Lay the table with a small plate for everyone, a cup and saucer, a knife and a spoon and a napkin. Pour milk into a jug and sugar into a bowl and put these in the centre on a table mat. Put jam and cream in small bowls and put these in the centre too. Put the sandwiches on one big plate and the scones on another. Put these on the table. Ask an adult to boil the kettle, Put one teabag for everyone who is going to drink tea into the teapot, plus one more. Ask the adult to pour boiling water on the tea and to carry the teapot to the table. If you have loose tea, ask the adult to follow the instructions on the packet. Make squash in a jug and put that on the table too. Now you are ready to eat. Pass around the sandwiches and then the scones, cream and jam. Tuck in and enjoy! & Write your name in the Mackintosh alphabet About this task Charles Rennie Mackintosh used a very distinctive style of lettering. One famous example of his lettering appeared on the sign he designed for the Willow Tearooms. Charles's letters were slim and tall. The cross-bars on letters such as A and H were high and often doubled. He raised the letter O up high with dots underneath. For this task you need: “Smooth white paper A surface to lean on “A black fine-line pen or felt tip (you can use a pencil or a biro too but the black pen will give you the best result). 1. Find the letters of your name in the alphabet ABCDEFGHIJK LIN? PYRSTUVWXY Z 2. Practice writing each letter. 3. Write out your name. 4, Try other words too - you could use this writing to make a beautiful birthday card or another greetings card. a Som

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