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Enterprise Systems

Executive summary

In this report, implementation of enterprise system has been discussed and it helps in improving
the performance of organization. Enterprise system includes the supply chain management which
helps businesses running the supply chain process smoothly and making overall systems faster.
This report included the contribution of enterprise system in improving organization
performance and change management is considered for the implementation of enterprise
systems. Different business functions information and data can be integrated with the help in
enterprise system. It is analyzed that training is essential for the implementation of the different
enterprise systems. System requires the constant change for the implementation and increasing
the productivity after the implementation of enterprise systems.
Enterprise systems adoption........................................................................................................................1
Enterprise system implementation and its contribution...............................................................................4
Enterprise System and organizational change management........................................................................6
Enterprise system is system software which is used for handling large volume data and managing
the various application of the business. This helps in providing information in real-time and
connects the information with the database. It keeps and records the information by connecting
all the applications in system. There are key drivers for adopting enterprise systems in business
as it helps in providing information in real-time and makes effective decisions for business
growth. Enterprise systems are adopted by the companies to minimize the manual work and
make accuracy in work. In order to provide integration and coordination in system it is used as a
cross-functional information system. It is used in businesses to manage the data efficiently and
effectively to use the information in future.

Enterprise systems adoption

An Enterprise system in business helps in integrating information and helps in providing
information on time. Enterprise systems are adopted by businesses for effective collaboration
and communication in organization by collecting information which is easily accessible and can
be used by multiple departments. Enterprise systems are also called enterprise resource planning
as it is used for different processes of business and helps in planning of activities and resources
of an organization. There are different types of enterprise systems which helps the different
department in managing their work. Enterprise systems include enterprise system resource
planning systems, customer relationship management systems, supply chain management
systems. An organization includes the different businesses process from human resource,
manufacturing, logistics, production and sales, their all the information can be integrated by
enterprise systems into a wide business process of an organization (Gelinas, 2011).

An ERP system includes the system software which creates a integrated module and a
centralized database for system. It helps in supporting the processes of business and used for
different business functional areas and helps in storing the database and provides information to
various applications and supports the internal activities of business.

The enterprise system manages the day to day activities in all the departments and the
information of each department can be viewed by other departments for further processing. In
order to review the performance of business functions, it helps the managers to review and
combining the information to give better results in systems and achieving goals in business. it is
convenient for managers to check the information regarding project status, employee
performance, financial reports and level of inventory. Managers are able to access the
information to review the reports and checking the errors (Shehab, et al., 2004).

Every organization requires planning and organizing for achieving success and growth. Detailed
reports are generated with the enterprise system which includes statistics, calculations, and
graphics also. It helps in enabling a business to reduce its cost of information technology and it
minimizes the input of manual data. Enterprise system helps in supporting teamwork. An
Enterprise system helps the business in improving response to the marketplace. Businesses adopt
enterprise systems for increasing work quality and making en efficiency for making greater
employee collaboration. With the help of enterprise systems, a business can integrate the number
of different applications, formats, and protocols (Spathis, 2006). In order to integrate business
activities and processes, companies can adopt the enterprise for sales, accounts receivables, and
deliveries as all the information is shared across business functions and employee hierarchies.
Adoption of enterprise system can help in replacing multiple independent systems which do not
interact with other systems and in order to support different business functions and process of an
organization. An example of an enterprise system in sales process includes the activities of pre-
sales, orders of sales, sourcing of inventories, billing, delivering and payment.

The business adopts customer relationship management systems for developing and raising sales
of business by increasing productivity and CRM systems help in increasing sales in an effective
way. Systems help the business in getting information about customer needs and their behavior.
Systems help in enhancing the quality of the marketing plans of business and forecasting sales.
CRM system helps in integrating with the other systems in business and which can be accessed
with any devices and also helps employees in updating and comparing the information.

The enterprise system includes the enterprise resource planning system which helps in
integrating the different software of business units which are finance, purchase, human resource,
and management of inventory. ERP system is used for the end to end processing of business
(Mabert, et al., 2001). An ERP system is used to support operational and administrative tasks and
also helps in creating and recording the informations.
Workforce efficiency

Enterprise system helps in increasing the efficiency of employees. It helps employees to perform
the tasks easily and it saves operations time and increases productivity of an organization.
Repetitive tasks of the business can be performed automatically and reduce the manual work of
employees. Enterprise system includes the different types of systems and it can be implemented
in different business functions. They are customer relationship management systems, enterprise
resource planning systems and For scheduling the duties of employees and assigning their work
to perform, a human capital management enterprise systems can be used by managers in
considering the recruitment process. In order to measure the level of inventories that are
available and required for production in current and future an inventory tracking systems can be
implemented in an organization to automate the process and measure the inventory level (Caglio,
2003). Maintaining and securing the quality of information and data, enterprise systems can help
in providing quality and safety at the workplace. Data security is the biggest advantage in
business after adopting enterprise systems. It provides the intrinsic controls which ensure that
security is important in every business unit. When the information is merged from multiple
systems it creates some cause conflicts in different sources but when all the information is
gathered at one place it helps in improving consistency, accuracy, and security. Security helps in
reducing loss of data and information and hacking of information can be reduced with the
enterprise systems. An ERP system helps in benefiting the information by saving costs which of
different business units, customization and scalability are also the benefits for the company. For
improved collaboration and workflows, enterprise systems are effective in business.
collaboration is important for thriving business.

Enterprise system implementation and its contribution

Organizational performance increases by the implementation of Enterprise systems. Each
business functions perform tasks and activities more effectively and efficiently. Enterprise price
contributes to developing a plan and scheduling the resources for the employees and improving
productivity and performance can be optimized. Enterprise systems include the enterprise
resource planning system which helps in replacing manual interfaces in different business
functions with cross-functional transactions and standardization. When the cycle time of order
reduces it helps in reducing delivery speeds and customer response time. In finance business
unit, it helps in automating financial transactions as it helps in reducing cash-to-cash cycle times
and also reduces the time for preparing financial data in year-end report. In organizations,
enterprise systems help in collecting information for doing initial transactions, store and update
information in real-time(Hyyonen, 2003).

Enterprise systems are categories into 4 tiers and it depends on the features, functionality, and
complexity. It is used in supporting the business units and functions which are included in the
business. it helps to present the performance and can help in making effective decisions for
business. Every business includes planning, organizing, executing, selecting, and controlling.

Enterprise systems help in proving access to crucial data and information and provide the
analytical tool for the business. In financials it helps in ensuring compliance and predictability of
performance of business. it helps in business to provide a deep financial insight in enterprise and
can control the finances in business. It is also used in automation of financial and management
accounting and supply chain management financials. In human capital management, It is used
for completing human resource processes by optimizing and integrating and global human
capital management solutions (O'Leary, et al., 2000). In operations, it is used managing end-to-
end procurement and completing business processes in purchasing, inventory management,
capacity requirement planning, forecasting, and demand management. For effective
organizational performance, Information technology helps in improving and marinating the
information (LIU, et al., 2005). Enterprise systems impacts on the management in adopting the
best practices for business performance. In business, it helps in increasing flexibility in
information generation, improving reports quality, increasing accounts applications integration
and helps in providing improved decisions which are based on time and reliable accounting
information. Organization performance includes the effective use of centain resources, fulfilling
objectives without wasting resources. It also includes the improvement of internal processes for
the effectiveness of organizational performance.

Enterprise systems help in improving supply chain management by improving the results of
shortening lead times, deliveries on-time and enhance the operations of business. In business,
supply chain management helps in performing better and improving demand forecasting,
inventory management, and procurement process. Enterprise systems are implemented in
business process for improving productivity and accessing the formation with flexibility (Umble,
et al., 2003). In order to achieve objectives and acquire effectiveness in business, it is essential to
consider and implement enterprise systems for the effectiveness of organizational performance.
It is necessary to consider different types of enterprise systems in different departments for
effective business processes like production, sales, manufacturing, human resources. The
financial management system is an important system for an enterprise as it helps in creating,
designing, connecting, reporting and storing the different types of business transactions which
are included in finance department in day to day life as it is a core system for business (Yusuf, et
al., 2004). It includes the various tools and processes for managing and governing the expenses,
incomes, and revenues of business (Somers and Nelson, 2001). It provides various benefits like
error-free financial transactions. It helps in providing software for bookkeeping and recording
the financial transactions in order to reduce the accounting errors, short invoicing period and
compiling of taxes and laws requirements automatically by systems. It helps in providing
accurate financial data which includes the accounting and help an organization in reducing the
records redundancy, helps in delivering better budgeting, planning and forecasting the
performance and managing the expenses and enabling the audits accurately and tracking the
records of assets and liabilities. It helps in providing strong internal controls by tracking and
managing the data from fraud, theft and from any other criminal mischief. It helps in
contributing and improving the performance by implementing and managing the information
effectively. The internal processes must be designed in the internal back-office process of the
business (Dechnow and Mouritsen, 2005). It helps in communicating with the other partners of
business like stakeholders, customers, and suppliers. In order to identify the best practice and
processes of the business, enterprise systems help in managing the information and making
effective use of systems. Efficient production and distribution is the main component of the
business. In order to access the information in real-time it helps in solving the information errors
and problems without any error and damaging the business. Balance scorecard systems help in
financial transactions of the systems. Balance scorecard is a management system which helps an
organization to achieve strategic goals. It helps the management in choosing the right methods
and things for measuring and reaching goals. The vision and strategy of balanced scorecard
systems are the financials, internal business processes, learning and growth and customers of
business. Internal business growth includes the perspective of running the business smoothly
(Bradford and Florin, 2003).

Enterprise System and organizational change management

Organizational change management is related to the upgrading systems for supporting c
changing operation and system is required to redesign the infrastructure for new business
requirement. Enterprise system includes the organizational change management for
implementing practices, capabilities, competencies, and processes. In order to build organization
change management by enterprise systems it requires the competencies and capabilities. For
bringing project success to the organizational level, effective change management is required for
realizing benefits (Ward, et al., 2005). It helps in building capacity for constant change for
experiencing and expecting new business growth in the organization. It is essential to implement
change management strategies for the implementation of effective enterprise systems. In order to
accomplish the objectives, organizational change management is done by the management to
manage the employees and behavior at different level of business. Enterprise change
management is an effective process for deploying change management within an organization. In
order to reach project level and focus on managing change in an organizational approach. It helps
in providing synergy as it is consistent and provides a unifies change management processes in
the organization. Enterprise systems help in shortening the ramp-up time which builds an
effective change management competency in the organization. Successful implementation of
enterprise system, it is necessary to consider the change management. In change management,
accountability and assessment are required for assessing the failure or success in business. In
order to consider the change it is crucial to provide the training to employees and end-user
training helps in enhancing the employee's skills and knowledge about enterprise systems in
which they require to work and decrease the manual work pressure. For the effective application
of systems it is necessary to develop a strategy for communication (Themistocleous, et al., 2005).

It helps in streamlining the processes of collaboration by providing employees to access the

information and data which are required to them. It is done by interdepartmental database
systems, where the information of different departments are centralized at one location. In order
to adopt the best practices, it provides benefits to different businesses of all the sizes. The
process of enterprise systems are automated, costs and errors are reduced (Davenport, 2000).
Enterprise systems play a crucial role in improving the business process and achieving
organizational goals effectively. In order to make effective decisions, it is necessary for an
organization to adopt different enterprise systems in different business functions. An Enterprise
system helps in solving the issues and challenges of the organization and improves the
performance and increase productivity of business. Enterprise systems help in improving supply
chain management by improving the results of shortening lead times, deliveries on-time and
enhance the operations of business. In business, supply chain management helps in performing
better and improving demand forecasting, inventory management, and procurement process. It is
necessary for the organization to provide the training to employees after implementation of an
enterprise system as it requires providing information to employees to make the efficient use of
enterprise systems in performing work.
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