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ie April / May 2020 Page 1

April / May 2020

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Serving Sandymount, Irishtown, Ringsend, Pearse Street, Docklands, Ballsbridge & Donnybrook

Working from Home with Children

landore, Ireland’s long- adapted to home childcare are
est serving and leading the practical life exercises, for
provider of serviced example hand washing and
offices and co-working spaces, cleaning toys are particularly
share helpful advice for those timely. Young children thrive
trying to juggle working from on repetition so expect that
home whilst keeping their chil- they’ll do the same activity over
dren occupied. and over again, from polishing
Covid-19 is a phrase that an ornament, moving clothes
wasn’t very familiar to us just pegs from one bowl to anoth-
one month ago, but now it is er, or dividing them between
consuming our daily lives in different sized containers. All
ways that we never could have these exercises help with hand/
imagined. eye co-ordination, developing
As a result, a vast number of pincer grip and are also great
people in Ireland are now forced for building concentration.
to work from home, which can
be a challenge when it’s not Physical.
your normal routine. Add one Physical exercise is a vital
or more children to the mix and part of the day, and in fact, it
it can be even more difficult to should happen multiple times
manage everything. a day. Don’t worry, we’re talk-
With that in mind, Glandore, ing about short bursts not half-
have shared some words of wis- your children are used to breaks Have a designated space for whether in crèche or school, hour workouts! Having a sim-
dom to make life easier in these at certain times, make sure to mess. so keeping the home childcare ple one-minute ‘stretch and
unprecedented times. build those into your day. The length of time that we space consistent will help with shake’ session first thing in the
The tips from Glandore in- As we all know, children’s at- will be working and school- their sense of routine. morning can be a great signal
clude: tention spans are much shorter ing from home is unknown and Again, be mindful of your that school time is starting. If
than ours, so exercise and snack therefore it is recommended to child’s attention span; they children get restless, it can be a
Set up a daily structure. breaks are important to sched- designate a school/crèche area may only stay with an activity good way to re-centre everyone
Childcare professionals’ ad- ule in, for both the child and in your home if possible. Chil- for 10 or 20 minutes depending throughout the day too.
vice is that routine is vitally im- the parent. Try to finish up your dren need space to play and on their age. This should also Aside from one minute wig-
portant when it comes to main- home crèche or school at the that play can often be messy, match the projects you are set- gles, there are lots of activities
taining happy children. If your same time as their regular day. so it might be wise to make the ting yourself; if you have some- you can do at home. Old fa-
children’s day starts at 8.30am Top tip: set an alarm to go kitchen your home childcare thing that needs your focus then vourites like having an egg and
in crèche or school, try to start off, so everyone knows that centre. perhaps leave that until every- spoon race can help with bal-
their home care at the same it’s family time now. The alarm With paint, glitter, Lego, dolls one is in bed. ance and concentration and can
time. doesn’t have to be the sound of and action figures, children’s double up as a cooking class if
Establishing a routine at home a school bell ringing, it could be toys can easily take over the Activities in your home. you let your child help when
will help everyone transition to one of your children’s favourite house. They are used to being One aspect of a Montessori you’re boiling the eggs.
this new ‘norm’ more easily. If songs instead. in the same room for the day, classroom that can be easily Continued on page 2.

In this issue…
Page 7: Actor Jack Murphy interviewed Pages 10-11: Human Rights in Film Awards Pages 12-13: Great films to stream Page 17: Baking with the kids
Page 2 April / May 2020

working from home with children

Continued from page 1. ing weeks and months, there The salt acts as a preserva- a great time to introduce pos-
On the subject of races, lots will be some nice opportuni- tive too, so the playdough itive affirmations or mindful-
of children love running, so ties for real-life maths. You should last at least a week if ness techniques to help moni-
if you have space outside you could start teaching your you keep it in an airtight con- tor and manage emotions,
NewsFour Newspaper could set up a racetrack or child about grocery shopping tainer in the fridge when it’s especially if you have a child
is part of a DEASP obstacle course in the garden and how to make a shopping not in use. who’s prone to worrying.
Community Employment to make things a bit more in- list. This could be an oppor- If you’re looking for some
Programme teresting and hold their atten- tunity to teach your child Manage your child’s emo- resources to help with this,
tion for longer. about buying only what your tions. we recommend checking out
NewsFour If children’s yoga is more
your speed, there are lots of
home needs and why we need
to make sure everyone has
We’re living in strange
times and our children are
My Higher Shelf, an Irish
business who have a fantas-
great tutorials online to fol- enough groceries. sure to pick up on the odd- tic range of books for chil-
Editor low along with. This might If your child has a particu- ness of being at home so dren and adults in the areas
Eoin Meegan not work quite as well for lar snack that they love, you much. Little ears hear a lot of mindfulness, feelings and
younger children as their at- can talk about how many more than we sometimes re- emotions.
Online Editor tention span is shorter, but you’ll need for a week at alise and can come up with We know that these are
Kathrin Kobus you can always pick and home. You can use the ob- all kinds of ideas or expla- challenging days and we have
choose the parts that work jects you have at home to do nations for what’s going on. more of the same ahead, but
Journalists for your child. Some sim- some basic maths exercises. It’s important to talk to them setting up a strong routine
Kathrin Kobus ple breathing and stretching For the younger children and reassure them that they early on will make it easier
Eoin Meegan should be manageable for activities like sorting are a are safe, that they are being for everyone to adapt to their
Peter McNamara even the youngest toddlers. great way to introduce fun- looked after and that things temporary normal.
David Prendeville damentals like big and small, will be okay. If we can take something
Geneva Pattison Sensorial. e.g. take a box of buttons or Some Montessori classes positive from this, we can see
Dermot Carmody A great area of Montessori Lego pieces and sort them by have ‘daily circle time’ where it as a unique opportunity to
exercises that can be adapted colour, see which is the big- everyone sits together and bond with our children. It’s
Contributors to your home are sensory ex- gest pile, which is the small- checks in about how they are. a chance to teach them resil-
Gavan Bergin ercises. Use what you have in est pile, simple addition of This is a great idea so chil- ience and to show them how
the kitchen to make your own putting all the blues with all dren can have an opportu- to think of others in difficult
Crossword tasting game. Pick a number of the yellow etc. nity to say if they’re worried times.
Gemma Byrne of different tastes and fash- about anything and you can
ion a blindfold so your child Arts and crafts. address it in a way that’s ap- Front cover photo courtesy
Design and Layout has to use their taste buds to Arts and crafts can be propriate to them. This can be Wiki Commons.
Eugene Carolan figure out what each ingredi- messy, but children love

NewsFour around the World

ent is. them. You can let your chil-
Ad Design Some of the things that you dren play freely with your
Dara O Riordain might have handy are differ- stash of paper/markers/
ent fruits like bananas, apples paints/pencils. Encourage
or berries, yoghurts, mashed your children to design their
potato, and rice cakes. own birthday/Easter cards for
Another game that you their friends and other family
can use your blindfold for members.
Community Services,
is making a mystery bag full
13A Fitzwilliam Street,
of small objects. Take a bag Playdough recipe.
Ringsend, Dublin 4.
and add a number of small One great way to keep eve-
objects that feel interest- ryone busy is by making some
Telephone: (01)6673317 ing e.g. a toy car, a piece of homemade playdough. There
Lego, a small stuffed toy, a are lots of simple recipes and
E-mail: small ball, a crayon etc. The methods online, for example child wears their blindfold the following: mix two cups
while they put their hand into of flour, half a cup of salt,
Website: the bag and try to guess what three quarters of a cup of hot each object is, just by using water and one tablespoon of
their sense of touch. You can cooking oil.
Opinions expressed in NewsFour change the objects after a few They can all be mixed to-
do not necessarily represent goes to keep your child’s in- gether to make a basic play-
the views of Sandymount terest but let them know that dough and if you have food
Community Services. you’ve changed things and colouring to hand you can
there’s something new in the add a few drops to create col-
Printed by bag. The last thing you need oured playdough. If you want
Webprint, is for your child to have a to add more texture, use one
Mahon, Co. Cork meltdown because something cup of whole meal flour and
has changed without them one of plain flour.
knowing! Don’t worry if your child
decides to taste it, the play-
Maths. dough is made from all-nat-
As we’re all going to be at ural ingredients and has so
home and spending lots of much salt that most children John Heyes enjoying a read on top of Marina Bay Sands Hotel in
time together over the com- won’t go for a second taste! Singapore last February. April / May 2020 Testimonial Page 3

Tributes as Teresa Weafer moves from RDRD

n Eoin Meegan their struggle to become free of
eresa Weafer has been drugs.’ They run a drugs-free
the driving force be- programme in the mornings,
hind the Ringsend and and a stabilising programme in
District Response to Drugs the afternoons, as well as facili-
(RDRD) since its inception in tating a diverse range of volun-
1995. A few short weeks ago, tary, statutory and community
Teresa stepped down as manag- groups, such as GROW, MABS
er of the project, a position she and Bodywise, to name but a
held for almost 20 years, to take few.
up a new and exciting post with On top of that, they operate
Google. a drop-in centre which Mary
All those years ago, Teresa sees as core to their work. And
saw the devastation that drugs just recently they have started
were doing to the community up Personal Freedom, an eight-
she lived in and loved, and she week course dealing with men-
had a vision of how that same tal health.
community could be trans- The project has an 85% suc-
formed and lives saved. cess rate in getting people off
Birthed in somewhat trucu- drugs, a fantastic achievement,
lent waters, the RDRD was to and proof, if any were needed,
be the vector which would bring titude at the time was that if you Teresa didn’t see grey men in tion. She later returned and did that Teresa’s vision worked, and
about that change and realise associated drugs with Ringsend suits who were concerned only her Leaving Cert at night, and continues to work, thanks to the
her vision. And more saliently, you were somehow giving the with money, but decent human then went on to do a postgradu- incredibly hard work and com-
she had the determination and place a bad name. It was a case beings who had families of ate diploma in Addiction and mitment from the staff and the
endurance to see it through. of shooting the messenger. their own and cared about the Conflict Resolution in Trinity board of management at RDRD.
Establishing the RDRD However, Teresa calmly ne- community they lived in. The College, and followed that up It’s only fitting that the final
wasn’t an easy task. There was gotiated those choppy waters end result was that the RDRD with a Masters in Mindfulness word should go to Mary Doo-
some resistance in the commu- and was instrumental in bring- bought the building, renaming MBSR. She then ran very suc- lin: “I don’t believe had I not
nity to the organisation when ing various elements of the it Spellman House in honour of cessful Mindfulness classes in met that 20-year-old woman all
it was first launched, which community, such as the Gardaí, Fr Paul Spellman, who along the Spellman Centre, which those years ago that I would be
thankfully has now abated. To- local representatives, Church with Betty Bissett, and Teresa, earned a chorus of applause sitting in this chair today.” Pro-
day, the vast majority can see leaders and so on, together to sit was instrumental in establishing from attendees, many saying found words of tribute.
the benefit the centre brings to down and try to find a practical the project. she brought something special All who work and frequent
the community, and is fully sup- solution to the problem. “She taught us that there is to her courses. the RDRD will miss Teresa. We
portive of it. From humble beginnings, nothing you can’t achieve if you Her approach to Mindfulness here at NewsFour would also
“It is a safe place for peo- the RDRD grew over the past have the drive and endurance,” reflected her own inner drive for like to wish her every success in
ple with addiction problems to 25 years. Starting out in Regal Mary added. perfection. For Teresa, Mindful- her new position in Google.
come, where there is no judg- House, formerly a cinema and Teresa started off as a com- ness is about becoming aware The Spellman Centre is closed
ment, and where they can talk now Abundant Grace Christian munity Youth Worker, and of what is going on inside your at present due to the Covid-19
freely,” Mary Doolin, who has Assembly, they later moved to worked tirelessly in every role mind, and carrying that integri- outbreak, but when they reopen
taken over as manager from Te- what is today Spellman House; she had, including when she ty into your daily and work life, you can contact them by tel-
resa, told NewsFour. this has been their permanent became manager of the project. and to all your relationships; ephone: 01 667 7666 or online
But in the early days many home ever since. The story of She would go the extra mile, which she herself duly did. at https://rdrdspellman.wixsite.
people didn’t believe there was how they came about acquiring often visiting people in their The RDRD’s goal was, and com/rdrd/
a drug problem in Ringsend, or that building is a touching one, homes who might have psycho- remains: ‘to support young
were in denial about it. The at- which Joe Grennell, accounts logical issues, or who suffered people and their families in Photos by Rosalie Sunderland.
manager at RDRD, relates with from agoraphobia and would
some fondness. not be able to come into the
“The building originally was centre. On other occasions, she
the Bank of Ireland in Irishtown accompanied people to hospital
and it was up for sale, but way in an emergency.
out of the RDRD’s range. Then “She has endurance,” Joe
Teresa came up with the initia- said, “whenever Teresa gets in-
tive to write to each of the di- volved with something she will
rectors of the Bank asking them go with it all the way. She is
if they would reduce the ask- very skilled at building relation-
ing price. She explained that ships and was instrumental in
the RDRD was there to serve influencing government policy
the community, that it was a on drugs, especially around the
crucially needed amenity for Local Drugs Task Force. That
many individuals. And, to the did a lot of good work. Unfor-
surprise of many the bank not tunately,” he added, “it’s being
only agreed, but they reduced rolled back now.”
the price substantially, and now Teresa attended the local tech
it’s our permanent home.” in Ringsend, but like so many
In hindsight it’s easy to see others back then didn’t have the
how this ‘miracle’ happened. chance to pursue further educa-
Page 4 PROFILE / POETRY April / May 2020

What is your legacy?

n Eoin Meegan would wish for them. mentoring is like steering a person
hat kind of a legacy While not decrying money or to the next level on their journey,
do you want to leave? the conventional trappings of suc- by asking the right questions until
What do you want to cess, Michael feels that on their they know what the next step is
be remembered for when you’re own, they can be somewhat hol- for them. What their soul is call-
gone? These are the kinds of low and he would like to see peo- ing on them to do.”
questions Michael Daly, author ple push themselves, dig that little He has a three-pronged ap-
and mentor, likes to ask. bit deeper, to uncover their true proach to mentoring:
Anyone with even a passing calling, because he feels that is so Firstly, people need to look at
knowledge of coaching will know worthwhile. the lives that they are living now,
that one powerful question can He has a passion about people and secondly determine where
change everything. The force of who make a difference in life, they would like to be in the future.
its power, of its truthfulness can and has conducted a series of in- And from there come up with so-
sometimes take you aback. terviews for Phoenix FM, which lutions to bridge the gap. Sim-
So many people sleepwalk he works for occasionally, with ple, but effective. “Today people way I see life is someone is walk- was forgotten, like he hadn’t ex-
through life, never intentionally people he believes are making a can’t tell you what they’re good ing ahead of you that you admire. isted. This saddened me because
of course, it’s because we’re so difference in their community, in- at, often because they don’t know They have walked a path similar he was a really good man, and got
busy doing other things. The cluding former Mountjoy Prison themselves,” he muses. to the one you’re on, and they are me thinking about the whole lega-
question serves as a wake-up call. Governor John Lonergan. Michael feels we don’t appre- like a light for you. Meanwhile, cy thing, about what we leave be-
Michael Daly has written two Having trained for eight years ciate each other enough. “85% someone is behind you and you hind us. Do we just pass through
successful books already and he to be a monk, Michael went on to of the good we do, we don’t get are guiding them. This is crucial, or do we leave an impression be-
has another in the pipeline. His work as a Youth and Community to hear about. People don’t cir- because as well as receiving we hind?”
first The Six Traits of Self-Lead- worker with the Finglas Youth culate the good that is done,” he always have to give back. If we’re In turn, it got me thinking about
ership: How to Create a Life of Service. While he found the job says, “either their own or others.” doing spiritual work and we’re the quotation (often mis-attribut-
Success and Happiness, (2014) satisfying he felt he was doing We are, of course, quick enough not giving something back, then ed to Henry David Thoreau) by
was launched in the University too much administration and not to broadcast things we feel ag- we’re only doing it for the ego. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
of Vilnius, Lithuania, and his lat- enough of what he felt he was grieved about. His motto is if you Lastly, there is a person walking “Many people die with their
est, Conversations in Singapore: called to do, that is help others. do the right thing, the right things alongside you. This is someone music still in them. Why is this
Searching for True Success on One day, he made the decision in life happen to you. you can check in with; they tell so? Too often it is because they
the Silk Road One Question at a to leave, and without a job or any- Feeling gratitude is important. you if you’re going off kilter a are always getting ready to live.
Time (reviewed in the last issue) thing, he took off travelling. After “If you are not thankful for the bit, like remind you if you failed Before they know it, time runs
looked at society’s skewed no- spending some time in Greece he small things you can’t get the big to speak your truth sometime, but out.”
tions of success. began giving workshops through- things. It seems almost too obvi- always in a non-judgmental way.” I think Michael Daly is already
His third, which won’t be in the out Europe, and from there got ous that, but most people won’t I like the model. leaving an enduring legacy. Being
shops until next year, deals with into mentoring. think of it, or realise it. We need Returning to the question of in the man’s presence you know
the theme of ‘showing your true “I prefer the term mentoring to to choose to focus on what’s go- legacy, Michael reminisces about you’re with someone who lives
colours’. It will consist of an in- coaching,” he says, “I feel coach- ing right in life.” coming back from a friend’s fu- his truth. I eagerly look forward
terview with 12 different people ing is like something you do to The metaphor of the journey neral once. “Everyone talked to his next book.
who are living the dream, but it’s get you over the small hills, such seems to appeal to him, perhaps about the deceased for about 15
not always the dream that society as preparing for an interview, but because he’s made so many. “The minutes and then it was like he Photo courtesy of Michael Daly.

Wake Up Irish Poetry

n Geneva Pattison ers within the Irish arts. This have already published the in-
orkers in the includes funding bodies, busi- vestigative enquiries “Gender
arts sector de- nesses and individuals that may in Aosdána”, “Gender in Po-
serve to enjoy have been involved in inequal- etry Publishing in Ireland” and
the same protections as those in ity, undealt with complaints or “Poetry Reviews in the Irish
other sectors.” cases of alleged harassment and Times”.
In February of this year, the bullying. NewsFour got in touch with
Wake up Irish Poetry website The open letter was devised Kathy of Wake Up Irish Poetry
was launched. The site contains by a group of “arts practition- for further information on the
a public, open letter to the De- ers, publishers and academics” movement. artists and workers in the arts for those with complaints. The
partment of Culture, Heritage calling for fair and progressive Q: As mentioned on your sector are safe at work in the research organisation Measur-
and Gaeltacht and to the Arts change. Currently, the number website, the first aspect of future. As we say in the open ing Equality in the Arts Sector
Council, calling for “acceptable of signatures it supports stands change within the sector that letter, removal of individuals (MEAS) is embarking on a pro-
standards of ethics and govern- at over 300. you are calling for is “an En- does not solve a systemic prob- ject to collect accounts of mis-
ance within the Irish arts sec- Wake up Irish Poetry is seek- quiry” into past instances of lem. What is needed to make treatment, sexual harassment
tor.” ing to draw attention to the or- harassment, discrimination real change is engagement with and bullying from practitioners
The initiative was established ganisation MEAS (Measuring and un-addressed complaints. those who have been affected, too, which I hope will highlight
to combat the lack of redress Equality in the Arts Sector) and What reprimanding actions collaboration with practitioners to funding bodies and oversee-
channels within certain areas of their ongoing work to compile are you hoping will take place to draw up enforceable codes ing institutions how serious and
the Irish creative sector. Wake official reports on equality with- after the inquest stage? of practice, and incentivising endemic this issue is. We are
Up Irish Poetry is calling for in the Irish arts sector. Estab- It’s less about reprimand adherence to these – as well sadly still awaiting a response
transparency and accountabil- lished by Dr. Kenneth Keating for us than it is about making as clear routes, to independ- from Minister Josepha Madi-
ity from all relevant practition- and Dr. Ailbhe McDaid, MEAS changes that will ensure that all ent regulators when necessary, gan to our repeated requests for April / May 2020 EDUCATION / MENTAL HEALTH Page 5

illness can go unnoticed. The learn to look after their own

person doesn’t get the attention mental health. “Just as you are
they need and therefore can feel instructed to put on your own
isolated. “Mental illness can be oxygen mask on an airplane be-
a very silent illness.” Brid re- fore attempting to help others,
minds us. so it is when it comes to helping
In addition to the above pro- those who have mental illness,”

n Eoin Meegan participate, but not pressured grammes, Aware provides three Brid says, “if your own mental
or over 30 years Aware has to do so. Substantially, it has separate Support Services: health is compromised then you
been pioneering education, a 12-month follow-up rating, Group, Telephone and Email are less effective in assisting
support and information to with many participants report- Support. others.”
people impacted by depression, ing significant improvement. The Support and Self-Care training or qualifications as The programme, which is
bipolar disorder and other forms There is also a separate online Groups is facilitated by two Aware provides training to pre- free, is delivered in a workshop
of mental illness throughout version where participants are Aware-trained volunteers and pare them for the roles. They style and limited to 20 partici-
Ireland. This is done primarily assigned to a trained Aware operates on a drop-in basis. It are also required to give three pants at a time. It attempts to
through a variety of programmes supporter. This course runs for takes place in the Aware centre hours a week of their time, and address the signs and symptoms
the charity runs nationwide. eight weeks, but participants (9, Upper Leeson Street) every commit to 18 months; this is of depression and offers a lot of
Brid O’Meara, former Direc- have access to all modules and Sunday at 12 midday. There is because Aware invests a lot in practical advice as well as skills
tor of Services at St John of course materials for a whole another one held in the Car- the training and they want the and techniques on how to cope.
God’s, and now Aware Director year. melite Centre, Aungier Street volunteers to stay around. All At the end of the programme
of Services since 2016, outlined The Life Skills Programme on Saturdays between 1.00 and volunteers are aged 23 and up, participants get to take away
to NewsFour some of these pro- for Schools “is broadly simi- 2.30, and in the Central Mis- we even have some in their 80s. their own action plan.
grammes and services. lar to the adult one, except it sion Hall, Lower Abbey Street They all know what it’s like to There are now an estimated
“One of the most popular is specifically tailored to the on Monday evenings 7.15-9.00, pick up the phone and make that 450,000 people who suffer with
is the Life Skills Group Pro- needs of teenagers. It is taught and Tuesday lunchtime 1.00- call for the first time, so every- depression annually in Ireland,
gramme, which is based on to pupils between 15 and 18, 2.30. No referral is needed, the one is treated with sensitivity and 45,000 with bipolar disor-
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and helps instill confidence and service is free, and people can and compassion.” der. That’s a staggering figure
(CBT) principles and has been resilience, and also helps them exchange ideas in a safe and The Email Support is avail- and it looks likely to increase.
in operation now for some cope with feelings of anger, and supportive environment. able at all times, and volunteers The World Health Organisation
years. On this course, people such like.” The Telephone Support is try to get back to people within predicts that by 2030 mental
learn to recognise the connec- The Wellness@Work course open from 10 am until 10 pm 24 hours, usually sooner. All health will be the single biggest
tion between their thoughts, aims to spread awareness of 365 days a year and is manned emails are treated in strictest issue we will be coping with.
feelings, and actions, and by mental issues in the workforce, by Aware volunteers. It is de- confidence. We all need to keep informed,
doing so are enabled to make and get people comfortable talk- signed to help people 18 years A really innovative pro- and thanks to excellent courses
better decisions in life.” ing about their mental health. It or over who are worried about gramme Aware run, and one that like these we can.
The course is aimed at people is generally delivered during depression, bipolar disorder, or I wasn’t aware of, is the four- If you wish to participate in
who are experiencing mild to lunch breaks and includes sep- their general mood, but also if week Relatives and Friends any of these programmes, or
moderate depression, stress or arate Options for Employees, they are worried about a family Programme. This is tailored just want more information you
anxiety, and is delivered over and Options for Line Manage- member. specifically for those who are can contact Aware at 9, Leeson
six weeks in 90-minute evening ment components. What is involved in becoming supporting loved ones going Street Upper, or on 016617211.
sessions, with all course materi- Unlike when you fall and a volunteer? I asked. through depression or bipo- The support line is 19004848,
als provided. break your leg and everyone “We like people to be good lar disorder. A crucial compo- or
The atmosphere is relaxed wants to do things for you (in- listeners, and have empathy. nent of this programme is that
and everyone is encouraged to cluding sign your cast), mental They don’t need any previous participants are encouraged to Above: Brid O’Meara.

a meeting, at which we wish to of extreme under-representation enough (and never was) not to goals and aims of the strategy As mentioned in this inter-
gain her support for a literature of huge swathes of artists, as ask, when planning a publica- are followed up on with regard view, Wake Up Irish Poetry
version of the ‘Speak Up – Call has been done recently by es- tion or literary event, where the to individual organisations and have reached out to Minister
It Out’ initiative which has been tablished commentators who writers of colour, the writers event organisers. It’s lamentable Josepha Madigan on several
so welcome and successful in should know better, is facile and with disabilities, the LGBT- in this country in general that occasions and are awaiting a
the theatre world. lazy. We all have to do better to QIA+ writers, the women writ- we are very good at publishing response. NewsFour will fol-
Q: In your public open let- explore the work of under-rep- ers are in your list. It’s no longer aspirational documents which low the situation and report
ter, there is a huge focus on resented artists and to ask our- good enough to accept reading are only read and engaged with on any further developments
improving diversity within selves why certain kinds of art or publication invitations with- by those who were already more from Wake Up Irish Poetry.
the arts. In what ways can im- and writing haven’t made it into out asking what efforts have or less on the same page, and I To read the Wake Up Irish
provements be made across our homes, why certain kinds been made by the organiser to really hope that efforts are made Poetry open letter or to sign it,
the board regarding inclusiv- of people aren’t sitting around ensure fair representation. to properly incentivise organisa- please follow the link below.
ity? the table when the decisions are Q: In 2019 the Arts Coun- tions to adhere to the policy in http://www.wakeupirishpo-
There are very simple ways made, why we think one piece cil released their Equality, practice.
to improve diversity and fair of art is objectively ‘better’ than Human Rights and Diversity Q: Would you like to add To read the EHRD policy
representation in the arts, but a another. There are vicious cy- Policy and Strategy (EHRD). any further comments? from the Arts Council, visit
serious stumbling block which cles at work in Ireland whereby What are your views on the It’s really important to keep the link below.
has reared its head in the press it can be far more difficult for, EHRD Policy and Strategy? this conversation alive so that
recently has been the idea of an for example, a migrant writer Does it encompass and pro- we can continue to fight for real equality-human-rights-diver-
objectively measurable ‘merit’ to navigate the coded world of pose enough positive changes change, so please sign and share sity/
by which we can evaluate all ar- literary publication, and there- in your opinion? our open letter at wakeupirish- Visit the MEAS website be-
tistic production. OF COURSE fore to have the kind of publica- I think the EHRD document and follow the Twitter low to read their equality re-
your value system is based on tion profile that would get them is a great step forward, and our hashtag #WakeUpIrishPoetry ports.
what is familiar to you, your invited to read at festivals. We recent meeting with the Arts for further discussion and news
culture, your society. To deny need to acknowledge and ad- Council was very positive. It of upcoming events.
that when faced with evidence dress these. It is no longer good will be interesting to see how the Image courtesy of Pexels.
Page 6 April / May 2020

Element Pictures and BBC to film another Sally Rooney novel

n David Prendeville
ocal company Element
Pictures will once again
collaborate with the
BBC on another adaptation
of a Sally Rooney novel. This
Create Hope and Stay Positive with GROW during Covid-19
time they are set to tackle her

GROW’s new Mental Health Recovery six-week programme
first novel Conversations with
ne of Ireland’s best known Mental Health service providers, Friends.
GROW Mental Health Recovery, has launched a new initia-
tive to help people cope with the restrictions surrounding the Lenny Abrahamson is once
Coronavirus. again set to be behind the direc-
Following the Government’s decision to impose further restric- tor’s chair, alongside Hettie Mc-
tions in the fight against the Coronavirus ‘Creating Hope and Stay- Donald, following their work
ing Positive during Covid-19’ is being hosted on and on the imminent 12-episode
will provide information, advice, podcasts, coping techniques and adaptation of Rooney’s highly
fun tasks, centred around looking after our mental health during acclaimed Normal People.
times of social isolation over the course of the next six weeks. The Dublin set novel follows
The premise of the idea is that we are facing the reality that this two college students Frances
is a long-term process and we need advice that will sustain us over and Bobbi, and the strange, un- It has also recently been an- has been lavished with almost
the coming weeks. expected connection they forge nounced that RTE are set to unanimous praise by critics.
Each week, the initiative will deal with a new topic and illus- with a married couple, Melissa screen Normal People some As reported by RTÉ, Ed
trate how adapting the principles and techniques of GROW Mental and Nick. time this Spring. The highly- Guiney of Element Pictures,
Health Recovery can help us cope with the challenges we currently As reported by the BBC, anticipated show stars Daisy said of the dramatization: “All
face. Abrahamson said of the novel: Edgar Jones, Paul Mescal and of us at Element feel so privi-
These principles include, accepting our situation and being able “I love Conversations With Sarah Greene. The show fol- leged to be part of adapting Sal-
to deal with it, taking control of our own situation while getting the Friends, its depth, humour and lows the romantic relationship ly’s extraordinary novel, work-
support of others, along with staying connected, keeping balanced freshness, and it’s an honour to between a couple from their ing once again with the brilliant
in all aspects of our life, and dealing with issues as they arise. be involved in bringing it to the teenage years in Sligo to their Lenny Abrahamson.”
The first week will cover ‘Accepting What Is’ and will be fol- screen. I’m particularly happy time together in Trinity College. Normal People is an Element
lowed by ‘Connecting in Isolation’ and ‘Adopting a Positive Mind- that my connection to Sally Rooney adapted her own Pictures Production for BBC
set’. Week 4 is ‘Create Balance and Routine’, followed by ‘Chal- and her work is set to continue. novel for the screen, alongside Three and Hulu in association
lenge and Self-Care’ before the series concludes with ‘Deal With Making Normal People has Alice Birch and Mark O’ Rowe. with Screen Ireland.
Anxiety’. been a singular pleasure and Rooney’s novel has picked up An exact release date has yet
In launching the initiative, GROW Mental Health Recovery CEO, I’m excited to be working with numerous awards including to be announced.
Michele Kerrigan, outlined the importance of the initiative. the same brilliant team again on Book of the Year at the Brit-
“The outbreak of the Coronavirus has resulted in a great deal of Conversations With Friends.” ish Book Awards 2018, and Above: Sally Rooney.
change to our lives and we all face the challenge of adapting to the
‘new normal’.
“Much of what we knew as being normal has changed. The sim-
ple things like meeting up with a family member or friend for a chat,
AVOCA launches priority food shopping for frontline staff
a playdate for the children, going on holiday, taking part in sport, service will be available seven
pursuing a hobby, or even attending our GROW Support Group days a week, exclusively to
Meetings are no longer available to us. those on the frontline during
“Many of us are missing the challenge and interactions provided this very challenging situation.
by work, school or college and there is no doubt that it can be dif- If collection is not possible,
ficult to adapt to the pressures of families confined to their house. delivery of the At Home Cater-
As a result we are left with a stark choice – we either let ourselves ing Menu is available within
get down and bemoan that fact that life is not what it used to be, or two working days of an order,
we make the most of what is a challenging situation,” explained where customers can add essen-
Michele. tials such as butter, bread, pasta,
“One of the main challenges will be to our mental health and it is meat, milk, eggs and fresh fruit
vital that we take action to look after that part of our lives and that and vegetables.
is why we have put together this information. How to order:

“The reality is that the restrictions will be in place for some time Orders can be placed Monday
and that is why we wanted to create a resource that people can fol- VOCA has specialised to avail of nourishing food in to Sunday, for home delivery or
low over the next six weeks as opposed to one piece of advice. in providing comforting a fast and easy manner, while collection, by emailing or call-
“We have attempted to make sure it is informative, reassuring and and homely services to avoiding contact with other cus- ing the contact information be-
relevant but also challenging and fun, so along with giving infor- customers for decades and has tomers. lows:
mation on looking after your mental health, we have also included pledged to go above and beyond From this weekend, designat- For Rathcoole: call 01
practical tasks. We are encouraging people to get creative during for the community during these ed order and collection points 2571802 or email Rathcoole-
this time and one example of this is providing a weekly recipe that turbulent times by implement- will sit outside the Kilma-
will allow them to spend time with the family while creating a ing customised shopping servic- canogue and Rathcoole stores. For Kilmacanogue: call 01
wholesome meal,” continued the CEO. es to the elderly and vulnerable. Customers in need of a ‘drive 2746951 / 0871861966or email
“Our podcasts are a new initiative, but it means that people can As a way of offering impor- by’ pick up service, can shop Kilmac-foodmarket@avoca.
access the information when it suits,” added Michele who encour- tant support to the incredible everything from the food market com
aged all to visit the site at to check out the informa- frontline healthcare workers, such as essential groceries, store For all delivery and col-
tion. AVOCA has launched a dedi- cupboard staples and comfort- lection updates at AVOCA,
cated priority shopping and col- ing main meals. please visit https://www.avo-
Image courtesy of GROW. lection point for frontline staff This new priority shopping April / May 2020 LOCAL / CULTURE Page 7

Interview with local community: “I didn’t have the

experience Alex went through,
thankfully. I have a very un-

actor Jack Murphy

derstanding family. But put-
ting myself in Alex’s shoes
was important for me because
I want to say at least 80% of
transgender people go through

n David Prendeville out and how its OK and what that with their families. I
rishtown actor Jack Mur- it was like for me coming out.” think this film will really hit
phy is fresh off the shoot It was around this time that home to a lot of trans people.
of a new short film, Cost RTÉ started to take notice: There’s a lot that happens in
You Nothing, when I caught “RTÉ approached me and said the film that they will say hap-
up with him to have a chat we’re looking to do a part of pened to me.”
about his career. Jack has been a trans character coming into The role wasn’t without its
acting since he was a child Carrigstown, would you be challenges: “I had to do some-
and also made history as the interested in auditioning? I thing in the film that I’d never
first trans actor/character in an said definitely. I went down had to do. I’m six years on tes-
Irish soap. He played the char- to RTÉ to audition. Less than tosterone now and I’ve never
acter of Ryan Donnelly, who a day later, they told me I got had to do this in my entire
appeared in Fair City in 2017. the part.” time on it and I did it on cam-
Jack started off his career as Jack speaks in glowing era - I had to shave my beard.
an eight year old on the film terms about his time on the That was possibly the hard-
Agnes Browne, which starred show: “It was a fantastic expe- est thing I’ve ever had to do.
and was directed by Angelica rience. I would go back there Because my beard is like my
Houston. “I auditioned for the in a heartbeat. It was the best safety blanket. I felt if people
part but didn’t get it. Then, I time I had. They couldn’t have saw me without my beard that
got a call from the people do- looked after me any better.” they’d think I was female. All
ing the film and they said (I I asked Jack how he feels I kept saying to myself was do
was still female at the time) about issues of representation it for the film, the love of act-
that the girl playing the char- in film and the arts and how ing. You’ll see in the film it’s
acter of Cathy is sick so can important it is that trans peo- real emotional. It’s real emo-
you be her stand-in for two ple are played by trans actors. tion when I shave it. I know it
days. They would collect me He cites the recent example of doesn’t sound like a big deal
from Ringsend school at 6.30 the controversy surrounding but it was a huge deal to me.
the next morning.” Scarlett Johannsen being set But the film is great. It tells
“Since then, I got second to play the part of a trans man a true story and it really hits
lead in my school musical. I in the film Rub and Tug. Jo- home. It’s really good.”
went to St Patrick’s Cathedral hannsen subsequently dropped The film is aiming to be fin-
Grammar School in Christch- out. ished in time for the GAZE
urch. It was a very musical “I think it’s very important. Film Festival in the summer.
school. I used to do a lot of I know there was a lot going Jack is hoping to organise a
singing. I joined a community on about Scarlett Johanssen. community screening prior to
drama group when I was 18 Fair play to her she stepped that. We look forward greatly
– the Ringsend drama group down. In the end we’re all ac- to seeing the film and follow-
– so I did three or four plays tors, we’re acting, we’re play- ing Jack’s career in the future.
with them.” ing a part so I did see her side
Jack started transitioning of things as well. I saw both From left: Jack with Carrie
when he was 24: “From then sides of it. She was playing Crowley in Fair City.
on, I’ve been a trans advo- a part and she would’ve been As a girl with Angelica Hou-
cate. I’ve been doing a lot of playing a part. When I saw it ston on the set of the film
work with Teni – Transgender I thought, no, that’s not right. Agnes Browne.
Equality Network Ireland and Then I kind of saw it from Photos courtesy of Jack
I’ve been giving talks to Be- a different angle and then we’re all acting, playing a to build a bridge, but things Murphy.
LonG To, the youth service, thought it was OK because role. But it is very important don’t go to plan. My character
about being transgender and she’s an actress and that’s not for trans people to be seen and is called Alex and my mother
about what it’s like to come a big deal, y’know? Because a lot of trans people don’t get a doesn’t aceept me because I’m
lot of jobs. Walking by me on transgender. I go away to Lon-
the street you wouldn’t know I don to transition. I’m coming
was trans. I wouldn’t also just home after four years because
go for trans roles. But I find my aunty is coming back to
it really important that there is visit for her birthday. My
representation, because there mother doesn’t accept me for
aren’t that many trans actors the man I am. The director was
out there.” looking for a trans man for the
Jack speaks passionately role. And when she saw me
about the aforementioned online and was following me
short he’s just wrapped on: online, my journey, she saw
“It’s about a trans man who me and said I’d be perfect for
has a tense relationship with the part.”
his mother and who returns for Jack feels the film has a
a tense family reunion, hoping powerful message for the trans
Page 8 BOOK REVIEW April / May 2020

Through Her Eyes: Her brother Robert eventually

came to live with her and they
collaborated for over two decades
on scientific studies. There’s a lot
more to Lady Ranelagh’s story,
A new history of Ireland in 21 women especially the difficulties in her
early life, something Clodagh

n Geneva Pattison called St Canir. Accounts tell that Finn connects to Lady Ranelagh’s
uthor and journalist, she walked on water, after re- future passions in excellent detail.
Clodagh Finn, invites ceiving a vision that told her she ‘Through Her Eyes’ also tells
us to travel through time should die and be buried on Scat- the story of an Irish woman who
and pay tribute to 21 ground- tery Island. Unfortunately, the Is- disguised herself as a man and
breaking Irish women in her land had a monastic settlement on fought in the American Civil War.
book ‘Through Her Eyes: A new it and women were forbidden to Jennie Hodgers, originally from
history of Ireland through 21 travel there. Upon arrival at Scat- Clogherhead, Laois, served her
women’. When learning about tery Island, St Canir challenged full three-year term in the Ameri-
Ireland’s History we’re often pre- one monk, St Senán, and the ar- can army. She posed as a man
sented with a large proportion of gument was noted down in The named Albert Cashier and stated
male-centric tales, the legends of Book of Lismore. her occupation was farming.
ancient kings, revolutionary war St Canir said: “Christ came to Despite the close quarters, the
heroes and academics that chal- redeem women no less than to re- secret was never exposed dur-
lenged us to think differently. deem men. He did not suffer less ing the entire tour of duty. As the
However, Clodagh’s work docu- for the sake of women than for the Americans were so desperate for
ments the bravery, innovation sake of men. Women have given recruits at the time, the medical
and unrelenting drive of Ireland’s humble service and ministra- exams wouldn’t have been ex-
sometimes overlooked histori- tion to Christ and to his apostles. tremely thorough and a woman
cally influential women. Women then, no less than men, would have passed unseen.
The book is chronological enter into the Kingdom of Heav- The author imparts a wonderful
and reaches as far back as 3600 en. Why, then, would you not take story of Albert’s time as a soldier,
BC, to a woman named only as women to you onto your island?” regarding when they were cap-
‘The Woman of the Burren’. She St Senán didn’t have any pro- tured by the enemy side. Albert
would have been among the first found rebuttals to her logic and was discovered while out on re-
farmers to settle in Ireland some they eventually gave in and al- connaissance one night and taken
6000 years ago, travelling all lowed her to die and be buried on hostage. He managed to seize one
the way from Turkey. She lived the island. The author points out older sister Katherine Jones, also bers in total, was the seventh most of the guard’s guns, knocked him
an exceedingly harsh life as one that in our long history of a male- known as Lady Ranelagh. important person out of the entire down and ran back to camp. Not
might expect, but managed to dominated church, you don’t of- She came of age during a time collective. That final deduction bad for someone who was five
live to an estimated age of 55 ten see accounts documenting the when reading and writing was was derived from mathematical feet three inches tall.
years old. voices of lesser-known female still seen as untoward skills for a analysis of the surviving letters This story is also vitally impor-
This was several decades longer saints, never mind one so adept lady to hold. Yet, she went against between the Hartlib circle mem- tant as an integral part of trans
than the average life expectancy at debating women’s rights re- her father’s wishes and educated bers. history. Although it cannot be
for a woman during the Neolithic garding church matters in the 6th herself. This led to her becoming Lady Ranelagh was operat- known for certain what gender
period. It’s something worth cele- century. It’s a truly captivating one of the most powerful women ing at the very centre of innova- Albert ultimately identified with,
brating when you consider that 55 tale and one that could have taken in the scientific and philosophical tion at the time. Politicians, and History is often rife with trans
years back then, is the equivalent place today (and thankfully, does circles of high society during the even royalty sought her council erasure. Now is the time for final-
of reaching 100 years old now. take place today). 17th century. with regards to political and edu- ly acknowledging and celebrating
Something definitely deserving You’ve most likely heard of There was a very exclusive cational reform. She also estab- the great achievements, struggles
of a letter of congratulations from Robert Boyle, the Irish chem- gathering of intellectuals called lished a reputation as a consulting and sheer bravery of the trans
the President, wouldn’t you say? ist largely regarded as one of the ‘Hartlib Circle’ made up of physician and eventually had a community throughout the ages.
Another intriguing entry comes the founding fathers of modern 766 members. Finn highlights in laboratory built in the garden of There are so many fascinat-
in the form of St Dahalin’s sto- chemistry. However, you may this particular section that Lady her London home, where she con- ing vignettes and inspiring ac-
ry. She was an early Irish saint have heard less about his gifted Ranelagh, out of the 766 mem- cocted many of her remedies. counts of women’s lives in this
and miracle worker who existed book. From the Celtic queens of
around 500 AD. St Dahalin lived antiquity and 19th century alpine
in a convent with a group of nuns mountaineers to pioneering bio-
in Kerry and upon hearing news technologists of the 21st century,
of raiders approaching went out to we get a refreshing glimpse into
meet them head on. Ireland’s hidden ‘herstory’.
Records say she struck them Any lovers of history will thor-
blind where they stood, leav- oughly enjoy this book, from eve-
ing them helpless. This defiant ry perspective. Clodagh Finn’s
act saved her fellow nuns’ lives. exciting book truly allows us to
The raiders begged for their vi- lift the screen on the convention-
sion to be restored and Dahalin al, walk in someone else’s shoes
took pity, leading them to a well and experience Ireland’s broader
to wash their eyes and cure them. past through her eyes.
She was no fool though, first she ‘Through Her Eyes: A New
made them promise to give up History of Ireland Through 21
their criminal ways before help- Women’ is published by Gill
ing them. A wise move indeed. books and available from Books
There was another account of a on the Green and all good book-
female saint from Dahalin’s time stores. April / May 2020 Page 9

The NewsFour Crossword ……Compiled by Gemma Byrne

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Solutions for FEBruary / MARCH 2020 Crossword

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Page 10 CULTURE April / May 2020

Human Rights in Film

Awards at the RHA
n Peter McNamara ences.
he Irish Council for Civil Santiago Italia is set during
Liberties (ICCL) recently the Chilean coup d’etat which
held its Ninth annual Hu- led to Augusto Pinochet’s dicta-
man Rights in Film Awards at torship and focuses on efforts by
the Royal Hibernian Academy, the Italian embassy to relocate
just off St. Stephen’s Green. The those endangered by the regime.
awards show formed part of the Told through the stories of sur-
opening ceremony of the Vir- vivors, it’s an inspiring expres-
gin Media Dublin International sion of hope in terrible circum-
Film Festival. stances.
Taking place on Friday March And finally, Balloon is the lat-
9th, this event – and indeed in est film from Tibetan director
the entire Dublin International and author Pema Tseden, whose
Film Festival – was one of the previous film Jinpa won Best
last to escape the current series Screenplay Award in Venice’s
of closures. Horizons section last year. The
Indeed, the night was a great film is quasi-documentary style
success for the ICCL. The and follows a Tibetan sheep
packed-out crowd at the RHA farming family through a seis-
enjoyed wine and refreshments, mic event.
watched inspiring clips from Phillyda Lloyd received her
the five films that were up for award from Ailbhe Smith, ex-
an award, and were treated to a pressed her gratitude to the jury,
special appearance by Game of and gave an impassioned speech
Thrones actor, Liam Cunning- about the plight of the homeless
ham, who received the first ever in Ireland, which was met with
ICCL Lifetime Contribution to a rousing ovation. It was then
Human Rights Award, for his the task of Collete Fitzpatrick
ongoing humanitarian work. to introduce the inaugural ICCL
Lifetime Contribution Award.
Five inspirational films, one
fine location From the Seven Kingdoms to
The RHA made for an im- war-torn Syria
pressive backdrop to the night’s The new award is intended
festivities. The spacious modern to honour a person in the film
building, with its white walls, her speech Fitzpatrick stressed her on the jury was Brendan Herself, directed by Phillyda industry who has used their
high ceilings, and soft natural their commitment to ensuring Courtney (broadcaster and Lloyd, tells the story of Sandra, platform to passionately advo-
lighting made for a pleasant lo- the ICCL awards became an fashion designer), Andrea Ho- a young Dublin mother strug- cate for a better world. It was
cation. The awards show was annual institution. She then in- ran (campaigner and presenter gling to provide her two young presented on-stage to Liam
held in the ground floor gallery: troduced life-long human rights of the United Ireland podcast), daughters with a home to grow Cunningham by Syrian refugee
rows and rows of clear plastic, campaigner Ailbhe Smith, who Bulelani Mfaco (spokesperson up in. When it becomes clear Husam Alhraki, in acknowl-
modern-looking chairs faced received a round of applause as for the Movement of Asylum that the local council won’t pro- edgement of the actor’s partic-
towards a wide stage, with two she took to the stage. Seekers in Ireland), and Ao- vide that home, Sandra decides ular interest and campaigning
large screens at either end, and a Smith, who spent almost thir- ife Kelleher (film director and to build it herself from scratch. work on the rights of migrants
pair of red armchairs in the mid- ty years working for the Repeal writer). Street Leagues, directed by and refugees. Liam first encoun-
dle. movement, among many other Daniel Holmes, follows the men tered Husam as a child, when
Chatting and laughing, peo- causes, was chair of the jury for And the winner is… and women of the Irish Home- the actor was visiting refugees
ple milled into the room to take the 2020 awards. She was tasked The gong on the night went less Street Leagues as they over- in Jordan with child-focused
their seats, with some pausing to with introducing a clip from to Irish film, Herself, with a come homelessness and addic- overseas aid agency, World Vi-
look at the paintings, sculptures, each of five nominated films, special commendation going tion through the power of sport. sion.
and photographs that adorn the and announcing the overall win- to Street Leagues, another Irish The film documents their jour- Liam Cunningham’s humani-
walls of the RHA gallery. All in ner of the Ninth ICCL Human film. Both films deal with the is- ney to playing in the Homeless tarian work has included fund-
all, it made for a fitting space to Rights in Film Award. Joining sue of homelessness. World Cup and features Colin raising and advocacy work for
consider the finer points of hu- Farrell, who is an ambassador migrants and refugees in South
man nature, our potential for for the street leagues. Sudan, Syria and Greece. While
compassion, courage, and im- The three films that missed in Greece, he called on EU lead-
agination. out were worthy nonetheless. ers to do much more for the peo-
The night formally kicked-off Hearts and Bones is a feature ple who are stranded there. He
with a welcoming speech from film that follows a war photog- is currently an ambassador for
the host, Virgin Media TV’s rapher and a South Sudanese World Vision.
Collette Fitzpatrick. It’s the sec- refugee who become friends in “It’s an honour for me to re-
ond year that Virgin Media have Western Sydney and find much ceive this award,” Cunningham
helped support this award, and in in common despite their differ- told the crowd. “The Irish Coun- April / May 2020 CULTURE Page 11

cil for Civil Liberties have been campaigning for human rights
working to make Ireland a freer and civil liberties in Ireland and
and better country for almost abroad, and the Human Rights
half a century. And it comes at a in Film Award is part of their
really important moment, when mission.
Europe is literally allowing ref- “Film is an incredible me-
ugees to die on our borders. We dium through which to spread
need to stand up against this,” he ideas,” the organisation director
added, “to assert that the Europe Liam Herrick told me. “With
and the Ireland we want to live this award we want to celebrate
in are places that offer refuge to the special role that film has in
people who need our help.” reaching out to audiences, in the
The crowd watched a short name of a good cause.”
film about the actor’s com- For the last nine years, the
mitment to the welfare of the Human Rights in Film Award
young refugee, Husam Alhraki. has been a way for the ICCL to
As a child, Alhraki fled the rav- reach out to people in the film
ages of the Syrian civil war for industry, to help encourage doc-
Germany, with some help from umentary-makers, script writ-
Cunningham and World Vision. ers, producers and directors, to
The film included a clip of the use the platform they have to
CNN coverage of the actor’s tell the stories that really matter.
efforts, and culminated with an A powerful movie can make
emotional meeting between the The ICCL: Champions of sight during the Troubles, when ground-breaking Equality Now a viewer vividly see and under-
two, years later. freedom human rights and civil liberties for Lesbians and Gay Men, stand the plight of others, in a
After being shown some Not since the Emergency, were being thrown by the way- which forensically charted the way they won’t soon forget.
compassion and trust, Alhraki during the Second World War, side. discrimination and prejudice They can show us the darkness
managed to securely establish have we seen the kind of up- The Council also decided to faced by lesbians and gay men in our world, while at the same
himself in Berlin, with a decent heaval that’s come in the last campaign for equality for wom- in Ireland, which played a cen- time, point us to our higher po-
job and a wonderful grasp of the few weeks. Herrick was speak- en and childrenʼs rights and tral role in achieving decrimi- tential.
language. When the film ended, ing on March 8th, before the – not a popular position at the nalisation of homosexuality in “With this award,” Liam Her-
Cunningham and Alhraki sat real thrust of the current crisis time – the rights of psychiatric 1993. rick added, “we want to bring
down in the armchairs on stage, came to bear. And it’s at times patients and an end to capital The 2015 ‘Yes Equality’ cam- human rights messages to new
to talk about the young man’s like these that we need organi- punishment. paign was run in large part by audiences, and to raise aware-
plans for the future, and the sations like the ICCL most of The 1970s was a time of a the organisation, which saw ness of the work of the Irish
many others like him in Syria all. rapid improvement in womenʼs 62% of the Irish population vote Council for Civil Liberties. Un-
that are so deserving of assis- Their highly-trained staff rights. The organisation was one in favour of Marriage Equality. like many NGOs in this coun-
tance. pored over the new emergency of the first to publicly oppose For the last four decades they try, the ICCL receives no gov-
As the night came to a close, legislation that the government the anti-choice Eight Amend- have done tireless work in the ernment support whatsoever.”
ICCL director Liam Herrick quickly enacted to fight the ment to the constitution in the areas of victims’ rights, judicial Liam pauses to smile: “And we
emphasised the importance of Coronavirus (among the new 1983 referendum. In 2018, the reform, racism and intolerance, like it that way. It means we can
film as a medium for spreading measures, mass gatherings have Coalition to Repeal the Eighth, as well as bringing to light is- speak with fierce independence
messages about human rights. been banned, and the authori- which was based in ICCLʼs of- sues around censorship and about injustice, when and where
He went on to thank all those ties can detain anyone with the fices, merged with the National freedom of expression in Ire- we see it.”
involved in the show, and in- virus who refuses to self-isolate Womenʼs Council of Ireland land. “For that reason,” he says,
vited guests to stay for another to help limit its spread). The and the Abortion Rights Cam- In addition, they have been a before heading to mix with the
drink or two. Unfortunately ICCL ensured the legislation paign, to create the successful leader when it comes to polic- crowd at the RHA, “we are en-
Cummingham and Alhraki had was proportionate to the prob- ‘Together For Yesʼ campaign, ing rights – the organisation tirely reliant on donations from
to hurry out: they were due to lem, and helped secure a date which saw repeal of the Eight were one of the first groups to our members and supporters.
appear on the Late Late Show for when the new powers will Amendment from Bunreacht na call for an independent Garda They make possible every sin-
later that same night. be revoked: November 9th. hÉireann. complaint procedure. As a re- gle thing we do.”
I spoke with Liam Herrick For over four decades, the The ICCL has also played a sult of ICCL advocacy, the the The work of the ICCL is not
soon after the show, about the Irish Council for Civil Liber- pivotal role in supporting LG- Garda Ombudsman was set up easy or quick. It requires ex-
purpose of the ICCL awards, ties has been fighting for the BTQ+ rights. With the election in 2005, and the Policing Au- pertise, patience and financial
and his plans for the future of rights of ordinary people, and of Senator David Norris to its thority in 2015. resources. You might consider
the event, and of the Irish Coun- watching over the powers-that- executive board, they nailed making a one-off or a regular
cil for Civil Liberties itself. be. Set up in 1976, by a young their (rainbow) colours to the The special power of film donation to the organisation. Or
“Well,” he told me, “we pre- Mary Robinson, among others, mast, something that was not Forty-two years later, the you can become a participatory
sented this award to Liam be- the council was formed “to pro- popular in 1980s Ireland. Irish Council for Civil Liber- member or volunteer.
cause of his passionate and mote human rights, to protect In 1990, it published the ties remains a major voice in Contact the office on 01 799
outspoken advocacy for mi- civil liberties, recover them 4504 or email if
grants and refugees, as well as where they have been removed, you have any queries. 
his fearlessness in pointing out and enlarge them where they
injustice and naming the sys- have been diminished.” Page 8, top: Actor Liam Cun-
tems that are to blame for it. We The ICCL is Ireland’s oldest ningham and Husam Alhraki,
need people like Liam who are independent human rights cam- and the Lifetime Contribution
unafraid to use their platform paigning organisation. They award trophy.
to help protect our freedoms. monitor, educate and campaign This page, top: The jury for the
These freedoms we take for to secure human rights for eve- 2020 film award, left to right:
granted are actually very frag- ryone in Ireland, and further Bulelani Mfaco, Andrea Horan,
ile. Especially in these turbu- afield. From the outset, they Brendan Courtney, Aoife Kelle-
lent times.” fought for greater Garda over- her, and Ailbhe Smith.
Page 12 FILM April / May 2020

Best ‘staying in’

streaming options
n David Prendeville source, not only for catching be a cult classic in the future.
n these trying times one up with new arthouse releas- Available on Amazon Prime.
small consolation is the es, but also for the extensive
wealth of films available catalogue of older, hard-to-get Blue Velvet
to us at the click of a button. Irish films it has in its library. Why not quell the disap-
Here I look at a small portion The film debuts of Cathal pointment of the cancellation
of some of the best films to Black – Pigs (1986) – and Pad- of the David Lynch season in
stream or streaming platforms dy Breathnach – Ailsa (1994) the Light House cinema by
available to viewers to gorge – are particularly fascinating enjoying one of the master
on over the coming weeks: pieces, ripe for re-discovery. director’s best works? Kyle
MacLachlan, Isabella Ros-
Vivarium selini and Dennis Hopper are
In this Irish film, produced This magnificent site, set all superb in this masterpiece.
by Fantastic Films and distrib- up by Danish auteur Nicolas A film you’re certain to never
uted by local company Wild- Winding Refn, allows viewers forget. Available on Netflix.
card, Imogen Poots and Jesse free access to a host of rare B-
Eisenberg star as a couple who movies and oddities plucked Videodrome
get stuck in a labyrinthe-like from Refn’s own private col- Another monumental 80s
housing estate. lection. This is an invaluable work from a master director
Dubliner Lorcan Finnegan’s resource for cinephiles and of- to recently arrive on Netflix.
satirical horror has received fers a wealth of diverse treats. David Cronenberg’s extraor-
strong reviews on the festival dinarily prescient body-horror
circuit, not least at its premiere Too Old to Die Young has much to say about how we
in Critics’ Week at Cannes last Sticking with Refn for a mo- consume media and features
year. The film was set to be re- ment, now might be a good a raft of wholly unforgettable
leased in cinemas at the end of time to catch up on this vast imagery. James Woods and
March, but was instead moved opus, which was released on Deborah Harry have never Outlaw Auteur:Joseph Losey. month’s free trial to begin with
on to streaming subsequent Amazon Prime last year. The been better. Highly recommended. and offers plans from 4.17 per
to the coronavirus pandemic. sheer size of the project – each month beyond that. Features
Available from, Cur- episode is roughly the length Good Time/Uncut Gems The Truth a wide array of horror films
zon Home Cinema, ITunes of a feature in itself – coupled The Safdie Brothers are Palme D’or winning director from art horror to cult classics
and most streaming platforms. with its slow pace, seemed to among the most exciting Hirokazu Kore-eda assembles to more mainstream fare. Eye-
put many people off it. For young directors to come out of an extraordinary cast – Cath- catching exclusives include patient viewers, however, this America in recent times. You erine Deneuve, Juliette Bino- the revered, micro-budget
Element’s video-on-demand is a show that offers rich re- can catch their two most re- che, Ethan Hawke – for his Japanese horror-comedy One
platform is a valuable re- wards, and one that is likely to cent films on Netflix – the re- first film outside his native Cut of the Dead.
cent, white-knuckle gambling Japan. It has received warm
thriller Uncut Gems, starring plaudits on the festival circuit Dark Touch
Adam Sandler and the even and most recently played at One of Shudder’s stand-
better Good Time – a darkly the Virgin Media Dublin Inter- out titles is Marina De Van’s
comic urban nightmare star- national Film Festival. Avail- criminally underseen Irish-
ring Robert Pattinson. able on Curzon Home Cinema. shot horror. A disquieting
and ambitious picture. It’s a
Mistress America Bacurau shame that no streaming ser-
Fans of Greta Gerwig and Like The Truth and Vi- vice currently offers De Van’s
Noah Baumbach should check varium, this is a film that has astounding debut In My Skin.
out this criminally underseen seen its theatrical window cast She is an artist who deserves
screwball comedy. Gerwig co- asunder by the current situa- more recognition.
writes and stars, while Baum- tion. The great Udo Kier and
bach directs. Funny, utterly Sonia Braga star in this highly Images
charming and genuinely up- acclaimed, ultra-violent Bra- Robert Altman’s fascinating
lifting. Available on Netflix. zilian western/horror/satire Irish-shot curio, is a visceral
by directors Juliano Dornelles and disturbing depiction of a
Mubi and Kleber Mendonça Filho descent into madness. All too
This wonderful site offers (the latter of which directed hard to find over the years,
a superb selection of 30 art- the admired Aquarius in 2016 now is a great time for it to be
house films, with a new film and was recently present at revalued and its place in the
being added each day. They the Dublin International Film great director’s canon reas-
are currently offering an as- Festival). Available on Curzon sessed. Features a great per-
tonishingly good deal of three Home Cinema and Mubi. formance by Susannah York.
months for 1 euro. The site has Available on Shudder.
some wonderfully created pro- Shudder
grammes such as The Crimes This terrific site is a delight Brain Damage
of Jean Pierre Melville and for fans of horror. It offers a Another Shudder high- April / May 2020 HEALTH / PHYSIO Page 13

light is this utterly hilarious,

outrageous and grotesque
horror-comedy from Frank
Brian De Palma’s terrific
Hitchockian thriller is full
Help for those with aching joints
Henenlotter, director of icon- of his usual dynamic visual n Eoin Meegan
ic cult-film Basket Case. tropes and twisty revelations. uscular and joint pain
Features a great Bernard Her- is, unfortunately,
Force Majeure mann score. Available on something all too
Curzon Home Cinema are Mubi and Shudder many people are familiar with,
offering a special deal to rent and can range from being mildly
Ruben Ostlund’s satire for Climax irritable to downright debilitat-
just 99p. Recently remade The great enfant terrible ing. However, there may be re-
in the US with Will Ferrell, Gaspar Noe returned to form lief on the horizon in the form
people would be advised to after the somewhat disap- of a relatively new treatment
stick to the scabrous Swedish pointing Love with this pul- known as neuromuscular thera-
original. sating dance horror. With a py, or neuroconnective therapy.
brilliant soundtrack featur- Recently NewsFour met neu-
Sunderland Til I Die ing the likes of Aphex Twin romuscular therapist Bev Porri-
Football fans can get their and Daft Punk, and a terrific no, who works out of the Elbow-
fix with this highly acclaimed central turn from Sofia Bou- room in Brunswick Street. Bev
documentary which fol- tella, this formally audacious describes the science of neuro- field, and creator of the Be Acti- immune system, and many other
lows the plight of the North- nightmare is a must-see. muscular therapy as a “method vated program. Heel has worked organs. It is the longest, largest,
East club after relegation to Available on Netflix that helps the body to align itself with a number of celebrities, and most complex of the cranial
League One. Season Two is with the nervous system.” including the South African nerves; called vagus from the
just about to start on Netflix. IFI Player During a typical session Bev Springboks. Be Activated segre- Latin for ‘wandering.’
Season One is also available. Featuring a wealth of fas- usually starts off testing the gates the body into three separate “Without resetting the vagus
cinating, educational and muscles for strength, flexibility zones for purposes of analyses. nerve, nothing will change,”
First Reformed entertaining content. From and resilience. The reason for Zone 1 is confined to the pelvic Bev says. Having worked on
Paul Shrader made a trium- the Radharc Collection to this, she says, is to know what area, zone 2 the area down to the my myofascial points, Bev then
phant return to form with this the brilliantly eccentric the body is doing now and learn knees and up to the solar plexus, taught me a new diaphragmatic
magisterial, prescient and ut- films of Roy Spence to The where to go from here. and zone 3 covers everything be- form of breathing, which gave
terly powerful drama. Ethan Bord Failte Collection to an Muscle testing, also referred to low the knee and the upper body. me a sense of expanding, like my
Hawke has never been better. array of old adverts. Here as kinesiology, determines if one “Neuroconnective therapy,” Bev inside was somehow more spa-
Available on Netflix one is provided a wonder- part of the body is compensating says, “interrupts poor neuro- cious. My lower back pain has
ful snapshot of Irish culture, for another; that is doing work it muscular patterns and delivers a also greatly improved.
You Were Never Really audiovisual and otherwise, shouldn’t be doing. For example, systematic method to reawaken Douglas Heel said: “The body
Here throughout various points in back muscles sometimes com- muscles that have become con- has two priorities for survival,
Lynne Ramsey’s vigilante history. pensate for impaired hip or glutes fused and switched off.” the need to breathe and the need
drama is a masterclass in the to propel us forward, which will Bev’s passion is to help peo- to move, and it will sacrifice an-
direction. There is not a sin- inevitably lead to back pain and ple understand how amazing ything else to achieve these two
gle shot wasted in it’s lean Left from page 12: poor posture. their bodies are, and how quickly things.”
89-minute duration. Features David Cronenberg, Greta Having found the source, the they can change emotional states While neuromuscular therapy
a superb performance from Gerwig and Nicolas Winding therapist can then activate certain and override muscle tension and has been growing in popular-
Joaquin Phoenix. Available Refn. myofascial points in the body stress in the mind and body. ity recently, it has, in fact, been
on Netflix Images: Wiki Commons. (facia are fibrous bands clus- A Mancunian by birth, she around for some time. It was
tered around muscles, ligaments lived for many years in Amster- developed in the early part of
and tendons) through kneading, dam, before relocating to Dublin the last century by Dr Stanley
and thereby relieve the pain and in 2012, where she’s been living Lief and others. Janet Travell, a
bring the body back into align- since. Drawing from many heal- pioneer of trigger point therapy
ment. ing and therapeutic modalities, is credited with having helped
“When there is pain it is often including elements of Be Acti- John F. Kennedy, who famously
the body telling us that something vated and Bio Hatha yoga, which suffered with chronic back pain.
is not right,” Bev says, “this may she’s been teaching for 25 years, So, if you have difficulty
result from an injury or accident, Bev is a highly experienced and walking, getting around, or
but it can also have an emotional intuitive healer. you’re in physical pain which is
or psychological basis.” The “The nervous system is like preventing you getting a proper
pain is usually a result; the cause any other electrical circuit, it will night’s sleep, then perhaps it’s
sometimes can have its origin in find the quickest route to where worth giving neuromuscular
a trauma or event that happened the demand is called for, and therapy some consideration.
in childhood, or perhaps in an sometimes this demand is com- Many experts attest that the
ongoing situation in our current ing from the wrong place. It’s treatment can also help with dis-
home or work environment. like when a fuse blows the elec- orders such as sciatica, carpal
Neuromuscular therapy is a tric circuitry in your home and tunnel, and in some cases even
mind-body discipline that ac- someone rewires it, but they do it Parkinson’s.
knowledges the integrity of the wrong,” she says, “or like a com- You can contact Bev through
musculoskeletal and the neuro- puter that’s running slow.” her website www.bevporrino.
logical systems, and recognises When I went for a session re- com/ or go along to one of her
that you can’t do something to cently with Bev the first thing yoga classes (when everything
one without impacting on the she did after muscle testing was reopens), which operate on a
other. In this way it is intrinsi- to reset my vagus nerve. The va- drop-in basis every Thursday
cally holistic. gus nerve is a complicated sys- lunchtime at the Elbowroom.
Bev’s work draws on that of tem of nerves that connects the
Douglas Heel, a pioneer in this brain to the heart, the gut, the Image courtesy of Bev Porrino.
Page 14 CULTURE April / May 2020

n Peter McNamara “Brown Box”. The “Brown

Video games:
he video games indus- Box” was licensed to Magna-
try is booming. In 2018, vox, which released the sys-
the global games market tem as the Magnavox Odyssey
was valued at around $134.9 in 1972. It preceded Atari by a
billion. The American market
The good, the bad, few months, which is often mis-

the addictive!
alone is forecast to reach $230 takenly thought of as the first
billion by 2022, making it the games console. Unfortunately,
largest in the world. it was a little ahead of it’s time.
Germany is the biggest mar- People couldn’t yet grasp the
ket in Europe, valued at over €4 concept of a home gaming con-
billion, followed closely by the sole, and the Odyssey was soon
UK. Ireland spends over €250 discontinued.
million on games each year. The way was clear for Atari to
One thing is clear: video raise the bar for what the video
games are here to stay. For games industry could be. The
some, they are a wonderful way company not only produced
to stimulate curiosity and crea- revolutionary games consoles,
tivity, as well as being a tool for their ill-effects? Can we strike a there is a “Senet” board that 14th century, and early decks they also created a whole new
recreation and relaxation. For gaming-life balance? dates back to about 3500 BC. would have been similar to tar- market around the “arcade.” In
others, increasingly powerful The Chinese invented their first ot cards. The four-suit (hearts, 1973, Atari released the first real
and often violent games seem Humanity loves to play known board game in 200 BC, spades, clubs and diamonds) electronic video game Pong, and
to threaten morality, foster bad Human history and games and, in Western Europe, they deck that weʼre most familiar special coin-operated machines
habits, and cause ill-health. are inextricably linked. Down were playing Tafl (a game very with was invented in France began emerging in bars, bowl-
Every few years, a new kind through the ages, we have in- similar to chess) from 400 BC. around 1480. The oldest card ing alleys and shopping malls
of video game emerges on the vented countless ways to en- If youʼve ever played go, game that we still play is proba- around the world. In the mid-
market, and, being so unprec- tertain and challenge ourselves chess, or backgammon, then bly Cribbage, which came from 1970s, technological advance-
edented, it leads many into a and each other. Fun and games youʼve played a game with the 17th century. Bridge didnʼt ments, such as Intelʼs invention
panic. aren’t just frivolous pursuits – more than a thousand years of arrive until the early 19th cen- of the worldʼs first microproces-
But gaming isn’t a new phe- they come naturally to us, as history. Go originated in Korea tury. sor, saw personal computers and
nomenon. We homo sapiens essential parts of learning, so- in 200 BC, backgammon first Snakes and ladders appeared mass-produced gaming con-
have a surprisingly long con- cialising, and understanding our appeared in Iran around 600 AD in India in the 16th century. The soles become a reality.
nection to all sorts of games: in world. In the animal kingdom, and chess was invented in India first commercial board game ar- In 1977, the Atari 2600 was
fact, they seem to be hard-wired playing games is regarded as an at roughly the same time. rived in the year 1800 and was released. After a mixed recep-
into our very natures. indicator of species intelligence Dice are among the oldest produced by George Fox in tion, the release of Space In-
When it comes to the first – though it might not seem that known gaming tools known to England. “The Mansion of Hap- vaders for the console in 1980
video games, you might have way to some! man. During an excavation in piness” was a race-type game, marked a new era of gaming:
fond memories of Super Mario Monkeys are especially fond Southeastern Iran, archeologists similar to Ludo. sales of the Atari 2600 shot to
and Tetris in the early 1990s. of playing around. Assuming, as discovered a set that was 3,000 Formed in 1860, the oldest two million units.
Or perhaps you remember Pac- seems likely, that human beings years old. We donʼt know exact- surviving board game company A video game boom ensued,
man and Space Invaders in the are just better evolved mon- ly what games those early Per- is Milton Bradley, whose fa- with a huge number of new
1980s. Maybe you cast your keys, itʼs likely that weʼve been sians would have played with mous titles include Twister, The companies and consoles. How-
mind all the way back to Pong playing games for a long, long them, but the popularity of dice Game of Life and Connect 4. ever, with so many consoles,
in the early 1970s. time. We were probably playing has endured throughout the cen- and so few decent games to play
In fact, the first recorded hu- games before we evolved the turies. Whether carved in bone Gaming goes electric on them, consumer confidence
man games can be dated to ability to speak or even to stand or cast in plastic, the simplicity You may be surprised to find began to wane, and the market
5000 BC. And games of all on two legs. Although we’ve no of a die – a cube with dots and that the first electronic game crashed in 1983. Many compa-
kinds can have positive benefits idea what the very first games nothing more – as an effective, was invented in the United nies went bust, and truckloads
– for one thing, they’re a re- we played were like, historians if chancy, determinant is age- States before the computer. The of unpopular, poor-quality titles
markable means of developing do have a good idea of the time- less. Almost every board game first recognised example of a were buried in the American de-
strong teamwork and problem- line of modern game develop- now available uses dice as its game machine was unveiled by sert just to get rid of them!
solving skills. ment. central gameplay mechanic – in Dr. Edward Uhler Condon at the In 1985, Nintendo revitalised
Given that we humans have If you enjoy a game of Mo- fact, it makes for a good game New York Worldʼs Fair in 1940. the industry with its Nintendo
an instinctive connection to nopoly or Scrabble, you’re in trying to name a few that don’t. The game, based on the ancient Entertainment System (NES).
games, it seems a worthwhile good company. The earliest Tiles and dominoes are two mathematical game of Nim, was The 8-bit gaming console Nin-
endeavour to find a way to play known board games are 5,000 other age-old gameplay inven- played by about 50,000 people tendo Entertainment System
along. Is it possible to enjoy years old and were played by tions. There are references to during the six months it was (NES), with it’s ground-break-
the benefits and pleasures of the Egyptians. We donʼt know tile games in China that are on display, with the computer ing graphics and sound, and
video games, without suffering the rules of these games, but over 2,900 years old. Dominoes reportedly winning more than faster gameplay, soon became
emerged in China 1,000 years 90% of the games. the best-selling system. The
later, during the Song Dynasty. It wasn’t until the 1950s that company had been a significant
However, Western dominoes American scientists began play- player in the market since 1981,
probably only began in the 18th ing computer games on com- with its Donkey Kong arcade
century, and mahjong, the most puter mainframe systems. Back game. That game was one of the
popular tile game in the world, then, electric gamers were few first to feature multiple levels,
didnʼt arrive until a century lat- in number – for the vast major- and it also introduced us to a
er. ity, acquiring the hardware to character we’re now well famil-
The first use of a card deck join in the fun would have been iar with: Jumpman, or, as he’s
was probably in ancient China, astronomically expensive. known to many today, Mario.
during the Tang Dynasty (6th The first game system de- But Nintendo had been making
century AD to 9th century AD). signed for commercial home games as far back as 1889, when
Cards reached Europe in the use emerged in 1967, with the it released its first line of playing April / May 2020 CULTURE Page 15

on a blank back- people for their unique abilities. least an hour of games a day. 8% nudity and rape, glamorisation
ground. This in- And finally, given the pro- admitted that they let their kids of use of drugs.
creased power, cessing power of consoles and play more than five hours a day. It has long been said that a
however, has PCs today, video games offer a “Over the years, gaming has person should take everything
not always been vivid transport from everyday grown dramatically in popu- in moderation, and this advice
used for the most life, into worlds of utter won- larity and it’s now become an is no less true for modern gam-
family-friendly of der. Games today are not only everyday habit for many peo- ing. If any parent is wondering
content. remarkable feats of computer ple, particularly children,” said how to help their child strike a
Violent and design: between their storytell- Gary Davis, at security software healthy game-life balance, you
sexual elements ing and world-building, they are firm McAfee. “There are many might try to set a routine around
began to feature coming to be seen as legitimate advantages to playing video gaming. Be it for 30 minutes, or
in games in the works of art. games, and they can be a great two hours, make an agreement
1990s. Back then, And, thanks to Nintendo, tool at parents’ disposal during with your child to allocate a cer-
cards. In 1989, it released the it wasn’t much of an issue: the games can be enjoyed by the the summer months when they tain amount of time each day for
Game Boy, and revolutionised games were mostly niche PC ti- whole family. The Japanese need to keep their children en- playing games.
the hand-held gaming industry. tles, with poor and therefore in- company has always been com- tertained while trying to manage You might also make your-
Around that time, Alexey offensive graphics. There were mitted to family-friendly re- everything else.” self aware of what games your
Pajitnov created the iconic puz- many fighting and shooting leases – it’s the home of iconic, He might have added that, kids are playing, and how long a
zle game Tetris, but had to cede games on home consoles, but bright-coloured characters from given the current national situ- game lasts. For instance, a round
the game’s rights to the Soviet it wasn’t until the appearance Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. ation, distractions like video of Fortnite is approx 25 min-
government, as personal profit of GTA on the PS2 in 2000 that In fact, their commitment to games perhaps have never been utes: if you know this you can
was outlawed under the com- parents and politicians began to producing only non-offensive more helpful in keeping the better understand where your
munist system. In 1988, Nin- take note. content started to cost them in peace while everyone is stuck at child is in the game and what
tendo purchased Tetris from the Special warning systems the 1990s, when the market be- home. expectations to set. If you want
Russians, to launch it with their (similar to those on DVDs) were gan to focus on teenage custom- The study found that 62% of to help your child to take breaks
new Game Boy system. The ad- devised to help guide parents to- ers, so much so that by the early kids play games where they di- from gaming, and to get more
dictive puzzler went on to sell wards age-appropriate games. 2000s this century-old company rectly interact with other play- physical exercise, you could
35 million copies. Pajitnov only As the first school shootings be- was on the brink of collapse. It ers, drastically increasing their even try to engage in an activity
started to see royalties from his gan to occur in America, many was then that they released the risk of being targeted with in- with them yourself – though I’m
creation in 1996 – though his net called for an outright ban on Wii, and created an entirely new appropriate content or asked to sure that’s easier said than done,
worth is a healthy $2.9 million. certain titles, and video games, market for games, and once share sensitive information. The especially in the last few weeks.
In 1989 Sega released the along with action movies before again changed the industry for- vast majority, 89%, of parents All in all, humanity thrives
Mega Drive, and Sonic the them, were blamed for all man- ever. are aware of the dangers of this, on challenges, and lives for
Hedgehog was born. In 1991, ner of anti-social behaviours. Arriving in 2006, the Wii was with 71% particularly concerned curiosity. Games – and video
the 16-bit Super Nintendo What’s more, aside from the the first console to use motion about them being groomed to games – stimulate our most el-
(SNES) arrived. By then, the pi- content of the games, parents are sensors: complicated gamepads share sensitive details or being egant mental faculties. They of-
oneering Atari was all but evis- increasingly concerned about and button combinations were shown inappropriate content fer experiences and escapes that
cerated from the market. the lifestyle that goes with these replaced by intuitive gestures such as violence, sexual images we couldn’t find anywhere else.
However, in 1995, a new electronic indoor machines. and swipes: sitting on the couch or drugs. But like any good thing, you can
challenger appeared. Electron- When not enjoyed in modera- became jumping around the “But,” Davis adds, “it is im- easily get too much of it. With a
ics company Sony released tion – like all things in life – an living room. You might recall perative that parents understand little bit of discipline and com-
their ‘PlayStation.’ Aggressive- imbalance can emerge. Children swinging the white controllers the risks to their children while mon sense, children and adults
ly marketed to teenagers and may spend too much time sitting not too long ago, trying to throw playing video games, do their can avail of one of humankind’s
adults, and with eye-popping down, eating snacks and other a bowling ball down a lane, or own research about the games most remarkable creations.
graphics, the PS1 became the convenience foods; they might putting a golf ball on the green. that their children are playing
first console to ship over 100 not be getting enough exercise, The Wii made games acces- and know how to provide prop- Clockwise from top of page 32:
million units, which it achieved or spending enough time in the sible to all. For the first time, er guidance to their children to Modern video games are here to
nine years after its initial launch physical presence of their peers. grandchildren could play with keep them safe online.” stay.
Nintendo replied with the N64 That said, there are many ben- grandparents – and with games While many parents do keep The playing board for the ‘Man-
in 1996, and after the unsuc- efits to playing video games. like Wii Fit, the console even an eye on what their children are sion of Happiness’– the first
cessful Dreamcast, Sega soon Compared to simply watching turned into a home gym, with playing, 9% of those quizzed in commercially produced board
exited the console market. The television, video games are an screen-directed exercises. Nin- the McAfee study admit to not game, from the 19th century.
Playstation 2 arrived in 2000, active pastime, not entirely un- tendo’s non-violent and acces- monitoring at all, and 6% don’t An ancient cave painting of
and the following year another like playing a musical instru- sible Wii console became one talk to their children about what a dice game – they’ve been
commercial behemoth laid their ment, that can develop creativ- of the biggest-selling consoles is and isn’t appropriate behav- around for a long, long time.
claim to the increasingly lucra- ity and problem-solving skills. of all time, with 101.6 million iour. Additionally, 13% of par- (Public domain).
tive video game market: Micro- Games can help a child see the units shipped to date. With a lit- ents admitted to letting children Atari pioneered coin-fed arcade
soft released their first ‘Xbox’ in value of team work, and per- tle open-mindedness, games can play games with age ratings machines, creating a thriving
2001. At the turn of the century, severance – after all, you can’t surprise you. more than five years over their industry in the 1980s.
we had in place the three major quit when you’re only one more own age.
players that still dominate the level from the finish. Striking a game-life balance This means
market place today. They offer children and adults In the UK, a new study by that children
a sense of accomplishment, McAfee has revealed that chil- as young as 12
Incredible power, worrying proof that hard work really does dren play video games for an could be playing
influence pay off. Also, be it together in average of 15 hours a week. The games that have
Through the 2000s and 2010s, the home, or on online servers, research also found that 94% of been exclusively
with the PS3 and PS4, and the there is some potential for so- parents are concerned about the rated for mature
Xbox 360 and Xbox One, in- cialising and building personal risks their children are exposed audiences due to
credible realism in video games confidence – more shy children to while gaming. On average, intense portray-
became the norm. Game de- might find their tribe in an on- children play video games for als of violence,
velopers had come a long way line gaming community, where 2.13 hours a day, and 92% of strong sexual
from coloured blocks jumping they are valued by likeminded parents let their children play at themes including
Page 16 FITNESS FOR FUNDRAISING April / May 2020

A Step Up, Stay Put:

s everyone adjusts to and raise funds:
working from home • Register for Step Up, Stay Put
and the kitchen table on at the Fundrais-
becomes a makeshift classroom, ing Events section.
it’s important to also remain ac- Walk 10,000 steps every day to raise money for charity • Select the Individual Option
tive within the confines of your or Family Option. Create your
own four walls. pose of developing a new, open- Don’t worry if you don’t al- engage with their chosen chari- event profile page and title it by
Step Up, Stay Put is a new source, easily manufactured ways reach your target – you ties, keep people and families your name or family name.
charity fitness challenge from ventilator that will save so many can make it up another day. And healthy and motivated whilst • Select a charity of your choice
multi-award-winning Dublin- lives throughout this pandemic. if you forget your phone, apps raising much needed funds.” or if you don’t have one, you
based event agency Event Fuel Get fit, combat cabin fever and Jamie Deasy, Event Fuel Di- could consider The COVID Re-
through their in-house online raise funds for several worthy rector sponse Team “Keep Breathing”
fundraising and ticketing plat- causes with this exercise chal- campaign.
form Giv2Go that calls on eve- lenge that aims to help you reach Giv2Go will be sharing daily • Select your steps target! You
ryone of all ages to get their 10,000 steps from the comfort of online workouts too to help can reach one million steps in
10,000 daily steps in while your own home. Register online you step up while staying put. 100 days or sooner depending
adhering to the government’s on to set up your Some more ways to reach your on how many steps you achieve.
request to practice social dis- profile – €10 for individuals and target are: • Input your steps daily by us-
tancing and stepping up to stay €20 for families, which goes to- • Find online dance workouts ing the “Update Steps” button
put in their homes wherever wards your chosen charity – se- on YouTube – Zumba and step on your profile. It’s up to you to
possible. lect a personal fundraising target workouts are all great for rack- submit your progress which will
Step Up, Stay Put is also a and choose a charity you’d like ing up steps. Alternatively, stick show up on the Stepometer.
great way of supporting the to support. on some upbeat music and use a • Share your steps progress by
many charities that are suffer- From there, it’s time to get cre- skipping rope. sharing your Giv2Go profile link
ing due to the cancellation of ative. Whether you can dance, such as My Fitness Pal will al- • Use the stairs! Stair hops, stair on social media with #StepUp-
fundraising events. The brains run up and down the stairs, hold low you to input exercise manu- crawl, stair press, stair lunges or StayPut2020 @Giv2Go to en-
behind fundraising events such races for the kids in the back gar- ally to calculate your steps. even just jogging up and down courage people to donate to your
as Tour De Picnic and special- den or even take that business “Charity, wellness and par- makes for a great cardio work- cause.
ists in employee engagement, call as you walk a lap around the ticipation have always been a out. • Submit proof of your steps
brand activations and festivals, garden, every step brings you big part of what we do at Event • Increase your strength with weekly to stepupstayput@giv-
Event Fuel are experts at bring- closer to your goal. Fuel. Thankfully, we are well set some HIIT – why not try jump where your progress
ing people together, and while Share your progress online up online with to squats, mountain climbers, and will be monitored.
this is not physically possible and encourage others to donate deliver a quick response to the burpees? • For every 50,000 steps, you’ll
during these trying times, the as you rack up those steps. current crisis. The team at Event • Send the kids running in the receive a certificate. For one
importance of community spirit One thousand steps can be Fuel began innovating immedi- garden or around your liv- million steps, you’ll get a medal
is stronger now more than ever. achieved in a mere ten minutes, ately on this. We are very proud ing space with the pedometer of honour – the race is on!
Event Fuel, who are running so taking a break from your lap- to play our part for Ireland from – it won’t be long before some Need help? Email support@
this new initiative pro bono, top and fitting in a few short home by Stepping Up and Stay- healthy sibling rivalry kicks in! with any questions.
have decided to leave the choice bursts of exercise throughout the ing Put!” • Housework and gardening can Registration:
of charity up to the participant, day is a great way of keeping the Brian McDermott, Event Fuel increase your step count mas- Individual: €10 – add your
as so many charities have been mind and body in order while Director sively so there is no better time own name to your profile.
greatly affected by the cancella- raising funds. to do some spring cleaning. Family Registration: €20 –
tion of events due to the spread Simply switch on your step- “We came up with the Step Up • Taking a walk is ok when it’s add your family name to your
of Covid-19. counting device, whether that’s Stay Put concept as a solution to necessary, but it is recommended profile.
However, if you don’t have a Garmin, FitBit or the health cancelled fundraisers. Charities to keep to your own household This will be donated to your
one in mind, you can support app on your phone, and notch that help people year round are as much as possible during these chosen charity.
The COVID Response Team up those steps. If you have finding it very difficult through times. Of course, if you’re lucky
(CRT) “Keep Breathing” cam- any questions on how to moni- these times and people need new enough to live on a farm or have Event Fuel are running the
paign, a not-for-profit team of tor your progress or on how to goals for exercise. Engagement a big garden, getting outdoors is initiative pro bono in support
engineers, medical doctors, stu- convert your steps, head to the is a huge part of what we do at ideal for this challenge. of all charities and in par-
dents and innovators who have FAQs section of www.stepup- Event Fuel and we feel that this ticular the Covid-19 Fund for
come together with the sole pur- challenge will allow people to How to sign up, input steps, Emergency Ventilators.

Name Mr Tayto’s baby lemurs!

ayto Park is thrilled to a second baby lemur born a week
announce the arrival of after to mum Charlie, while anoth-
twin Lemurs! Help name er set of lemur twins arrived last
the latest arrivals to be in with a week to mother Diana. All mums
chance to win a Tayto Park fam- and new births are doing well and
ily pass are settling into their new home.
Excitement was in the air at The Tayto Park zookeepers
Tayto Park earlier this month as don’t as yet know the gender of
zookeepers welcomed two sets of the new arrivals as the baby le-
twin ring-tailed lemurs into Ire- murs can’t be disturbed at this family pass to Tayto Park, the zoo under the lemur imagery social tailed lemurs are considered one
land’s only theme park and zoo. early bonding stage, however the team are encouraging boys and post to be in with a chance to win. of the world’s most endangered
It was a busy month for the Tay- Tayto Park zookeepers need help girls – young and old to head over Tayto Park will contact a winner group of mammals, according to
to Park zoo team as the first set of to suggest names for the latest ar- to the official Tayto Park Face- directly, competition closes Mon- the IUCN (International Union
twin ring-tailed lemurs were born rivals! book or Instagram page and com- day, 6th April. for Conservation of Nature). Dis-
to Dolly on the 5th of March, with To be in with a chance to win a ment with your suggested names Endemic to Madagascar, ring- tinguishing features include their April / May 2020 COOKING Page 17

S Baking with the kids

chool closures and social couple of minutes until smooth,
distancing due to the cur- light and fluffy.
rent world health pandem- • Add the cream, lemon juice
ic mean parents will be spend- and vanilla extract into the
ing a lot more time indoors with cream cheese and whisk until
their children over the coming fully combined and thickened.
weeks. Trying to keep kids en- • Pour the mix between 5 bowls
tertained at home while limiting and use the food colouring to dye
their exposure to iPads, tablets the mixture pale/pastel shades of
and mobile phones can be a pink, purple (blue and red), blue
tough balancing act. and green and yellow.
Head to the kitchen and bake • Pour the pink layer on top of
something tasty! Kitchen tasks the biscuit base and place in the
will give them the opportunity freezer for 10-15 minutes to set
to count, measure and weigh, long enough to add the next lay-
as well as the end result being er. Follow this process with the
something they’ll be very proud purple, blue, green and yellow
of! Aldi has a range of easy reci- rest of the flour with the baking 100g pure Irish creamery butter 225g digestive biscuits layers.
pes that all of the family can join powder. Mix until everything 2 tbsp manuka honey (regular 85g unsalted butter (melted) • When the final (yellow) layer
in and help to make (and eat) – is just combined – overbeating honey will also work) 700g soft cream cheese is in place leave to set in the
so let’s get started! will make the buns less light, so 250g broken biscuits – diges- 350g double cream freezer for 30 minutes to 1 hour
easy does it. tive/rich tea 150g icing sugar (we don’t want to freeze the
Oaty Banana Bread Buns • Peel the bananas and mash the 75g malteasers ½ lemon (juiced) cheesecake, just set it).
Serves: 16 people flesh in a bowl, then carefully 75g sultanas (optional) 1 tsp vanilla extract • While the cheesecake sets, take
Prep Time: 20 minutes fold into the bun mixture with 50g mini marshmallows pink, red, blue, yellow and green 75g of the ready roll icing and
Cooking Time: 25 minutes the oats. Using two large spoons, food colouring add a drop of pink food colour-
divide the mixture among the Method: ing, then knead until an even
Ingredients: paper cases. • Line a 20cm (8”) square bak- To decorate: colour is achieved.
100g butter (room temperature) • Place in the oven and bake ing tin with a double layer of 150g ready to roll icing • Roll out a little of the white
40g golden caster sugar for 22-25 minutes until cooked cling film. pink food colouring and pink icing, cut out two white
3 eggs through. To test, insert a skewer • Put the choc bloc, butter and 200ml double cream (whipped) triangles and two smaller pink
½ tsp vanilla extract (2.5g) or toothpick into the centre of honey in a heatproof bowl and 50ml dark chocolate (melted) triangles and then stick these to-
240g self-raising flour a bun and it should come out place over a small saucepan of Plus any extra pastel coloured gether using a pastry brush and
2 tsp baking powder (10g) clean. The buns will also smell simmering water (do not allow sweets for decoration (white water to make the ears.
4 ripe or over-ripe bananas cooked and be springy to the the water to touch the base of chocolate buttons, bon bons, liq- • With the remaining icing, roll
90g porridge oats touch. the bowl). uorice allsorts) each into two strips then wrap
• Remove the buns from the • Stir occasionally until melted. them around the cocktail stick to
Method: oven and after 5 minutes trans- • Stir in the biscuits, Malteasers Equipment: create a two-tone unicorn horn.
• Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/ fer them to a wire or grill rack and sultanas. 21cm loose-bottomed tin • Use the melted dark chocolate
Gas mark 4. Line a bun tin with and leave to cool completely be- • Use the back of a spoon to 1 cocktail stick (trimmed) to pipe eyes and eyelashes and
16 paper cases. fore serving. press the mixture and press leave to cool.
• Put the butter and sugar in a • These buns will keep in an air- lightly into the top. Method: • To decorate, pipe the whipped
bowl and beat well. The easiest tight container for up to 3 days • Cover and refrigerate until set. • Place the digestive biscuits in cream on top of the cheesecake
way to do this is with a hand- or can be frozen in freezer bags • To serve, turn out of the tin, re- a food processor and blitz into and round one side to create the
held electric beater but a wood- for up to 1 month and defrosted move cling film and cut the cake crumbs. mane. Place the ears and horn
en spoon and some elbow grease as needed. into small square, Enjoy! • Pour the melted butter over the onto the cake, and then decorate
also works. The mixture should biscuit crumbs and combine, with the sweets.
become a little lighter in colour. Choc Bloc Biscuit Cake Unicorn Cheesecake • Press the crumbs into the base • Finally, place the eyes on the
• Add two of the eggs along with Cooking Time: 10 mins Serves: 8 people of the tin and leave to chill while front and serve chilled.
the vanilla extract and half of the Prep time: 150 minutes you make the filling. Use an
flour and beat well to combine. Ingredients: electric mixer to beat the cream The above recipes are also
Add the remaining egg and the 300g pack chocolate Ingredients: cheese and icing sugar for a available at

long, thick, tail with black and birth of any species at the park is mates closer than ever before.
Balcony Bingo in Ringsend
white rings, marking their terri- always exciting but even more so Tayto Park has postponed its
tory by scent. when they have such conservation scheduled 2020 opening date, to ingsend and Irishtown Community Centre are continuing the
Ring tailed lemurs are social an- importance.” ensure the health and safety of our fun of the latest initiative ‘balcony bingo’ during the Covid cri-
imals and live in groups known as The new arrivals will settle into staff and visitors, in line with of- sis. On Saturday March 28th kicking off at 12pm, O’Rahilly
troops led by dominant females. their new home ‘Lemur Woods’, ficial guidelines. Tayto Park will and Whelan House on Thorncastle Street will hold a ‘Rock n Roll bin-
The Tayto Park troop is made up Ireland’s largest lemur walk- monitor the situation closely, and go.’ There will also be a game of ‘Higher or Lower,’ using giant playing
of young individuals who are part through which opened last year, will open when it is safe to do so.
cards, on Sunday 29th March from 1pm. The much – needed events,
of the European Endangered Spe- giving visitors an immersive ex- Tayto Park look forward to wel-
amidst a stark time, will bring the community together once again,
cies Breeding Programme. perience with this incredible en- coming visitors soon, and in the
whilst maintaining a safe distance. They promise to be fantastic events.
Park and Zoo Manager at Tayto dangered species. meantime, stay safe!
Park, Lee Donohoe said “We’re Set in a large habitat in a natu- For more information visit: Balcony Bingo has taken off in a huge way and RICC are delighted it’s
delighted to welcome our latest ral woodland, visitors walk along spreading to other communities. RICC would like to remind people to
lemur arrivals to the Tayto Park a looped pathway within the en- Facebook: @TaytoParkIre- maintain their distance during all events.
Zoo. Both the new arrivals and closure, creating a fun, dynamic land Balcony Bingo venue: O’Rahilly and Whelan House, Thorncastle
their mums are doing very well experience giving visitors the op- Twitter: @TaytoPark Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4.
and we’re already seeing some of portunity to see and learn all about Instagram: @TaytoPark Dates: Saturday 28th March 2020 and Sunday 29th March 2020
their cheeky, playful traits! The these fascinating and lovable pri- YouTube: TaytoPark Time: 12pm and 1pm.
Page 18 SPORT April / May 2020

Euro 2020
n David Prendeville
n this time of great uncertainty the precarious position this crisis has left soccer in
is utterly trivial. However, while trying to pass the time in the depths of our soli-
tude, we might as well, and consider exactly where this leaves the Irish national
team’s Euro qualification campaign and the Premier League. One thing we are certain
about is that the Euro 2020 finals (some games of which were to be held in Dublin)
will not now take place this summer, and instead will take place in summer 2021.
As to when Ireland will play their play-off tournament in a bid to qualify for that
tournament, remains up in the air. June 4th has been mentioned, but that seems like
a real best-case scenario outcome. Perhaps, depending on where things stand at that
point, the games could be played behind closed doors, but that still seems a long shot.
How the Premier League goes about completion of its own success adds further
complications to trying to put a timeline on any football schedules, club or inter-
national, going forward. The Premier League is currently suspended until at least

April 30th. Again, it will more than likely be considerably longer than that before it
can return. The general consensus seems to be that the priority should be getting this
season’s league finished, whenever it may be possible to do so, amidst suggestions
in some quarters that the season should simply be declared null and void. Some ri-
val supporters would certainly like to see Liverpool’s inevitable title chalked off but
nobody could honestly suggest it fair, not even considering the host of other legal
quandaries it would pose.
Prioritization of finishing the 2019/20 season could also mean next season is also
pushed back further. How this will then further effect Euro 2021 qualifiers or how it
reshapes the structure of the traditional season remains to be seen. The biggest logis-
tical headache it would provide the FAI with may be the fact that Mick McCarthy’s
contract is set to expire in the summer, after the Euros were meant to have taken place.
The FAI, in their wisdom, of course set up the complicated succession plan where-
by Stephen Kenny takes over the role directly after McCarthy. Should McCarthy get
Ireland qualified prior to the expiry of his contract, would he just stand aside to let
Kenny manage the team in the tournament. And vice-versa, would Kenny accept an
alteration to the deal he has in place with the FAI to let McCarthy finish the job he
Whatever the answers may be, let’s hope we get to a position where it is deemed
safe for football to resume in the not too distant future. There will be something tri-
umphant when the first ball is kicked in the aftermath of this crisis. A small, sporting
symbol of what we hope will be a brighter future.

Above: Mick McCarthy. Photo: Jon Candy/WikiCommons. April / May 2020 SPORTING HISTORY Page 19

n Gavan Bergin but he contributed plenty more
ohnny Gavin was born in than the goal to the cause.
1928 in Limerick. By the Although he’d suffered an in-
time he left school he had jury early in the match, Johnny
become one of the top footballers worked like a demon for the en-
in Limerick and at the age of 19 tire ninety minutes. His relent-
he was playing with the League less running caused havoc in the
of Ireland team, Limerick FC. Af- Finnish defence and opened the
ter one season with them he was space for Ireland to score twice
signed up by the English Third more, and to take complete con-
Division club Norwich City, who trol of the game. When the full-
paid £1,500 for him in the sum- time whistle sounded on a final
mer of 1948. score of 3-0, the Republic of Ire-
At that time Norwich were try- land had their first ever victory in
ing to recover from a long spell a World Cup qualifying match.
of poor results that had seen them Johhny’s great play that day
finish second from last in the ensured his selection for the Re-
Third Division for two seasons public’s next match of the quali-
running and had almost cost them fiers, against Finland in Helsinki
their status as a Football League on October 9th 1949. In that
club. They managed to avoid that game, Johnny played a clever,
fate and now that they had John- hardworking game, helping his
ny Gavin on their side, things
were looking up for Norwich.
From the start of his time in
JOHNNY GAVIN: THE GOAL MACHINE team to achieve a quietly splen-
did 1-1 draw that meant Ireland
had avoided defeat in a World
England, Johnny did very well: tic in which attacks are mounted amazing form for Norwich: non-league football. He spent the Cup qualifying game away from
he played brilliant football and on bursts of speed and short ac- in his first game back, against 1961/62 season with Cambridge home for the first time.
quickly became a hero to the curate passes, it was developed Southend, he scored four goals City then moved to Newmarket The flawless nature of his first
Norwich supporters, who could by the Tottenham manager Ar- and then notched up hat-tricks in Town for the 1962/63 season, two international appearances
see that he was a special player. thur Rowe, who brought the club four more games, against Bristol, which was his last as a player. surely meant that Johnny would
Johnny was an all-round at- its first ever League Champion- Torquay, Gillingham and Read- As well as his long club career be an Ireland regular for years to
tacker who always wanted to get ship titles, in 1950 and 1951. The ing. Then, in September 1956 in England, Johnny also played come, but it was not to be. The
into the game instead of waiting push and run team of the early against Plymouth Argyle, Johnny international football for the Re- fact that Norwich were only in
for the ball to come to him. He 50s set the benchmark for suc- scored his one hundreth goal for public of Ireland team. He made the Third Division seemed to
was versatile and effective when cess at Tottenham and earned the Norwich. his debut in Ireland’s World Cup count against him. Most of the
playing on the left or through the club a reputation for stylish at- His super scoring feats at that qualifier against Finland, in Dub- players in the Ireland team were
middle, as well as on the right tacking play time even earned him notice lin on September 8th 1949. That with clubs in the First and Second
side, and when he got forward Such a reputation meant that in the Irish newspapers, which was Ireland’s second qualifying Divisions.
into the other team’s penalty area Spurs was surely the ideal team usually paid scant attention to match for the 1950 World Cup. So Johnny was not in the Re-
he was a handful for any defender for a skilful, inventive forward English Third Division football, In their first game they’d been public of Ireland team for their
to face. like Johnny, and sure enough when in the December 15th is- soundly beaten in Sweden. To last match of the qualifying group,
Most unusually for a winger, when he arrived at Tottenham sue of the Sunday Independent it have any chance of making it to against Sweden in Dublin on 13th
he was also exceptionally good he went straight into the team. was reported that “against Crys- the World Cup, Ireland needed November 1949. If Ireland had
in the air and fearless, with a According to ‘The Spurs Alpha- tal Palace Johnny Gavin got Nor- a victory in their home game won that game, they would have
real eye for goal. Kevin Nether- bet’ by Bob Goodwin, “Johnny wich’s goal with a 25-yard shot”. against Finland. qualified for the World Cup Fi-
cott, the Norwich goalie, said: Gavin quickly settled in at White His fine play and goal-scoring In the lead-up to the match, the nals in Brazil the following sum-
“Johnny could jump and was an Hart Lane, and with his speed, continued through to the end of newspapers considered Johnny mer. But they lost, 1-3.
excellent header of the ball. Most strength and positional sense be- the 1957/58 season, by which to be vital to the team’s hopes, The Irish would have to wait
of his goals came from his head, came a great crowd favourite”, time he had scored 132 goals despite his inexperience at in- a few more years to get to the
and he wasn’t afraid to get hurt. Johnny made his First Division in 338 matches for Norwich. ternational level, and the Irish World Cup, and Johnny had to
He had a few broken noses scor- debut at Newcastle on the 16th of Johnny was thirty years old, by Press said “much will depend wait for another chance in the Ire-
ing goals. He was very fast too.” October 1954. He gave the Spurs then but there was life left in his on winger Gavin of Norwich, of land side. It wasn’t until he was
Johnny put in some superb per- a new dimension in attack with legs still and he was ready for a whom reports recently have been playing First Division football
formances for Norwich during his relentless right wing charges, change of scene. glowing”. with the Spurs that he got a de-
the 1948/49 season and his great tearing into opposition defences, He left Norwich for another And Johnny did not disappoint, cent run in the team.
form helped Norwich to their best making chances for team-mates crack at life in old London Town, he gave a typically fine perfor- In total, he played seven inter-
league position in years. In the and regularly scoring goals him- moving to Fourth Division Wat- mance, driving forward in attack national matches, signing off with
next few years he continued to self. He got his first goal for Tot- ford FC. He scored 12 goals in from the kick-off, and not letting a goal against Denmark in his last
play extremely well for the team tenham against Chelsea on No- 43 matches for them during the up as he went on to make a de- game, on October 3rd 1956.
and over the next five seasons he vember 13th 1954, and by the 1958/59 season and then for the cisive contribution to the Irish Johnny finished with football in
scored 79 goals in 221 games and end of the 1954/55 season he was 1959/60 season Johnny moved cause. 1963, after fifteen years in Eng-
Norwich consistently finished in Spurs’ top scorer with 13 goals in to Crystal Palace, which had just Midway through the first half, lish football, during which time
the top ten of their division. It 29 league games. been relegated from the Third Di- Ireland broke down the left side he scored 165 goals in 463 league
was no surprise that other clubs When the the 1955/56 season vision. He scored 15 goals in 66 and won a corner kick which matches, including 132 goals in
started to take an interest in sign- started, Johnny kept banging in matches for Palace and helped Johnny took. He struck the ball 338 games for Norwich City. No-
ing Johnny and in October 1954 the goals. It appeared that he had them win promotion from the perfectly, and sent it whipping body has ever scored more goals
he moved to First Division Tot- a a bright future with Tottenham, Fourth Division at the end of the and curving, right past the despa- for Norwich.
tenham Hotspur. but it was not to be. A few months 1960/61 season rately grasping Finnish goalkeep- Johnny retired to run a pub
They were famous as the team into the season he asked for a That success provided a good er and directly into the net to put in Cambridge, and he lived to a
of ‘push and run’ football. The transfer back to Norwich, and he end to Johnny’s last season in Ireland ahead 1-0. That spectacu- grand, happy old age.
Cassell Soccer Companion book rejoined them in November 1955. professional football. He left Pal- lar score was on its own enough
describes push and run as “a tac- On his return, Johnny showed ace to play a couple of seasons in to justify his presence in the team, Above: Johnny nabs the ball.
Page 20
News from The Old Dublin Society April / May 2020

Cumann le Seandacht Átha Cli- Townsend Street. which brought the end of over a ebrated the first Christmas follow-
ath / The Old Dublin Society Margaret Smith in ‘Samuel century of popular expressions ing the signing of the 11 Novem-
(Established 1934) Clayton, Forger, Freemason, of Orangeism in Dublin. ber 1918 Armistice.
Publication of ‘Dublin His- Freeman’ provides a biography John Healy writing about his Other items in this publication
torical Record – Autumn/Win- of this former Dublin engraver paternal grandfather Liam Dev- are Society News, Book Notices
ter 2019’, Editor Dr. Séamas Ó who died in New South Wales, lin in ‘Liam Devlin, BB Toffee and Reviews, and Obituaries to
Maitiú, by the Old Dublin Soci- Australia, in 1853. and Gloucester Street Lower’ Rev. Dudley Levistone Conney,

ety. Brenda Ryan in ‘The Monu- tells the story of his grandfa- and Kurt Kullman. Over the coun-
self-portrait of Sarah Ce- ment Creamery Ltd (1918- ther’s remarkable life and busi- ter copies of this journal can be ob-
cilia Harrison, reproduced 1966): 100 Year’s Anniversary’ nesses, and the various candy tained from Books Upstairs, West-
by kind permission of the provides a brief history of this products he produced. moreland Street, Dublin, Hodges
Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin’s first unique Irish business which at Seán Donnelly in ‘An “odd” Figgis, Dawson Street, Dublin 2,
female city councillor, is the front his peak had 24 shops, two ca- incident at the Yellow Lion Inn, or directly from the Old Dublin
cover illustration for this issue as it fés, and two bakeries, but ceased Thomas Street, 1739’ provides Society via www.olddublinsoci-
relates to one of the articles in it. operation in the 1960s due to an addendum to Audrey Mac or by email: olddublinsoci-
Articles featured in this issue changes in retail patterns, a fate Cready’s article ‘ The Yellow
of the Dublin Historical Record, suffered by several well-known Lion Inn – one building, 260 James Scannell, Hon. PRO.
which has the wider world of Dub- Irish brand names. years of Irish history’ published
lin’s Industrial, business, econom- Thomas A. Burke in his biog- in a 2015 issue of the Dublin Cumann Le Seandacht Átha Cliath
ic, and social life as a common raphy of ‘Sarah Cecilia Harrison: role of Dublin in the vision of the Historical Record, by recalling a (The Old Dublin Society).
theme, include: Dublin’s first female city council- nation’ recalls the work of this ar- strange incident in the building. Directors: Bernardine Ruddy, An-
‘In Around the Town’ Dr. Séa- lor’, elected in 1912 reveals the chitect who drew up many vision- Paul Huddie in ‘The Seaton thony P. Behan, Barry Farrell,
mas Ó Maitiú reflects on various attempts to unseat her on various ary plans for Dublin which were Needlework Association: Dub- James Scannell, Bryan MacMahon.
events that have taken place in technicalities and her outstanding never implemented by Dublin lin’s British military charity, 1854- Company No.15059 CHY No.
the city, including the presenta- work on the Housing Committee Corporation, in which he argued 2014’ reveals the long-lasting and 5327. Registered in Ireland.
tion of the Lord Mayor’s Certifi- and Paving Committee. Failing to for proper and orderly develop- valuable work of this association Registered Address: 1-2 Marino
cate in Local Studies to students be re-elected in 1915 and in 1920, ment of the city. and fund, one of many little known Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3.
who completed this course over she devoted her remaining years Public disorder in eighteenth charities in Dublin. Website:\
2018/2019, and the discovery of until her death in 1941 to portrait century Dublin is recalled by ‘Christmas 1918 in Kingstown Email:
the walls of one of Dublin’s most painting and exhibiting. Hugh O’Reilly in ‘The Theatre and Dalkey’ is recalled by James Postal Correspondence: Wren’s
important eighteenth and the nine- Fergal McCabe in ‘Down with Royal bottle riot of 1822 and the Scannell, who provides a picture Rest, 19 Hazelwood, Shankill, Co.
teenth century Catholic chapels in Dublin! – Frank Gibney and the Orange Order in Dublin’, an event of how those in south Dublin cel- Dublin D18 ND79.


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