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Effective Communication and Collaboration

Samantha Mattfield

Regent University

In Partial Fulfillment of UED 496 Field Experience E-Portfolio, Spring 2020


“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to

meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see

the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV)

Mankind was not made to work alone or only rely on the individual self. Rather, we were

meant to live and function as a group. This concept and belief can be applied to teaching as well

as we strive to find the best methods of educating children. There are so many resources and

methods out there that it can be overwhelming even to the most experienced teacher. I know

from personal experience during Student Teaching that it is important to reach out to others for

help and supplies. That was something I struggled with as I was often unsure of what route to

take and what resources I needed to effectively teach students. Thankfully, there were other

teachers who were more than happy to offer assistance after I asked them. That whole experience

taught me though how important it is for teachers to communicate and collaborate with one

another to reach their goals. Teachers are not the only ones who should be communicating, but

administration and parents as well. If we can effectively communicate with one another, we

might be able to improve the education system.


The first artifact I chose is from my first Student Teaching placement where I was

permitted to sit in on a parent-teacher conference. I selected this one as it was a perfect example

of communication between parents and teachers as they tried to find the best way to help the

child improve in school. This is essential to a child’s success and there are many ways a parent

and teacher can aid the student. The article “Parent-Teacher Conferences: To Share with

Families” suggests, “Try to visit the center or school frequently, not just for conferences and
Back to School Night. Ask the teacher to suggest activities you can do at home to reinforce your

child’s learning. Look for opportunities to engage yourself in your child’s education.” (“Parent-

Teacher Conferences: To Share with Families”, 2016, pg. 3) Teachers and parents need to come

to a place where they respect each other so that they can better communicate with each other. In

the long run that would benefit students and the school system.

The second artifact I chose was a staff meeting I attended where I learned about virtual

learning. School is currently shut down for the next 2 weeks (might be even longer) so the

principal of the school gathered all the teachers together to discuss how to best educate children

while they are at home. The principal urged us to think about how this situation is affecting both

the parents and kids as everyone is recommended to stay isolated in their homes. While the

teachers are trying not to swamp children with work, we are still trying to make sure they learn

something during these 2 weeks at home.

Luckily, the principal and administration are allowing the school to remain open a few

hours a day so that teachers may come in and get work done together. This is important as it can

be a struggle to find time to collaborate together. Tichenor and Tichenor wrote the article

“Collaboration in the elementary school: What do teachers think?” where they discuss the need

for time for teachers to work together. They explain, “The point is that school administrators

should provide more than additional time for teachers to collaborate; they should also provide

supportive professional development activities and clear communication about purpose, goals,

and expected outcomes of collaboration. Finally, for collaboration to be beneficial, collaborative

endeavors must be strong and of high-quality.” (Tichenor & Tichenor, 2019, pg. 7) The meeting

I attended and learning that there would be more opportunity for collaboration if needed stuck
out to me which is why I chose this artifact as I learned a lot about collaboration and



I think the two artifacts selected are great examples of effective communication amongst

teachers, parents, and administration. There have been times I have been kept out of the loop of

important decisions or planning and it can result in confusion and a lack of camaraderie amongst

workers. Communication is necessary for teachers to work together. Communication,

collaboration, and concern between elementary school teachers: Unlocking the positive

potential of conflict by Bennett discusses how communication amongst teachers benefits the

workplace. Bennett writes, “Shared and trusted processes can promote open communication and

rigorous collaboration by increasing teachers’ efficacy at resolving issues and protecting the

relationships that teachers treasure. In getting comfortable with conflict and with confronting one

another, teachers may see fuller benefits to their collegial interactions. They may actually feel

more supported in their challenging work and better equipped to succeed.” (Bennett, 2015, pg.


The second article I chose perfectly embodies how communication amongst teachers and

administration can be done successfully. I learned a lot from both of the artifacts I selected and

will always remember the need for communication and collaboration. As I mentioned earlier,

people are not meant to work alone. We should help each other. Even if I end up in a workplace

where there is little communication or collaboration amongst teachers, I can do my part by

offering aid and a listening ear to anyone who needs who it. Just because others are not doing

their part does not mean I cannot. The only thing I can control is my own behavior and actions

and I will endeavor to do my best.


Bennett, C. W. (2015). Communication, collaboration, and concern between elementary school

teachers: Unlocking the positive potential of conflict (Order No. 1596296). Available

from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1710372614). Retrieved from

Parent-teacher conferences: To share with families. (2016). YC Young Children, 71(4), 54-55.

Retrieved from

Tichenor, M., & Tichenor, J. (2019). Collaboration in the elementary school: What do teachers

think? Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 8(2), 54.

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